5,993 research outputs found

    Temporary factors that condition innovation: comparison between family and non-family businesses

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    Studies conducted on innovation in family businesses have offered very diverse and sometimes contradictory results. The objective of this paper is to analyze the influence of time-related variables on the innovative behavior of companies. Furthermore, we compare the behavior of family and non-family companies, the influence of the generation and the transference of management. To do this, companies are classified according to the stage of life in which they are and are compared using a mean difference test (Anova). Subsequently, already focused on family businesses, the effects of generating control in the case of family businesses are analyzed, considering the foundational and subsequent periods. The results show that the behavior towards the innovation of family businesses is conditioned by the temporal dimension

    Influence of the scale of decision and intervention in the process of improvement and social production of habitat (Management and social control of the city)

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    Housing constitutes an essential part of the human habitat of a city. The fact of accommodating or being accommodated can produce overflows or can suffer the presence of overflows (social, economic, physical) produced by others. Populations , in order to be housed, can either settle in the living space provided by others (for the market) or they can create their own home, their own town (to inhabit). In order to subsequently improve their habitat or to prevent habitat degradation or destruction (usually by economic pressure), they try to individually or collectively influence the decisions and management of the continuous process of evolution and transformation of their neighbourhood, city, country… This process can be affected by various factors (social, economic, cultural, physical, and environmental), agents (people, politicians, technicians, producers, and capital), and mechanisms (theories, policies, programs, projects, and techniques). A decisive factor in the outcome of the process is the scale on which this occurs (individual home, collective housing, neighbourhood, city, country, geo-economic area, global). Seven examples of the relationship scale-factorsagents- mechanisms of improvement, creation of habitat are analysed in Spain. The conclusion is: a) Not on all scales did this relationship perform equally; b) Achieving the habitat on the proper scale can influence and transform decisions regarding habitat on other scales.El alojamiento es una parte esencial del hábitat humano, de la ciudad. El hecho de alojarse, o alojar puede ser causa de desbordes o sufrir la presencia de desbordes (sociales, económicos, físicos) producidos por otros. Las poblaciones, para alojarse o se instalan en el espacio habitable producido por otros (para el mercado) o producen su propia vivienda, su propia ciudad (para habitar), después, para mejorar su hábitat o impedir su degradación o destrucción (generalmente por la presión económica) intentan influir, individual o colectivamente, en las decisiones y gestión del proceso continuo de evolución y transformación de su hábitat, barrio, ciudad, país… En este proceso inciden diversos factores (sociales, económicos, culturales, físicos y medioambientales), agentes (población, políticos, técnicos, productores y capital) y mecanismos (teorías, políticas, programas, proyectos y técnicas). Un factor fundamental, determinante en el resultado del proceso, es la escala en la que este se produce (vivienda propia, vivienda colectiva, barrio, ciudad, país, zona geoeconómica, global). Se analizan 7 ejemplos de la relación escala-factoresagentes- mecanismos de la mejora, producción del hábitat, en España. La conclusión es: a) No a todas las escalas se actúa igual; b) Lograr el hábitat a la propia escala permite incidir, transformar las decisiones a otras escalas

    Improving Hand Hygiene Compliance to Reduce CLABSI Rate in Oncology ICU

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    The aim of this project is to reduce the rate of central line associated blood stream infection (CLABSI) occurrence in oncology ICU by 50% by the last quarter of 2015. This study was conducted in ICU to assess adherence to the facility’s hand hygiene (HH) protocol among the staff nurses and allied healthcare workers. The facility is best known as a non-profit cancer treatment center and designated as a Comprehensive Cancer Center. Evidence showed that hand hygiene is the most effective way of preventing CLABSI, one of the most common types of infection in ICU microsystem. The project utilized The Joint Commission’s Targeted Solutions Tool for Hand Hygiene as the framework to improve HH compliance and to reduce frequency of CLABSI occurrence. A multidisciplinary team approach was utilized that included four designated “Just In Time” coaches who have been trained to collect HH data via direct observation technique and positive reinforcement approach to improve compliance. The CNL student compiled and analyzed the data. Visual posters have also been installed in high traffic areas of ICU as reminders to HH protocol. The pilot period of six to twelve weeks is expected to improve the overall HH compliance among staff nurses at or above the 90% threshold. At the end of 2015, after several months of continuous aggressive implementation of coaching, positive reinforcement, and visual cues, the staff nurses and allied healthcare workers are expected to sustain performance and compliance to HH at or above 90% and meet the CLABSI occurrence threshold

    Transgresion y modernidad: la prosa de Ruben Dario

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    En este trabajo el autor sostiene que el motor de la producción en la prosa de Darío es la transgresión que se manifiesta en diferentes niveles como el erotismo y la figura del poeta. Afirma que no hay que privilegiar uno sobre otro (como hacen Angel Rama y Pedro Salinas), sino que hay que ver la característica fundamental que está detrás de esos temas: el elemento transgresor que rompe con los valores de la sociedad burguesa: la represión sexual y el trabajo utilitario.Georgetown UniversityTesi

    Learning at the Ends: From Hand to Tool Affordances in Humanoid Robots

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    One of the open challenges in designing robots that operate successfully in the unpredictable human environment is how to make them able to predict what actions they can perform on objects, and what their effects will be, i.e., the ability to perceive object affordances. Since modeling all the possible world interactions is unfeasible, learning from experience is required, posing the challenge of collecting a large amount of experiences (i.e., training data). Typically, a manipulative robot operates on external objects by using its own hands (or similar end-effectors), but in some cases the use of tools may be desirable, nevertheless, it is reasonable to assume that while a robot can collect many sensorimotor experiences using its own hands, this cannot happen for all possible human-made tools. Therefore, in this paper we investigate the developmental transition from hand to tool affordances: what sensorimotor skills that a robot has acquired with its bare hands can be employed for tool use? By employing a visual and motor imagination mechanism to represent different hand postures compactly, we propose a probabilistic model to learn hand affordances, and we show how this model can generalize to estimate the affordances of previously unseen tools, ultimately supporting planning, decision-making and tool selection tasks in humanoid robots. We present experimental results with the iCub humanoid robot, and we publicly release the collected sensorimotor data in the form of a hand posture affordances dataset.Comment: dataset available at htts://vislab.isr.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/, IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-EpiRob 2017

    NGC 6309, a Planetary Nebula that Shifted from Round to Multipolar

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    We present new narrow-band Ha, [N II], and [O III] high-resolution images of the quadrupolar planetary nebula (PN) NGC 6309 that show in great detail its bipolar lobes and reveal new morphological features. New high- and low-dispersion long-slit spectra have been obtained to help in the investigation of the new nebular components. The images and spectra unveil two diffuse blobs, one of them located at 55 arcsec from the central star along the NE direction (PA= +71) and the other at 78 arcsec in the SW direction (PA= -151). Therefore, these structures do not share the symmetry axes of the inner bipolar outflows. Their radial velocities relative to the system are quite low: +3 and -4 km/s, respectively. Spectroscopic data confirm a high [O III] to Ha ratio, indicating that the blobs are being excited by the UV flux from the central star. Our images convincingly show a spherical halo 60 arcsec in diameter encircling the quadrupolar nebula. The expansion velocity of this shell is low, 66 km/s. The software SHAPE has been used to construct a morpho-kinematic model for the ring and the bipolar flows that implies an age of 4,000 yrs, the expansion of the halo sets a lower limit for its age 46,000 yrs, and the very low expansion of the blobs suggests they are part of a large structure corresponding to a mass ejection that took place 150,000 yrs ago. In NGC 6309 we have direct evidence of a change in the geometry of mass-loss, from spherical in the halo to axially-symmetric in the two pairs of bipolar lobes.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRA


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    Setiap bulan secara periodik, wanita normal akan mengalami menstruasi, walaupun datang setiap bulan banyak wanita yang mengalami ketidaknyamanan fisik saat menjelang atau selama haid yang disebut dismenorea. Dismenorea merupakan salah satu masalah yang mengganggu aktivitas wanita, namun ada beberapa cara untuk mengurangi nyeri pada dysmenorrhoea. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui gambaran perilaku remaja putri tentang penanganan dismenoea pada siswi kelas XI SMA Trisila Surabaya. Desain penelitian adalah deskriptif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswi kelas XI dengan besar sampel sebanyak 39 responden. Sampel 36 siswi yang mengalami dismenorea di SMA Trisila Surabaya dan pengambilan sampel menggunakan probability sampling dengan teknik propotionate stratified random sampling. Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah perilaku remaja putri tentang penanganan dismenorea. Pengumpulan data dengan kuesioner, data yang diperoleh diolah dengan editing, coding, tabulating, kemudian dianalisis dengan deskriptif dalam bentuk persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penanganan dismenorea di sekolah hampir setengah dari responden 47,2 % memilih metode nonfarmakologi. Adapun penanganan dismenorea di rumah sebagian besar responden 66,7 % juga memilih metode nonfarmakologi. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah siswi kelas XI SMA Trisila Surabaya sebagian besar menggunakan metode nonfarmakologi sebagai manajemen nyeri pada dismenorea. Untuk itu diharapkan petugas kesehatan dapat memberikan informasi pada wanita yang mengalami dismenorea agar dapat memilih metode dalam menangani nyeri yang tidak memiliki efek samping