74 research outputs found

    Microrganismos eficazes em frangos de corte em crescimento e terminação: Effective microorganisms in growing and finishing broilers

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    O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar os microrganismos eficazes na água de beber em frangos de corte em crescimento e terminação. A duração foi de 42 dias e foram utilizados 200 frangos de corte Hubbard Peterson, distribuídos em 4 grupos da mesma idade e cada grupo com 50 frangos, que serviram como tratamento, controle e parcelas de tratamento experimental, respectivamente. Todas as tarefas sanitárias, biológicas e de alimentação foram realizadas diariamente, sem grandes novidades em termos de problemas graves ou insolúveis em um período de tempo que interferisse no resultado final da pesquisa. Os pesos foram medidos semanalmente e os valores de consumo de ração, consumo de água, mortalidade e valores investidos (custos de produção) foram registrados diariamente. Os dados foram avaliados com o uso do delineamento completamente aleatório, que determinou a existência de alta significância estatística (P≤0,05). A conversão alimentar acumulada no tratamento 3 (2,06) foi a melhor. A porcentagem de mortalidade foi de 2% para os tratamentos 1, 2 e 3, enquanto para o controle foi de 0%. A análise econômica determinou que o tratamento 3 obteve um lucro maior aplicando a fórmula me d um coeficiente de correlação linear igual a 0,001, que representa uma correlação positiva perfeita; o valor absoluto é considerado (r) porque, no caso da conversão, quanto menor a conversão, melhor o lucro. O EM.1 (microrganismos eficazes) como promotor de crescimento natural orgânico probiótico em frangos de corte nos proporciona uma porcentagem maior de peso, melhor conversão alimentar, o que se traduz em parâmetros de produção maiores e melhores. É também a primeira vez que o EM.1 é usado por via oral como um probiótico promotor de crescimento natural em frangos de corte na cidade de Babahoyo

    Cuantificación de la recarga de agua en el sistema de riego Catarama mediante Modelo Renata

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    Cuantification of Catarama irrigation system recharge by Renata Model Resumen El objetivo de la investigación es cuantificar la recarga de agua generada en el sistema de riego Catarama (Cuenca del río Catarama) perteneciente a la provincia de Los Ríos (Ecuador), mediante la aplicación del modelo numérico RENATA (Recarga NATural a los Acuíferos) desarrollado por el Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME) y la Diputación de Alicante. En el estudio se calculan los volúmenes de agua que son generados por la infiltración ocasionada por la lluvia y por el retorno de riego proveniente de las dotaciones de agua asignadas a los diferentes cultivos existentes en la zona. Para la determinación de la recarga se consideraron diferentes variables climáticas influyentes como precipitación, temperatura, evapotranspiración potencial y real; así como las diferentes características de los suelos del sector. A partir de estas variables RENATA pudo generar los resultados de la modelación en el sistema de riego, en base a los datos obtenidos de series climáticas mensuales correspondientes al periodo enero 2005 - diciembre 2014, obteniendo durante este tiempo una recarga teórica de 57,139 Hm3 en un área total aproximada de 6047 ha. Palabras clave: RENATA; variable; precipitación; recarga; infiltración; riego. Abstract In this article, the water recharge in the Catarama irrigation system (Catarama river basin), Los Ríos, Ecuador is quantified through the application of the RENATA numerical model (Natural Aquifer recharge) developed by the Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME) and Diputación de Alicante. The study calculates the volumes of water generated by the infiltration caused by rainfull and the return of irrigation from the water assigned to the different crops in the area. To determine the recharge, different influential climatic variables were considered: precipitation, temperature, potential and the current evapotranspiration; as well as the different characteristics of the sector’s soils. From these variables, RENATA was able to generate the results of the irrigation system modeling, based on the data obtained from monthly climatic series corresponding to the period January 2005 - December 2014, getting during this time a theoretical recharge of 57,139 Hm3, in an approximate total area of 6047 ha. Keywords: RENATA; Variable; Precipitation; Recharge; Infiltration; Irrigation

    Feeding synthetic zeolite to transition dairy cows alters neutrophil gene expression.

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    Synthetic zeolites are used to control the availability of dietary minerals (e.g., Ca, Mg, and P) in dairy cows. Due to calcium demand increasing with lactation onset, most cows become hypocalcemic immediately postpartum, which likely contributes to poorer immune function because calcium is important for immune cell signaling. To overcome postpartum hypocalcemia, we fed transition cows synthetic zeolite A (sodium aluminosilicate) precalving and hypothesized that it would alter calcium and thus neutrophil function during the transition period. Multiparous Holstein-Friesian cows in late gestation were randomly allocated to an untreated control group (n = 10) or a treatment group in which each cow received 500 g of zeolite A daily (n = 10) for 14 d prior to the expected calving date (actual duration = 17 ± 3 d prepartum). The cows grazed pasture, and each was supplemented with 2 kg/d of maize silage (dry matter basis), with or without zeolite, until calving. Blood samples for neutrophil isolation and analysis of plasma indicators of mineral status, energy status, liver function, and inflammation were collected pretreatment (covariate; d -19); on d -14 and -7 precalving; on the day of calving (d 0); and on d 1, 4, 7, and 28 postcalving. Neutrophils were isolated and gene expression was analyzed using microfluidic gene expression arrays. Neutrophil respiratory burst was assessed using stimulation with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate and flow cytometry. Plasma calcium and phosphorus revealed a treatment by time interaction; cows offered zeolite had greater plasma calcium concentrations at d 0, 1, and 4 postcalving and plasma phosphorus concentrations were lower in zeolite-treated cows during the precalving period until d 1 postcalving compared with control animals. Zeolite treatment downregulated neutrophil gene expression of CXCR4 and S100A8 and tended to lower gene expression for other immune mediators (CXCR1, IFNG, S100A12, and S100A9) compared with the control. Zeolite treatment did not affect neutrophil respiratory burst or expression of the other genes investigated. Plasma concentrations of cytokine IL-6 were reduced with zeolite treatment, which was most evident immediately postcalving (d 0, 1, and 7). Overall, feeding zeolite precalving had few effects on neutrophil gene expression and function; however, the lower gene expression of neutrophil inflammatory mediators may be due to altered availability of dietary minerals prepartum and indicates that zeolite A may control inflammation during the transition period

    Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on cardiometabolic patients without SARS CoV-2 infection in Latin America

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    A cross-sectional survey including 38 questions about demography, clinical condition, changes in health habits, and medical treatments for cardiometabolic patients in outpatient follow-up was conducted. From June 15 to July 15, 2020, a total of 13 Latin-American countries participated in enrolling patients. These countries were divided into 3 geographic regions: Region 1 including North, Central, and Caribbean Regions (NCCR), Region 2 including the Andean Region (AR), and Region 3 including the Southern Cone Region (SCR). 4.216 patients were analyzed, resulting in a coefficient of 33.82%, 32.23%, and 33.94% for NCCR, AR, and SCR, respectively. Significant differences were found between the AR, SCR, and NCCR regions. The analysis of habitual medication usage showed that discontinued use of medication was more present in AR, reaching almost 30% (p < 0.001). The main finding of this study was the negative impact that restrictive measures have on adherence to medications and physical activity: Rs = 0.84 (p = 0.0003) and Rs = 0.61 (p = 0.0032), respectively. AR was the most vulnerable region. Restrictive quarantine measures imposed by the different countries showed a positive correlation with medication discontinuation and a negative correlation with physical activity levels in patients analyzed. These findings characterize the impact of the consequences left by this pandemic. Undoubtedly, restrictive measures have been and will continue to have reverberating negative effects in most Latin-American countries.Fil: Camiletti, Jorge. Hospital Italiano de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Renna, Nicolas Federico. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Cátedra de Fisiología Patológica; Argentina. Hospital Español de Mendoza; ArgentinaFil: López Santi, Ricardo. Hospital Italiano de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Erriest, Juan. Hospital Italiano de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: García-Bello, Eliomar. Centro de Diagnóstico Medicina Avanzada y Telemedicina; República DominicanaFil: Araujo, John. Centro Cardiovascular Somer Incare; ColombiaFil: Varleta-Olivares, Paola. Hospital Dipreca; ChileFil: Gómez-Díaz, Eduardo. Hospital Metropolitano del Norte; VenezuelaFil: Ramírez, Gisselle. Medicina Cardiovascular Asociada; República DominicanaFil: Berni Betancourt, Ana. Sociedad interamericana de Cardiología; México. Consejo Interamericano de Electrocardiográfica y Arritmias; México. Hospital Ángeles Pedregal; MéxicoFil: Escalada Lesme, Gustavo. Centro Médico Nacional-Hospital Nacional Itaguá; ParaguayFil: Campos Alcántara, Lourdes V.. Consultorio de Lourdes Victoria Campos Alcántara; PerúFil: Moya Loor, Leonardo. Hospital Santa Margarita; EcuadorFil: Rey Benavente, Claudio. Hospital Arroyabe Pichanal; ArgentinaFil: Almonte, Claudia. Medicina Cardiovascular Asociada; República DominicanaFil: Cortez Sandoval, Maicol. Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliti Martins; PerúFil: Alvarado Cuadros, María. Department of Cardiology, Institution; EcuadorFil: Rosario, Monica I.. Centro de Diagnóstico Medicina Avanzada y Telemedicina; República DominicanaFil: Gupta, Shyla. Queen’s University; CanadáFil: Ibarrola, Martin. Cardiovascular Center BV; ArgentinaFil: Baranchuk, Adrián. Kingston Health Sciences Centre; Canad

    Far-off and close-up dry matter intake modulate indicators of immunometabolic adaptations to lactation in subcutaneous adipose tissue of pasture-based transition dairy cows

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    The common practice of increasing dietary energy density during the close-up dry period (last ∼3 wk prepartum) has been recently associated with a higher incidence of metabolic disorders after calving. Despite these reports, over-feeding of metabolizable energy (ME) during the far-off, nonlactating period is a common management policy aimed at achieving optimum calving body condition score (BCS) in pasture-based systems, as cows are generally thinner than total mixed ration cows at the end of lactation. Our hypothesis was that both far-off and close-up overfeeding influence the peripartum adipose tissue changes associated with energy balance and inflammatory state. Sixty mid-lactation, grazing dairy cows of mixed age and breed were randomly allocated to 1 of 2 groups that were managed through late lactation to achieve a low and high BCS (approximately 4.25 and 5.0 on a 10-point scale) at dry-off. The low BCS cows were then overfed ME to ensure that they achieved the same BCS as the higher BCS group by calving. Within each rate of BCS gain treatment, cows were offered 65, 90, or 120% of their pre-calving ME requirements for 3 wk pre-calving in a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement of treatments (i.e., 10 cows/treatment). Subcutaneous adipose tissue was collected via biopsy at −1, 1, and 4 wk relative to parturition. Quantitative PCR was used to measure mRNA and microRNA expression of targets related to adipogenesis and inflammation. Cows overfed in the far-off period had increased expression of miR-143 and miR-378 prepartum (−1 wk) indicating greater adipogenesis, consistent with their rapid gain in BCS following dry-off. Furthermore, the lower postpartum expression of IL6, TNF, TLR4, TLR9, and miR-145, and a higher abundance of miR-99a indicated lower body fat mobilization in early lactation in the same group. In the close-up period, feeding either 65 or 120% of ME requirements caused changes in FASN, IL1B, IL6R, TLR9, and the microRNA miR-143, miR-155, and miR-378. Their respective expression patterns indicate a tentative negative-feedback mechanism in metabolically compromised, feed-restricted cows, and a possible immune-related stimulation of lipolysis in apparently static adipocytes in overfed cows. Data from cows fed 90% of ME requirements indicate the existence of a balance between lipolytic (inflammatory-related) and anti-lipolytic signals, to prime the mobilization machinery in light of imminent lactation. Overall, results indicate that far-off dry cow nutrition influences peripartum adipose tissue metabolism, with neither strategy negatively affecting the physiological adaptation to lactation. Furthermore, to ensure a favorable transition, cows should be subjected to a small feed restriction in the close-up period, irrespective of far-off nutritional management

    Global surgery, obstetric, and anaesthesia indicator definitions and reporting: An Utstein consensus report

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    Background Indicators to evaluate progress towards timely access to safe surgical, anaesthesia, and obstetric (SAO) care were proposed in 2015 by the Lancet Commission on Global Surgery. These aimed to capture access to surgery, surgical workforce, surgical volume, perioperative mortality rate, and catastrophic and impoverishing financial consequences of surgery. Despite being rapidly taken up by practitioners, data points from which to derive the indicators were not defined, limiting comparability across time or settings. We convened global experts to evaluate and explicitly define—for the first time—the indicators to improve comparability and support achievement of 2030 goals to improve access to safe affordable surgical and anaesthesia care globally. Methods and findings The Utstein process for developing and reporting guidelines through a consensus building process was followed. In-person discussions at a 2-day meeting were followed by an iterative process conducted by email and virtual group meetings until consensus was reached. The meeting was held between June 16 to 18, 2019; discussions continued until August 2020. Participants consisted of experts in surgery, anaesthesia, and obstetric care, data science, and health indicators from high-, middle-, and low-income countries. Considering each of the 6 indicators in turn, we refined overarching descriptions and agreed upon data points needed for construction of each indicator at current time (basic data points), and as each evolves over 2 to 5 (intermediate) and >5 year (full) time frames. We removed one of the original 6 indicators (one of 2 financial risk protection indicators was eliminated) and refined descriptions and defined data points required to construct the 5 remaining indicators: geospatial access, workforce, surgical volume, perioperative mortality, and catastrophic expenditure. A strength of the process was the number of people from global institutes and multilateral agencies involved in the collection and reporting of global health metrics; a limitation was the limited number of participants from low- or middle-income countries—who only made up 21% of the total attendees. Conclusions To track global progress towards timely access to quality SAO care, these indicators—at the basic level—should be implemented universally as soon as possible. Intermediate and full indicator sets should be achieved by all countries over time. Meanwhile, these evolutions can assist in the short term in developing national surgical plans and collecting more detailed data for research studies.publishedVersio

    Fish Oil Increases the Duodenal Flow of Long Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and trans-11 18:1 and Decreases 18:0 in Steers via Changes in the Rumen Bacterial Community

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    Ruminant fat is rich in SFA, partly due to the biohydrogenation of dietary PUFA to SFA in the rumen. This process can be inhibited by the dietary inclusion of fish oil. The only bacteria isolated from the rumen capable of converting PUFA to SFA are closely related to Clostridium proteoclasticum. The aim of this study was to investigate if a correlation could be found in vivo between dietary fish oil inclusions and the composition of the ruminal bacterial community and specifically of C. proteoclasticum. Six Hereford × Friesian steers, prepared with ruminal and duodenal cannulae, received grass silage plus 1 of 3 concentrates resulting in total dietary fish oil contents of 0, 1, or 3% of dry matter. A dual flow marker technique was employed to estimate the relative flow of fatty acids. Steers fed the 3% fish oil diet had 100% increases in trans 18:1 flow, whereas 18:0 flow declined to 39% of steers fed the control diet. 16S ribosomal RNA-based denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis profiles obtained from ruminal digesta showed major changes in the bacterial community within steers fed the 3% fish oil diet. Quantitative PCR indicated only a weak relation between numbers of C. proteoclasticum and 18:0 flow between treatments and in individual steers (P < 0.05, but the percentage variance accounted for only 22.8) and did not provide unambiguous evidence that numbers of C. proteoclasticum in the rumen dictate the ratios of SFA:PUFA available for absorption by the animal. Understanding which microbes biohydrogenate PUFA in the rumen is key to developing novel strategies to improve the quality of ruminant products

    Post-intervention Status in Patients With Refractory Myasthenia Gravis Treated With Eculizumab During REGAIN and Its Open-Label Extension

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether eculizumab helps patients with anti-acetylcholine receptor-positive (AChR+) refractory generalized myasthenia gravis (gMG) achieve the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America (MGFA) post-intervention status of minimal manifestations (MM), we assessed patients' status throughout REGAIN (Safety and Efficacy of Eculizumab in AChR+ Refractory Generalized Myasthenia Gravis) and its open-label extension. METHODS: Patients who completed the REGAIN randomized controlled trial and continued into the open-label extension were included in this tertiary endpoint analysis. Patients were assessed for the MGFA post-intervention status of improved, unchanged, worse, MM, and pharmacologic remission at defined time points during REGAIN and through week 130 of the open-label study. RESULTS: A total of 117 patients completed REGAIN and continued into the open-label study (eculizumab/eculizumab: 56; placebo/eculizumab: 61). At week 26 of REGAIN, more eculizumab-treated patients than placebo-treated patients achieved a status of improved (60.7% vs 41.7%) or MM (25.0% vs 13.3%; common OR: 2.3; 95% CI: 1.1-4.5). After 130 weeks of eculizumab treatment, 88.0% of patients achieved improved status and 57.3% of patients achieved MM status. The safety profile of eculizumab was consistent with its known profile and no new safety signals were detected. CONCLUSION: Eculizumab led to rapid and sustained achievement of MM in patients with AChR+ refractory gMG. These findings support the use of eculizumab in this previously difficult-to-treat patient population. CLINICALTRIALSGOV IDENTIFIER: REGAIN, NCT01997229; REGAIN open-label extension, NCT02301624. CLASSIFICATION OF EVIDENCE: This study provides Class II evidence that, after 26 weeks of eculizumab treatment, 25.0% of adults with AChR+ refractory gMG achieved MM, compared with 13.3% who received placebo

    Minimal Symptom Expression' in Patients With Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody-Positive Refractory Generalized Myasthenia Gravis Treated With Eculizumab

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    The efficacy and tolerability of eculizumab were assessed in REGAIN, a 26-week, phase 3, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in anti-acetylcholine receptor antibody-positive (AChR+) refractory generalized myasthenia gravis (gMG), and its open-label extension