276 research outputs found

    On the magnetism of Ln{2/3}Cu{3}Ti{4}O{12} (Ln = lanthanide)

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    The magnetic and thermodynamic properties of the complete Ln2/3_{2/3}Cu3_3Ti4_4O12_{12} series were investigated. Here LnLn stands for the lanthanides La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, and Yb. %Most of the compounds were prepared as single phase polycrystalline powder %without any traces of impurities. Marginal amounts of %impurities (<2(< 2%) were detected Ln=Ln= Gd, Er, and Tm. %Significant amounts of impurity phases were found for Ln=Ln= Ce and Yb. All the samples investigated crystallize in the space group Im3ˉIm\bar{3} with lattice constants that follow the lanthanide contraction. The lattice constant of the Ce compound reveals the presence of Ce4+^{4+} leading to the composition Ce1/2_{1/2}Cu3_3Ti4_4O12_{12}. From magnetic susceptibility and electron-spin resonance experiments it can be concluded that the copper ions always carry a spin S=1/2S=1/2 and order antiferromagnetically close to 25\,K. The Curie-Weiss temperatures can approximately be calculated assuming a two-sublattice model corresponding to the copper and lanthanide ions, respectively. It seems that the magnetic moments of the heavy rare earths are weakly coupled to the copper spins, while for the light lanthanides no such coupling was found. The 4f4f moments remain paramagnetic down to the lowest temperatures, with the exception of the Tm compound, which indicates enhanced Van-Vleck magnetism due to a non-magnetic singlet ground state of the crystal-field split 4f4f manifold. From specific-heat measurements we accurately determined the antiferromagnetic ordering temperature and obtained information on the crystal-field states of the rare-earth ions. The heat-capacity results also revealed the presence of a small fraction of Ce3+^{3+} in a magnetic 4f14f^1 state.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Polymers and manifolds in static random flows: a renormalization group study

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    We study the dynamics of a polymer or a D-dimensional elastic manifold diffusing and convected in a non-potential static random flow (the ``randomly driven polymer model''). We find that short-range (SR) disorder is relevant for d < 4 for directed polymers (each monomer sees a different flow) and for d < 6 for isotropic polymers (each monomer sees the same flow) and more generally for d<d_c(D) in the case of a manifold. This leads to new large scale behavior, which we analyze using field theoretical methods. We show that all divergences can be absorbed in multilocal counter-terms which we compute to one loop order. We obtain the non trivial roughness zeta, dynamical z and transport exponents phi in a dimensional expansion. For directed polymers we find zeta about 0.63 (d=3), zeta about 0.8 (d=2) and for isotropic polymers zeta about 0.8 (d=3). In all cases z>2 and the velocity versus applied force characteristics is sublinear, i.e. at small forces v(f) f^phi with phi > 1. It indicates that this new state is glassy, with dynamically generated barriers leading to trapping, even by a divergenceless (transversal) flow. For random flows with long-range (LR) correlations, we find continuously varying exponents with the ratio gL/gT of potential to transversal disorder, and interesting crossover phenomena between LR and SR behavior. For isotropic polymers new effects (e.g. a sign change of zeta - zeta_0) result from the competition between localization and stretching by the flow. In contrast to purely potential disorder, where the dynamics gets frozen, here the dynamical exponent z is not much larger than 2, making it easily accessible by simulations. The phenomenon of pinning by transversal disorder is further demonstrated using a two monomer ``dumbbell'' toy model.Comment: Final version, some explications added and misprints corrected (69 pages latex, 40 eps-figures included

    Assessment of Mixed-Layer Height Estimation from Single-Wavelength Ceilometer Profiles

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    An assessment of differing boundary/mixed-layer height measurement methods was performed with a focus on the Vaisala CL51 instrument and BLView and STRAT softwares. Of primary interest was determining how these differ- ng methodologies will intercompare when deployed as part of a larger instrument network. The intercomparisons were performed as part of ongoing measurements at the Chemistry And Physics of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Experiment (CAPABLE) site in Hampton, VA and during the 2014 Deriving Information on Surface Conditions from Column and Vertically Resolved Observations Relevant to Air Quality (DISCOVER-AQ) field campaign that took place in the Denver, CO area. It was observed that data collection methodology is not as important as the processing algorithm, and that, generally speaking, sonde-derived boundary layer heights are higher than LIDAR-derived mixed-layer heights

    Predicting how adaptation to climate change could affect ecological conservation: secondary impacts of shifting agricultural suitability

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    Aim: Ecosystems face numerous well-documented threats from climate change. The well-being of people also is threatened by climate change, most prominently by reduced food security. Human adaptation to food scarcity, including shifting agricultural zones, will create new threats for natural ecosystems. We investigated how shifts in crop suitability because of climate change may overlap currently protected areas (PAs) and priority sites for PA expansion in South Africa. Predicting the locations of suitable climate conditions for crop growth will assist conservationists and decision-makers in planning for climate change. Location: South Africa. Methods: We modelled climatic suitability in 2055 for maize and wheat cultivation, two extensively planted, staple crops, and overlaid projected changes with PAs and PA expansion priorities. Results: Changes in winter climate could make an additional 2millionha of land suitable for wheat cultivation, while changes in summer climate could expand maize suitability by up to 3.5millionha. Conversely, 3millionha of lands currently suitable for wheat production are predicted to become climatically unsuitable, along with 13millionha for maize. At least 328 of 834 (39%) PAs are projected to be affected by altered wheat or maize suitability in their buffer zones. Main conclusions: Reduced crop suitability and food scarcity in subsistence areas may lead to the exploitation of PAs for food and fuel. However, if reduced crop suitability leads to agricultural abandonment, this may afford opportunities for ecological restoration. Expanded crop suitability in PA buffer zones could lead to additional isolation of PAs if portions of newly suitable land are converted to agriculture. These results suggest that altered crop suitability will be widespread throughout South Africa, including within and around lands identified as conservation priorities. Assessing how climate change will affect crop suitability near PAs is a first step towards proactively identifying potential conflicts between human adaptation and conservation planning. © 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

    Intimate partner violence against women in rural Vietnam - different socio-demographic factors are associated with different forms of violence: Need for new intervention guidelines?

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    Background: This population-based study investigated the different forms, magnitude and risk factors of men's violence against women in intimate relationships in a rural part of northern Vietnam and whether a difference in risk factors were at hand for the different forms of violence. Vietnam has undergone a rapid transition in the last 20 years, moving towards a more equal situation for men and women however, Confucian doctrine is still strong and little is known about men's violence against women within the Vietnamese family. Methods: This is a cross-sectional population-based study that used a questionnaire developed by the World Health Organisation for investigating women's health and violence against women in different settings. Face-to face structured interviewing was performed and 883 married women, aged 17 to 60 participated. Bi- and multivariate analyses was used for risk factor assessment. Results: The lifetime prevalence of physical violence was 30.9 percent and past year prevalence was 8.3 per cent, while the corresponding figures for physical and sexual violence combined was 32.7 and 9.2 percent. The lifetime prevalence was highest for psychological abuse ( 27.9 percent) as a single entity. In most cases the violence was of a severe nature and exercised as repeated acts over time. Woman's low educational level, husband's low education, low household income and the husband having more than one wife/partner were risk factors for lifetime and past year physical/sexual violence. The pattern of factors associated with psychological abuse alone was however different. Husband's low professional status and women's intermediate level of education appeared as risk factors. Conclusion: Men's violence against women in intimate relationships is commonly occurring in rural Vietnam. There is an obvious need of preventive and treatment activities. Our findings point at that pure psychological abuse is different from physical/sexual violence in terms of differing characteristics of the perpetrators and it might be that also different strategies are needed to reduce and prevent this violence

    Psychiatric and medical comorbidities of eating disorders : findings from a rapid review of the literature

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    Background: Eating disorders (EDs) are potentially severe, complex, and life-threatening illnesses. The mortality rate of EDs is signifcantly elevated compared to other psychiatric conditions, primarily due to medical complications and suicide. The current rapid review aimed to summarise the literature and identify gaps in knowledge relating to any psychiatric and medical comorbidities of eating disorders. Methods: This paper forms part of a rapid review) series scoping the evidence base for the feld of EDs, conducted to inform the Australian National Eating Disorders Research and Translation Strategy 2021–2031, funded and released by the Australian Government. ScienceDirect, PubMed and Ovid/Medline were searched for English-language studies focused on the psychiatric and medical comorbidities of EDs, published between 2009 and 2021. High-level evidence such as meta-analyses, large population studies and Randomised Control Trials were prioritised. Results: A total of 202 studies were included in this review, with 58% pertaining to psychiatric comorbidities and 42% to medical comorbidities. For EDs in general, the most prevalent psychiatric comorbidities were anxiety (up to 62%), mood (up to 54%) and substance use and post-traumatic stress disorders (similar comorbidity rates up to 27%). The review also noted associations between specifc EDs and non-suicidal self-injury, personality disorders, and neurodevelopmental disorders. EDs were complicated by medical comorbidities across the neuroendocrine, skeletal, nutritional, gastrointestinal, dental, and reproductive systems. Medical comorbidities can precede, occur alongside or emerge as a complication of the ED. Conclusions: This review provides a thorough overview of the comorbid psychiatric and medical conditions cooccurring with EDs. High psychiatric and medical comorbidity rates were observed in people with EDs, with comorbidities contributing to increased ED symptom severity, maintenance of some ED behaviours, and poorer functioning as well as treatment outcomes. Early identifcation and management of psychiatric and medical comorbidities in people with an ED may improve response to treatment and overall outcomes

    The type II secretion system and its ubiquitous lipoprotein substrate, SsIE are required for biofilm formation and virulence of enteropathogenic escherichia coli

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    Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) is a major cause of diarrhea in infants in developing countries. We have identified a functional type II secretion system (T2SS) in EPEC that is homologous to the pathway responsible for the secretion of heat-labile enterotoxin by enterotoxigenic E. coli. The wild-type EPEC T2SS was able to secrete a heat-labile enterotoxin reporter, but an isogenic T2SS mutant could not. We showed that the major substrate of the T2SS in EPEC is SslE, an outer membrane lipoprotein (formerly known as YghJ), and that a functional T2SS is essential for biofilm formation by EPEC. T2SS and SslE mutants were arrested at the microcolony stage of biofilm formation, suggesting that the T2SS is involved in the development of mature biofilms and that SslE is a dominant effector of biofilm development. Moreover, the T2SS was required for virulence, as infection of rabbits with a rabbit-specific EPEC strain carrying a mutation in either the T2SS or SslE resulted in significantly reduced intestinal colonization and milder disease

    Informing the development of Australia's national eating disorders research and translation strategy : a rapid review methodology

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    Background Eating disorders (EDs) are highly complex mental illnesses associated with significant medical complications. There are currently knowledge gaps in research relating to the epidemiology, aetiology, treatment, burden, and outcomes of eating disorders. To clearly identify and begin addressing the major deficits in the scientific, medical, and clinical understanding of these mental illnesses, the Australian Government Department of Health in 2019 funded the InsideOut Institute (IOI) to develop the Australian Eating Disorder Research and Translation Strategy, the primary aim of which was to identify priorities and targets for building research capacity and outputs. A series of rapid reviews (RR) were conducted to map the current state of knowledge, identify evidence gaps, and inform development of the national research strategy. Published peer-reviewed literature on DSM-5 listed EDs, across eight knowledge domains was reviewed: (1) population, prevalence, disease burden, Quality of Life in Western developed countries; (2) risk factors; (3) co-occurring conditions and medical complications; (4) screening and diagnosis; (5) prevention and early intervention; (6) psychotherapies and relapse prevention; (7) models of care; (8) pharmacotherapies, alternative and adjunctive therapies; and (9) outcomes (including mortality). While RRs are systematic in nature, they are distinct from systematic reviews in their aim to gather evidence in a timely manner to support decision-making on urgent or high-priority health concerns at the national level. Results Three medical science databases were searched as the primary source of literature for the RRs: Science Direct, PubMed and OVID (Medline). The search was completed on 31st May 2021 (spanning January 2009-May 2021). At writing, a total of 1,320 articles met eligibility criteria and were included in the final review. Conclusions For each RR, the evidence has been organised to review the knowledge area and identify gaps for further research and investment. The series of RRs (published separately within the current series) are designed to support the development of research and translation practice in the field of EDs. They highlight areas for investment and investigation, and provide researchers, service planners and providers, and research funders rapid access to quality current evidence, which has been synthesised and organised to assist decision-making

    In Vitro Transformation of Primary Human CD34+ Cells by AML Fusion Oncogenes: Early Gene Expression Profiling Reveals Possible Drug Target in AML

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    Different fusion oncogenes in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) have distinct clinical and laboratory features suggesting different modes of malignant transformation. Here we compare the in vitro effects of representatives of 4 major groups of AML fusion oncogenes on primary human CD34+ cells. As expected from their clinical similarities, MLL-AF9 and NUP98-HOXA9 had very similar effects in vitro. They both caused erythroid hyperplasia and a clear block in erythroid and myeloid maturation. On the other hand, AML1-ETO and PML-RARA had only modest effects on myeloid and erythroid differentiation. All oncogenes except PML-RARA caused a dramatic increase in long-term proliferation and self-renewal. Gene expression profiling revealed two distinct temporal patterns of gene deregulation. Gene deregulation by MLL-AF9 and NUP98-HOXA9 peaked 3 days after transduction. In contrast, the vast majority of gene deregulation by AML1-ETO and PML-RARA occurred within 6 hours, followed by a dramatic drop in the numbers of deregulated genes. Interestingly, the p53 inhibitor MDM2 was upregulated by AML1-ETO at 6 hours. Nutlin-3, an inhibitor of the interaction between MDM2 and p53, specifically inhibited the proliferation and self-renewal of primary human CD34+ cells transduced with AML1-ETO, suggesting that MDM2 upregulation plays a role in cell transformation by AML1-ETO. These data show that differences among AML fusion oncogenes can be recapitulated in vitro using primary human CD34+ cells and that early gene expression profiling in these cells can reveal potential drug targets in AML

    High and low levels of an NTRK2-driven genetic profile affect motor- and cognition-associated frontal gray matter in prodromal Huntington’s disease

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    This study assessed how BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) and other genes involved in its signaling influence brain structure and clinical functioning in pre-diagnosis Huntington’s disease (HD). Parallel independent component analysis (pICA), a multivariate method for identifying correlated patterns in multimodal datasets, was applied to gray matter concentration (GMC) and genomic data from a sizeable PREDICT-HD prodromal cohort (N = 715). pICA identified a genetic component highlighting NTRK2, which encodes BDNF’s TrkB receptor, that correlated with a GMC component including supplementary motor, precentral/premotor cortex, and other frontal areas (p < 0.001); this association appeared to be driven by participants with high or low levels of the genetic profile. The frontal GMC profile correlated with cognitive and motor variables (Trail Making Test A (p = 0.03); Stroop Color (p = 0.017); Stroop Interference (p = 0.04); Symbol Digit Modalities Test (p = 0.031); Total Motor Score (p = 0.01)). A top-weighted NTRK2 variant (rs2277193) was protectively associated with Trail Making Test B (p = 0.007); greater minor allele numbers were linked to a better performance. These results support the idea of a protective role of NTRK2 in prodromal HD, particularly in individuals with certain genotypes, and suggest that this gene may influence the preservation of frontal gray matter that is important for clinical functioning.This project was supported by 1U01NS082074 (V.C. and J.T., co-principal investigators) from the National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. The PREDICT-HD study was supported by NIH/NINDS grant 5R01NS040068 awarded to J.P.; CHDI Foundation, Inc., A3917 and 6266 awarded to J.P.; Cognitive and Functional Brain Changes in Preclinical Huntington’s Disease (HD) 5R01NS054893 awarded to J.P.; 4D Shape Analysis for Modeling Spatiotemporal Change Trajectories in Huntington’s 1U01NS082086; Functional Connectivity in Premanifest Huntington’s Disease 1U01NS082083; and Basal Ganglia Shape Analysis and Circuitry in Huntington’s Disease 1U01NS082085 awarded to Christopher A. Ross
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