332 research outputs found

    Estudio de prefactibilidad para la implementación de una cadena de pizzerías basada en la gastronomía peruana en Lima Metropolitana en los niveles socioeconómicos b y c

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    En el 2017 el sector de fast food llegó a mover US700millones,10an~oanterior.Dentrodeesterubroseencuentranlaspizzas,cuyoconsumosehavenidoincrementandoentrelosperuanos,locualsereflejaenelgastoquehicieronenel2017conuntotaldeUS 700 millones, 10% más que el año anterior. Dentro de este rubro se encuentran las pizzas, cuyo consumo se ha venido incrementando entre los peruanos, lo cual se refleja en el gasto que hicieron en el 2017 con un total de US 504 millones en comprar pizzas. Este crecimiento en consumo de pizza va en aumento de acuerdo a la evolución de la economía peruana y al crecimiento de la clase media. Asimismo, este producto presenta varias ventajas que son la facilidad de entrega a domicilio, la relación precio/producto y la adaptación a las preferencias de innovación en sabores y variedades. En ese sentido, se identificó la oportunidad de realizar un estudio de prefactibilidad de la implementación de una cadena de pizzerías basada en una presentación innovadora de las pizzas con la gastronomía peruana. El presente estudio comprueba la viabilidad del proyecto a través de un estudio de prefactibilidad desarrollado en cinco capítulos. En el estudio estratégico, se analizan los factores para obtener una referencia de la situación actual sobre el sector de pizzerías. En base a los resultados, se plantea la estrategia de diferenciación que tiene como fin posicionarnos como una empresa innovadora en las pizzas fusión. Con respecto al estudio de mercado, se considera a las personas de todas las edades de los niveles socioeconómicos B y C en Lima Metropolitana, en base al análisis de las variables geodemográficas, psicográficas y conductuales. Asimismo, se seleccionan las zonas geográficas del proyecto: Ate Vitarte, San Martin de Porres y Santiago de Surco. Además, se hace el cálculo de la demanda y oferta, y con ello se calcula la demanda del proyecto, la cual asciende a 630,041 slides de pizza. En el estudio técnico, se determinan las ubicaciones de los locales comerciales y del centro de pre producción. Asimismo, se halla el dimensionamiento de planta para los tres locales de atención que sería de 135 m2 y el centro de pre producción de 61 m2. En el estudio legal y organizacional, se define que el tipo de sociedad del proyecto es de sociedad anónima cerrada y se detallan las funciones, requerimientos del personal y organigrama de la empresa, conformado por 40 colaboradores. En el estudio económico y financiero se determina la inversión requerida del proyecto que asciende a S/.407,707 y el medio de financiamiento adecuado. Asimismo, se detallan los presupuestos de ingresos y egresos, se halla el punto de equilibrio y se muestran los estados financieros. Finalmente, se calculan los indicadores financieros y económicos dando como resultado un TIRF de 76.9%. y VANF de S/. 987,403, con lo cual se puede demostrar la viabilidad del proyecto.Tesi

    Application of a Maintenance Management Model Based on LEAN TPM to Increase OEE in Canning SMEs

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    Regardless of the factory type, the performance of machinery is an important factor to be competitive. To ensure optimal equipment performance, many companies focus on establishing continuous improvement programs. This is the reason why there are methods, with the final purpose to increase the disponibility and operation, additionally, it also produces regulations of order, because it helps to reduce unused times, as is the case of 5S. Likewise, efficiency is also measured through the OEE maintenance KPI (equipment effectiveness) averaging a moderation towards the implementation of management methods. This article presents the implementation of two of the pillars: the TPM (preventive maintenance and autonomous maintenance) and 5s. Further, the most relevant contribution after the application of these methods, is the performance increase on the OEE. For this case study, after the simulation, the result is 6.85%, a plus than the current situation, where the performance is 6.45%

    O papel da enfermagem no controle da tuberculose: uma discussão sob a perspectiva da equidade

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    This paper aims to analyze nurses role in tuberculosis control from the perspective of equity in the context of Latin American countries. Tuberculosis is frequently associated with poverty, but many other determinants play an important role in its prevalence. Latin American countries fight against the presence of this illness and nursing professionals play a protagonist role in TB control, proposing comprehensive interventions in different spheres - individuals, families and society. The focus of nursing intervention ranges from public policy proposals, based on epidemiological research, through the establishment of multi-sector programs, to direct care and client education at the operative level. Different professional nursing institutions can play a decisive role in this problem integral approach, both in national and international scopes. This requires the establishment of educative, social, technical and politically integrated support networks.El objetivo del presente artículo es analizar el rol de la enfermera en el control de la tuberculosis desde la perspectiva de la equidad, en el ámbito de los países latinoamericanos. La tuberculosis está asociada frecuentemente con la pobreza, pero muchos otros determinantes juegan un rol importante en su prevalencia. Los países latinoamericanos luchan contra la presencia de esta enfermedad y la enfermería juega un rol protagónico en el control de este problema planteando intervenciones integrales en diferentes esferas del individuo, de la familia y de la sociedad. La intervención de enfermería se extiende desde el planteamiento de políticas públicas, basadas en estudios de base epidemiológica, mediante la implementación de programas multisectoriales, hasta la atención directa y la educación de los usuarios en el plan operativo. Las diferentes instituciones profesionales de enfermería pueden desarrollar un papel decisivo en el abordaje integral del problema, no sólo en el ámbito nacional sino también en el internacional, para esto se requiere establecer redes de apoyo con integración educativa, social, técnica y política.O objetivo do presente artigo foi analisar o papel do profissional da enfermagem no controle da tuberculose, sob a perspectiva da equidade, no âmbito dos países da América Latina. A tuberculose está frequentemente associada à pobreza, mas muitos outros determinantes contribuem de modo importante para sua prevalência. Os países sul-americanos lutam contra essa enfermidade e a enfermagem possui papel de protagonista no controle desse problema, reivindicando intervenções integrais, voltadas para as diferentes esferas: individual, familiar e social. A intervenção da enfermagem é enfocada desde o desenho das políticas públicas, com base em estudos epidemiológicos, mediante a implementação de programas multissetoriais, até a assistência direta e a educação dos usuários no plano operativo. Diferentes instituições profissionais da enfermagem podem desenvolver atuação decisiva para a abordagem integral do problema, no âmbito nacional e internacional, devendo, para isso, estabelecer redes de apoio integradas às dimensões educativas, social, técnica e política

    Stochastic Cutoff Method for Long-Range Interacting Systems

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    A new Monte-Carlo method for long-range interacting systems is presented. This method consists of eliminating interactions stochastically with the detailed balance condition satisfied. When a pairwise interaction VijV_{ij} of a NN-particle system decreases with the distance as rijαr_{ij}^{-\alpha}, computational time per one Monte Carlo step is O(N){\cal O}(N) for αd\alpha \ge d and O(N2α/d){\cal O}(N^{2-\alpha/d}) for α<d\alpha < d, where dd is the spatial dimension. We apply the method to a two-dimensional magnetic dipolar system. The method enables us to treat a huge system of 2562256^2 spins with reasonable computational time, and reproduces a circular order originated from long-range dipolar interactions.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, 1 figure and 1 reference are adde

    La integración en infraestructura sudamericana: un análisis a partir del liderazgo regional brasileño

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    Currently, UNASUR has emerged as one of the greatest advances for regional integration in South America, due not only to the different areas it serves but also the concrete progress obtained through the convergence of countries region. There are remarkable progresses made in the infrastructure, energy and defense sectors. However, integration can mean opportunities for regional powers to reinforce and strengthen their dominant position in the region both politically and economically. In that sense, this paper analyzes how has taken the Republic of Brazil mechanisms provided by UNASUR to strengthen its presence in South America, specifically through the infrastructure sector. Using the intergovernmentalist approach we can see how Brazil and their companies, public and private, have expanded their regional presence and have become key players in major projects. Finally, we conclude noted the critical importance of Brazil for the viability of infrastructure integration and the consequences for development in the region.En la actualidad, UNASUR se ha perfilado como uno de los mayores avances para la integración regional en Sudamérica, debido no solo a las diferentes áreas a las que atiende sino también a los avances concretos que ha logrado a través de la convergencia de los países de la región. Son destacables los progresos obtenidos en el sector infraestructura, el sector energía y el sector defensa. Sin embargo, la integración al mismo tiempo puede significar posibilidades para las potencias regionales de reforzar y consolidar una posición dominante en la región tanto en el plano político como en el económico. En ese sentido, este ensayo busca analizar cómo ha aprovechado la República de Brasil los mecanismos brindados por UNASUR para fortalecer su presencia en Sudamérica, específicamente a través del sector infraestructura. Haciendo uso de un enfoque intergubernamentalista podremos observar cómo Brasil y sus empresas, tanto públicas como privadas, han ampliado su presencia a nivel regional y se han vuelto actores fundamentales de los proyectos más importantes. Finalmente, concluiremos señalado la importancia fundamental de Brasil para la viabilidad de la integración en infraestructura y las consecuencias que ello trae para el desarrollo en la región

    Extracellular loops 2 and 3 of the calcitonin receptor selectively modify agonist binding and efficacy.

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    Class B peptide hormone GPCRs are targets for the treatment of major chronic disease. Peptide ligands of these receptors display biased agonism and this may provide future therapeutic advantage. Recent active structures of the calcitonin (CT) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptors reveal distinct engagement of peptides with extracellular loops (ECLs) 2 and 3, and mutagenesis of the GLP-1R has implicated these loops in dynamics of receptor activation. In the current study, we have mutated ECLs 2 and 3 of the human CT receptor (CTR), to interrogate receptor expression, peptide affinity and efficacy. Integration of these data with insights from the CTR and GLP-1R active structures, revealed marked diversity in mechanisms of peptide engagement and receptor activation between the CTR and GLP-1R. While the CTR ECL2 played a key role in conformational propagation linked to Gs/cAMP signalling this was mechanistically distinct from that of GLP-1R ECL2. Moreover, ECL3 was a hotspot for distinct ligand- and pathway- specific effects, and this has implications for the future design of biased agonists of class B GPCRs

    Binding of the human nucleotide excision repair proteins XPA and XPC/HR23B to the 5R-thymine glycol lesion and structure of the cis-(5R,6S) thymine glycol epimer in the 5′-GTgG-3′ sequence: destabilization of two base pairs at the lesion site

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    The 5R thymine glycol (5R-Tg) DNA lesion exists as a mixture of cis-(5R,6S) and trans-(5R,6R) epimers; these modulate base excision repair. We examine the 7:3 cis-(5R,6S):trans-(5R,6R) mixture of epimers paired opposite adenine in the 5′-GTgG-3′ sequence with regard to nucleotide excision repair. Human XPA recognizes the lesion comparably to the C8-dG acetylaminoflourene (AAF) adduct, whereas XPC/HR23B recognition of Tg is superior. 5R-Tg is processed by the Escherichia coli UvrA and UvrABC proteins less efficiently than the C8-dG AAF adduct. For the cis-(5R, 6S) epimer Tg and A are inserted into the helix, remaining in the Watson–Crick alignment. The Tg N3H imine and A N6 amine protons undergo increased solvent exchange. Stacking between Tg and the 3′-neighbor G•C base pair is disrupted. The solvent accessible surface and T2 relaxation of Tg increases. Molecular dynamics calculations predict that the axial conformation of the Tg CH3 group is favored; propeller twisting of the Tg•A pair and hydrogen bonding between Tg OH6 and the N7 atom of the 3′-neighbor guanine alleviate steric clash with the 5′-neighbor base pair. Tg also destabilizes the 5′-neighbor G•C base pair. This may facilitate flipping both base pairs from the helix, enabling XPC/HR23B recognition prior to recruitment of XPA

    Identification of a novel polyfluorinated compound as a lead to inhibit human enzymes aldose reductase and AKR1B10 : structure determination of both ternary complexes and implications for drug design

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    Aldo-keto reductases (AKRs) are mostly monomeric enzymes which fold into a highly conserved ([alpha]/[beta])8 barrel, while their substrate specificity and inhibitor selectivity are determined by interaction with residues located in three highly variable external loops. The closely related human enzymes aldose reductase (AR or AKR1B1) and AKR1B10 are of biomedical interest because of their involvement in secondary diabetic complications (AR) and in cancer, e.g. hepatocellular carcinoma and smoking-related lung cancer (AKR1B10). After characterization of the IC50 values of both AKRs with a series of polyhalogenated compounds, 2,2',3,3',5,5',6,6'-octafluoro-4,4'-biphenyldiol (JF0064) was identified as a lead inhibitor of both enzymes with a new scaffold (a 1,1'-biphenyl-4,4'-diol). An ultrahigh-resolution X-ray structure of the AR-­NADP+-JF0064 complex has been determined at 0.85 Å resolution, allowing it to be observed that JF0064 interacts with the catalytic residue Tyr48 through a negatively charged hydroxyl group (i.e. the acidic phenol). The non-competitive inhibition pattern observed for JF0064 with both enzymes suggests that this acidic hydroxyl group is also present in the case of AKR1B10. Moreover, the combination of surface lysine methylation and the introduction of K125R and V301L mutations enabled the determination of the X-ray crystallo­graphic structure of the corresponding AKR1B10-NADP+-JF0064 complex. Comparison of the two structures has unveiled some important hints for subsequent structure-based drug-design efforts

    Structure and dynamics of the active Gs-coupled human secretin receptor

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    The class B secretin GPCR (SecR) has broad physiological effects, with target potential for treatment of metabolic and cardiovascular disease. Molecular understanding of SecR binding and activation is important for its therapeutic exploitation. We combined cryo-electron microscopy, molecular dynamics, and biochemical cross-linking to determine a 2.3 Å structure, and interrogate dynamics, of secretin bound to the SecR:Gs complex. SecR exhibited a unique organization of its extracellular domain (ECD) relative to its 7-transmembrane (TM) core, forming more extended interactions than other family members. Numerous polar interactions formed between secretin and the receptor extracellular loops (ECLs) and TM helices. Cysteine-cross-linking, cryo-electron microscopy multivariate analysis and molecular dynamics simulations revealed that interactions between peptide and receptor were dynamic, and suggested a model for initial peptide engagement where early interactions between the far N-terminus of the peptide and SecR ECL2 likely occur following initial binding of the peptide C-terminus to the ECD