2,929 research outputs found

    Global symplectic coordinates on gradient Kaehler-Ricci solitons

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    A classical result of D. McDuff asserts that a simply-connected complete Kaehler manifold (M,g,ω)(M,g,\omega) with non positive sectional curvature admits global symplectic coordinates through a symplectomorphism Ψ:M→R2n\Psi: M\rightarrow R^{2n} (where nn is the complex dimension of MM), satisfying the following property (proved by E. Ciriza): the image Ψ(T)\Psi (T) of any complex totally geodesic submanifold T⊂MT\subset M through the point pp such that Ψ(p)=0\Psi(p)=0, is a complex linear subspace of Cn≃R2nC^n \simeq R^{2n}. The aim of this paper is to exhibit, for all positive integers nn, examples of nn-dimensional complete Kaehler manifolds with non-negative sectional curvature globally symplectomorphic to R2nR^{2n} through a symplectomorphism satisfying Ciriza's property.Comment: 8 page

    Balanced metrics on Cartan and Cartan-Hartogs domains

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    This paper consists of two results dealing with balanced metrics (in S. Donaldson terminology) on nonconpact complex manifolds. In the first one we describe all balanced metrics on Cartan domains. In the second one we show that the only Cartan-Hartogs domain which admits a balanced metric is the complex hyperbolic space. By combining these results with those obtained in [13] (Kaehler-Einstein submanifolds of the infinite dimensional projective space, to appear in Mathematische Annalen) we also provide the first example of complete, Kaehler-Einstein and projectively induced metric g such that αg\alpha g is not balanced for all α>0\alpha >0.Comment: 11 page

    Disentangling the corporate entrepreneurship construct: conceptualizing through co-words

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    This study defines the conceptual structure of corporate entrepreneurship (CE) by looking at the terms scholars have used over the last 26 years of research. With the use of a co-word analysis, five distinctive dimensions of CE and the evolution of related key terms are identified: sustained regeneration, competitive advantage, external entrepreneurship, organizational rejuvenation, and domain redefinition. Over time scholars’ attention has shifted from strategy to entrepreneurship by highlighting the relevance of the terms ‘intrapreneurship’ and ‘entrepreneurial orientation’. Surprisingly, concepts related to strategic entrepreneurship and strategic renewal are less relevant than expected. Besides laying the ground for a shared conceptualization of CE, this study highlights how bibliomeitrics can contribute to decreasing conceptual ambiguity in emergent research fields, such as entrepreneurship. Implications for managers on how to strategically create and develop CE within different organizational settings are also discussed

    Reconstructed SPECT images of 177Lu homogeneous cylindrical phantom used for calibration and texture analysis

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    In a clinical contest, it is common to use dedicated phantoms to perform quality assurance test to check the performance of a SPECT system. Some of these phantoms are also used to calibrate the system for dosimetric evaluation of patients undergoing radiometabolic cancer therapy. In this work, a 3D-OSEM reconstructed Lu-177 SPECT dataset of a homogeneous cylindrical phantom is described. This dataset was acquired to investigate the variation of the SPECT calibration factor, counts convergence, noise and uniformity by varying the number of subsets and iterations. In particular, the dataset is composed of images reconstructed using five different numbers of subsets and sixteen different numbers of iterations, for a total of 80 different configurations. The dataset is suitable for comparison with other reconstruction algorithms (e.g. FBP, MLEM, etc.) and radionuclides (e.g. technetium, yttrium). In regards to the uniformity issue, the same dataset allows the user to perform radiomic investigations on the influence of the border effect on the reconstructed images

    A Cenozoic-style scenario for the end-Ordovician glaciation

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    The end-Ordovician was an enigmatic interval in the Phanerozoic, known for massive glaciation potentially at elevated CO2 levels, biogeochemical cycle disruptions recorded as large isotope anomalies and a devastating extinction event. Ice-sheet volumes claimed to be twice those of the Last Glacial Maximum paradoxically coincided with oceans as warm as today. Here we argue that some of these remarkable claims arise from undersampling of incomplete geological sections that led to apparent temporal correlations within the relatively coarse resolution capability of Palaeozoic biochronostratigraphy. We examine exceptionally complete sedimentary records from two, low and high, palaeolatitude settings. Their correlation framework reveals a Cenozoic-style scenario including three main glacial cycles and higher-order phenomena. This necessitates revision of mechanisms for the end-Ordovician events, as the first extinction is tied to an early phase of melting, not to initial cooling, and the largest δ13C excursion occurs during final deglaciation, not at the glacial apex

    Scalable Hierarchical Instruction Cache for Ultralow-Power Processors Clusters

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    High performance and energy efficiency are critical requirements for Internet of Things (IoT) end-nodes. Exploiting tightly coupled clusters of programmable processors (CMPs) has recently emerged as a suitable solution to address this challenge. One of the main bottlenecks limiting the performance and energy efficiency of these systems is the instruction cache architecture due to its criticality in terms of timing (i.e., maximum operating frequency), bandwidth, and power. We propose a hierarchical instruction cache tailored to ultralow-power (ULP) tightly coupled processor clusters where a relatively large cache (L1.5) is shared by L1 private (PR) caches through a two-cycle latency interconnect. To address the performance loss caused by the L1 capacity misses, we introduce a next-line prefetcher with cache probe filtering (CPF) from L1 to L1.5. We optimize the core instruction fetch (IF) stage by removing the critical core-to-L1 combinational path. We present a detailed comparison of instruction cache architectures' performance and energy efficiency for parallel ULP (PULP) clusters. Focusing on the implementation, our two-level instruction cache provides better scalability than existing shared caches, delivering up to 20% higher operating frequency. On average, the proposed two-level cache improves maximum performance by up to 17% compared to the state-of-the-art while delivering similar energy efficiency for most relevant applications

    Extrinsic nature of the broad photoluminescence in lead iodide-based Ruddlesden-Popper perovskites

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    Two-dimensional metal halide perovskites of Ruddlesden–Popper type have recently moved into the centre of attention of perovskite research due to their potential for light generation and for stabilisation of their 3D counterparts. It has become widespread in the field to attribute broad luminescence with a large Stokes shift to self-trapped excitons, forming due to strong carrier–phonon interactions in these compounds. Contrarily, by investigating the behaviour of two types of lead-iodide based single crystals, we here highlight the extrinsic origin of their broad band emission. As shown by below-gap excitation, in-gap states in the crystal bulk are responsible for the broad emission. With this insight, we further the understanding of the emission properties of low-dimensional perovskites and question the generality of the attribution of broad band emission in metal halide perovskite and related compounds to self-trapped excitons

    Elucidating the Structure and Photophysics of Layered Perovskites through Cation Fluorination

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    Optoelectronic devices based on layered perovskites containing fluorinated cations display a well-documented improved stability and enhanced performance over non-fluorinated cations. The effect of fluorination on the crystal structure and photophysics, however, has received limited attention up until now. Here, 3-fluorophenethylammonium lead iodide ((3-FPEA)(2)PbI4) single crystals are investigated and their properties to the non-fluorinated ((PEA)(2)PbI4) variant are compared. The bulkier 3-FPEA cation increases the distortion of the inorganic layers, resulting in a blue-shifted absorbance and photoluminescence. Temperature-dependent photoluminescence spectroscopy reveals an intricate exciton substructure in both cases. The fluorinated variant shows hot-exciton resonances separated by 12 to 15 meV, values that are much smaller than the 40 to 46 meV found for (PEA)(2)PbI4. In addition, high-resolution spectra show that the emission at lower energies consists of a substructure, previously thought to be a single line. With the analysis on the resolved photoluminescence, a vibronic progression is excluded as the origin of the emission at lower energies. Instead, part of the excitonic substructure is proposed to originate from bound excitons. This work furthers the understanding of the photophysics of layered perovskites that has been heavily debated lately

    Children with Cerebral Palsy can imagine actions like their normally developed peers

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    The present study aimed at assessing whether children with Cerebral Palsy (CP) can imagine object directed actions similarly to their normally developed peers. We asked children with CP (n = 12) and paired healthy controls (n = 12) to imagine in first person perspective eight daily actions, after observing them through videoclips presented on a computer screen. During motor imagery (MI) children were interrupted at a specific timepoint (e.g., at 2.5 s) from the start. Two frames extracted from the videoclips were then presented on the screen. One of the two depicted the correct timepoint at which the imagined action was interrupted, while the other represented an earlier or later timepoint. Children had to respond by pressing the key associated to the correct frame. Children also underwent VMIQ-2 questionnaire. Both groups performed similarly in the questionnaire and in the requested task, where they showed the same error rate. Errors mainly concerned the later frame, suggesting a similar strategy to solve the task in the two groups. The results support the view that children with CP can imagine actions similarly to their normally developed peers. This encourages the use of MI as a rehabilitative tool in children with motor impairment
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