34 research outputs found

    The influence of metabolic factors and ethnicity on breast cancer risk, treatment and survival: The Oslo ethnic breast cancer study

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    Background - Breast cancer risk remains higher in high-income compared with low-income countries. However, it is unclear to what degree metabolic factors influence breast cancer development in women 30 years after immigration from low- to a high-incidence country. Methods - Using Cox regression models, we studied the association between pre-diagnostic metabolic factors and breast cancer development, and whether this association varied by ethnicity among 13,802 women participating in the population-based Oslo Ethnic Breast Cancer Study. Ethnic background was assessed and pre-diagnostic metabolic factors (body mass index, waist:hip ratio, serum lipids and blood pressure) were measured. A total of 557 women developed invasive breast cancer, and these women were followed for an additional 7.7 years. Results - Among women with an unfavorable metabolic profile, women from south Asia, compared with western European women, had a 2.3 times higher breast cancer risk (HR 2.30, 95% CI 1.18–4.49). Compared with the western European women, the ethnic minority women were more likely to present with triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) (OR 2.11, 95% CI 0.97–4.61), and less likely to complete all courses of planned taxane treatment (OR 0.26, 95% CI 0.08–0.82). Among TNBC women, above-median triglycerides:HDL-cholesterol (>0.73) levels, compared with below-median triglycerides:HDL-cholesterol (≤0.73) levels, was associated with 2.9 times higher overall mortality (HR 2.88, 95% CI 1.02–8.11). Conclusions - Our results support the importance of metabolic factors when balancing breast cancer prevention and disease management among all women, and in particular among non-western women migrating from a breast cancer low-incidence to a high-incidence country

    Changes in lower limb rotation after soft tissue surgery in spastic diplegia: 3-dimensional gait analysis in 28 children

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    Background and purpose Rotational osteotomies are usually necessary to correct pronounced rotational deformities in ambulant children with cerebral palsy. The effects of soft tissue surgery on such deformities are unclear. In this retrospective study, we determined whether multilevel soft tissue surgery, performed to correct deformities in the sagittal plane, would also have an effect on rotational parameters

    Exploring the effects of lifestyle on breast cancer risk, age at diagnosis, and survival: the EBBA-Life study

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    Purpose - Whether an unfavorable lifestyle not only affects breast cancer risk, but also influences age at onset of breast cancer and survival, is under debate. Methods - In a population-based cohort, the Energy Balance and Breast Cancer Aspects throughout life (EBBA-Life) study, a total of 17,145 women were included. During follow-up, 574 women developed invasive breast cancer. Breast cancer cases were followed for an additional 9.1 years. Detailed medical records were obtained. Cox’s proportional hazard regression models were used to study the association between pre-diagnostic lifestyle factors (weight, physical activity, alcohol use, smoking, and hypertension), breast cancer risk, age at diagnosis, and survival. Results - At study entry, 34.3% of the participating women were overweight and 30.7% were physically inactive. Mean age at breast cancer diagnosis was 58.0 years, and 78.9% of the tumors were estrogen receptor positive. Among menopausal women who did not use hormone therapy and had an unfavorable lifestyle (3–5 unfavorable factors), compared with women who had a favorable lifestyle, we observed a twofold higher risk for postmenopausal breast cancer (hazard ratio [HR] 2.13, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.23–3.69), and they were 3.4 years younger at diagnosis (64.8 versus 68.2 years, P = 0.032). Breast cancer patients with an unfavorable lifestyle, compared with patients with a favorable lifestyle, had almost a two times higher overall mortality risk (HR 1.96, 95% CI 1.01–3.80). Conclusions - Our study supports a healthy lifestyle improving breast cancer prevention, postponing onset of disease, and extending life expectancy among breast cancer patients

    SIAMOC position paper on gait analysis in clinical practice: General requirements, methods and appropriateness. Results of an Italian consensus conference

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    Gait analysis is recognized as a useful assessment tool in the field of human movement research. However, doubts remain on its real effectiveness as a clinical tool, i.e. on its capability to change the diagnostic-therapeutic practice. In particular, the conditions in which evidence of a favorable cost-benefit ratio is found and the methodology for properly conducting and interpreting the exam are not identified clearly. To provide guidelines for the use of Gait Analysis in the context of rehabilitation medicine, SIAMOC (the Italian Society of Clinical Movement Analysis) promoted a National Consensus Conference which was held in Bologna on September 14th, 2013. The resulting recommendations were the result of a three-stage process entailing i) the preparation of working documents on specific open issues, ii) the holding of the consensus meeting, and iii) the drafting of consensus statements by an external Jury. The statements were formulated based on scientific evidence or experts' opinion, when the quality/quantity of the relevant literature was deemed insufficient. The aim of this work is to disseminate the consensus statements. These are divided into 13 questions grouped in three areas of interest: 1) General requirements and management, 2) Methodological and instrumental issues, and 3) Scientific evidence and clinical appropriateness. SIAMOC hopes that this document will contribute to improve clinical practice and help promoting further research in the field

    Overvekt og fedme blant eldre: Hva betyr helse- og friluftsverdier, personlig kontroll og fysisk aktivitet?

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    Bakgrunn: Overvekt og fedme blant eldre øker i Norge og det er uttrykt bekymring for dette, sÌrlig tilknyttet økningen av eldre i befolkningen. Denne oppgaven undersøker betydningen av psykologiske faktorer og fysisk aktivitet pü eldres kroppsmasseindeks. Studien er basert pü datamateriale fra LOGG (Life cOurse, Gender and Generation - Livsløp, generasjon og kjønn), utarbeidet av NOVA (Norsk institutt for forskning om oppvekst, velferd og aldring). Metode: Med utgangspunkt i datamateriale fra LOGG i 2007/2008, ble det undersøkt om verdier til helse og natur- og friluftsliv, personlig kontroll og ulike former for fysisk aktivitet, predikerte kroppsmasseindeks, og fedme blant eldre mellom 60 og 78 ür. Det ble først undersøkt om det var kjønnsforskjeller i nivü og former for fysisk aktivitet blant de eldre, samt i hvilken grad verdier og personlig kontroll predikerte de ulike formene for fysisk aktivitet. Resultater: De overordnede resultatene viste at eldre gür mest pü tur eller trener utendørs. Verdien om natur- og friluftsliv predikerte mer aktivitet pü alle formene av fysisk aktivitet, samt at personlig kontroll predikerte mer aktivitet for kvinner. Til sist viste resultatene at turer og trening utendørs og vektlegging av natur og friluftsliv, predikerte eldres kroppsmasseindeks, og sannsynligheten for ü ha fedme. Konklusjon: Kunnskap om betydningen av turer og trening utendørs og vektlegging av natur- og friluftsliv for eldres kroppsmasseindeks, og sannsynligheten for fedme, er viktig i et forebyggende perspektiv. Intervensjoner bør tilrettelegge for lavterskel tilbud som vektlegger lettere hverdagslig fysisk aktivitet, fremfor anstrengt mosjonering, for ü forebygge fedme. Videre forskning bør inkludere spørsmül om matinntak og spisevaner og mer objektive mül pü fysisk aktivitet. Nøkkelord: Overvekt, fedme, eldrebølge, verdier, personlig kontroll og fysisk aktivitet

    Local and distant effects of isolated calf muscle lengthening in children with cerebral palsy and equinus gait

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    PURPOSE: The purpose was to assess the local and distant effects of isolated calf muscle lengthening in ambulant children with cerebral palsy. METHODS: The study included fifteen ambulant children with cerebral palsy (nine with diplegia and six with hemiplegia), average age 8.8 years, Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) level I and II. None of the children had previously undergone orthopaedic surgery, apart from one child who had tendo-achilles lengthening (TAL) nine years earlier. All the children underwent pre and post-operative clinical examination and three-dimensional gait analysis (gait analysis). Twenty calf muscle lengthenings were performed, ten TAL and ten gastrocnemius recessions (GR). RESULTS: Post-operative ankle kinematics showed significant improvements in all parameters. Ankle power during push-off increased, but only significantly after TAL. Only one limb (5%) was over-corrected. Four limbs (20%) were under-corrected and one of these limbs remained in mild equinus position in stance. There was one recurrent equinus (5%) during the follow-up period of three years (range: 13-55 months). Distant effects on joints and segments were more marked in diplegia than in hemiplegia. Ten of 17 kinematic parameters distant from the ankle joint improved significant post-operatively when the preoperative values were 1SD below or above the mean of the normal material. There was no significant deterioration in any of the measured parameters. CONCLUSION: The improvement in ankle kinematics and kinetics supported the experience of other studies. The distant effects, which have previously not been evaluated in three planes, showed improvement in several kinematic parameters indicating that additional surgery in selected patients could be abandoned or delayed

    Gait improvement surgery in ambulatory children with diplegic cerebral palsy

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    <div><p><b>Background and purpose —</b> Instrumented 3-D gait analyses (GA) in children with cerebral palsy (CP) have shown improved gait function 1 year postoperatively. Using GA, we assessed the outcome after 5 years and evaluated parental satisfaction with the surgery and the need for additional surgery.</p><p><b>Patients and methods —</b> 34 ambulatory children with spastic diplegia had preoperative GA. Based on this GA, the children underwent 195 orthopedic procedures on their lower limbs at a mean age of 11.6 (6–19) years. On average, 5.7 (1–11) procedures per child were performed. Outcome measures were evaluation of gait quality using the gait profile score (GPS) and selected kinematic parameters, functional level using the functional mobility scale (FMS), and the degree of parental satisfaction.</p><p><b>Results —</b> The mean GPS improved from 20.7° (95% CI: 19–23) preoperatively to 15.4° (95% CI: 14–17) 5 years postoperatively. There was no significant change in GPS between 1 and 5 years. The individual kinematic parameters at the ankle, knee, and hip improved statistically significantly, as did gait function (FMS). The mean parental satisfaction, on a scale from 0 to 10, was 7.7 (2–10) points. There was a need for additional surgical procedures in 14 children; this was more frequent in those who had the index operation at an early age.</p><p><b>Interpretation —</b> The main finding was that orthopedic surgery based on preoperative GA gave marked improvements in gait function and quality, which were stable over a 5-year period. Nevertheless, additional orthopedic procedures were necessary in almost half of the children and further follow-up with GA for more than 1 year postoperatively is recommended in children with risk factors for such surgery.</p></div