10 research outputs found

    The account book of a Kentish estate, 1616-1704,

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    "Internal evidence goes to prove that from 1616 to 1680 the book must have been the work of Nicholas Toke of Godinton...who died on the 29th November 1680; only a few days before his death was the work taken on by his nephew and heir, Nicholas, afterwards Sir Nicholas Toke, who continued the book up to its final entry."--Introd.Mode of access: Internet

    Postcolonial violence: Narrating South Africa, May 2008

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    The violent attacks on immigrants in May and June 2008 laid bare some of the contradictions of the South African postcolony. Focusing on the vigorous public debate which arose in the aftermath of violence, this essay explores a moment of interpretive crisis in which the privileged stories of the nation were unexpectedly unravelled. From there, it moves to a discussion of the political investments at stake in the government’s choice of the ‘crime story’ as dominant interpretive scheme, giving particular emphasis to what this revealed about national myth-making, the production of consensus and modalities of power in the postcolonial state

    The long march of history: Farm wages, population, and economic growth, England 1209-1869 -super-1

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    The article forms three series for English farm workers from 1209-1869: nominal day wages, the implied marginal product of a day of farm labour, and the purchasing power of a day's wage in terms of farm workers' consumption. These series suggest that labour productivity in English agriculture was already high in the middle ages. Furthermore, they fit well with one method of estimating medieval population that suggests a peak English population c.1300 of nearly 6 million. Lastly, they imply that both agricultural technology and the general efficiency of the economy were static from 1250 till 1600. Economic changes were in these years entirely a product of demographic shifts. From 1600 to 1800, technological advance in agriculture provided an alternative source of dynamism in the English economy. Copyright Economic History Society 2006.

    Representação: palavras, instituições e idéias Representation: words, institutions and ideas

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    Em argumento reconstrutivo, baseado em abordagem própria à filosofia da linguagem, a autora lança mão das transformações seculares nos usos da fala, nas cristalizações ideológicas no plano da filosofia política e nas práticas históricas de representação política para mostrar a emergência das feições distintivas da representação moderna.<br>In a reconstructive analysis, based upon the philosophy of language, the author handles the secular transformations in speech, ideological crystallizations within the tradition of political philosophy and the historical practices of political representation in order to show the coming up of the distinctive features of modern representation