1,492 research outputs found

    La conciencia poética del lector adolescente, clave para la formación lectora

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    El autor de trabajo plantea la formación poética de los alumnos de educación secundaria obligatoria a partir de los textos que ellos mismos leen o escriben en distintos foros y soportes. Así mismo reflexiona sobre el papel que debe desempeñar la conciencia poética del adolescente para su formación lectora.The author aims at the role of the poetic consciousness in the formation of the teenager's reading. At the same time, he conceives that formation in high school education starting from the texts students produce and read in different situations and media

    Transpiration of montane <I>Pinus sylvestris</I> L. and <I>Quercus pubescens</I> Willd. forest stands measured with sap flow sensors in NE Spain

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    International audienceStand transpiration was measured during the 2003 and 2004 growing seasons using heat dissipation sap flow sensors in a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and a pubescent oak (Quercus pubescens Willd.) forest located in a montane area of the Eastern Pyrenees (NE Spain). The first aim of the study was to assess the differences in quantitative estimates of transpiration (Ec) and the response to evaporative demand of the two stands. Over the studied period of 2003, characterised by a severe drought episode during the summer, the oak stand Ec was only 110mm compared to the 239 mm transpired by the Scots pine stand, although the ratio of transpiration to reference evapotranspiration (Ec/ET0) in the oak stand compares well with the expected values predicted for low leaf area index (LAI) oak forests in southern Europe. Scots pine showed a strong reduction in Ec/ET0 as the drought developed, whereas pubescent oak was less affected by soil moisture deficits in the upper soil. As a second objective, and given the contrasting meteorological conditions between 2003 and 2004 summer periods, the interanual variability of transpiration was studied in the Scots pine plot. Rainfall during the summer months (June-September) in 2003 was almost 40% less than in the same interval in 2004. Accordingly, transpiration was also reduced about 25% in 2003. Finally, Scots pine data from 2003 and 2004 was used to calibrate a simple transpiration model using ET0 and soil moisture deficit (SMD) as input variables, and implicitly including stomatal responses to high vapour pressure deficits (D?) and soil water status

    PSS1 Evaluacion Economica De Fototerapia De Banda Angosta O Fotoquimioterapia Para El Tratamiento De Psoriasis Desde La Perspectiva Del Instituto Mexicano Del Seguro SOCIAL

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    Developing a novel approach to analyse the regimes of temporary streams and their controls on aquatic biota

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    Temporary streams are those water courses that undergo the recurrent cessation of flow or the complete drying of their channel. The biological communities in temporary stream reaches are strongly dependent on the temporal changes of the aquatic habitats determined by the hydrological conditions. The use of the aquatic fauna structural and functional characteristics to assess the ecological quality of a temporary stream reach can not therefore be made without taking into account the controls imposed by the hydrological regime. This paper develops some methods for analysing temporary streams' aquatic regimes, based on the definition of six aquatic states that summarize the sets of mesohabitats occurring on a given reach at a particular moment, depending on the hydrological conditions: flood, riffles, connected, pools, dry and arid. We used the water discharge records from gauging stations or simulations using rainfall-runoff models to infer the temporal patterns of occurrence of these states using the developed aquatic states frequency graph. The visual analysis of this graph is complemented by the development of two metrics based on the permanence of flow and the seasonal predictability of zero flow periods. Finally, a classification of the aquatic regimes of temporary streams in terms of their influence over the development of aquatic life is put forward, defining Permanent, Temporary-pools, Temporary-dry and Episodic regime types. All these methods were tested with data from eight temporary streams around the Mediterranean from MIRAGE project and its application was a precondition to assess the ecological quality of these streams using the current methods prescribed in the European Water Framework Directive for macroinvertebrate communities

    Hydrological processes and their seasonal controls in a small Mediterranean mountain catchment in the Pyrenees

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    The Vallcebre catchments are located in a middle mountain area of the Pyrenean ranges, built up by sedimentary rocks and loamy soils. The vegetation cover is pastures and forests of <i>Pinus sylvestris</i>, mostly occupying former agricultural terraces. Some relatively small, heavily eroded landscapes (badlands) occur in the catchments, playing a relevant hydrological and geomorphic role. Annual precipitation is 924 mm and potential (reference) evapotranspiration is about 700 mm. Rainfall interception in forests represents about 24% of precipitation; interception rates were similar throughout the seasons because of a compensation between rainfall intensities and atmospheric conditions. Soil moisture showed a temporal pattern characterised by the occurrence of marked deficit periods in summer and also, but less pronounced, in winter. During most of the year, subsurface flows on hillslopes drove the spatial organisation of soil moisture and the occurrence of saturated areas. Nevertheless, this spatial organisation was also controlled by the patterns of vegetation cover. During dry periods, subsurface flow ceased, saturated areas disappeared and the spatial patterns of soil moisture changed. Stream flow from these catchments was dominated by storm flow, and the runoff generating mechanisms showed a clear seasonal pattern, controlled mainly by the soil moisture and the extent of saturated areas. During the dry periods, runoff was produced only on impervious areas and badlands. At the end of the dry periods, some large rainfall events generated significant runoff because of the perched saturation of the shallow soil horizons. Thereafter, runoff generation was dominated by the role of saturated areas. Stream waters in catchments with badlands had very high suspended sediment concentrations. The seasonal pattern of erosion processes in badlands was characterised by physical weathering during winter, regolith breakdown and vigorous hillslope erosion during spring and summer, and efficient transport of sediments in autumn

    Relationship between vestibular hair cell loss and deficits in two anti-gravity reflexes in the rat.

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    The tail-lift reflex and the air-righting reflex in rats are anti-gravity reflexes that depend on vestibular function. To begin identifying their cellular basis, this study examined the relationship between reflex loss and the graded lesions caused in the vestibular sensory epithelia by varying doses of an ototoxic compound. After ototoxic exposure, we recorded these reflexes using high speed video. The movies were used to obtain objective measures of the reflexes: the minimum angle formed by the nose, the back of the neck and the base of the tail during the tail-lift maneuver and the time to right in the air-righting test. The vestibular sensory epithelia were then collected from the rats and used to estimate the loss of type I (HCI), type II (HCII) and all hair cells (HC) in both central and peripheral parts of the crista, utricle, and saccule. As expected, tail-lift angles decreased, and air-righting times increased, while the numbers of HCs remaining in the epithelia decreased in a dose-dependent manner. The results demonstrated greater sensitivity of HCI compared to HCII to the IDPN ototoxicity, as well as a relative resiliency of the saccule compared to the crista and utricle. Comparing the functional measures with the cell counts, we observed that loss of the tail-lift reflex associates better with HCI than with HCII loss. In contrast, most HCI in the crista and utricle were lost before air-righting times increased. These data suggest that these reflexes depend on the function of non-identical populations of vestibular HCs

    Intense Physical Exercise Reduces Overt Attentional Capture

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    The abrupt onset of a visual stimulus typically results in overt attentional capture, which can be quantified by saccadic eye movements. Here, we tested whether attentional capture following onset of task-irrelevant visual stimuli (new object) is reduced after a bout of intense physical exercise. A group of participants performed a visual search task in two different activity conditions: Rest - without any prior effort; Effort - immediately after an acute bout of intense exercise. The results showed that participants exhibited: 1) slower reaction time of the first saccade toward the target when a new object was simultaneously presented in the visual field, but only in the rest activity condition; 2) more saccades to the new object in the rest activity condition than in the effort activity condition. We suggest that immediately after an acute bout of effort, participants improved their ability to inhibit irrelevant (distracting) stimuli. Key words: Acute exercise, effort, eye movements, attention, exogenous attention, physical activity

    The relationship between IT infrastructure leveraging, talent management and operational sustainability, and their effects on the business value of the operations strategy

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    The purpose of this research is to examine the role of information technology (IT) in the adoption of human resources (HR) and environmental management activities, a research topic that has not received much attention in prior literature. Drawing on the theory of operational and dynamic capabilities, we propose a model in which IT infrastructure leveraging enables the firm to create value from its operations management both directly and indirectly through talent management and operational sustainability. We test the model using the structural equation modeling (SEM) technique with an innovative secondary data set collected for a sample of 63 large firms. The empirical analysis suggests that IT infrastructure leveraging enables the firm’s proficiency to manage talent, which in turn facilitates execution of a more sustainable operations strategy to increase firm performance. The analysis also shows that IT infrastructure leveraging impacts firm performance directly in the long-term