371 research outputs found

    Parsec-scale HI absorption structure in a low-redshift galaxy seen against a Compact Symmetric Object

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    We present global VLBI observations of the 21-cm transition of atomic hydrogen seen in absorption against the radio source J0855+5751. The foreground absorber (SDSS~J085519.05+575140.7) is a dwarf galaxy at zz = 0.026. As the background source is heavily resolved by VLBI, the data allow us to map the properties of the foreground HI gas with a spatial resolution of 2pc. The absorbing gas corresponds to a single coherent structure with an extent >>35pc, but we also detect significant and coherent variations, including a change in the HI optical depth by a factor of five across a distance of \leq6pc. The large size of the structure provides support for the Heiles & Troland model of the ISM, as well as its applicability to external galaxies. The large variations in HI optical depth also suggest that caution should be applied when interpreting TST_S measurements from radio-detected DLAs. In addition, the distorted appearance of the background radio source is indicative of a strong jet-cloud interaction in its host galaxy. We have measured its redshift (zz = 0.54186) using optical spectroscopy on the William Herschel Telescope and this confirms that J0855+5751 is a FRII radio source with a physical extent of <<1kpc and supports the previous identification of this source as a Compact Symmetric Object. These sources often show absorption associated with the host galaxy and we suggest that both HI and OH should be searched for in J0855+5751.Comment: 14 pages and 10 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Mapping the galactic gravitational potential with peculiar acceleration

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    It has been suggested recently that the change in cosmological redshift (the Sandage test of expansion) could be observed in the next generation of large telescopes and ultra-stable spectrographs. In a recent paper we estimated the change of peculiar velocity, i.e. the peculiar acceleration, in nearby galaxies and clusters and shown it to be of the same order of magnitude as the typical cosmological signal. Mapping the acceleration field allows for a reconstruction of the galactic gravitational potential without assuming virialization. In this paper we focus on the peculiar acceleration in our own Galaxy, modeled as a Kuzmin disc and a dark matter spherical halo. We estimate the peculiar acceleration for all known Galactic globular clusters and find some cases with an expected velocity shift in excess of 20 cm/sec for observations fifteen years apart, well above the typical cosmological acceleration. We then compare the predicted signal for a MOND (modified Newtonian dynamics) model in which the spherical dark matter halo is absent. We find that the signal pattern is qualitatively different, showing that the peculiar acceleration field could be employed to test competing theories of gravity. However the difference seems too small to be detectable in the near future.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, 3 tables, minor changes, accepted for publication by MNRA

    The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: The connection between close pairs and asymmetry; implications for the galaxy merger rate

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    We compare the use of galaxy asymmetry and pair proximity for measuring galaxy merger fractions and rates for a volume limited sample of 3184 galaxies with -21 < M(B) -5 log h < -18 mag. and 0.010 < z < 0.123 drawn from the Millennium Galaxy Catalogue. Our findings are that: (i) Galaxies in close pairs are generally more asymmetric than isolated galaxies and the degree of asymmetry increases for closer pairs. At least 35% of close pairs (with projected separation of less than 20 h^{-1} kpc and velocity difference of less than 500 km s^{-1}) show significant asymmetry and are therefore likely to be physically bound. (ii) Among asymmetric galaxies, we find that at least 80% are either interacting systems or merger remnants. However, a significant fraction of galaxies initially identified as asymmetric are contaminated by nearby stars or are fragmented by the source extraction algorithm. Merger rates calculated via asymmetry indices need careful attention in order to remove the above sources of contamination, but are very reliable once this is carried out. (iii) Close pairs and asymmetries represent two complementary methods of measuring the merger rate. Galaxies in close pairs identify future mergers, occurring within the dynamical friction timescale, while asymmetries are sensitive to the immediate pre-merger phase and identify remnants. (iv) The merger fraction derived via the close pair fraction and asymmetries is about 2% for a merger rate of (5.2 +- 1.0) 10^{-4} h^3 Mpc^{-3} Gyr^{-1}. These results are marginally consistent with theoretical simulations (depending on the merger time-scale), but imply a flat evolution of the merger rate with redshift up to z ~1.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, emulateapj format. ApJ, accepte

    The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: morphological classification and bimodality in the colour-concentration plane

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    Using 10 095 galaxies (B < 20 mag) from the Millennium Galaxy Catalogue, we derive B-band luminosity distributions and selected bivariate brightness distributions for the galaxy population. All subdivisions extract highly correlated sub-sets of the galaxy population which consistently point towards two overlapping distributions. A clear bimodality in the observed distribution is seen in both the rest-(u-r) colour and log(n) distributions. The rest-(u-r) colour bimodality becomes more pronounced when using the core colour as opposed to global colour. The two populations are extremely well separated in the colour-log(n) plane. Using our sample of 3 314 (B < 19 mag) eyeball classified galaxies, we show that the bulge-dominated, early-type galaxies populate one peak and the bulge-less, late-type galaxies occupy the second. The early- and mid-type spirals sprawl across and between the peaks. This constitutes extremely strong evidence that the fundamental way to divide the luminous galaxy population is into bulges and discs and that the galaxy bimodality reflects the two component nature of galaxies and not two distinct galaxy classes. We argue that these two-components require two independent formation mechanisms/processes and advocate early bulge formation through initial collapse and ongoing disc formation through splashback, infall and merging/accretion. We calculate the B-band luminosity-densities and stellar-mass densities within each subdivision and estimate that the z ~ 0 stellar mass content in spheroids, bulges and discs is 35 +/- 2 per cent, 18 +/- 7 and 47 +/- 7 per cent respectively. [Abridged]Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 23 pages, 17 figures. Comments welcome. MGC website is at: http://www.eso.org/~jliske/mgc

    Cosmic Dynamics in the Chameleon Cosmology

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    We study in this paper chameleon cosmology applied to Friedmann-Robertson-Walker space, which gives rise to the equation of state (EoS) parameter larger than -1 in the past and less than -1 today, satisfying current observations. We also study cosmological constraints on the model using the time evolution of the cosmological redshift of distant sources which directly probes the expansion history of the universe. Due to the evolution of the universe's expansion rate, the model independent Cosmological Redshift Drift (CRD)test is expected to experience a small, systematic drift as a function of time. The model is supported by the observational data obtained from the test.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure

    The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: On the natural sub-division of galaxies

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    The distribution of global photometric, spectroscopic, structural and morphological parameters for a well defined sample of 350 nearby galaxies has been examined. The usual trends were recovered demonstrating that E/S0 galaxies are redder, more quiescent, more centrally concentrated and possess larger Sersic indices than later type galaxies. Multivariate statistical analyses were performed to examine the distribution of all parameters simultaneously. The main result of these analyses was the existence of only two classes of galaxies, corresponding closely to early and late types. Linear discriminant analysis was able to reproduce the classifications of early and late types galaxies with high success, but further refinement of galaxy types was not reproduced in the distribution of observed galaxy properties. A principal components analysis showed that the major variance of the parameter set corresponded to a distinction between early and late types, highlighting the importance of the distinction. A hierarchical clustering analysis revealed only two clear natural classes within the parameter set, closely corresponding to early and late types. Early and late types are clearly distinct and the distinction is of fundamental importance. In contrast, late types from Sa to Irr are smoothly distributed throughout the parameter space. A population of galaxies classified by eye as elliptical/lenticular, and exhibiting concentration indices similar to early-types were found to have a significant star-formation activity. These galaxies are preferentially faint, suggesting they are low-mass systems.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 17 pages, 12 figure

    The Wide Area VISTA Extra-galactic Survey (WAVES)

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    The "Wide Area VISTA Extra-galactic Survey" (WAVES) is a 4MOST Consortium Design Reference Survey which will use the VISTA/4MOST facility to spectroscopically survey ~2million galaxies to rAB<22r_{\rm AB} < 22 mag. WAVES consists of two interlocking galaxy surveys ("WAVES-Deep" and "WAVES-Wide"), providing the next two steps beyond the highly successful 1M galaxy Sloan Digital Sky Survey and the 250k Galaxy And Mass Assembly survey. WAVES will enable an unprecedented study of the distribution and evolution of mass, energy, and structures extending from 1-kpc dwarf galaxies in the local void to the morphologies of 200-Mpc filaments at z1z\sim1. A key aim of both surveys will be to compare comprehensive empirical observations of the spatial properties of galaxies, groups, and filaments, against state-of-the-art numerical simulations to distinguish between various Dark Matter models

    Galaxy and mass assembly (GAMA) : The wavelength-dependent sizes and profiles of galaxies revealed by MegaMorph

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    We investigate the relationship between colour and structure within galaxies using a large, volume-limited sample of bright, low-redshift galaxies with optical-near-infrared imaging from the Galaxy AndMass Assembly survey.We fit single-component,wavelength-dependent, elliptical Sérsic models to all passbands simultaneously, using software developed by the MegaMorph project. Dividing our sample by n and colour, the recovered wavelength variations in effective radius (Re) and Sérsic index (n) reveal the internal structure, and hence formation history, of different types of galaxies. All these trends depend on n; some have an additional dependence on galaxy colour. Late-type galaxies (nr 2.5), even though they maintain constant n with wavelength, revealing that ellipticals are a superimposition of different stellar populations associated with multiple collapse and merging events. Processes leading to structures with larger Re must be associated with lower metallicity or younger stellar populations. This appears to rule out the formation of young cores through dissipative gas accretion as an important mechanism in the recent lives of luminous elliptical galaxies.Peer reviewe

    Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): a deeper view of the mass, metallicity and SFR relationships

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    A full appreciation of the role played by gas metallicity (Z), star formation rate (SFR) and stellar mass (M*) is fundamental to understanding how galaxies form and evolve. The connections between these three parameters at different redshifts significantly affect galaxy evolution, and thus provide important constraints for galaxy evolution models. Using data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey–Data Release 7 (SDSS–DR7) and the Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA) surveys, we study the relationships and dependences between SFR, Z and M*, as well as the Fundamental Plane for star-forming galaxies. We combine both surveys using volume-limited samples up to a redshift of z ≈ 0.36. The GAMA and SDSS surveys complement each other when analysing the relationships between SFR, M* and Z. We present evidence for SFR and metallicity evolution to z ∼ 0.2. We study the dependences between SFR, M*, Z and specific SFR (SSFR) on the M*–Z, M*–SFR, M*–SSFR, Z–SFR and Z–SSFR relations, finding strong correlations between all. Based on those dependences, we propose a simple model that allows us to explain the different behaviour observed between low- and high-mass galaxies. Finally, our analysis allows us to confirm the existence of a Fundamental Plane, for which M* = f(Z, SFR) in star-forming galaxies

    From Espresso to Codex

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    CODEX and ESPRESSO are concepts for ultra-stable, high-resolution spectrographs at the E-ELT and VLT, respectively. Both instruments are well motivated by distinct sets of science drivers. However, ESPRESSO will also be a stepping stone towards CODEX both in a scientific as well as in a technical sense. Here we discuss this role of ESPRESSO with respect to one of the most exciting CODEX science cases, i.e. the dynamical determination of the cosmic expansion history.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the Workshop "Science with the VLT in the ELT era", 8-12 October 2007, Garching, A. Moorwood, e