88 research outputs found

    Polymorphisms of the bovine chemokine receptor-like 1 gene and their associations with meat quality traits in Qinchuan cattle ( Bos taurus )

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    Background: We investigated the polymorphisms of the bovine chemokine receptor-like 1(CMKLR1) gene. The coding region of CMKLR1 was screened in Qinchuan cattle by PCR-RFLP technology. Results: In this study, we discovered two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (264G > C and 762C > T) in the coding region of the CMKLR1 gene. Hence, we described the BmgT120l and Pdm1 PCR-RFLP methods for detecting the 64G > C and 762C > T mutations, respectively. PCR-RFLP and sequencing were used to analyze the two loci of CMKLR1 gene in 324 individuals, which were randomly selected from breeding populations. Furthermore, meat quality traits in another 80 Qinchuan individuals were analyzed by the comparison between the genotypes and their phenotypic data. Conclusions: The results showed that the G264C SNP and C762T SNP of bovine CMKLR1 were significantly associated with backfat thickness (BFT) and water holding capacity (WHC), respectively

    Estimation of genetic parameters for fertility traits in Chinese Holstein of south China

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    Introduction: Chinese Holstein in South China suffer heat stress for a long period, which leads to evolutionary differences from Chinese Holstein in North China. The aim of this study was to estimate the genetic parameters of fertility traits for Chinese Holstein in South China.Methods: A total of 167,840 Chinese Holstein heifers and cows from Guangming Animal Husbandry Co., LTD farms were used in this study. The fertility traits analyzed were calving interval (CI), days open (DO), age of first service (AFS), age of first calving (AFC), calving to first insemination (CTFS), first insemination to conception (FSTC), gestation length (GL), non-return rate to 56 days (NRR), and number of services (NS).Results: The descriptive statistics revealed that the same trait in heifers performed better than in cows, which was consistent with the other studies. The heritabilities of fertility traits in this study ranged from close to 0 (for NS of cows) to 0.2474 (for AFC of heifers). The genetic correlation of NRR between heifers and cows was 0.9993, which indicates that the NRR for heifers and cows could be treated as one trait in this population.Conclusion: The heritabilities of fertility traits in Chinese Holstein in south China were quite different from the heritabilities of fertility traits in North China. NRR56, NS, AFC, and CI were suggested to be included into the selection index to improve fertility performance of Chinsese Holstein of south China. The results of this study could provide genetic parameters for the animal breeding program of Chinese Holstein in the south of China

    Altered thymic differentiation and modulation of arthritis by invariant NKT cells expressing mutant ZAP70

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    Various subsets of invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells with different cytokine productions develop in the mouse thymus, but the factors driving their differentiation remain unclear. Here we show that hypomorphic alleles of Zap70 or chemical inhibition of Zap70 catalysis leads to an increase of IFN-gamma-producing iNKT cells (NKT1 cells), suggesting that NKT1 cells may require a lower TCR signal threshold. Zap70 mutant mice develop IL-17-dependent arthritis. In a mouse experimental arthritis model, NKT17 cells are increased as the disease progresses, while NKT1 numbers negatively correlates with disease severity, with this protective effect of NKT1 linked to their IFN-gamma expression. NKT1 cells are also present in the synovial fluid of arthritis patients. Our data therefore suggest that TCR signal strength during thymic differentiation may influence not only IFN-gamma production, but also the protective function of iNKT cells in arthritis

    Deep sequencing analysis of the developing mouse brain reveals a novel microRNA

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    Extent: 15p.Background: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that can exert multilevel inhibition/repression at a post-transcriptional or protein synthesis level during disease or development. Characterisation of miRNAs in adult mammalian brains by deep sequencing has been reported previously. However, to date, no small RNA profiling of the developing brain has been undertaken using this method. We have performed deep sequencing and small RNA analysis of a developing (E15.5) mouse brain. Results: We identified the expression of 294 known miRNAs in the E15.5 developing mouse brain, which were mostly represented by let-7 family and other brain-specific miRNAs such as miR-9 and miR-124. We also discovered 4 putative 22-23 nt miRNAs: mm_br_e15_1181, mm_br_e15_279920, mm_br_e15_96719 and mm_br_e15_294354 each with a 70-76 nt predicted pre-miRNA. We validated the 4 putative miRNAs and further characterised one of them, mm_br_e15_1181, throughout embryogenesis. Mm_br_e15_1181 biogenesis was Dicer1-dependent and was expressed in E3.5 blastocysts and E7 whole embryos. Embryo-wide expression patterns were observed at E9.5 and E11.5 followed by a near complete loss of expression by E13.5, with expression restricted to a specialised layer of cells within the developing and early postnatal brain. Mm_br_e15_1181 was upregulated during neurodifferentiation of P19 teratocarcinoma cells. This novel miRNA has been identified as miR-3099. Conclusions: We have generated and analysed the first deep sequencing dataset of small RNA sequences of the developing mouse brain. The analysis revealed a novel miRNA, miR-3099, with potential regulatory effects on early embryogenesis, and involvement in neuronal cell differentiation/function in the brain during late embryonic and early neonatal development.King-Hwa Ling, Peter J Brautigan, Christopher N Hahn, Tasman Daish, John R Rayner, Pike-See Cheah, Joy M Raison, Sandra Piltz Jeffrey R Mann, Deidre M Mattiske, Paul Q Thomas, David L Adelson and Hamish S Scot

    Analysis of MicroRNA Expression in the Prepubertal Testis

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    Only thirteen microRNAs are conserved between D. melanogaster and the mouse; however, conditional loss of miRNA function through mutation of Dicer causes defects in proliferation of premeiotic germ cells in both species. This highlights the potentially important, but uncharacterized, role of miRNAs during early spermatogenesis. The goal of this study was to characterize on postnatal day 7, 10, and 14 the content and editing of murine testicular miRNAs, which predominantly arise from spermatogonia and spermatocytes, in contrast to prior descriptions of miRNAs in the adult mouse testis which largely reflects the content of spermatids. Previous studies have shown miRNAs to be abundant in the mouse testis by postnatal day 14; however, through Next Generation Sequencing of testes from a B6;129 background we found abundant earlier expression of miRNAs and describe shifts in the miRNA signature during this period. We detected robust expression of miRNAs encoded on the X chromosome in postnatal day 14 testes, consistent with prior studies showing their resistance to meiotic sex chromosome inactivation. Unexpectedly, we also found a similar positional enrichment for most miRNAs on chromosome 2 at postnatal day 14 and for those on chromosome 12 at postnatal day 7. We quantified in vivo developmental changes in three types of miRNA variation including 5′ heterogeneity, editing, and 3′ nucleotide addition. We identified eleven putative novel pubertal testis miRNAs whose developmental expression suggests a possible role in early male germ cell development. These studies provide a foundation for interpretation of miRNA changes associated with testicular pathology and identification of novel components of the miRNA editing machinery in the testis

    A Unique Combination of Male Germ Cell miRNAs Coordinates Gonocyte Differentiation

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    The last 100 years have seen a concerning decline in male reproductive health associated with decreased sperm production, sperm function and male fertility. Concomitantly, the incidence of defects in reproductive development, such as undescended testes, hypospadias and testicular cancer has increased. Indeed testicular cancer is now recognised as the most common malignancy in young men. Such cancers develop from the pre-invasive lesion Carcinoma in Situ (CIS), a dysfunctional precursor germ cell or gonocyte which has failed to successfully differentiate into a spermatogonium. It is therefore essential to understand the cellular transition from gonocytes to spermatogonia, in order to gain a better understanding of the aetiology of testicular germ cell tumours. MicroRNA (miRNA) are important regulators of gene expression in differentiation and development and thus highly likely to play a role in the differentiation of gonocytes. In this study we have examined the miRNA profiles of highly enriched populations of gonocytes and spermatogonia, using microarray technology. We identified seven differentially expressed miRNAs between gonocytes and spermatogonia (down-regulated: miR-293, 291a-5p, 290-5p and 294*, up-regulated: miR-136, 743a and 463*). Target prediction software identified many potential targets of several differentially expressed miRNA implicated in germ cell development, including members of the PTEN, and Wnt signalling pathways. These targets converge on the key downstream cell cycle regulator Cyclin D1, indicating that a unique combination of male germ cell miRNAs coordinate the differentiation and maintenance of pluripotency in germ cells

    MicroRNA Dysregulation in the Spinal Cord following Traumatic Injury

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    Spinal cord injury (SCI) triggers a multitude of pathophysiological events that are tightly regulated by the expression levels of specific genes. Recent studies suggest that changes in gene expression following neural injury can result from the dysregulation of microRNAs, short non-coding RNA molecules that repress the translation of target mRNA. To understand the mechanisms underlying gene alterations following SCI, we analyzed the microRNA expression patterns at different time points following rat spinal cord injury