306 research outputs found

    The Truth imperative

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    A vontade de potência

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    A Vontade de Potência

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    O texto aqui publicado é constituído apenas da primeira parte do capítulo original. Publicação autorizada pelo autor

    Asmens tapatumas

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    Lietuvių kilmės žymaus JAV filosofo pranešimas. skaitytas Lietuvos filosofų draugijos konferencijoje „Tapatybės sklaida ir ribos”, vykusioje 2001 m. balandžio 27-28 d. Vilniuje. Vertė Vygandas Aleksandravičius

    A statistical analysis of sounding derived indices and parameters for extreme and non-extreme thunderstorm events over Cyprus

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    The main purpose of this study is to provide a simple statistical analysis of several stability indices and parameters for extreme and non-extreme thunderstorm events during the period 1997 to 2001 in Cyprus. For this study, radiosonde data from Athalassa station (35°1´ N, 33°4´ E) were analyzed during the aforementioned period. The stability indices and parameters set under study are the K index, the Total Totals (TT) index, the Convective Available Potential Energy related parameters such as Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE), Downdraft CAPE (DCAPE) and the Convective Inhibition (CIN), the Vorticity Generator Parameter (VGP), the Bulk Richardson Number (BRN), the BRN Shear and the Storm Relative Helicity (SRH). An event is categorized as extreme, if primarily, CAPE was non zero and secondary, if values of both the K and the TotalTotals (TT) indices exceeded 26.9 and 50, respectively. The cases with positive CAPE but lower values of the other indices, were identified as non-extreme. By calculating the median, the lower and upper limits, as well as the lower and upper quartiles of the values of these indices, the main characteristics of their distribution were determined

    The impact of an upper tropospheric teleconnection pattern on precipitation extremes over Cyprus

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    International audienceThe objective of this study is to estimate the duration, frequency and intensity of precipitation extreme episodes in Cyprus, in relation with the two phases of the Eastern Mediterranean teleconnection Pattern (EMP), during winter for the period 1958?2005. A standardised teleconnection index was employed to determine the phases (positive and negative) and the strength of the EMP. The identification of the precipitation extremes was performed with the aid of four climatic indices. It was found that during the positive phase of the pattern, the length of dry periods reduces while that of wet periods increases, being followed by increase of frequency of extreme wet days and precipitation intensity. On the contrary, during the negative phase, the dry spells become longer in accordance with shortening of the wet spells, decrease of the number of extreme wet days and precipitation intensity

    Constitutional Law

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    Levinas, Durkheim, and the Everyday Ethics of Education

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    This article explores the influence of Émile Durkheim on the philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas in order both to open up the political significance of Levinas’s thought and to develop more expansive meanings of moral and political community within education. Education was a central preoccupation for both thinkers: Durkheim saw secular education as the site for promoting the values of organic solidarity, while Levinas was throughout his professional life engaged in debates on Jewish education and conceptualized ethical subjectivity as a condition of being taught. Durkheim has been accused of dissolving the moral into the social, and his view of education as a means of imparting a sense of civic republican values is sometimes seen as conservative, while Levinas’s argument for an ‘unfounded foundation’ for morality is sometimes seen as paralyzing the impetus for concrete political action. Against these interpretations, I argue that their approaches present provocative challenges for conceptualizing the nature of the social, offering theoretical resources to deepen understanding of education as the site of an everyday ethics and a prophetic politics opening onto more compelling ideals for education than those dominant within standard educational discourses

    On waiting for something to happen

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    This paper seeks to examine two particular and peculiar practices in which the mediation of apparently direct encounters is made explicit and is systematically theorized: that of the psychoanalytic dialogue with its inward focus and private secluded setting, and that of theatre and live performance, with its public focus. Both these practices are concerned with ways in which “live encounters” impact on their participants, and hence with the conditions under which, and the processes whereby, the coming-together of human subjects results in recognizable personal or social change. Through the rudimentary analysis of two anecdotes, we aim to think these encounters together in a way that explores what each borrows from the other, the psychoanalytic in the theatrical, the theatrical in the psychoanalytic, figuring each practice as differently committed to what we call the “publication of liveness”. We argue that these “redundant” forms of human contact continue to provide respite from group acceptance of narcissistic failure in the post-democratic era through their offer of a practice of waiting

    Governance and Susceptibility in Conflict Resolution: Possibilities Beyond Control

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    Governmentality analysis offers a nuanced critique of informal Western conflict resolution by arguing that recently emerged alternatives to adversarial court processes both govern subjects and help to constitute rather than challenge formal regulation. However, this analysis neglects possibilities for transforming governance from within conflict resolution that are suggested by Foucault's contention that there are no relations of power without resistances. To explore this lacuna, I theorise and explore the affective and interpersonal nature of governance in mediation through autoethnographic reflection upon mediation practice, and Levina's insights about the relatedness of selves. The paper argues that two qualitatively different mediator capacities - technical ability and susceptibility - operate in concert to effect liberal governance. Occasionally though, difficulties and failures in mediation practice bring these capacities into tension and reveal the limits of governance. By considering these limits in mediation with Aboriginal Australian people, I argue that the susceptibility of mediator selves contains prospects for mitigating and transforming the very operations of power occurring through conflict resolution. This suggests options for expanded critical thinking about power relations operating through informal processes, and for cultivating a susceptible sensibility to mitigate liberal governance and more ethically respond to difference through conflict resolution