837 research outputs found

    Beyond the State of Alarm: COVID-19 in Spain

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    Nuevos Estatutos de Autonomía con viejos sistemas electorales

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    L’objecte del treball és analitzar la incidència de les reformes recents dels estatuts d’autonomia en els sistemes electorals de les comunitats autònomes, partint de les disposicions substancials (paritat, debats electorals) i de procediment (màxima rigidesa per a l’aprovació de les lleis electorals) que incorporen. Els nous estatuts d’autonomia evidencien una doble desconfiança: la primera, enfront de les Corts Generals i el seu producte normatiu, la Llei orgànica del règim electoral general, per la seva intensa regulació de les eleccions autonòmiques; i, la segona, enfront del mateix Parlament autonòmic, al qual limiten de dues maneres: a) incorporant a l’Estatut bona part del que hauria d’haver estat el contingut de la llei electoral; i, b) mitjançant la “trampa del consens”, exigint un altíssim grau d’acord entre els grups parlamentaris per aprovar o modificar la llei electoral, fet que amb tota probabilitat impedirà que els canvis es realitzin, ja que hi estarà en joc el futur polític i institucional dels grups implicats. Com a resultat d’aquests dos factors de suma (l’aplicació als comicis autonòmics de 116 articles de la LOREG i de les disposicions incorporades als estatuts d’autonomia) i un de resta (l’escassa innovació, dins de les possibilitats existents, del legislador autonòmic), les lleis electorals de les comunitats autònomes seguiran sent textos redundants, reglamentaris i minimalistes. Així doncs, tenim nous estatuts d’autonomia, però seguim amb vells sistemes electorals.The purpose of this paper is to analyse the effect of the recent reforms of the Autonomous Statutes on the electoral system of the Autonomous Communities, based on the material rules (gender equality, electoral debates, etc.) and procedural rules (a qualified majority to approve the electoral bill) which they included. The new Autonomous Statutes display a twofold mistrust. First, there is mistrust of the Central Parliament and its General Electoral Bill, due to its heavy regulation of regional elections. Second, there is mistrust of the Parliament of the Autonomous Community, which is restricted in two ways: a) by including the subjects that should be in an electoral bill in the Autonomous Statute; b) by means of the “consensus trap”, which requires a high level of agreement among Parliamentary groups in order to pass the electoral bill, which in all likelihood will prevent the changes from being made, as the political and institutional future of the groups involved is at stake. If we add two further factors (the application of 116 articles the General Electoral Bill to the autonomous elections and the Autonomous Statute regulation on electoral matters), and we discount one factor (the lack of innovation in the autonomous regional system), it is clear that the Electoral Bills of the Autonomous Communities will be redundant, too detailed and will cover too little. In conclusion, we have new Autonomous Statutes but old electoral systems.1. Aproximación al asunto. – 2. El origen preconstitucional de los sistemas electorales autonómicos y la incidencia en su desarrollo de los acuerdos entre los dos partidos políticos mayoritarios. – 3. La concurrencia de competencias sobre el derecho electoral de las Comunidades Autónomas y los excesos de la LOREG. – 4. La configuración estatutaria del sistema y del procedimiento electoral autonómico. – 5. La escasa creatividad del legislador electoral autonómico. – 6. Leyes electorales autonómicas redundantes, “reglamentarias”, minimalistas y rígidas. – 7. Conclusiones

    A physiological basis for visual discomfort: Application in lighting design

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    Visual discomfort occurs when the statistics of the retinal image depart from those of natural scenes, particularly in respect of an excess energy at spatial frequencies close to 3 cycles/degree. Computer models suggest that uncomfortable stimuli are processed with a larger and less sparse neural response. Uncomfortable stimuli usually evoke a relatively large oxygenation of the visual cortex of the brain, consistent with inefficient neural encoding. The discomfort may be homeostatic. The neural computation that sustains sight is therefore likely to be more complex when the visual scene is spatially periodic, when the colour contrast is high or when saccadic suppression is impaired by flicker that is too rapid to be seen. </jats:p

    Populism, Hegemony, and the Politics of Natural Resource Extraction in Evo Morales's Bolivia

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu MdM-2015-0552Is populism necessary to the articulation of counter-hegemonic projects, as Laclau has long argued? Or is it, as Žižek maintains, a dangerous strategy, which inevitably degenerates into ideological mystification and reactionary postures? In this paper, I address this question by exploring the politics of discourse in Evo Morales's Bolivia. While, in the years leading to the election of Morales, a populist ideological strategy was key to challenging neoliberal forces, once the hegemony of the new power bloc was stabilised, indigenous demands for emancipatory socio-environmental change began to be perceived as a threat to resource-based accumulation. In this context, the populist signifiers that originated in indigenous-popular struggles were used by the Morales government to legitimise repression of the indigenous movement. I argue, therefore, that ideological degeneration signals a problem not with populism per se, but rather with the class projects and shifting correlations of forces that underpin it in changing conjunctures

    ¿Al servicio de quién?

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Belles arts. Facultat de Belles Arts. Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2017-2018, Tutor: Puig, Eloi[spa] Año 2016 - Encuentro unos negativos, viejos, de mi infancia. Las imágenes son de mi familia en la costa argentina. Lo que recuerdo de ese momento es la fascinación por la inmensidad del mar, y dos preguntas: ¿Dónde acaba? ¿Qué hay del otro lado? En esa época, año 1980, Argentina estaba bajo una dictadura cívico-militar, o el Plan de Reorganización Nacional con Jorge Videla como jefe de estado. Durante esta dictadura se produce la desaparición de alrededor de unas 30.000 personas. Entre otras formas de desaparición de personas, con el sistema de vuelos, la armada argentina se encargaba de arrojar desde la altura los cuerpos de personas inconscientes, dopadas con tranquilizantes y desnudas para que no fueran reconocidas por sus ropas. Eran tiradas al río de La Plata, al Mar Argentino o al Delta Entrerriano. En 1984, finalizada ya la dictadura cívico - militar, parte de mi familia nos mudamos a un barrio de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Ciudad Jardín Lomas de El Palomar. El Palomar es el barrio donde está ubicado el Colegio Militar de la Nación, La I Brigada de la Fuerza Aérea Argentina y el Batallón 601. El silencio.[eng] Year 2016. I find some negatives, old ones, from my childhood. The images are from my family on the Argentine coast. The thing that I remember is the moment of fascination for the immensity of the sea, and two clear questions: Where does it end? What is at the other side? At that time, in 1901, Argentina was under the civic-military dictatorship, or the National reorganization plan with Jorge Videla as head of state. During the dictatorship, about 30,000 people disappear. In other ways, with the death flight system, the Argentine navy was in charge of throwing from the heights the bodies of unconscious people, doped with tranquilizers, naked so that they were not recognized by their clothes and with a hood on their heads. They were thrown to the Río de La Plata, to the Argentine Sea or the Delta Entrerriano. In 1984, when the military dictatorship was over, part of my family moved from the Federal Capital to a neighbourhood of Buenos Aires, Ciudad Jardin Lomas de El Palomar. El Palomar is the neighbourhood where the Military College of the Nation is located, also the Base of the Argentine Air Force and the Battalion 601. The silence

    El flamenco: un patrimonio patrimonializado

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    Reseña geonóstica y minera de la provincia de Málaga

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    Ded. autógr. del aut.Memorias del Instituto Geologico de España / por Domingo de Orueta.Apuntes de seleccion artificial para la provincia de Málaga / por Luis Parody.Bosquejo geológico de la parte sud-oeste de la provincia de Málaga / por Domingo Orueta.Características geológicas de los materiales bituminosos de la Serranía de Ronda (Málaga) / por Francisco Hernández Pacheco.Copia digital : Diputación de Málaga. Biblioteca Canovas del Castillo, 201

    Vegetation structure and biodiversity recovery in 19-year-old active restoration plantations in a Neotropical cloud forest

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    Aim of the study: To evaluate how middle-aged active restoration plantations of native tree species contribute to the recovery of the tropical cloud forest in terms of vegetation structure, tree richness, species composition, and to shade-tolerance and seed dispersal mode functional groups.Area of the study: We studied two 19-year-old active restoration sites and their reference mature forests in the tropical montane cloud forest belt, Veracruz, Mexico.Materials and methods: The basal area, density and height as well as the tree species composition and number of species and individuals classified by shade tolerance (pioneer and non-pioneer trees), and seed dispersal mode (anemochorous, barochorous-synzoochorous and endozoochorous) were compared between active restoration plantations and reference forests.Main results: Planted trees and the woody vegetation growing under them represented a high proportion of reference forests’ basal area. Tree richness and Shannon’s equitability index were similar in both reference forests and one active restoration plantation and slightly different in the other. Tree species composition differed among sites; however, each 19-year-old plantation already had several non-pioneer species and a similar species proportion of the seed dispersal syndromes present in their reference forests.Research highlights: Active restoration accelerated the recovery of cloud forest in degraded pasture and bracken fern lands. Planted trees promoted the rapid development of vegetation structure and natural tree regeneration. Although species composition is still different, these middle-aged restoration plantations already have forest species and a proportion of functional groups of species similar to those of their own reference montane cloud forests.Keywords: active restoration; forest recovery; passive restoration; seed dispersal mode; succession; tree species; tropical montane cloud forest