867 research outputs found

    The influence of clamp usage on clot deposit formation inside thoracic drains

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    Background: A prospective study was done to evaluate the influence of clamp usage on clot formation inside thoracic drains. Methods: Each drain was weighed soon after removal; they were then washed, dried and weighed again. The difference between the first andsecondw eights was taken as the amount of clot deposit formed. Results: We found more clots accumulated inside the drains that were temporarily obstructed by the clamp. Conclusion: In this study, there were more clots formation inside thoracic drains clamped, even if they were occluded intermottently. This can lead thoracic drains to function improperly. The discussion about the correct usage of thoracic drains must he a subject for educational programs for physicians and nurses, to aim for the safest use of this widely used and highly efficient system.Conduziu-se este estudo prospectivo a fim de avaliar-se a influência do uso da braçadeira sobre o acúmulo de coágulos dentro dos drenos pleurais. Os drenos pleurais foram pesados logo após sua retirada, lavados e secados e pesados novamente. A diferença entre a primeira e a segunda pesagem foi admitida como a quantidade de coágulos acumulada. Houve maior acúmulo de coágulo nos drenos temporariamente obstruídos por braçadeira em relação àqueles não obstruídos. Notou-se, neste estudo, maior acúmulo de coágulo dentro de drenos pleurais obstruídos, mesmo que intermitentemente, o que pode levar ao mau funcionamento de todo o sistema de drenagem. A discussão sobre o correto uso dos drenos pleurais deve ser constante e fazer parte de programas de educação continuada para médicos e enfermagem, a fim de que este sistema, amplamente utilizado e altamente eficiente, seja otimizado3527982Lima, A.G., Toro, I.F.C., Tincani, A.J., Barreto, G., A drenagem pleural pré-hospitalar: Apresentação de mecanismo de válvula unidirecional. (2006) Rev Col Bras Cir, 33 (2), pp. 101-106Barton, E.D., Epperson, M., Hoyt, D.B., Fortlage, D., Rosen, P., Prehospital needle aspiration and tube thoracostomy in trauma victims: A six-year experience with aeromedical crews (1995) J Emerg Med, 13 (2), pp. 155-163Hyde, J., Sykes, T., Graham, T., Reducing morbidity from chest drains (1997) BMJ, 314 (7085), pp. 914-915McMahon-Parkes, K., Management of pleural drains (1997) Nurs Times, 93 (52), pp. 48-49Wagner, R.B., Slivko, B., Highlights of the history of nonpenetranting chest trauma (1989) Surg Clin North Am, 69 (1), pp. 1-14Baumann, M.H., What size chest tube? What drainage system is ideal? And other chest tube management questions (2003) Curr Opin Pulm Med, 9 (4), pp. 276-281Harris, D.R., Graham, T.R., Management of intercostal drains (1991) Br J Hosp Med, 45 (6), pp. 383-386Graham, A.N., Cosgrove, A.P., Gibbons, J.R.P., McGuigan, J.A., Randomised clinical trial of chest drainage systems (1992) Thorax, 47 (6), pp. 461-462Symbas, P.N., Chest drainage valve (1978) Emerg Med Serv, 7 (3), pp. 41-46Munnell, E.R., Thoracic drainage (1997) Ann Thorac Surg, 63 (5), pp. 1497-1502Coughlin, A.M., Parchinsky, C., Go with the flow of chest tube therapy (2006) Nursing, 36 (3), pp. 36-41Shuster, P.M., Chest tubes: To clamp or not to clamp (1998) Nurs Educ, 23 (3), pp. 9-13Tooley, C., The management and care of chest drains (2002) Nurs Times Plus, 98 (26), pp. 49-50Bar-El, Y., Ross, A., Kablawi, A., Egenburg, S., Potentially dangerous negative intrapleural pressures generated by ordinary pleural drainage systems (2001) Chest, 119 (2), pp. 511-514Smith, R.N., Fallentine, J., Kessel, S., Underwater chest drainage: Bringing the facts to the surface (1995) Nursing, 25 (2), pp. 60-63Younes, R.N., Gross, J.L., Aguiar, S., Haddad, F.J., Deheinzelin, D., When to remove a chest tube? A randomised study with subsequent prospective consecutive validation (2002) J Am Coll Surg, 195 (5), pp. 658-662Gambazzi, F., Schirren, J., Thoraxdrainagen, Was its "evidence based"? (2003) Chirurg, 74 (2), pp. 99-107Wallen, M., Morrison, A., Gillies, D., O'Riordan, E., Brigde, C., Stoddart, F., Mediastinal chest drain clearance for cardiac surgery (2006) The Cochrane Library, Issue, 1Tattersall, D.J., Traill, Z.C., Gleeson, F.V., Chest drains: Does size matter? (2000) Clin Radiol, 55 (6), pp. 415-421A prospective study was done to evaluate the influence of clamp usage on clot formation inside thoracic drains. Methods: Each drain was weighed soon after removal; they were then washed, dried and weighed again. The difference between the first andsecondw eights was taken as the amount of clot deposit formed. Results: We found more clots accumulated inside the drains that were temporarily obstructed by the clamp. Conclusion: In this study, there were more clots formation inside thoracic drains clamped, even if they were occluded intermottently. This can lead thoracic drains to function improperly. The discussion about the correct usage of thoracic drains must he a subject for educational programs for physicians and nurses, to aim for the safest use of this widely used and highly efficient syste

    Response of vegetation to fire disturbance: short-term dynamics in two savanna physiognomies

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    Fire is a constitutive ecological force in savanna ecosystems, but few studies have monitored its short-term effects on plant community dynamics. This study investigated changes in plant diversity in the South American savanna (Cerrado) after severe disturbance by fire. We monitored 30 permanent plots (10 m × 5 m) distributed in two Cerrado physiognomies (típico: more forested; ralo: grass-dominated), being 10 plots in the area disturbed by fire, and five in a preserved control area (undisturbed). From August 2010 to June 2011, we evaluated changes in species richness, abundance and composition of savanna vegetation. Monitoring started one week after the fire; disturbed plots were surveyed monthly, while control plots were surveyed every two months. We observed rapid reassembling in both physiognomies: plots affected by fire showed rapid increase in species richness and plant density during the first four months after the disturbance. Concerning species composition, disturbed plots in the cerrado típico tended to converge to control plots after one year, but each local assemblage followed particular temporal trajectories. A different pattern characterized cerrado ralo plots, which showed heterogeneous trajectories and lack of convergence between disturbed and control plots; the structure of these assemblages will likely change in next years. In conclusion, our results showed that fire significantly affected plant diversity in the two savanna physiognomies (cerrado típico and ralo), but also indicated that community reassembling is fast, with different dynamics between Cerrado physiognomies

    Self-Calibration of Cluster Dark Energy Studies: Counts in Cells

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    Cluster number counts can constrain the properties of dark energy if and only if the evolution in the relationship between observable quantities and the cluster mass can be calibrated. Next generation surveys with ~10000 clusters will have sufficient statistics to enable some degree of self-calibration. The excess variance of counts due to the clustering of clusters provides such an opportunity and can be measured from the survey without additional observational cost. It can minimize the degradation in dark energy constraints due to an unknown power law evolution in the mass-observable relation improving constraints on the dark energy equation of state by a factor of 2 or more to sigma(w)=0.06 for a deep 4000 deg2 survey.Comment: 4 pages 2 figures submitted to PR

    Os sistemas agroflorestais como alternativa de sustentabilidade em ecossistemas de várzea no Amazonas.

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    Os sistemas agroflorestais (SAFs) representam uma alternativa agroecológica de produção, sob regime sustentável, para os agricultores familiares na várzea dos Rios Solimões/Amazonas, principalmente no que se refere ao manejo florestal, à diversidade de produtos e à geração de renda. Diante disso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi compreender as diferentes formas de apropriação e de manejo dos recursos naturais através dos SAFs, nos subsistemas roça, sítio e lagos, como componente para a sustentabilidade dos agricultores familiares da localidade Costa da Terra Nova, município do Careiro da Várzea, Amazonas. O método empregado foi o Estudo de Caso com aplicação de questionários, entrevistas e observação participante. A produção familiar na Costa da Terra Nova é representada pelos SAFs, constituído pelos os subsistemas: roça quintal e lago, que proporcionam produtos tanto para subsistência quanto para comercialização local, e estabelecendo a agricultura como fundamental atividade na localidade. O principal produto para comercialização é obtido das hortaliças cultivadas na época da vazante no subsistema roça nas comunidades São Francisco e Nossa Senhora da Conceição; e do extrativismo pesqueiro no subsistema lago, na época da cheia, principalmente na comunidade São José. A criação de animal se dá no subsistema sítio e é apenas para subsistência, sendo as aves e os suínos os principais animais domésticos criados nas três comunidades. Portanto os SAFs tradicionais, constituídos pelos subsistemas, roça, sitio e lago, são responsáveis pela sustentabilidade socioeconômica da localidade pesquisada, servindo, como alternativa agrícola melhor adaptada às condições locais das áreas de várzea na Amazônia

    The southern photometric local universe survey (S-PLUS): Improved SEDs, morphologies, and redshifts with 12 optical filters

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    The Southern Photometric Local Universe Survey (S-PLUS) is imaging ~9300 deg2 of the celestial sphere in 12 optical bands using a dedicated 0.8mrobotic telescope, the T80-South, at the Cerro Tololo Inter-american Observatory, Chile. The telescope is equipped with a 9.2k × 9.2k e2v detector with 10 μm pixels, resulting in a field of view of 2 deg2 with a plate scale of 0.55 arcsec pixel-1. The survey consists of four main subfields, which include two non-contiguous fields at high Galactic latitudes (|b| > 30° , 8000 deg2) and two areas of the Galactic Disc and Bulge (for an additional 1300 deg2). S-PLUS uses the Javalambre 12-band magnitude system, which includes the 5 ugriz broad-band filters and 7 narrow-band filters centred on prominent stellar spectral features: the Balmer jump/[OII], Ca H + K, Hd, G band, Mg b triplet, Hα, and the Ca triplet. S-PLUS delivers accurate photometric redshifts (δz/(1 + z) = 0.02 or better) for galaxies with r < 19.7 AB mag and z < 0.4, thus producing a 3D map of the local Universe over a volume of more than 1 (Gpc/h)3. The final S-PLUS catalogue will also enable the study of star formation and stellar populations in and around the Milky Way and nearby galaxies, as well as searches for quasars, variable sources, and low-metallicity stars. In this paper we introduce the main characteristics of the survey, illustrated with science verification data highlighting the unique capabilities of S-PLUS. We also present the first public data release of ~336 deg2 of the Stripe 82 area, in 12 bands, to a limiting magnitude of r = 21, available at datalab.noao.edu/splus.Fil: De Oliveira, C. Mendes. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas; BrasilFil: Ribeiro, T.. Universidade Federal de Sergipe; Brasil. National Optical Astronomy Observatory; Estados UnidosFil: Schoenell, W.. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; BrasilFil: Kanaan, A.. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; BrasilFil: Overzier, R.A.. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas; Brasil. Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovação e Comunicações. Observatório Nacional; BrasilFil: Molino, A.. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas; BrasilFil: Sampedro, L.. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas; BrasilFil: Coelho, P.. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas; BrasilFil: Barbosa, C.E.. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas; BrasilFil: Cortesi, A.. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas; BrasilFil: Costa Duarte, M.V.. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas; BrasilFil: Herpich, F.R.. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas; Brasil. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; BrasilFil: Hernandez Jimenez, J.A.. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas; BrasilFil: Placco, V.M.. University of Notre Dame; Estados Unidos. JINA Center for the Evolution of the Elements ; Estados UnidosFil: Xavier, H.S.. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas; BrasilFil: Abramo, L.R.. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas; BrasilFil: Saito, R.K.. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; BrasilFil: Chies Santos, A.L.. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; BrasilFil: Ederoclite, A.. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas; Brasil. Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmo de Aragon; EspañaFil: De Oliveira, R. Lopes. Universidade Federal de Sergipe; Brasil. Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovação e Comunicações. Observatório Nacional; Brasil. University of Maryland; Estados UnidosFil: Goncalves, D.R.. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Akras, S.. Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovação e Comunicações. Observatório Nacional; Brasil. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Almeida, L.A.. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas; Brasil. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte; BrasilFil: Almeida Fernandes, F.. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas; Brasil. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Beers, T.C.. University of Notre Dame; Estados Unidos. JINA Center for the Evolution of the Elements ; Estados UnidosFil: Bonatto, C.. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; BrasilFil: Bonoli, S.. Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmo de Aragon; EspañaFil: Cypriano, E.S.. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas; BrasilFil: Vinicius Lima, E.. Universidade do Sao Paulo. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas; BrasilFil: Smith Castelli, Analia Viviana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Astrofísica La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas. Instituto de Astrofísica La Plata; Argentin

    Search for W' bosons decaying to an electron and a neutrino with the D0 detector

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    This Letter describes the search for a new heavy charged gauge boson W' decaying into an electron and a neutrino. The data were collected with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron proton-antiproton Collider at a center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV, and correspond to an integrated luminosity of about 1 inverse femtobarn. Lacking any significant excess in the data in comparison with known processes, an upper limit is set on the production cross section times branching fraction, and a W' boson with mass below 1.00 TeV can be excluded at the 95% C.L., assuming standard-model-like couplings to fermions. This result significantly improves upon previous limits, and is the most stringent to date.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Search for a scalar or vector particle decaying into Zgamma in ppbar collisions at sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV

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    We present a search for a narrow scalar or vector resonance decaying into Zgamma with a subsequent Z decay into a pair of electrons or muons. The data for this search were collected with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron ppbar collider at a center of mass energy sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV. Using 1.1 (1.0) fb-1 of data, we observe 49 (50) candidate events in the electron (muon) channel, in good agreement with the standard model prediction. From the combination of both channels, we derive 95% C.L. upper limits on the cross section times branching fraction (sigma x B) into Zgamma. These limits range from 0.19 (0.20) pb for a scalar (vector) resonance mass of 600 GeV/c^2 to 2.5 (3.1) pb for a mass of 140 GeV/c^2.Comment: Published by Phys. Lett.

    Evidence of Color Coherence Effects in W+jets Events from ppbar Collisions at sqrt(s) = 1.8 TeV

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    We report the results of a study of color coherence effects in ppbar collisions based on data collected by the D0 detector during the 1994-1995 run of the Fermilab Tevatron Collider, at a center of mass energy sqrt(s) = 1.8 TeV. Initial-to-final state color interference effects are studied by examining particle distribution patterns in events with a W boson and at least one jet. The data are compared to Monte Carlo simulations with different color coherence implementations and to an analytic modified-leading-logarithm perturbative calculation based on the local parton-hadron duality hypothesis.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to Physics Letters