49 research outputs found

    Supply of Vertebrate Necropsy and Sample Recovery Services Merged Final Reports

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    The Marine Institute issued a tender for the Supply of Vertebrate Necropsy and Sample Recovery Services Tender (2017-2018). The results are presented in this report. These tenders required i) the recovery and standardised necropsy of three cetacean species with associated case history reporting, ii) the provision of sampling kits to be used for the recovery of tissue samples collected from bycaught animals (birds, seals and cetaceans) by observers on commercial inshore and offshore fishing vessels in Irish waters in order to provide additional data to the MI’s existing catch sampling programme and iii) the storage and subsequent delivery of all samples and associated databases to the client. Recovery of 24 animals from two geographical lots was the target for the initial contract (2017) and was achieved. The contract extension (early 2018) required the collection and necropsy of a further 16 animals, which was exceeded as 19 animals were collected. A target of 30 animals to be recovered was required in the second contract (2018) and was also successfully reached. These 73 animals comprised 53 common dolphins (Delphinus delphis), ten striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) and ten harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena). Forty-one of the 73 (56%) individuals were recovered from Lot 1 from counties Clare to Donegal, while 32 (44%) individuals were recovered from Lot 2 from counties Wexford to Kerry. Thirty-five sampling kits were assembled and delivered to the Marine Institute, and additional kits were prepared and available upon request for distribution to their panel of fishery observers. Between 24 July and 14 December 2017, two adult male grey seals were incidentally captured in tangle nets and reported to the Project Coordinator. Results from these tenders will inform the development of a long-term strategy for necropsy of stranded cetaceans and recovery of tissue samples for further biological studies. Samples requiring long-term storage at -20°C, including those for virology, were transported in a portable refrigerator to the IWDG office in Kilrush, Co. Clare and stored at facilities on site. Formalin fixed tissues, such as reproductive organs and adrenal glands, were stored at the RVL in Cork. All samples have been delivered to the Marine Institute in Oranmore, Co. Galway along with a detailed database of samples collected.EMF

    PET/CT radiomics for prediction of hyperprogression in metastatic melanoma patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors

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    PurposeThis study evaluated pretreatment 2[18F]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG)-PET/CT-based radiomic signatures for prediction of hyperprogression in metastatic melanoma patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibition (ICI).Material and methodFifty-six consecutive metastatic melanoma patients treated with ICI and available imaging were included in the study and 330 metastatic lesions were individually, fully segmented on pre-treatment CT and FDG-PET imaging. Lesion hyperprogression (HPL) was defined as lesion progression according to RECIST 1.1 and doubling of tumor growth rate. Patient hyperprogression (PD-HPD) was defined as progressive disease (PD) according to RECIST 1.1 and presence of at least one HPL. Patient survival was evaluated with Kaplan-Meier curves. Mortality risk of PD-HPD status was assessed by estimation of hazard ratio (HR). Furthermore, we assessed with Fisher test and Mann-Whitney U test if demographic or treatment parameters were different between PD-HPD and the remaining patients. Pre-treatment PET/CT-based radiomic signatures were used to build models predicting HPL at three months after start of treatment. The models were internally validated with nested cross-validation. The performance metric was the area under receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC).ResultsPD-HPD patients constituted 57.1% of all PD patients. PD-HPD was negatively related to patient overall survival with HR=8.52 (95%CI 3.47-20.94). Sixty-nine lesions (20.9%) were identified as progressing at 3 months. Twenty-nine of these lesions were classified as hyperprogressive, thereby showing a HPL rate of 8.8%. CT-based, PET-based, and PET/CT-based models predicting HPL at three months after the start of treatment achieved testing AUC of 0.703 +/- 0.054, 0.516 +/- 0.061, and 0.704 +/- 0.070, respectively. The best performing models relied mostly on CT-based histogram features.ConclusionsFDG-PET/CT-based radiomic signatures yield potential for pretreatment prediction of lesion hyperprogression, which may contribute to reducing the risk of delayed treatment adaptation in metastatic melanoma patients treated with ICI

    Improved Survival Prediction by Combining Radiological Imaging and S-100B Levels Into a Multivariate Model in Metastatic Melanoma Patients Treated With Immune Checkpoint Inhibition

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    Purpose: We explored imaging and blood bio-markers for survival prediction in a cohort of patients with metastatic melanoma treated with immune checkpoint inhibition. Materials and Methods: 94 consecutive metastatic melanoma patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibition were included into this study. PET/CT imaging was available at baseline (Tp0), 3 months (Tp1) and 6 months (Tp2) after start of immunotherapy. Radiological response at Tp2 was evaluated using iRECIST. Total tumor burden (TB) at each time-point was measured and relative change of TB compared to baseline was calculated. LDH, CRP and S-100B were also analyzed. Cox proportional hazards model and logistic regression were used for survival analysis. Results: iRECIST at Tp2 was significantly associated with overall survival (OS) with C-index=0.68. TB at baseline was not associated with OS, whereas TB at Tp1 and Tp2 provided similar predictive power with C-index of 0.67 and 0.71, respectively. Appearance of new metastatic lesions during follow-up was an independent prognostic factor (C-index=0.73). Elevated LDH and S-100B ratios at Tp2 were significantly associated with worse OS: C-index=0.73 for LDH and 0.73 for S-100B. Correlation of LDH with TB was weak (r=0.34). A multivariate model including TB change, S-100B, and appearance of new lesions showed the best predictive performance with C-index=0.83. Conclusion: Our analysis shows only a weak correlation between LDH and TB. Additionally, baseline TB was not a prognostic factor in our cohort. A multivariate model combining early blood and imaging biomarkers achieved the best predictive power with regard to survival, outperforming iRECIST

    Over-Detection of Melanoma-Suspect Lesions by a CE-Certified Smartphone App: Performance in Comparison to Dermatologists, 2D and 3D Convolutional Neural Networks in a Prospective Data Set of 1204 Pigmented Skin Lesions Involving Patients’ Perception

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    The exponential increase in algorithm-based mobile health (mHealth) applications (apps) for melanoma screening is a reaction to a growing market. However, the performance of available apps remains to be investigated. In this prospective study, we investigated the diagnostic accuracy of a class 1 CE-certified smartphone app in melanoma risk stratification and its patient and dermatologist satisfaction. Pigmented skin lesions ≄ 3 mm and any suspicious smaller lesions were assessed by the smartphone app SkinVisionÂź (SkinVisionÂź B.V., Amsterdam, the Netherlands, App-Version 6.8.1), 2D FotoFinder ATBMÂź master (FotoFinder ATBMÂź Systems GmbH, Bad Birnbach, Germany, Version, 3D VectraÂź WB360 (Canfield Scientific, Parsippany, NJ, USA, Version 4.7.1) total body photography (TBP) devices, and dermatologists. The high-risk score of the smartphone app was compared with the two gold standards: histological diagnosis, or if not available, the combination of dermatologists’, 2D and 3D risk assessments. A total of 1204 lesions among 114 patients (mean age 59 years; 51% females (55 patients at high-risk for developing a melanoma, 59 melanoma patients)) were included. The smartphone app’s sensitivity, specificity, and area under the receiver operating characteristics (AUROC) varied between 41.3–83.3%, 60.0–82.9%, and 0.62–0.72% according to two study-defined reference standards. Additionally, all patients and dermatologists completed a newly created questionnaire for preference and trust of screening type. The smartphone app was rated as trustworthy by 36% (20/55) of patients at high-risk for melanoma, 49% (29/59) of melanoma patients, and 8.8% (10/114) of dermatologists. Most of the patients rated the 2D TBP imaging (93% (51/55) resp. 88% (52/59)) and the 3D TBP imaging (91% (50/55) resp. 90% (53/59)) as trustworthy. A skin cancer screening by combination of dermatologist and smartphone app was favored by only 1.8% (1/55) resp. 3.4% (2/59) of the patients; no patient preferred an assessment by a smartphone app alone. The diagnostic accuracy in clinical practice was not as reliable as previously advertised and the satisfaction with smartphone apps for melanoma risk stratification was scarce. MHealth apps might be a potential medium to increase awareness for melanoma screening in the lay population, but healthcare professionals and users should be alerted to the potential harm of over-detection and poor performance. In conclusion, we suggest further robust evidence-based evaluation before including market-approved apps in self-examination for public health benefits

    Optical vs. infrared studies of dusty galaxies and AGN: (I) Nebular emission lines

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    Optical nebular emission lines are commonly used to estimate the star formation rate of galaxies and the black hole accretion rate of their central active nucleus. The accuracy of the conversion from line strengths to physical properties depends upon the accuracy to which the lines can be corrected for dust attenuation. For studies of single galaxies with normal amounts of dust, most dust corrections result in the same derived properties within the errors. However, for statistical studies of populations of galaxies, or for studies of galaxies with higher dust contents such as might be found in some classes of "transition" galaxies, significant uncertainty arises from the dust attenuation correction. We compare the strength of the predominantly unobscured mid-IR [NeII]15.5um + [NeIII]12.8um emission lines to the optical H alpha emission lines in four samples of galaxies: (i) ordinary star forming galaxies, (ii) optically selected dusty galaxies, (iii) ULIRGs, (iv) Seyfert 2 galaxies. We show that a single dust attenuation curve applied to all samples can correct H alpha emission for dust attenuation to a factor better than 2. Similarly, we compare mid-IR [OIV] and optical [OIII] luminosities to find that [OIII] can be corrected to a factor better than 3. This shows that the total dust attenuation suffered by the AGN narrow line region is not significantly different to that suffered by the starforming HII regions in the galaxy. We provide explicit dust attenuation corrections, together with errors, for [OII], [OIII] and H alpha. The best-fit average attenuation curve is slightly greyer than the Milky-Way extinction law, indicating either that external galaxies have slightly different typical dust properties to the Milky Way, or that there is a significant contribution from scattering. Finally, we uncover an intriguing correlation between Silicate absorption and Balmer decrement.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    A reference library for Canadian invertebrates with 1.5 million barcodes, voucher specimens, and DNA samples

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    The synthesis of this dataset was enabled by funding from the Canada Foundation for Innovation, from Genome Canada through Ontario Genomics, from NSERC, and from the Ontario Ministry of Research, Innovation and Science in support of the International Barcode of Life project. It was also enabled by philanthropic support from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and from Ann McCain Evans and Chris Evans. The release of the data on GGBN was supported by a GGBN – Global Genome Initiative Award and we thank G. Droege, L. Loo, K. Barker, and J. Coddington for their support. Our work depended heavily on the analytical capabilities of the Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD, www.boldsystems.org). We also thank colleagues at the CBG for their support, including S. Adamowicz, S. Bateson, E. Berzitis, V. Breton, V. Campbell, A. Castillo, C. Christopoulos, J. Cossey, C. Gallant, J. Gleason, R. Gwiazdowski, M. Hajibabaei, R. Hanner, K. Hough, P. Janetta, A. Pawlowski, S. Pedersen, J. Robertson, D. Roes, K. Seidle, M. A. Smith, B. St. Jacques, A. Stoneham, J. Stahlhut, R. Tabone, J.Topan, S. Walker, and C. Wei. For bioblitz-related assistance, we are grateful to D. Ireland, D. Metsger, A. Guidotti, J. Quinn and other members of Bioblitz Canada and Ontario Bioblitz. For our work in Canada’s national parks, we thank S. Woodley and J. Waithaka for their lead role in organizing permits and for the many Parks Canada staff who facilitated specimen collections, including M. Allen, D. Amirault-Langlais, J. Bastick, C. Belanger, C. Bergman, J.-F. Bisaillon, S. Boyle, J. Bridgland, S. Butland, L. Cabrera, R. Chapman, J. Chisholm, B. Chruszcz, D. Crossland, H. Dempsey, N. Denommee, T. Dobbie, C. Drake, J. Feltham, A. Forshner, K. Forster, S. Frey, L. Gardiner, P. Giroux, T. Golumbia, D. Guedo, N. Guujaaw, S. Hairsine, E. Hansen, C. Harpur, S. Hayes, J. Hofman, S. Irwin, B. Johnston, V. Kafa, N. Kang, P. Langan, P. Lawn, M. Mahy, D. Masse, D. Mazerolle, C. McCarthy, I. McDonald, J. McIntosh, C. McKillop, V. Minelga, C. Ouimet, S. Parker, N. Perry, J. Piccin, A. Promaine, P. Roy, M. Savoie, D. Sigouin, P. Sinkins, R. Sissons, C. Smith, R. Smith, H. Stewart, G. Sundbo, D. Tate, R. Tompson, E. Tremblay, Y. Troutet, K. Tulk, J. Van Wieren, C. Vance, G. Walker, D. Whitaker, C. White, R. Wissink, C. Wong, and Y. Zharikov. For our work near Canada’s ports in Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, and Halifax, we thank R. Worcester, A. Chreston, M. Larrivee, and T. Zemlak, respectively. Many other organizations improved coverage in the reference library by providing access to specimens – they included the Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids and Nematodes, Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History, the Canadian Museum of Nature, the University of Guelph Insect Collection, the Royal British Columbia Museum, the Royal Ontario Museum, the Pacifc Forestry Centre, the Northern Forestry Centre, the Lyman Entomological Museum, the Churchill Northern Studies Centre, and rare Charitable Research Reserve. We also thank the many taxonomic specialists who identifed specimens, including A. Borkent, B. Brown, M. Buck, C. Carr, T. Ekrem, J. Fernandez Triana, C. Guppy, K. Heller, J. Huber, L. Jacobus, J. Kjaerandsen, J. Klimaszewski, D. Lafontaine, J-F. Landry, G. Martin, A. Nicolai, D. Porco, H. Proctor, D. Quicke, J. Savage, B. C. Schmidt, M. Sharkey, A. Smith, E. Stur, A. Tomas, J. Webb, N. Woodley, and X. Zhou. We also thank K. Kerr and T. Mason for facilitating collections at Toronto Zoo and D. Iles for servicing the trap at Wapusk National Park. This paper contributes to the University of Guelph’s Food from Thought research program supported by the Canada First Research Excellence Fund. The Barcode of Life Data System (BOLD; www.boldsystems.org)8 was used as the primary workbench for creating, storing, analyzing, and validating the specimen and sequence records and the associated data resources48. The BOLD platform has a private, password-protected workbench for the steps from specimen data entry to data validation (see details in Data Records), and a public data portal for the release of data in various formats. The latter is accessible through an API (http://www.boldsystems.org/index.php/resources/api?type=webservices) that can also be controlled through R75 with the package ‘bold’76.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Educational level-dependent melanoma awareness in a high-risk population in Switzerland

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    IntroductionThe worldwide incidence of melanoma has been increasing rapidly in recent decades with Switzerland having one of the highest rates in Europe. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is one of the main risk factors for skin cancer. Our objective was to investigate UV protective behavior and melanoma awareness in a high-risk cohort for melanoma.MethodsIn this prospective monocentric study, we assessed general melanoma awareness and UV protection habits in at-risk patients (≄100 nevi, ≄5 dysplastic nevi, known CDKN2A mutation, and/or positive family history) and melanoma patients using questionnaires. ResultsBetween 01/2021 and 03/ 2022, a total of 269 patients (53.5% at-risk patients, 46.5% melanoma patients) were included. We observed a significant trend toward using a higher sun protection factor (SPF) in melanoma patients compared with at-risk patients (SPF 50+: 48% [n=60] vs. 26% [n=37]; p=0.0016). Those with a college or university degree used a high SPF significantly more often than patients with lower education levels (p=0.0007). However, higher educational levels correlated with increased annual sun exposure (p=0.041). Neither a positive family history for melanoma, nor gender or Fitzpatrick skin type influenced sun protection behavior. An age of ≄ 50 years presented as a significant risk factor for melanoma development with an odd’s ratio of 2.32. Study participation resulted in improved sun protection behavior with 51% reporting more frequent sunscreen use after study inclusion. DiscussionUV protection remains a critical factor in melanoma prevention. We suggest that melanoma awareness should continue to be raised through public skin cancer prevention campaigns with a particular focus on individuals with low levels of education

    A molecular-based identification resource for the arthropods of Finland

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 The Authors. Molecular Ecology Resources published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.To associate specimens identified by molecular characters to other biological knowledge, we need reference sequences annotated by Linnaean taxonomy. In this study, we (1) report the creation of a comprehensive reference library of DNA barcodes for the arthropods of an entire country (Finland), (2) publish this library, and (3) deliver a new identification tool for insects and spiders, as based on this resource. The reference library contains mtDNA COI barcodes for 11,275 (43%) of 26,437 arthropod species known from Finland, including 10,811 (45%) of 23,956 insect species. To quantify the improvement in identification accuracy enabled by the current reference library, we ran 1000 Finnish insect and spider species through the Barcode of Life Data system (BOLD) identification engine. Of these, 91% were correctly assigned to a unique species when compared to the new reference library alone, 85% were correctly identified when compared to BOLD with the new material included, and 75% with the new material excluded. To capitalize on this resource, we used the new reference material to train a probabilistic taxonomic assignment tool, FinPROTAX, scoring high success. For the full-length barcode region, the accuracy of taxonomic assignments at the level of classes, orders, families, subfamilies, tribes, genera, and species reached 99.9%, 99.9%, 99.8%, 99.7%, 99.4%, 96.8%, and 88.5%, respectively. The FinBOL arthropod reference library and FinPROTAX are available through the Finnish Biodiversity Information Facility (www.laji.fi) at https://laji.fi/en/theme/protax. Overall, the FinBOL investment represents a massive capacity-transfer from the taxonomic community of Finland to all sectors of society.Peer reviewe

    Adhesion of Lysozyme to FDA Group II Contact Lenses and Vials

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    Lysozyme is the major protein adhering to contact lenses. Lysozyme adhesion to contact lenses and glass vials was examined with bicinchoninic acid (BCA). Contact lenses were placed in vials on day 0, and some lenses were removed every day thereafter for five days. The concentration of lysozyme in the vials, and its adhesion to the lenses, was monitored daily. Lysozyme adhesion to FDA Group II lenses showed a cyclical pattern, with high levels of adhesion after 1 and 3 days of incubation, and lower levels of adhesion after 2 and 4 days of incubation. These differences were all statistically significant (P \u3c 0.05), and reflect both adhesion and de-adhesion processes occurring as the incubation proceeded. The concentration of lysozyme in the vials was not different after four days of incubation, compared to the start of the experiment (P \u3e 0.05)

    Can Self-Determination Help Protect Women Against Sociocultural Influences About Body Image and Reduce Their Risk of Experiencing Bulimic Symptoms

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    According to the sociocultural approach of eating pathology, the more women perceive sociocultural pressures about body image, the more they endorse society\u27s beliefs related to thinness and obesity which in turn, is associated with greater body dissatisfaction. Also, the more dissatisfied women are about their body image, the more they report bulimic symptoms. In the present study, the same sequence of variables was tested with the addition of a Global Self-Determination variable to examine why sociocultural pressures are associated with bulimic symptomatology in only a subset of women. Participants (N = 300) consisted of female university students. Analyses revealed that the more women were globally self-determined towards the different aspects of their life, the less they perceived sociocultural pressures about body image, the less they endorsed society\u27s beliefs related to thinness and obesity, and the less they experienced bulimic symptoms. These findings suggest that a global self-determined motivational profile in life could possibly act as a buffer against sociocultural influences about body image and decrease women\u27s risk of experiencing bulimic symptoms