47 research outputs found

    Legal aspects of Organizing AML/CFT System in Foreign Companies

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    The article explores Russian and international experience of AML / CFT regulation in companies. It analyzes the regulatory framework of the United Kingdom, France, the United States, Japan, Italy and other countries, identifies the characteristic features of counteracting the legalization of proceeds from crime. The study of analytical reports of the leading global consulting companies for 2014-2016 shows changes in the applied AML/CFT enforcement measures in the organizations: it emphasizes the quality of data of control measures for transactions, focuses on the formation of a systematic approach to AML/CFT, specifies the KYC requirements. The comparison of established international and national requirements allows to assess the level of AML / CFT provision in Russia and propose innovations in the regulatory framework for AML / CFT regulation of Russian companies to improve its effectiveness: changing penalties, increasing the effectiveness of law-enforcement authorities cooperation, implementing the principle "know your customer", ensuring the regular training of all staff, and other methods. Keywords: AML/CFT, legal framework, FATF.

    The effect of increasing doses of mineral fertilizers on productivity and structural indicators of Raphael spring barley new variety

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    Study of the effectiveness of the use of increasing doses of mineral fertilizers (N16P16K16...N120P120K120) was carried out in 2020-2022 in the conditions of the Ryazan region on dark gray forest heavy loamy soil of average fertility. The object of the research was a new variety of spring barley Raphael, included into the State Register of the Russian Federation for the Central (3) and Volga–Vyatka (4) Regions in 2022 (patent No. 12254). As the result of the research, there was revealed a positive trend for raising the yield of the Raphael variety resulted from the use of increasing doses of NPK (y = 0.1829x + 6.36,  R2 = 0.8866). On average, over the years of the research, the minimum yield productivity (6.50 t/ha) was shown by the control variant (N16P16K16), the variant with application of high doses (N120P120K120) had the maximum productivity (7.40 t/ha).  The yield increase by 0.6...0.9 t/ha was provided by mineral fertilizers in doses of N45P45K45...N120P120K120. The yield of barley per year with sufficient moisture supply during the growing season (HTC = 1.39) was 4.6-5.1 % higher than in dry years (HTC = 0.63-0.53). Structural analysis of yield indicates that during the experiment, the yield of this variety has been influenced by the length of the ear (r = 0.689), the number of grains in the ear (r = 0.467), the weight of grain per the ear  (r = 0.715). Increasing doses of applied fertilizers led to an increase in the leaf surface area of plants and the height of the productive stems. The highest protein content in barley grain was observed in the variant with the use of N120P120K120 (on average 14.1 %), the minimum – with the application of N16P16K16 (on average 13.2 %). The calculation of economic efficiency showed that the highest conditional net income (69413 rubles/ha) and the level of profitability (187.1 %) with the yield of the new Raphael variety of 7.1 t/ha can be achieved by applying medium doses of fertilizers N45P45K45

    Moth olfactory receptor neurons adjust their encoding efficiency to temporal statistics of pheromone fluctuations

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    The efficient coding hypothesis predicts that sensory neurons adjust their coding resources to optimally represent the stimulus statistics of their environment. To test this prediction in the moth olfactory system, we have developed a stimulation protocol that mimics the natural temporal structure within a turbulent pheromone plume. We report that responses of antennal olfactory receptor neurons to pheromone encounters follow the temporal fluctuations in such a way that the most frequent stimulus timescales are encoded with maximum accuracy. We also observe that the average coding precision of the neurons adjusted to the stimulus-timescale statistics at a given distance from the pheromone source is higher than if the same encoding model is applied at a shorter, non-matching, distance. Finally, the coding accuracy profile and the stimulus-timescale distribution are related in the manner predicted by the information theory for the many-to-one convergence scenario of the moth peripheral sensory system

    El uso de enfoques colaborativos para mejorar los datos acerca de los desplazamientos internos

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    La magnitud, la gravedad y la diversidad de las situaciones de desplazamiento interno no puede entenderse —y mucho menos recibir una respuesta adecuada— sin unos datos globales y precisos. Iniciativas como el Plan de Acción PR20 ofrecen ejemplos de buenas prácticas para avanzar en este ámbito tan complejo

    Pathogenesis of hallucinations in sleep paralysis

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    Sleep paralysis is a state of involuntary immobility that occurs during REM sleep, which is accompanied by “ghostly” hallucinations and strong reactions of fear and anxiety. This article presents the neuropharmacological mechanisms of these hallucinatory experiences. Attention is drawn to the role of the serotonin 5HT 2A R receptor in their implementation Studies have shown that activation of 5‑HT2AR can cause visual hallucinations, mystical, subjective states and out‑of‑body experiences. Hallucinatory experiences caused by serotonin tend to be “dreamlike” when the experiencer has an understanding that he is hallucinating. Presumably, there is a mechanism by which serotonin can be functionally involved in the creation of hallucinations of sleep paralysis and fear reactions through the activation of 5‑HT2AR. In addition, this article discusses the influence of the orbitofrontal cortex, rich in 5‑HT2A receptors, on the visual pathways during sleep paralysis, in fact, on the formation of hallucinations. Also information is provided on how this process can become a vicious circle, through the formation of feedback “fear — serotonergic system”.Сонный паралич — это состояние непроизвольной неподвижности, возникающее во время быстрого сна, который сопровождается «призрачными» галлюцинациями и сильными реакциями страха и тревоги. В данной статье описываются нейрофармакологические механизмы этих галлюцинаторных переживаний. Обращается внимание на роль рецептора серотонина 5‑HT2AR в их реализации. Исследования показали, что активация 5‑HT2AR может вызывать зрительные галлюцинации, мистические, субъективные состояния и внетелесные переживания. Галлюцинаторные переживания, вызванные серотонином, имеют тенденцию быть «сноподобными», когда у переживающего появляется понимание, что он галлюцинирует. Предположительно существует механизм, посредством которого серотонин может быть функционально вовлечен в создание галлюцинаций сонного паралича и реакций страха посредством активации 5‑HT2AR. Кроме того, в данной статье приводятся рассуждения о влиянии орбитофронтальной коры, богатой рецепторами 5‑HT2A, на зрительные пути во время сонного паралича, по сути, на формирование галлюцинаций. Также приводится информация о том, как данный процесс может стать порочным кругом, посредством формирования обратных связей «страх — серотонинергическая система»

    EPIDEMIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTIC OF VIRAL HEPATITIS B AND C IN THE HEMODIALYSIS UNITS IN SAINT-PETERSBURG IN MODERN TIME. Part 1. Registration of hemo-contact viral hepatitis and serological markers of HBV and HCV infections in patients of hemodialysis unit

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    Abstract. Hemo-contact viral hepatitis B and C is significant public health problem in hospitals and particularly in hemodialisys units. To define modern situation of the problem the retrospective study of viral hepatitis B and C registration in hemodialysis units in Saint-Petersburg in 1997–2007 as well as testing of 295 patients from four units for serological markers of hepatitis B and C (HBsAg, anti-HBs, anti-HBc, anti-HCV) have been conducted. It was determined that registration of hepatitis B in the study period was 5,2 cases per 1000 patients/per year, hepatitis C — 8,2 cases per 1000 patients/per year. These rates were significantly higher than in the total city population. The serological markers of ongoing or past HBV/HCV infection were revealed in 78,3 per 100 patients. Obtained results confirm intensive viral circulation in hemodialysis units. Additional study of transmission routes using molecular epidemiology techniques is required

    Loss of auditory sensitivity from inner hair cell synaptopathy can be centrally compensated in the young but not old brain

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    AbstractA dramatic shift in societal demographics will lead to rapid growth in the number of older people with hearing deficits. Poorer performance in suprathreshold speech understanding and temporal processing with age has been previously linked with progressing inner hair cell (IHC) synaptopathy that precedes age-dependent elevation of auditory thresholds. We compared central sound responsiveness after acoustic trauma in young, middle-aged, and older rats. We demonstrate that IHC synaptopathy progresses from middle age onward and hearing threshold becomes elevated from old age onward. Interestingly, middle-aged animals could centrally compensate for the loss of auditory fiber activity through an increase in late auditory brainstem responses (late auditory brainstem response wave) linked to shortening of central response latencies. In contrast, old animals failed to restore central responsiveness, which correlated with reduced temporal resolution in responding to amplitude changes. These findings may suggest that cochlear IHC synaptopathy with age does not necessarily induce temporal auditory coding deficits, as long as the capacity to generate neuronal gain maintains normal sound-induced central amplitudes

    Analytical studies of new genetic sources of Nordeum vulgare l. sensulato on ecological adaptability in the conditions of the center of the European part of Russia

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    Studies to evaluate new genetic forms of spring barley were carried out in 2020-2022. in the conditions of the center of the European part of Russia (Ryazan region) on the following varieties: Znatny, Pamyati Chepeleva (Russia); Kufal, Reider (Belarus); KVS Harris, KVS Vermont, Bente, Ellinor (Germany); LG Nabucco, Rapid (France); Laureate (Switzerland), regionalized in the period 2018-2020. It was established that the varieties Znatny - 6.38 t/ha, Ellinor - 6.02 t/ha and Kufal - 5.98 t/ha had the highest average yield. According to the length of the spike (≥8.0 cm), the varieties Bente and Znatny stood out. It has been established that the varieties Pamyati Chepeleva and Laureate have the highest productive bushiness (≥4.0), the varieties Kufal, Reider, Bente have a high grain size (≥50.0 g). According to a number of statistical indicators for assessing adaptability, the following varieties were identified: in terms of the level of yield and plasticity of the variety - Znatny and Ellinor (more than 100.0%); according to the coefficient of adaptability - Znatny, Kufal, KVS Harris, KVS Vermont, Ellinor and Rapid (K.A.> 1.0); in terms of phenotypic stability (1.22…1.58) – Bente, KVS Harris, Noble, Ellinor and Rapid; according to the level of homeostasis (> 0.30) - Bente, Noble and Ellinor; by the minimum value of the range of yield (<0.30) - Bente, KVS Harris, KVS Vermont, Noble; for the realization of the yield potential (≥ 80.0%) - Znatny, Kufal, KVS Harris, Bente and Ellinor; in terms of stress resistance - Bente, KVS Harris, Ellinor and Noble; according to the genetic flexibility of the variety - Noble and Rapid. The principle of ranking the best varieties made it possible to single out the varieties Znatny, Bente and KVS Harris, which took the first, second and third places in the rating scale, respectively. Analysis of the correlation dependence of adaptability indicators on the yield of new varieties revealed a significant contribution of the level of variety stability, adaptability coefficient, homeostatic level, realization of the yield potential of varieties and genetic flexibility (r = +0.502…+0.958)

    Future trends of the Internet marketing

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    The work described current trends in internet marketing as widgetization and socialization. On the basis of clear examples of large companies are judged on the success of social media as marketing tools on the Internet

    Remote monitoring of chlorophyll content in soybean crops in the conditions of the Ryazan region

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    The article considers research on the supervision of soybean crops, conducted in 2021 on the fields of the Institute of Seed Production and Agrotechnologies (a branch of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution “Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM”). The purpose of the research is to analyze and collect data on the photosynthetic state (PSS) of soybean plants (using the chlorophyll content as an example) and their impact on yield and quality indicators. The object of research is the early ripe varieties Kasatka, Mageva, Georgiy and Svetlaya. The study used a DJI Phantom 4 pro quadcopter, ground-based scanning - an N-tester express diagnostic device. Monitoring was carried out in three stages: 1st stage - phase R5 (beginning of seed formation); 2nd stage - phase R6 (seed filling); 3rd stage - phase R7 (beginning of ripeness). It has been established that with the use of UAV aerial photography, a reproducible picture of the spatial distribution of the ClGreen chlorophyll index is achieved, which is highly consistent with the results of ground-based scanning. It was revealed that varieties Kasatka, Mageva and Georgiya gradually reduce the chlorophyll content, starting from the R6 phase (with an average chlorophyll content of 511-588 units of the device) to the R7 phase, the chlorophyll content decreases by 44.8-56.1% (comprising 258 - 282 units of the device). A close positive relationship (r=+0.893) with the state of chlorophyll in the R6 phase with yield was established, an average (r=+0.597) - with oil content; significant negative relationship (r=-0.728) with protein content. Thus, when monitoring the UAV and the obtained ground information on the content of chlorophyll in the soybean seed filling phase (R6), it is possible to obtain predictable data on the yield and quality indicators of the future crop in advance