25 research outputs found

    Differential Effects of D-Cycloserine and ACBC at NMDA Receptors in the Rat Entorhinal Cortex Are Related to Efficacy at the Co-Agonist Binding Site

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    Partial agonists at the NMDA receptor co-agonist binding site may have potential therapeutic efficacy in a number of cognitive and neurological conditions. The entorhinal cortex is a key brain area in spatial memory and cognitive processing. At synapses in the entorhinal cortex, NMDA receptors not only mediate postsynaptic excitation but are expressed in presynaptic terminals where they tonically facilitate glutamate release. In a previous study we showed that the co-agonist binding site of the presynaptic NMDA receptor is endogenously and tonically activated by D-serine released from astrocytes. In this study we determined the effects of two co-agonist site partial agonists on both presynaptic and postsynaptic NMDA receptors in layer II of the entorhinal cortex. The high efficacy partial agonist, D-cycloserine, decreased the decay time of postsynaptic NMDA receptor mediated currents evoked by electrical stimulation, but had no effect on amplitude or other kinetic parameters. In contrast, a lower efficacy partial agonist, 1-aminocyclobutane-1-carboxylic acid, decreased decay time to a greater extent than D-cycloserine, and also reduced the peak amplitude of the evoked NMDA receptor mediated postsynaptic responses. Presynaptic NMDA receptors, (monitored indirectly by effects on the frequency of AMPA receptor mediated spontaneous excitatory currents) were unaffected by D-cycloserine, but were reduced in effectiveness by 1-aminocyclobutane-1-carboxylic acid. We discuss these results in the context of the effect of endogenous regulation of the NMDA receptor co-agonist site on receptor gating and the potential therapeutic implications for cognitive disorders

    Background synaptic activity in rat entorhinal cortex shows a progressively greater dominance of inhibition over excitation from deep to superficial layers

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    The entorhinal cortex (EC) controls hippocampal input and output, playing major roles in memory and spatial navigation. Different layers of the EC subserve different functions and a number of studies have compared properties of neurones across layers. We have studied synaptic inhibition and excitation in EC neurones, and we have previously compared spontaneous synaptic release of glutamate and GABA using patch clamp recordings of synaptic currents in principal neurones of layers II (L2) and V (L5). Here, we add comparative studies in layer III (L3). Such studies essentially look at neuronal activity from a presynaptic viewpoint. To correlate this with the postsynaptic consequences of spontaneous transmitter release, we have determined global postsynaptic conductances mediated by the two transmitters, using a method to estimate conductances from membrane potential fluctuations. We have previously presented some of this data for L3 and now extend to L2 and L5. Inhibition dominates excitation in all layers but the ratio follows a clear rank order (highest to lowest) of L2>L3>L5. The variance of the background conductances was markedly higher for excitation and inhibition in L2 compared to L3 or L5. We also show that induction of synchronized network epileptiform activity by blockade of GABA inhibition reveals a relative reluctance of L2 to participate in such activity. This was associated with maintenance of a dominant background inhibition in L2, whereas in L3 and L5 the absolute level of inhibition fell below that of excitation, coincident with the appearance of synchronized discharges. Further experiments identified potential roles for competition for bicuculline by ambient GABA at the GABAA receptor, and strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors in residual inhibition in L2. We discuss our results in terms of control of excitability in neuronal subpopulations of EC neurones and what these may suggest for their functional roles. © 2014 Greenhill et al

    Maternal SARS-CoV-2 sero-surveillance using newborn dried blood spot (DBS) screening specimens highlights extent of low vaccine uptake in pregnant women

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    SARS-CoV-2 vaccine uptake in pregnant women is believed to be low and lags behind the general population contributing to increased hospital admissions, and poor maternal and fetal outcomes. However, there is a paucity of information on the SARS-CoV-2 serostatus of pregnant women to help inform policy planning and assess impact of interventions to improve vaccine uptake in this at-risk group. We analyzed 8,683 residual, anonymized newborn screening dried bloodspot (DBS) specimens during a 15-month period (October 2020 to December 2021) in Wales (UK) for SARS-CoV-2 IgG-antibodies. We compared newborn DBS antibody-positive rates to the percentage number of pregnant women vaccinated and the percentage number of antibody-positive adults. In December 2021, 47.8% of women in Wales had received two doses of the vaccine by their delivery date; however, only 41.1% of DBS specimens had high antibody concentrations. Results indicate that a proportion of pregnant women remain at higher-risk of COVID complications, particularly given the reduction in antibody neutralization of Omicron versus the Delta variant. Our study demonstrates the utility of newborn screening DBS specimens to monitor SARS-CoV-2 serostatus in pregnant women representing maternal vaccination and natural infection in almost real-time, defining the immunity gap and impact of any interventions

    Astroglial d-serine is the endogenous co-agonist at the presynaptic NMDA receptor in rat entorhinal cortex

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    Presynaptic NMDA receptors facilitate the release of glutamate at excitatory cortical synapses and are involved in regulation of synaptic dynamics and plasticity. At synapses in the entorhinal cortex these receptors are tonically activated and provide a positive feedback modulation of the level of background excitation. NMDA receptor activation requires obligatory occupation of a co-agonist binding site, and in the present investigation we have examined whether this site on the presynaptic receptor is activated by endogenous glycine or d-serine. We used whole-cell patch clamp recordings of spontaneous AMPA receptor-mediated synaptic currents from rat entorhinal cortex neurones in vitro as a monitor of presynaptic glutamate release. Addition of exogenous glycine or d-serine had minimal effects on spontaneous release, suggesting that the co-agonist site was endogenously activated and likely to be saturated in our slices. This was supported by the observation that a co-agonist site antagonist reduced the frequency of spontaneous currents. Depletion of endogenous glycine by enzymatic breakdown with a bacterial glycine oxidase had little effect on glutamate release, whereas d-serine depletion with a yeast d-amino acid oxidase significantly reduced glutamate release, suggesting that d-serine is the endogenous agonist. Finally, the effects of d-serine depletion were mimicked by compromising astroglial cell function, and this was rescued by exogenous d-serine, indicating that astroglial cells are the provider of the d-serine that tonically activates the presynaptic NMDA receptor. We discuss the significance of these observations for the aetiology of epilepsy and possible targeting of the presynaptic NMDA receptor in anticonvulsant therapy. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Alterations in ethanol-induced behaviors and consumption in knock-in mice expressing ethanol-resistant NMDA receptors

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    Ethanol's action on the brain likely reflects altered function of key ion channels such as glutamatergic N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs). In this study, we determined how expression of a mutant GluN1 subunit (F639A) that reduces ethanol inhibition of NMDARs affects ethanol-induced behaviors in mice. Mice homozygous for the F639A allele died prematurely while heterozygous knock-in mice grew and bred normally. Ethanol (44 mM; ∼0.2 g/dl) significantly inhibited NMDA-mediated EPSCs in wild-type mice but had little effect on responses in knock-in mice. Knock-in mice had normal expression of GluN1 and GluN2B protein across different brain regions and a small reduction in levels of GluN2A in medial prefrontal cortex. Ethanol (0.75-2.0 g/kg; IP) increased locomotor activity in wild-type mice but had no effect on knock-in mice while MK-801 enhanced activity to the same extent in both groups. Ethanol (2.0 g/kg) reduced rotarod performance equally in both groups but knock-in mice recovered faster following a higher dose (2.5 g/kg). In the elevated zero maze, knock-in mice had a blunted anxiolytic response to ethanol (1.25 g/kg) as compared to wild-type animals. No differences were noted between wild-type and knock-in mice for ethanol-induced loss of righting reflex, sleep time, hypothermia or ethanol metabolism. Knock-in mice consumed less ethanol than wild-type mice during daily limited-access sessions but drank more in an intermittent 24 h access paradigm with no change in taste reactivity or conditioned taste aversion. Overall, these data support the hypothesis that NMDA receptors are important in regulating a specific constellation of effects following exposure to ethanol. © 2013 den Hartog et al

    ACBC reduces preNMDAr activity.

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    <p><b>A.</b> The histogram shows normalised frequency data for 5 neurones and indicates a significant decrease in frequency in the presence of the low-efficacy partial agonist. <b>B.</b> There was no concurrent change in frequency distribution of event amplitudes. <b>C.</b> The averaged mEPSCs recorded in one neurone illustrate that peak amplitude, rise and decay times of events was unaltered by ACBC. * <i>P</i><0.05</p

    eNEPSCs in entorhinal neurones.

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    <p>The traces show voltage clamp recordings of eNEPSCs evoked in layer II neurones in the medial EC. Each response is the average of at least 5 events. <b>A.</b> The addition of the competitive antagonist, 2-AP5 abolished the eNEPSC. <b>B.</b> Likewise, application of the co-agonist site antagonist, DCKA, was also able to abolish the eNEPSC. <b>C</b>. The decay of n averaged (n = 8) eNEPSC was fitted with either a mono- (top) or bi-exponential function. Whilst R<sup>2</sup> values show an excellent fit to a biexponential decay, the mono-exponential fit was almost as good. The slow decay corresponding to tau-2 in the biexponential fit was extremely variable from neurone to neurone, and precluded meaningful analysis. Since the mono-exponential fit was excellent, in all further studies we assumed a mono-exponential decay.</p

    DCS decreases the decay time of eNEPSCs.

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    <p><b>A.</b> Averaged traces for one neurone are shown for control and in the presence of 30 μM DCS. The overlaid traces clearly show that the amplitude of the eNEPSC is unaffected whereas the response decay is substantially accelerated. The graphs show pooled data of cumulative concentration response curves for normalised data in six neurones for peak amplitude <b>(B)</b> and decay time <b>(C)</b>. DCS failed to significantly alter peak amplitude at any concentration, but produced a concentration-dependent decrease in eNEPSC decay time. * <i>P</i><0.05; ** <i>P</i><0.01.</p

    DCS rescues the abolition of the eNEPSC from inhibition by DCKA.

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    <p><b>A.</b> Averaged synaptic responses from one neurone show abolition of the eNEPSC by the co-agonist site antagonist, DCKA. Subsequent addition of DCS at 2 mM partly restored the response; increasing the partial agonist concentration to 10 mM had a substantially greater restorative action. The histograms show the pooled normalised data for amplitude <b>(B)</b> and decay time <b>(C)</b> in 8 neurones. The restoration of the eNEPSC was partial, but it is noteworthy that the peak amplitude with DCKA plus DCS at 10 mM was not significantly different to that in control conditions. * <i>P</i><0.05; ** <i>P</i><0.01.</p