162 research outputs found

    Temporal aspects of teaching and learning - implications for pupils with physical disabilities

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    The aim of this study was to describe and try to understand how temporal structures in school setting influence the performance of daily school tasks for pupils with physical disabilities. Seven pupils between 7 and 15 years of age were included. Data were collected through field observations and semi-structured interviews with pupils and each pupil’s teacher. The findings show that pupils with disabilities often did not have the time to perform regular daily school activities such as reading and writing. The pupils’ time problems were to a large extent influenced by the teaching styles. Four teaching styles were identified. The number of pupils in the class seemed to influence the teacher’s choice of teaching style. Variation in teaching styles also could be understood in relation to how teachers handled an educational dilemma that was discovered. Implications of the study on teaching and learning in relation to pupils with physical disabilities are discussed


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    教師の自己形成過程において,正確な自己の把握が重要である。教師の行動特徴に自ら気づくことによって,教師の発達が促されると推測される。本研究では,29名の教師自身によって記述された,児童・生徒に対する認知次元と,教師による評価と教師-児童・生徒関係の関連性,それについての教師自身による考察について報告された。教師の認知特徴として明らかにされたのは以下の通りである。a)教師の一般的な児童・生徒認知次元が明らかにされた。b)認知次元上での評価の高低が,対児童・生徒関係と関連した。C)両者の関連が強い次元は,教師が児童・生徒に理想的であることを強く求める次元であった。これらから,教師は教師中心の児童・生徒認知をしていることが示唆された。In teacher\u27s self-formation process, accurate knowledge about self is important. Teachers would improve themselves by becoming conscious of their own behavioral characteristics. This paper analyzed 29 teachers\u27 self-reports on their perception of students, in order to investigate the teachers\u27 perceptual dimensions, how the teachers\u27 evaluations are related to their affective relationships with students, and their discussions about them. The findings were as follows: a) There were general perceptual dimensions among the teachers. b) The teachers\u27 evaluations of students in those perceptual dimensions were related to their affective relationships with students. c) On the dimension where a strong relation was found, the teachers demanded students to be ideal. The results suggested that the teachers perceived their students in teacher-centered ways

    Innsatte i nordiske fengsler: Utdanning, utdanningsønske og -motivasjon

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    Undersøkelsene Innsatte i fengsel har rett til utdanning og opplæring. Rettighetene er regulerte av internasjonale konvensjoner og anbefalinger. Medlemsstatene i FN og Europarådet har forpliktet seg til å følge opp de konvensjoner og anbefalinger de har vært med og vedta. De nordiske land har således inkorporert Den europeiske menneskerettskonvensjonen i lovverkene sine. I 2006 og 2007 ble den nordiske fangebefolkningens utdanningsbakgrunn og -ønsker kartlagt gjennom omfattende spørreundersøkelser i Danmark, Finland, Island, Norge og Sverige. Undersøkelsene ble i hvert land gjennomført i en bestemt tidsperiode. I Danmark var alle 3 461 innsatte i målgruppen og fikk skjemaet; svarprosenten var 69,5. I den finske undersøkelsen var 3 432 innsatte i målgruppen; svarprosenten var 71,2. På Island var det 119 innsatte som fikk spørreskjemaet; svarprosenten var 66. Den norske målpopulasjonen var 3 289 innsatte; svarprosenten var 71,1. I Sverige ble det gjort en utvalgsundersøkelse. Hver femte mannlig innsatt og halvparten av de kvinnelige innsatte ble trukket ut; svarprosenten var 93. Bakgrunnsopplysninger Gjennomsnittsalderen til innsatte i nordiske fengsler er i trettiårene. Island har den yngste fangepopulasjonen; gjennomsnitt der er 31 år. Finland og Sverige har den eldste fangebefolkningen; de innsatte er der i overkant av 36 år. De innsattes domslengde varierer noe mellom de fem landene. På Island og i Sverige er det bare fire prosent av de innsatte som har en doms10 Innsatte i nordiske fengsler – Utdanning, utdanningsønske og -motivasjon lengde på under tre måneder. I Finland er det 9,5 prosent som har en tilsvarende domslengde, i Danmark 12,6 prosent og i Norge er denne prosenten 24,3. Andelen som har den lengste dommen (fem år eller mer) ligger i overkant av tjue prosent. Det gjelder Sverige (21,4 prosent), Island (23 prosent), Finland (22 prosent) og Danmark (23,1 prosent, her også inkludert innsatte med ubestemt soningstid). I Norge er det 15,6 prosent av de innsatte som har en dom på mer enn fem år. Kjønnsfordelingen er også lik i de fem landene. Mellom 94 og 95 prosent av de som sitter i fengsler er menn. De innsattes opprinnelse, dvs. statsborgerskap varierer en del. Finland har den klart høyeste andelen som har statsborgerskap i det landet hvor en sitter i fengslet (92,6 prosent). På Island er denne prosenten 88; i Norge 85,6; i Danmark 84,3; i Sverige 74,6. (I Sverige registrerte man i tillegg hvem som har svensk som morsmål; den prosenten er der 62,5.) Med andre ord har man i Sverige, i følge denne undersøkelsen, en fangebefolkning med et større innslag av utlendinger enn hva de andre landene i Norden har.Utdanning Mellom sju og seksten prosent av de innsatte har i følge undersøkelsene ingen fullført utdanning. Island har den høyeste andelen innsatte som ikke har noen form for fullført utdanning (16 prosent). Finland og Norge (7,2 prosent) har den laveste andelen. I Danmark og Sverige er det omtrent hver niende innsatt som mangler utdanning i det hele tatt. Hvor stor andel som bare har obligatorisk skole som det høyeste utdanningsnivået, varierer fra ca. en fjerdepart i Finland til nær halvparten på Island og i Sverige. Danmark og Finland har en noe høyere andel innsatte som har fullført utdanning på nivå to (dvs. ett, to eller tre år med videregående/gymnasial utdanning/yrkesutdanning) enn innsatte i de andre landene. Lavest andel med nivå to har innsatte på Island. I Norge og Sverige har ca. en av ti innsatte nivå 3 (universitets- eller høyskoleutdanning). Danmark har den laveste andelen med universitetseller høyskoleutdanning (4,2 prosent). Generelt sett viser undersøkelsene at det særlig er de yngste innsatte i Norden som har mangelfull utdanning. Prosentandelen innsatte som ikke tar utdanning i fengslet er svært lik i de nordiske landene. Island har den laveste andelen innsatte som ikke tar utdanning i fengslet (55 prosent), mens Danmark har den høyeste med tre av fire innsatte. I de andre landene er det ca. to av tre innsatte som på undersøkelsestidspunktene ikke tok del i noen form for formell opplæring eller utdanningsaktivitet i fengslet. Island har den høyeste andelen som tar nivå to i fengsel, dvs. yrkesutdanning eller gymnasialt nivå. En av tolv innsatte i Finland (7,9 prosent) tar grunnskoleopplæring. I Danmark er det en av ni (11,0 prosent) som enten tar forberedende voksenundervisning eller allmenn voksenutdannelse. Norge, Sverige og Island har den høyeste andelen innsatte som tar utdanning på universitet- eller høyskolenivå, ca tre prosent. De innsatte skulle angi i hvilken grad femten grunner var viktige for dem for å ta utdanning i fengsel. Det å ’benytte tiden fornuftig og nyttig’ fremstår som den viktigste grunnen til å ta utdanning i fengslet for innsatte i alle fem landene. De viktigste grunnene for ikke å ta utdanning i fengslet er at fengslet ikke har utdanningstilbud i det hele tatt eller at det ikke finnes tilbud som passer de innsatte, som for eksempel yrkesrettede utdanninger. Mellom en av ti og en av fire innsatte er ikke interesserte i å ta utdanning i det hele tatt. De innsatte som det gjelder er generelt sett fornøyd med utdanningen og undervisningen som blir gitt. Mangel på (eller mangel på tilgang til) ikt-utstyr er det som innsatte under utdanning i alle fem landene opplever som det største problemet eller hinderet for å fullføre utdanning i fengslet. Denne andelen er høyest på Island (65 prosent) og i Danmark (61 prosent). Innsatte med korte dommer deltar i mindre grad enn de med lange dommer i utdanningsaktiviteten i fengslene. Praktiske implikasjoner Det internasjonale lovverket, som de nordiske land har sluttet seg til, skal sikre at alle grupper i samfunnet sin rett til utdanning blir ivaretatt. Innsatte i fengsel er en mangfoldig gruppe. Denne variasjonen må det tas hensyn til når utdanningen skal organiseres. Det er særlig urovekkende at mange unge i fengsel mangler obligatorisk grunnutdanning og videregående (gymnasial) opplæring. Kriminalomsorg og utdanningsmyndigheter må til enhver tid kartlegge hvem disse er, utrede deres behov for utdanning og tilrettelegge tilbud. Mange av de unge innsatte har korte dommer, og det er et paradoks, at korte dommer blir et hinder for å ta utdanning i fengsel. Korte dommer kan være en innfallsport til videre kriminalitet, og derfor må en hindre at dommene representerer brudd i de unges utdanningsløp. Det blir anbefalt at de nordiske landene tar et krafttak for å sikre innsatte utdanning, uavhengig av dommens lengde. Resultatene fra den delen av undersøkelsen som omfatter de som ikke tar utdanning i fengsel, viser at det fremdeles er en rekke forhold som hindrer de innsatte fra å gjøre dette. Særlig finnes det institusjonelle hinder. Utdanningstilbudene er for lite varierte og for lite tilpasset de som soner. Særlig er det behov for flere yrkes- eller ervervsrettede tilbud. Mange opplever også at de ikke får informasjon om utdanningstilbudene. En økende del av de innsatte har studiekompetanse. Dette krever at det blir lagt til rette for universitets- og høyskolestudier under soning, ved å forbedre mulighetene for å studere under permisjon og for selvstudium under veiledning i fengsel

    Tailoring and Evaluating an Intervention to Support Self-management After Stroke: Protocol for a Multi-case, Mixed Methods Comparison Study

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    Self-management programs are recognized as a valuable approach to supporting people with long-term conditions, such as stroke, in managing their daily lives. Bridges Self-Management (Bridges) focuses on how practitioners interact and support patients' confidence, skills, and knowledge, and it is an example of a complex intervention. Bridges has been developed and used across multiple health care pathways in the United Kingdom and is theoretically informed by social cognition theory and self-efficacy principles. Evidence shows that self-management programs based on the construct of self-efficacy can be effective. There is still much to learn about how health care services or pathways should implement support for self-management in a sustainable way and whether this implementation process is different depending on the context or culture of the team or service provided. The aim of this study is to tailor and evaluate an intervention (Bridges) to support self-management after stroke in a Swedish context. We will use a pretest-posttest design with a case study approach to evaluate the feasibility and implementation of self-management support in two stroke settings. This project includes a complex intervention and depends on the actions of individuals, different contexts, and the adaptation of behavior over time. A mixed methods approach was chosen to understand both outcomes and mechanisms of impact. Data collection will comprise outcome measurements and assessment tools as well as qualitative interviews. Data will be collected concurrently and integrated into a mixed methods design. Recruitment and data collection for the first site of the project ran from September 1, 2021, to January 17, 2022. The intervention at the first site was conducted from November 1, 2021, to March 5, 2022. The evaluation will start after the implementation phase. The second site has been recruited, and the baseline data collection will start in spring 2022. The intervention will start in early autumn 2022. Data collection will be completed by the end of 2022. This study represents a unique, highly relevant, and innovative opportunity to maximize knowledge and minimize practice gaps in rehabilitation stroke care. The study will produce robust data on the intervention and in-depth data on the contextual factors and mechanisms related to the feasibility of the intervention and for whom it is feasible. Bridges has been used in the United Kingdom for more than 10 years, and this study will explore its contextualization and implementation within a Swedish stroke environment. The evaluation will study results at the patient, staff, and organizational levels and provide recommendations for the adoption and refinement of future efforts to support self-management. DERR1-10.2196/37672. [Abstract copyright: ©Marie Elf, Erika Klockar, Maya Kylén, Lena von Koch, Charlotte Ytterberg, Lars Wallin, Tracy Finch, Catharina Gustavsson, Fiona Jones. Originally published in JMIR Research Protocols (https://www.researchprotocols.org), 06.05.2022.

    The Diesel Exhaust in Miners Study: A Nested Case–Control Study of Lung Cancer and Diesel Exhaust

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    BACKGROUND Most studies of the association between diesel exhaust exposure and lung cancer suggest a modest, but consistent, increased risk. However, to our knowledge, no study to date has had quantitative data on historical diesel exposure coupled with adequate sample size to evaluate the exposure-response relationship between diesel exhaust and lung cancer. Our purpose was to evaluate the relationship between quantitative estimates of exposure to diesel exhaust and lung cancer mortality after adjustment for smoking and other potential confounders. METHODS We conducted a nested case-control study in a cohort of 12 315 workers in eight non-metal mining facilities, which included 198 lung cancer deaths and 562 incidence density-sampled control subjects. For each case subject, we selected up to four control subjects, individually matched on mining facility, sex, race/ethnicity, and birth year (within 5 years), from all workers who were alive before the day the case subject died. We estimated diesel exhaust exposure, represented by respirable elemental carbon (REC), by job and year, for each subject, based on an extensive retrospective exposure assessment at each mining facility. We conducted both categorical and continuous regression analyses adjusted for cigarette smoking and other potential confounding variables (eg, history of employment in high-risk occupations for lung cancer and a history of respiratory disease) to estimate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Analyses were both unlagged and lagged to exclude recent exposure such as that occurring in the 15 years directly before the date of death (case subjects)/reference date (control subjects). All statistical tests were two-sided. RESULTS We observed statistically significant increasing trends in lung cancer risk with increasing cumulative REC and average REC intensity. Cumulative REC, lagged 15 years, yielded a statistically significant positive gradient in lung cancer risk overall (P (trend) = .001); among heavily exposed workers (ie, above the median of the top quartile [REC ≥ 1005 μg/m(3)-y]), risk was approximately three times greater (OR = 3.20, 95% CI = 1.33 to 7.69) than that among workers in the lowest quartile of exposure. Among never smokers, odd ratios were 1.0, 1.47 (95% CI = 0.29 to 7.50), and 7.30 (95% CI = 1.46 to 36.57) for workers with 15-year lagged cumulative REC tertiles of less than 8, 8 to less than 304, and 304 μg/m(3)-y or more, respectively. We also observed an interaction between smoking and 15-year lagged cumulative REC (P (interaction) = .086) such that the effect of each of these exposures was attenuated in the presence of high levels of the other. CONCLUSION Our findings provide further evidence that diesel exhaust exposure may cause lung cancer in humans and may represent a potential public health burden

    Drug Target Commons : A Community Effort to Build a Consensus Knowledge Base for Drug-Target Interactions

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    Knowledge of the full target space of bioactive substances, approved and investigational drugs as well as chemical probes, provides important insights into therapeutic potential and possible adverse effects. The existing compound-target bioactivity data resources are often incomparable due to non-standardized and heterogeneous assay types and variability in endpoint measurements. To extract higher value from the existing and future compound target-profiling data, we implemented an open-data web platform, named Drug Target Commons (DTC), which features tools for crowd-sourced compound-target bioactivity data annotation, standardization, curation, and intra-resource integration. We demonstrate the unique value of DTC with several examples related to both drug discovery and drug repurposing applications and invite researchers to join this community effort to increase the reuse and extension of compound bioactivity data.Peer reviewe

    Fine Mapping the Spatial Distribution and Concentration of Unlabeled Drugs within Tissue Micro-Compartments Using Imaging Mass Spectrometry

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    Readouts that define the physiological distributions of drugs in tissues are an unmet challenge and at best imprecise, but are needed in order to understand both the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties associated with efficacy. Here we demonstrate that it is feasible to follow the in vivo transport of unlabeled drugs within specific organ and tissue compartments on a platform that applies MALDI imaging mass spectrometry to tissue sections characterized with high definition histology. We have tracked and quantified the distribution of an inhaled reference compound, tiotropium, within the lungs of dosed rats, using systematic point by point MS and MS/MS sampling at 200 µm intervals. By comparing drug ion distribution patterns in adjacent tissue sections, we observed that within 15 min following exposure, tiotropium parent MS ions (mass-to-charge; m/z 392.1) and fragmented daughter MS/MS ions (m/z 170.1 and 152.1) were dispersed in a concentration gradient (80 fmol-5 pmol) away from the central airways into the lung parenchyma and pleura. These drug levels agreed well with amounts detected in lung compartments by chemical extraction. Moreover, the simultaneous global definition of molecular ion signatures localized within 2-D tissue space provides accurate assignment of ion identities within histological landmarks, providing context to dynamic biological processes occurring at sites of drug presence. Our results highlight an important emerging technology allowing specific high resolution identification of unlabeled drugs at sites of in vivo uptake and retention

    A DHODH inhibitor increases p53 synthesis and enhances tumor cell killing by p53 degradation blockage

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    ML, CD, IvL, GP, TM, SD, MS, APF, CT, DL, MAH, KL and SL: project grants from the Swedish Research Council, the Swedish Cancer Society and the Swedish Childhood Cancer Foundation. MHi and JC: Cancer Research UK (C8/A6613). MC, EP and WE: Wellcome Trust (073915). MN and BV: projects MEYS-NPS-LO1413 and GACR P206/12/G151. EMC, MP, MMS, ZF and PG: Norwegian Cancer Society (182735, 732200) and Helse Vest (911884, 911789). RB and SC: NIH (R01 CA95684), the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and the Waxman Foundation. NW, AH, Ad’H: Cancer Research UK (C21383/A6950) and Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Doctoral Training Program. JL and YZ: Cancer Research UK (C240/A15751). MH and BW: SARomics Biostructures ABUY, KF: DDDP SciLife, Sweden. LJ, MHa, RS and A-LG: CBCS, Sweden. VP: SciLife fellowship. AT: Breast Cancer Research Scotland.The development of non-genotoxic therapies that activate wild-type p53 in tumors is of great interest since the discovery of p53 as a tumor suppressor. Here we report the identification of over 100 small-molecules activating p53 in cells. We elucidate the mechanism of action of a chiral tetrahydroindazole (HZ00), and through target deconvolution, we deduce that its active enantiomer (R)-HZ00, inhibits dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHODH). The chiral specificity of HZ05, a more potent analog, is revealed by the crystal structure of the (R)-HZ05/DHODH complex. Twelve other DHODH inhibitor chemotypes are detailed among the p53 activators, which identifies DHODH as a frequent target for structurally diverse compounds. We observe that HZ compounds accumulate cancer cells in S-phase, increase p53 synthesis, and synergize with an inhibitor of p53 degradation to reduce tumor growth in vivo. We, therefore, propose a strategy to promote cancer cell killing by p53 instead of its reversible cell cycle arresting effect.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe