8 research outputs found

    From Genes to -Omics: The Evolving Molecular Landscape of Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor

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    Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNST) are rare, aggressive soft tissue sarcomas that occur with significantly increased incidence in people with the neuro-genetic syndrome neurofibromatosis type I (NF1). These complex karyotype sarcomas are often difficult to resect completely due to the involvement of neurovascular bundles, and are relatively chemotherapy- and radiation-insensitive. The lifetime risk of developing MPNST in the NF1 population has led to great efforts to characterize the genetic changes that drive the development of these tumors and identify mutations that may be used for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. Advancements in genetic sequencing and genomic technologies have greatly enhanced researchers’ abilities to broadly and deeply investigate aberrations in human MPNST genomes. Here, we review genetic sequencing efforts in human MPNST samples over the past three decades. Particularly for NF1-associated MPNST, these overall sequencing efforts have converged on a set of four common genetic changes that occur in most MPNST, including mutations in neurofibromin 1 (NF1), CDKN2A, TP53, and members of the polycomb repressor complex 2 (PRC2). However, broader genomic studies have also identified recurrent but less prevalent genetic variants in human MPNST that also contribute to the molecular landscape of MPNST and may inform further research. Future studies to further define the molecular landscape of human MPNST should focus on collaborative efforts across multiple institutions in order to maximize information gathered from large numbers of well-annotated MPNST patient samples, both in the NF1 and the sporadic MPNST populations

    Flexible DNA bending in HU–DNA cocrystal structures

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    HU and IHF are members of a family of prokaryotic proteins that interact with the DNA minor groove in a sequence-specific (IHF) or non-specific (HU) manner to induce and/or stabilize DNA bending. HU plays architectural roles in replication initiation, transcription regulation and site-specific recombination, and is associated with bacterial nucleoids. Cocrystal structures of Anabaena HU bound to DNA (1P71, 1P78, 1P51) reveal that while underlying proline intercalation and asymmetric charge neutralization mechanisms of DNA bending are similar for IHF and HU, HU stabilizes different DNA bend angles (∌105–140°). The two bend angles within a single HU complex are not coplanar, and the resulting dihedral angle is consistent with negative supercoiling. Comparison of HU–DNA and IHF–DNA structures suggests that sharper bending is correlated with longer DNA binding sites and smaller dihedral angles. An HU-induced bend may be better modeled as a hinge, not a rigid bend. The ability to induce or stabilize varying bend angles is consistent with HU’s role as an architectural cofactor in many different systems that may require differing geometries

    Functional Model of Metabolite Gating by Human Voltage-Dependent Anion Channel 2

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    Voltage-dependent anion channels (VDACs) are critical regulators of outer mitochondrial membrane permeability in eukaryotic cells. VDACs have also been postulated to regulate cell death mechanisms. Erastin, a small molecule quinazolinone that is selectively lethal to tumor cells expressing mutant RAS, has previously been reported as a ligand for hVDAC2. While significant efforts have been made to elucidate the structure and function of hVDAC1, structural and functional characterization of hVDAC2 remains lacking. Here, we present an in vitro system that provides a platform for both functional and structural investigation of hVDAC2 and its small molecule modulator, erastin. Using this system, we found that erastin increases permeability of VDAC2 liposomes to NADH in a manner that requires the amino-terminal region of VDAC2. Furthermore, we confirmed that this VDAC2-lipsome sample is folded using solid-state NMR

    Complex/cryptic <i>EWSR1::FLI1/ERG</i> Gene Fusions and 1q Jumping Translocation in Pediatric Ewing Sarcomas

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    Ewing sarcomas (ES) are rare small round cell sarcomas often affecting children and characterized by gene fusions involving one member of the FET family of genes (usually EWSR1) and a member of the ETS family of transcription factors (usually FLI1 or ERG). The detection of EWSR1 rearrangements has important diagnostic value. Here, we conducted a retrospective review of 218 consecutive pediatric ES at diagnosis and found eight patients having data from chromosome analysis, FISH/microarray, and gene-fusion assay. Three of these eight ES had novel complex/cryptic EWSR1 rearrangements/fusions by chromosome analysis. One case had a t(9;11;22)(q22;q24;q12) three-way translocation involving EWSR1::FLI1 fusion and 1q jumping translocation. Two cases had cryptic EWSR1 rearrangements/fusions, including one case with a cryptic t(4;11;22)(q35;q24;q12) three-way translocation involving EWSR1::FLI1 fusion, and the other had a cryptic EWSR1::ERG rearrangement/fusion on an abnormal chromosome 22. All patients in this study had various aneuploidies with a gain of chromosome 8 (75%), the most common, followed by a gain of chromosomes 20 (50%) and 4 (37.5%), respectively. Recognition of complex and/or cryptic EWSR1 gene rearrangements/fusions and other chromosome abnormalities (such as jumping translocation and aneuploidies) using a combination of various genetic methods is important for accurate diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment outcomes of pediatric ES