348 research outputs found

    Attempted selection for partial resistance to the sugar beet cyst nematode Heterodera schachtii in Brassica napus L.

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    Des accessions de #Brassica napus L. ont été testées en vue de leur résistance (partielle) au nématode à kyste de la betterave à sucre, #Heterodera schachtii (en abrégé : SBCN), en dénombrant les kystes présents sur le système racinaire. De plus, la descendance - S1 - des plants sélectionnés pour leur système racinaire ne comportant que six kystes ou moins, a été testée en dénombrant les kystes et la proportion de plants ne portant que dix kystes ou moins. Il n'a été observé aucune indication d'une variabilité génétique liée à la résistance au SBCN chez les accessions testées. Les difficultés rencontrées pour détecter une variabilité génétique liée à la résistance sont supposées être dues à la grande variabilité dans l'expérimentation, ce qui est fréquent dans les tests concernant les nématodes. (Résumé d'auteur

    Introduction of beet cyst nematode resistance from Sinapis alba L. and Raphanus sativus L. into Brassica napus L. (oil-seed rape) through sexual and somatic hybridization

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    Experiments were performed to select for beet cyst nematode (Heterodera schachtii Schm., abbrev. BCN) resistant genotypes of Brassica napus L. (oilseed rape), and to introduce BCN-resistance from the related species Raphanus sativus L. (oil-radish) and Sinapis alba L. (white mustard) into oil-seed rape.Sexual hybridization between B.napus and R. sativus did not result in hybrid plants, whereas from about 800 crosses between B.napus and the amphidiploid xBrassicoraphanus Sageret 284 F 1 hybrid plants were obtained. Sexual hybridization between B.napus and S. alba was only successful when diploid accessions of S.alba were used as the female parent. Crossability between these species was poor; only six hybrids were obtained out of approximately 10,000 crosses. The poor crossability in the intergeneric crosses was shown to be the cause of various breeding barriers. Somatic hybridization between B.napus and either R. sativus or S. alba resulted in a few somatic hybrid plants. Putative F 1 hybrids and somatic hybrid plants were characterized by their morphology, cytology, by DNA-analysis and by scoring resistance to BCN. Somatic hybrid plants were found to be unstable for the number of chromosomes and for BCN- resistance. Some F 1 hybrids, somatic hybrids and BC 1 plants, derived from crossing F 1 hybrids to B.napus as male parent had a high level of BCN-resistance, not different from that of the resistant parental genotypes. Finally, the mechanism of resistance to BCN in resistant S. alba, R. sativus and xBrassico-raphanus was expressed in F 1 hybrids derived from crosses between resistant genotypes of these three species and B. napus.</em

    Relationship between Yeast Polyribosomes and Upf Proteins Required for Nonsense mRNA Decay

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    In yeast, the accelerated rate of decay of nonsense mutant mRNAs, called nonsense-mediated mRNA decay, requires three proteins, Upf1p, Upf2p, and Upf3p. Single, double, and triple disruptions of the UPF genes had nearly identical effects on nonsense mRNA accumulation, suggesting that the encoded proteins function in a common pathway. We examined the distribution of epitope-tagged versions of Upf proteins by sucrose density gradient fractionation of soluble lysates and found that all three proteins co-distributed with 80 S ribosomal particles and polyribosomes. Treatment of ly-sates with RNase A caused a coincident collapse of polyribosomes and each Upf protein into frac-tions containing 80 S ribosomal particles, as expected for proteins that are associated with polyribosomes. Mutations in the cysteine-rich (zinc finger) and RNA helicase domains of Upf1p caused loss of function, but the mutant proteins remained polyribosome-associated. Density gradi-ent profiles for Upf1p were unchanged in the absence of Upf3p, and although similar, were modestly shifted to fractions lighter than those containing polyribosomes in the absence of Upf2p. Upf2p shifted toward heavier polyribosome fractions in the absence of Upf1p and into fractions containing 80 S particles and lighter fractions in the absence of Upf3p. Our results suggest that the association of Upf2p with polyribosomes typically found in a wild-type strain depends on the presence and opposing effects of Upf1p and Upf3p

    Relationship between Yeast Polyribosomes and Upf Proteins Required for Nonsense mRNA Decay

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    In yeast, the accelerated rate of decay of nonsense mutant mRNAs, called nonsense-mediated mRNA decay, requires three proteins, Upf1p, Upf2p, and Upf3p. Single, double, and triple disruptions of the UPF genes had nearly identical effects on nonsense mRNA accumulation, suggesting that the encoded proteins function in a common pathway. We examined the distribution of epitope-tagged versions of Upf proteins by sucrose density gradient fractionation of soluble lysates and found that all three proteins co-distributed with 80 S ribosomal particles and polyribosomes. Treatment of ly-sates with RNase A caused a coincident collapse of polyribosomes and each Upf protein into frac-tions containing 80 S ribosomal particles, as expected for proteins that are associated with polyribosomes. Mutations in the cysteine-rich (zinc finger) and RNA helicase domains of Upf1p caused loss of function, but the mutant proteins remained polyribosome-associated. Density gradi-ent profiles for Upf1p were unchanged in the absence of Upf3p, and although similar, were modestly shifted to fractions lighter than those containing polyribosomes in the absence of Upf2p. Upf2p shifted toward heavier polyribosome fractions in the absence of Upf1p and into fractions containing 80 S particles and lighter fractions in the absence of Upf3p. Our results suggest that the association of Upf2p with polyribosomes typically found in a wild-type strain depends on the presence and opposing effects of Upf1p and Upf3p

    Promoter-specific repression of fimB expression by the Escherichia coli nucleoid-associated protein H-NS.

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    The H-NS protein is a major component of the Escherichia coli nucleoid. Mutations in hns, the gene encoding H-NS, have pleiotropic effects on the cell altering both the expression of a variety of unlinked genes and the inversion rate of the DNA element containing the fimA promoter. We investigated the interaction between H-NS and fimB, the gene encoding the bidirectional recombinase that catalyzes fimA promoter flipping. In beta-galactosidase assays, we found that fimB expression increased approximately fivefold in an hns2-tetR insertion mutant. In gel mobility shift assays with purified H-NS, we have also shown that H-NS bound directly and cooperatively to the fimB promoter region with greater affinity than for any other known H-NS-regulated gene. Furthermore, this high-affinity interaction resulted in a promoter-specific inhibition of fimB transcription. The addition of purified H-NS to an in vitro transcription system yielded a fivefold or greater reduction in fimB-specific mRNA production. However, the marked increase in cellular FimB levels in the absence of H-NS was not the primary cause of the mutant rapid inversion phenotype. These results are discussed in regard to both H-NS as a transcriptional repressor of fimB expression and its role in regulating type 1 pilus promoter inversion

    Long 3′-UTRs target wild-type mRNAs for nonsense-mediated mRNA decay in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    The nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) pathway, present in most eukaryotic cells, is a specialized pathway that leads to the recognition and rapid degradation of mRNAs with premature termination codons and, importantly, some wild-type mRNAs. Earlier studies demonstrated that aberrant mRNAs with artificially extended 3′-untranslated regions (3′-UTRs) are degraded by NMD. However, the extent to which wild-type mRNAs with long 3′-UTRs are degraded by NMD is not known. We used a global approach to identify wild-type mRNAs in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that have longer than expected 3′-UTRs, and of these mRNAs tested, 91% were degraded by NMD. We demonstrate for the first time that replacement of the natural, long 3′-UTR from wild-type PGA1 mRNA, which encodes a protein that is important for cell wall biosynthesis, with a short 3′-UTR renders it immune to NMD. The natural PGA1 3′-UTR is sufficient to target a NMD insensitive mRNA for decay by the NMD pathway. Finally, we show that nmd mutants are sensitive to Calcofluor White, which suggests that the regulation of PGA1 and other cell wall biosynthesis proteins by NMD is physiologically significant

    Posttranscriptional Gene Regulation by Spatial Rearrangement of the 3′ Untranslated Region

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    Translation termination at premature termination codons (PTCs) triggers degradation of the aberrant mRNA, but the mechanism by which a termination event is defined as premature is still unclear. Here we show that the physical distance between the termination codon and the poly(A)-binding protein PABPC1 is a crucial determinant for PTC recognition in human cells. “Normal” termination codons can trigger nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) when this distance is extended; and vice versa, NMD can be suppressed by folding the poly(A) tail into proximity of a PTC or by tethering of PABPC1 nearby a PTC, indicating an evolutionarily conserved function of PABPC1 in promoting correct translation termination and antagonizing activation of NMD. Most importantly, our results demonstrate that spatial rearrangements of the 3′ untranslated region can modulate the NMD pathway and thereby provide a novel mechanism for posttranscriptional gene regulation

    Dhx34 and Nbas function in the NMD pathway and are required for embryonic development in zebrafish

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    The nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) pathway is a highly conserved surveillance mechanism that is present in all eukaryotes. It prevents the synthesis of truncated proteins by selectively degrading mRNAs harbouring premature termination codons (PTCs). The core NMD effectors were originally identified in genetic screens in Saccharomyces cerevisae and in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, and subsequently by homology searches in other metazoans. A genome-wide RNAi screen in C. elegans resulted in the identification of two novel NMD genes that are essential for proper embryonic development. Their human orthologues, DHX34 and NAG/NBAS, are required for NMD in human cells. Here, we find that the zebrafish genome encodes orthologues of DHX34 and NAG/NBAS. We show that the morpholino-induced depletion of zebrafish Dhx34 and Nbas proteins results in severe developmental defects and reduced embryonic viability. We also found that Dhx34 and Nbas are required for degradation of PTC-containing mRNAs in zebrafish embryos. The phenotypes observed in both Dhx34 and Nbas morphants are similar to defects in Upf1, Smg-5- or Smg-6- depleted embryos, suggesting that these factors affect the same pathway and confirming that zebrafish embryogenesis requires an active NMD pathway