106 research outputs found

    Quin patró segueix la diversitat microbiana oceànica?

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    L’oceà ocupa el 70 % de la superfície de la Terra, i en aquest ambient la major part de la biomassa correspon a microorganismes. Aquestes petites fàbriques són responsables del 98 % de la producció primària del planeta i actuen de mitjancers en tots els cicles biogeoquímics de l’oceà. Hi ha controvèrsia sobre la distribució d’aquests microorganismes. D’una banda, es creu que segueixen patrons biogeogràfics; però, d’una altra, es considera que la majoriadels microorganismes són cosmopolites. En aquest estudi mostremels canvis de les comunitats microbianes al llarg de la zona de fractura Romanche (oceà Atlàntic) en les diferents masses d’aigua

    Errendimendu fisikoaren baldintzatzaileak menopausian: berrikuspen bibliografikoa

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    [EU]Lan honetan menopausia eta errendimendu fisikoaren arteko harremana eta harreman horretan eragiten duten baldintzatzaileak aztertzen dira.[EN]This study analyzes the relationship between menopause and physical performance and the associated factors that influence this relationship

    Large-scale distribution of microbial and viral populations in the South Atlantic Ocean

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    Viruses are abundant, diverse and dynamic compo-nents of the marine environments and play a signi?-cant role in the ocean biogeochemical cycles. Toassess potential variations in the relation betweenviruses and microbes in different geographic regionsand depths, viral and microbial abundance and pro-duction were determined throughout the watercolumn along a latitudinal transect in the South Atlan-tic Ocean. Path analysis was used to examine therelationships between several abiotic and bioticparameters and the different microbial and viral popu-lations distinguished by ?ow cytometry.The depth-integrated contribution of microbial andviral abundance to the total microbial and viralbiomass differed signi?cantly among the differentprovinces. Additionally, the virus-to-microbe ratioincreased with depth and decreased laterally towardsthe more productive regions. Our data revealed thatthe abundance of phytoplankton and microbes is themain controlling factor of the viral populations in theeuphotic and mesopelagic layers, whereas in thebathypelagic realm, viral abundance was only weaklyrelated to the biotic and abiotic variables. The relativecontribution of the three viral populations distin-guished by ?ow cytometry showed a clear geographi-cal pattern throughout the water column, suggestingthat these populations are composed of distinct tax

    Mesoscale eddies: Hotspots of prokaryotic activity and differential community structure in the ocean

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    14 pages, 9 figures, 2 tablesTo investigate the effects of mesoscale eddies on prokaryotic assemblage structure and activity, we sampled two cyclonic eddies (CEs) and two anticyclonic eddies (AEs) in the permanent eddy-field downstream the Canary Islands. The eddy stations were compared with two far-field (FF) stations located also in the Canary Current, but outside the influence of the eddy field. The distribution of prokaryotic abundance (PA), bulk prokaryotic heterotrophic activity (PHA), various indicators of single-cell activity (such as nucleic acid content, proportion of live cells, and fraction of cells actively incorporating leucine), as well as bacterial and archaeal community structure were determined from the surface to 2000 m depth. In the upper epipelagic layer (0-200 m), the effect of eddies on the prokaryotic community was more apparent, as indicated by the higher PA, PHA, fraction of living cells, and percentage of active cells incorporating leucine within eddies than at FF stations. Prokaryotic community composition differed also between eddy and FF stations in the epipelagic layer. In the mesopelagic layer (200-1000 m), there were also significant differences in PA and PHA between eddy and FF stations, although in general, there were no clear differences in community composition or single-cell activity. The effects on prokaryotic activity and community structure were stronger in AE than CE, decreasing with depth in both types of eddies. Overall, both types of eddies show distinct community compositions (as compared with FF in the epipelagic), and represent oceanic hotspots of prokaryotic activity (in the epi- and mesopelagic realms)This research was supported by two grants of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science to JA (Oceanic Eddies and Atmospheric Deposition—RODA, CTM 2004-06842-C03/MAR, and Shelf–Ocean Exchanges in the Canaries– Iberian Large Marine Ecosystem-CAIBEX, CTM 2007- 66498-C02), a grant of the Earth and Life Science Division of the Dutch Science Foundation (ALW-NWO; ARCHIMEDES project, 835.20.023) to GJH, and a predoctoral Fellowship of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (AP2005-3932) to FB. IL and JMG were also supported by project MODIVUS (CTM2005-04795/MAR). The work was carried out within the frame of the EU ‘Networks of Excellence’ MarBef and EurOceansPeer Reviewe

    Effect of urban wastewater discharge on the abundance of antibiotic resistance genes and antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli in two Italian rivers

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    Background: Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are microbial factories aimed to reduce the amount of nutrients and pathogenic microorganisms in the treated wastewater before its discharge into the environment. We studied the impact of urban WWTP effluents on the abundance of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli (AR-E. coli) in the last stretch of two rivers (Arrone and Tiber) in Central Italy that differ in size and flow volume. Methods: Water samples were collected in three seasons upstream and downstream of the WWTP, at the WWTP outlet, and at sea sites near the river mouth, and analyzed for the abundance of ARGs by qPCR and AR-E. coli using cultivation followed by disk diffusion assays. Results: For all studied genes (16S rRNA, intI1, sul1, ermB, blaTEM, tetW and qnrS), absolute concentrations were significantly higher in the Tiber than in the Arrone at all sampling sites, despite their collection date, but the prevalence of target ARGs within bacterial communities in both rivers was similar. The absolute concentrations of most ARGs were also generally higher in the WWTP effluent with median levels between log 4 and log 6 copies per ml but did not show differences along the studied stretches of rivers. Statistically significant site effect was found for E. coli phenotypic resistance to tetracycline and ciprofloxacin in the Arrone but not in the Tiber. Conclusions: In both rivers, diffuse or point pollution sources other than the studied WWTP effluents may account for the observed resistance pattern, although the Arrone appears as more sensitive to the wastewater impact considering its lower flow volume

    Omega-3 gantz-azidoen propietate onuragarriak zenbait egoera klinikotan

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    Omega-3 fatty acids (FA) are essential long-chain polyunsaturated FA, amongst others, α-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The main food source of omega-3 is the oily fish which is found in salmon, anchovy or tuna. A diet enriched with omega-3 is known to favour healthy states by promoting molecular and functional changes during brain damage recovery, membranes fluidity, energy metabolism regulation, release of signalling molecules or gene expression. Likewise, the activation of signalling pathways by omega-3 improves neural transmission and plasticity and decreases oxidative stress and inflammation in cells, particularly in neurons. Therefore, omega-3 supplements have been used to prevent or treat many human disorders. This review is intended to provide the stateof- the art of omega-3 as a natural component with beneficial therapeutic properties in cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer and Parkinson), cancer, alcoholism and overweight. Lastly, some insights into the potential benefits of omega-3 supplementation to dodge or treat some other diseases in the future are also considered.; Kate luzeko omega-3 mantenugaiak, azido α-linolenikoa (ALA), azido eikosapentaenoikoa (EPA) eta azido dokosahexaenoikoa (DHA), dietaren bitartez bereganatzen diren gantz-azido (GA) poliasegabeak dira. Propietate antioxidatzaileak barne hartzen dituzten hiru osagai horien elikagai-iturri nagusia arrain koipetsua (izokina, antxoa, hegalaburra…) eta horretatik eratorritako arrain-olioa dira batez ere. Omega-3 GA osagarriaz aberastutako dietak aldaketa molekular zein funtzional mesedegarriak eragiten ditu garunaren garapen prozesuan, zenbait garun lesioren berreskurapenean parte hartzen. Gehigarri horrek mintz zelularraren fluidotasuna areagotzen du, eta metabolismoaren erregulazioan parte hartzen du, seinaleztapen molekulen askapena sustatuz eta gene espresioan eraginez. Bi ekintza horien bidez seinaleztapen bideak aktibatzen dira, eta ondorioz garun plastikotasuna eta transmisio sinaptikoa suspertu. Areago, omega-3 GAk zeluletan oro har, eta neuronetan bereziki, oxidazio-estresak eta hanturak eragindako kalteak murriztu ditzake. Horregatik guztiagatik, omega-3 osagarria hainbat patologietan prebentzioan edo tratamenduan erabili da. Berrikuspen honek laburbiltzen ditu kate luzeko omega-3 GAetan aberastutako tratamenduak bihotz hodietako gaixotasunetan, minbizian, neuroendekapenezko gaixotasunetan (Alzheimer eta Parkinson), alkoholismoan eta gainpisuan, oinarrizko ikerkuntzan eta ikerketa klinikoan frogatu eta egiaztatu diren aurrerapen terapeutiko berriak; eta etorkizunera begira beste hainbat gaixotasuni aurrea hartzeko edo haiek tratatzeko potentzialtasun handiko eta albo ondoriorik gabeko osagarri ez-inbaditzaile aproposa izan daitekeela iradokitzen du

    Per una Carta de Drets Socials com a procés de construcció de la ciutadania social comunitària

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    El sistema públic de Serveis Socials està patint un atac governamental sense precedents amb l'excusa de la crisi. Es pretén derrocar les conquestes socials que han sigut el fonament de la democràcia, precisament ara que la desigualtat social és cada dia mes descarada. Per açò des del col•lectiu volem aportar el nostre granet de sorra proposant un procés que contribuïsca a reforçar la base comunitària des de la participacióThe public system of Social Services is suffering an unprecedented government attack, using the global crisis as an excuse. Their plan is to ruin the social achievements that are the foundations of our Democracy, just when the social inequality is blatant. Therefore, we would like to do our bit by proposing the implementation of a new process that contributes to strengthen the Community participation

    Altered glial expression of the cannabinoid 1 receptor in the subiculum of a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.

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    The alteration of the endocannabinoid tone usually associates with changes in the expression and/or function of the cannabinoid CB1 receptor. In Alzheimer's disease (AD), amyloid beta (Aβ)-containing aggregates induce a chronic inflammatory response leading to reactivity of both microglia and astrocytes. However, how this glial response impacts on the glial CB1 receptor expression in the subiculum of a mouse model of AD, a brain region particularly affected by large accumulation of plaques and concomitant subcellular changes in microglia and astrocytes, is unknown. The CB1 receptor localization in both glial cells was investigated in the subiculum of male 5xFAD/CB2EGFP/f/f (AD model) and CB2EGFP/f/f mice by immuno-electron microscopy. The findings revealed that glial CB1 receptors suffer remarkable changes in the AD mouse. Thus, CB1 receptor expression increases in reactive microglia in 5xFAD/CB2EGFP/f/f, but remains constant in astrocytes with CB1 receptor labeling rising proportionally to the perimeter of the reactive astrocytes. Not least, the CB1 receptor localization in microglial processes in the subiculum of controls and closely surrounding amyloid plaques and dystrophic neurites of the AD model, supports previous suggestions of the presence of the CB1 receptor in microglia. These findings on the correlation between glial reactivity and the CB1 receptor expression in microglial cells and astrocytes, contribute to the understanding of the role of the endocannabinoid system in the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease.post-print4763 K

    Atmospheric deposition impact on bacterial community composition in the NW Mediterranean

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    Atmospheric deposition is a source of inorganic nutrients and organic matter to the ocean, and can favor the growth of some planktonic species over others according to their nutrient requirements. Atmospheric inputs from natural and anthropogenic sources are nowadays increasing due to desertification and industrialization, respectively. While the impact of mineral dust (mainly from the Saharan desert) on phytoplankton and bacterial community composition has been previously assessed, the effect of anthropogenic aerosols on marine bacterial assemblages remains poorly studied. Since marine bacteria play a range of roles in the biogeochemical cycles of inorganic nutrients and organic carbon, it is important to determine which taxa of marine bacteria may benefit from aerosol fertilization and which not. Here, we experimentally assessed the effect of Saharan dust and anthropogenic aerosols on marine bacterioplankton community composition across a spatial and temporal range of trophic conditions in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Results from 16S rDNA sequencing showed that bacterial diversity varied significantly with seasonality and geographical location. While atmospheric deposition did not yield significant changes in community composition when all the experiments where considered together, it did produce changes at certain places and during certain times of the year. These effects accounted for shifts in the bacterial community's relative abundance of up to 28%. The effect of aerosols was overall greatest in summer, both types of atmospheric particles stimulating the groups Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, and Cyanobacteria in the location with the highest anthropogenic footprint. Other bacterial groups benefited from one or the other aerosol depending on the season and location. Anthropogenic aerosols increased the relative abundance of groups belonging to the phylum Bacteriodetes (Cytophagia, Flavobacteriia, and Sphingobacteriia), while Saharan dust stimulated most the phytoplanktonic group of Cyanobacteria and, more specifically, Synechococcus.Funding Agency / Grant Number Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad CTM2011-23458 CTM2015-65720-R FPI Spanish scholarship program BES-2012-052976 KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm EEB-I-15-09845 Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) PA00P3_145355 Spanish Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentacion y Medio Ambienteinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersioninfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio