128 research outputs found

    Olivier ClĂ©ach et Guillaume Tiffon (dir.), Invisibilisations au travail, des salariĂ©s en mal de reconnaissance, Toulouse, Éditions Octares, 2017, 349 p.

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    PrĂšs d’une trentaine de contributions provenant Ă  la fois de sociologues de gestion et de sociologues gĂ©nĂ©ralistes se retrouvent dans cet ouvrage collectif coordonnĂ© par Olivier ClĂ©ach et Guillaume Tiffon. Il prend racine dans le colloque Processus d’invisibilisation et de reconnaissance au travail tenu Ă  l’hiver 2012 par l’Association Française de Sociologie. La rĂ©fĂ©rence du titre Ă  des processus contradictoires, soit d’une part celui de l’invisibilisation et de l’autre, celui de la reconnai..

    Functionalization of amorphous nitrogenated carbon thin film electrodes for improved detection of cadmium vs. copper cations

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    International audienceThe specificity of a sensor relative to specific cations can be modified by functionalization of amorphous nitrogenated carbon thin film (a-C:Nx) electrodes. This surface modification was performed through the reduction of diazonium salts presenting different functionalities which could interact selectively with ions in solution. Cyclic voltammetry from +0.3 to −1.0 V vs. SCE was used for the grafting process leading to the formation of covalent CC bonds onto the film surface. The precursor concentration and number of cycles were optimized and correlated to the specificity and sensitivity for copper and/or cadmium ion detection. The coverage of the electrode was checked by cyclic voltammetry measurements using the Fe(CN)63−/4− system, interface charge transfer and contact angle. It showed that the electroreduction of diazonium salt and grafting of substituted aryl groups was effective on the surface of the a-C:Nx electrodes. A greater sensitivity of the electrode to Cd2+ was observed for the highest concentrations of precursors (4-amino benzene carboxylic acid (4-ABA)) compared to the pristine electrodes. Moreover, a marked decrease of cadmium sensitivity is noted after grafting but at the same time with a decreased influence of copper on the Cd2+ signal, indicating a better specificity of these functionalized sensor

    Transcriptome annotation using tandem SAGE tags

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    Analysis of several million expressed gene signatures (tags) revealed an increasing number of different sequences, largely exceeding that of annotated genes in mammalian genomes. Serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) can reveal new Poly(A) RNAs transcribed from previously unrecognized chromosomal regions. However, conventional SAGE tags are too short to identify unambiguously unique sites in large genomes. Here, we design a novel strategy with tags anchored on two different restrictions sites of cDNAs. New transcripts are then tentatively defined by the two SAGE tags in tandem and by the spanning sequence read on the genome between these tagged sites. Having developed a new algorithm to locate these tag-delimited genomic sequences (TDGS), we first validated its capacity to recognize known genes and its ability to reveal new transcripts with two SAGE libraries built in parallel from a single RNA sample. Our algorithm proves fast enough to experiment this strategy at a large scale. We then collected and processed the complete sets of human SAGE tags to predict yet unknown transcripts. A cross-validation with tiling arrays data shows that 47% of these TDGS overlap transcriptional active regions. Our method provides a new and complementary approach for complex transcriptome annotation

    Analysis of adequacy levels for human resources improvement within primary health care framework in Africa

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    Human resources in health care system in sub-Saharan Africa are generally picturing a lack of adequacy between expected skills from the professionals and health care needs expressed by the populations. It is, however, possible to analyse these various lacks of adequacy related to human resource management and their determinants to enhance the effectiveness of the health care system. From two projects focused on nurse professionals within the health care system in Central Africa, we present an analytic grid for adequacy levels looking into the following aspects: - adequacy between skills-based profiles for health system professionals, quality of care and service delivery (health care system /medical standards), needs and expectations from the populations, - adequacy between allocation of health system professionals, quality of care and services delivered (health care system /medical standards), needs and expectations from the populations, - adequacy between human resource management within health care system and medical standards, - adequacy between human resource management within education/teaching/training and needs from health care system and education sectors, - adequacy between basic and on-going education and realities of tasks expected and implemented by different categories of professionals within the health care system body, - adequacy between intentions for initial and on-going trainings and teaching programs in health sciences for trainers (teachers/supervisors/health care system professionals/ directors (teaching managers) of schools...). This tool is necessary for decision-makers as well as for health care system professionals who share common objectives for changes at each level of intervention within the health system. Setting this adequacy implies interdisciplinary and participative approaches for concerned actors in order to provide an overall vision of a more broaden system than health district, small island with self-rationality, and in which they operate

    Virtualia 2016. La réalité virtuelle au service de la recherche: Actes du séminaire organisé par le CIREVE à Caen (19 octobre 2016),

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    International audienceLe sĂ©minaire Virtualia est nĂ© en 2006 en mĂȘme temps que le Centre Interdisciplinaire de RĂ©alitĂ© Virtuelle (CIREVE) de l’UniversitĂ© de Caen Normandie. Son objectif est de permettre aux Ă©quipes associĂ©es au CIREVE d’exposer leurs mĂ©thodologies et les rĂ©sultats de leurs travaux dans le domaine de la RĂ©alitĂ© Virtuelle, tout en s’ouvrant Ă  des communications extĂ©rieures. Il a connu quatre Ă©ditions de 2006 Ă  2009.2016 fut l’occasion de relancer VIRTUALIA et de concrĂ©tiser le partenariat avec les UniversitĂ©s de Rouen et du Havre dans le cadre de la COMUE. Une Structure FĂ©dĂ©rative de Recherche « CIREVE » est en effet en cours de labellisation au sein de Normandie UniversitĂ©. 2016 est Ă©galement une annĂ©e importante car elle marque Ă  la fois le dixiĂšme anniversaire du CIREVE et la finalisation d’une plate-forme de rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle normande, unique en son genre sur le territoire français. Elle est composĂ©e d’une salle immersive quatre faces de 45 m2, Ă©quipĂ©e d’un tapis roulant particuliĂšrement adaptĂ© pour l’analyse de la marche en temps rĂ©el (GRAIL de Motek Medical). Les calculateurs de cette salle immersive sont mutualisĂ©s avec un amphithĂ©Ăątre attenant de 150 places, de maniĂšre que les expĂ©rimentations effectuĂ©es avec un sujet unique dans la salle immersive puissent ĂȘtre suivies par un auditoire nombreux (besoins de formation notamment). Les Ă©quipes utilisent le matĂ©riel au fur et Ă  mesure des dĂ©veloppements informatiques et de nouveaux protocoles d’expĂ©rimentation germent dans l’esprit des chercheurs qui voient dans la rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle des possibilitĂ©s de tests jamais atteintes.Une centaine de chercheurs utilise rĂ©guliĂšrement le plateau technique CIREVE, dans des visĂ©es de recherche qui leur sont propres. Il est toutefois apparu qu’un certain nombre de problĂ©matiques concernaient toutes les disciplines et qu’une partie de la rĂ©flexion sur les mondes virtuels pouvait ĂȘtre mutualisĂ©e. Le sĂ©minaire VIRTUALIA permet d’offrir un espace de rencontre Ă  ces chercheurs, issus d’horizons diffĂ©rents, pour discuter de l’utilisation de l’outil d’un point de vue Ă©pistĂ©mologique. Il est par exemple capital de s’interroger sur la notion de prĂ©sence. Le sujet se comporte-il de la mĂȘme façon dans l’environnement virtuel et dans le monde rĂ©el ? Les chemins de circulation choisis dans le modĂšle virtuel sont-ils les mĂȘmes que ceux qui seraient empruntĂ©s en rĂ©alitĂ© ? Les conclusions Ă©tablies dans le modĂšle virtuel sont-elles directement transposables Ă  la rĂ©alitĂ© ? Un des enjeux du travail est d’évaluer la pertinence subjective des modĂšles virtuels, ce qui est capital avant de gĂ©nĂ©raliser leur utilisation dans des actions de formation par exemple. L’utilisation d’une technologie n’est jamais complĂštement neutre. Dans le cadre des mondes virtuels, l’interaction de l’homme avec le monde de synthĂšse n’est possible qu’au travers de logiciels et d’interfaces matĂ©rielles. Il faut s’assurer que les processus cognitifs soient adĂ©quats avant de s’interroger sur le rĂ©sultat des simulations. Naturellement, le sĂ©minaire permet Ă©galement Ă  chaque discipline d’exposer les rĂ©sultats des derniĂšres recherches rĂ©alisĂ©es grĂące Ă  la rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle.Les domaines scientifiques concernĂ©s par la rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle sont multiples : les civilisations et les patrimoines culturels, la mĂ©decine, les neurosciences, la psychologie, les sciences du mouvement et du sport, l’ingĂ©nierie, l’informatique. L’UniversitĂ© de Caen Normandie Ă©tant pluridisciplinaire, le spectre des utilisations est trĂšs large. Elles se rĂ©partissent en trois axes principaux et un axe en Ă©mergence :LA REPRÉSENTATION : la rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle permet de reprĂ©senter et de visualiser, interactivement et en trois dimensions, des environnements disparus, dĂ©gradĂ©s, inaccessibles, ou des environnements futurs.Domaines concernĂ©s : civilisations, patrimoine, linguistique...L'EXPÉRIMENTATION : en permettant d'interagir en temps rĂ©el avec un monde numĂ©rique 3D, la rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle offre de nouvelles perspectives d'expĂ©rimentations dans des environnements de plus en plus proches du rĂ©el et en mĂȘme temps parfaitement contrĂŽlables.Domaines concernĂ©s : santĂ©, neuropsychologie, psychologie, activitĂ©s physiques et sportives...LA CREATION ET LE DEVELOPPEMENT D’OUTILS : les informaticiens crĂ©ent et testent des applications concernant les mĂ©thodes de navigation en monde virtuel, de restitution de la rĂ©alitĂ©.Domaine concernĂ© : informatique.LA FORMATION (axe en Ă©mergence) : par la reprĂ©sentation de la connaissance, par les diverses possibilitĂ©s d'expĂ©rimentation, la rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle est un formidable outil de formation.Domaines concernĂ©s : sciences du langage, mĂ©decine, informatique (serious game, simulation...).Une partie importante de la rĂ©flexion dĂ©veloppĂ©e lors du sĂ©minaire Virtualia 2016 a Ă©tĂ© consacrĂ©e aux enjeux sociĂ©taux liĂ©s Ă  la rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle : notions de mĂ©moire, d’apprentissage des gestes techniques, d’ĂȘtre humain « augmentĂ© » etc. Les articles publiĂ©s attestent du savoir-faire, bien rĂ©el cette fois, que le CIREVE a acquis en termes de crĂ©ation de mondes virtuels pour reprĂ©senter, expĂ©rimenter et former. La publication des actes du sĂ©minaire Virtualia vise Ă  mettre en lumiĂšre des recherches particuliĂšrement innovantes qui s’effectuent dans un cadre technologique exceptionnel.- S. Madeleine, Virtualia 2016. Introduction (et direction de l'Ă©dition)- J. Grieu, F. Lecroq, Th. Galinho, H. Boukachour, Environnements industriels virtualisĂ©s et processus d’apprentissage- Ph. Brunet, J. Dehut, Images 3D et humanitĂ©s numĂ©riques : modĂ©lisation et restitution du geste thĂ©Ăątral- G. Lecouvey, J. Gonneaud, N. Legrand, G. Rauchs, F. Eustache, B. Desgranges, RĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle et mĂ©moire- N. Benguigui, C. Mandil, M. Mallek, L. Lejeune, R. Thouvarecq, Étude des liens entre perception et action dans des environnements virtuels- E.-G. Dupuy, A. Maneuvrier, E. Vlamynck, S. Besnard, B. Bienvenu, L.-M. Decker, Le syndrome d’Ehlers-Danlos type hypermobile : Ă©volution des stratĂ©gies posturales en rĂ©ponse Ă  un programme de rĂ©Ă©ducation Ă  visĂ©e somesthĂ©sique- C. Weismann-Arcache, RĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle et humain augmentĂ© : subjectivation, dĂ©subjectivation ?- L. Haddouk, RĂ©alitĂ© psychique en visioconsultatio

    The GenTree Dendroecological Collection, tree-ring and wood density data from seven tree species across Europe

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    The dataset presented here was collected by the GenTree project (EU-Horizon 2020), which aims to improve the use of forest genetic resources across Europe by better understanding how trees adapt to their local environment. This dataset of individual tree-core characteristics including ring-width series and whole-core wood density was collected for seven ecologically and economically important European tree species: silver birch (Betula pendula), European beech (Fagus sylvatica), Norway spruce (Picea abies), European black poplar (Populus nigra), maritime pine (Pinus pinaster), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), and sessile oak (Quercus petraea). Tree-ring width measurements were obtained from 3600 trees in 142 populations and whole-core wood density was measured for 3098 trees in 125 populations. This dataset covers most of the geographical and climatic range occupied by the selected species. The potential use of it will be highly valuable for assessing ecological and evolutionary responses to environmental conditions as well as for model development and parameterization, to predict adaptability under climate change scenarios

    The FANCM:p.Arg658* truncating variant is associated with risk of triple-negative breast cancer

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    Abstract: Breast cancer is a common disease partially caused by genetic risk factors. Germline pathogenic variants in DNA repair genes BRCA1, BRCA2, PALB2, ATM, and CHEK2 are associated with breast cancer risk. FANCM, which encodes for a DNA translocase, has been proposed as a breast cancer predisposition gene, with greater effects for the ER-negative and triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) subtypes. We tested the three recurrent protein-truncating variants FANCM:p.Arg658*, p.Gln1701*, and p.Arg1931* for association with breast cancer risk in 67,112 cases, 53,766 controls, and 26,662 carriers of pathogenic variants of BRCA1 or BRCA2. These three variants were also studied functionally by measuring survival and chromosome fragility in FANCM−/− patient-derived immortalized fibroblasts treated with diepoxybutane or olaparib. We observed that FANCM:p.Arg658* was associated with increased risk of ER-negative disease and TNBC (OR = 2.44, P = 0.034 and OR = 3.79; P = 0.009, respectively). In a country-restricted analysis, we confirmed the associations detected for FANCM:p.Arg658* and found that also FANCM:p.Arg1931* was associated with ER-negative breast cancer risk (OR = 1.96; P = 0.006). The functional results indicated that all three variants were deleterious affecting cell survival and chromosome stability with FANCM:p.Arg658* causing more severe phenotypes. In conclusion, we confirmed that the two rare FANCM deleterious variants p.Arg658* and p.Arg1931* are risk factors for ER-negative and TNBC subtypes. Overall our data suggest that the effect of truncating variants on breast cancer risk may depend on their position in the gene. Cell sensitivity to olaparib exposure, identifies a possible therapeutic option to treat FANCM-associated tumors

    The GenTree Platform: growth traits and tree-level environmental data in 12 European forest tree species

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    Background: Progress in the field of evolutionary forest ecology has been hampered by the huge challenge of phenotyping trees across their ranges in their natural environments, and the limitation in high-resolution environmental information. Findings: The GenTree Platform contains phenotypic and environmental data from 4,959 trees from 12 ecologically and economically important European forest tree species: Abies alba Mill. (silver fir), Betula pendula Roth. (silver birch), Fagus sylvatica L. (European beech), Picea abies (L.) H. Karst (Norway spruce), Pinus cembra L. (Swiss stone pine), Pinus halepensis Mill. (Aleppo pine), Pinus nigra Arnold (European black pine), Pinus pinaster Aiton (maritime pine), Pinus sylvestris L. (Scots pine), Populus nigra L. (European black poplar), Taxus baccata L. (English yew), and Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. (sessile oak). Phenotypic (height, diameter at breast height, crown size, bark thickness, biomass, straightness, forking, branch angle, fructification), regeneration, environmental in situ measurements (soil depth, vegetation cover, competition indices), and environmental modeling data extracted by using bilinear interpolation accounting for surrounding conditions of each tree (precipitation, temperature, insolation, drought indices) were obtained from trees in 194 sites covering the species’ geographic ranges and reflecting local environmental gradients. Conclusion: The GenTree Platform is a new resource for investigating ecological and evolutionary processes in forest trees. The coherent phenotyping and environmental characterization across 12 species in their European ranges allow for a wide range of analyses from forest ecologists, conservationists, and macro-ecologists. Also, the data here presented can be linked to the GenTree Dendroecological collection, the GenTree Leaf Trait collection, and the GenTree Genomic collection presented elsewhere, which together build the largest evolutionary forest ecology data collection available

    Between but not within species variation in the distribution of fitness effects

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    New mutations provide the raw material for evolution and adaptation. The distribution of fitness effects (DFE) describes the spectrum of effects of new mutations that can occur along a genome, and is therefore of vital interest in evolutionary biology. Recent work has uncovered striking similarities in the DFE between closely related species, prompting us to ask whether there is variation in the DFE among populations of the same species, or among species with different degrees of divergence, i.e., whether there is variation in the DFE at different levels of evolution. Using exome capture data from six tree species sampled across Europe we characterised the DFE for multiple species, and for each species, multiple populations, and investigated the factors potentially influencing the DFE, such as demography, population divergence and genetic background. We find statistical support for there being variation in the DFE at the species level, even among relatively closely related species. However, we find very little difference at the population level, suggesting that differences in the DFE are primarily driven by deep features of species biology, and that evolutionarily recent events, such as demographic changes and local adaptation, have little impact
