141 research outputs found

    Estimates of Ionospheric Transport and Ion Loss at Mars

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    Ion loss from the topside ionosphere of Mars associated with the solar wind interaction makes an important contribution to the loss of volatiles from this planet. Data from NASA's Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution mission combined with theoretical modeling are now helping us to understand the processes involved in the ion loss process. Given the complexity of the solar wind interaction, motivation exists for considering a simple approach to this problem and for understanding how the loss rates might scale with solar wind conditions and solar extreme ultraviolet irradiance. This paper reviews the processes involved in the ionospheric dynamics. Simple analytical and semiempirical expressions for ion flow speeds and ion loss are derived. In agreement with more sophisticated models and with purely empirical studies, it is found that the oxygen loss rate from ion transport is about 5% (i.e., global O ion loss rate of Qion ≈ 4 × 1024 s−1) of the total oxygen loss rate. The ion loss is found to approximately scale as the square root of the solar ionizing photon flux and also as the square root of the solar wind dynamic pressure. Typical ion flow speeds are found to be about 1 km/s in the topside ionosphere near an altitude of 300 km on the dayside. Not surprisingly, the plasma flow speed is found to increase with altitude due to the decreasing ion‐neutral collision frequency

    Estimates of Ionospheric Transport and Ion Loss at Mars

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    Ion loss from the topside ionosphere of Mars associated with the solar wind interaction makes an important contribution to the loss of volatiles from this planet. Data from NASA’s Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution mission combined with theoretical modeling are now helping us to understand the processes involved in the ion loss process. Given the complexity of the solar wind interaction, motivation exists for considering a simple approach to this problem and for understanding how the loss rates might scale with solar wind conditions and solar extreme ultraviolet irradiance. This paper reviews the processes involved in the ionospheric dynamics. Simple analytical and semiempirical expressions for ion flow speeds and ion loss are derived. In agreement with more sophisticated models and with purely empirical studies, it is found that the oxygen loss rate from ion transport is about 5% (i.e., global O ion loss rate of Qion ≈ 4 × 1024 s−1) of the total oxygen loss rate. The ion loss is found to approximately scale as the square root of the solar ionizing photon flux and also as the square root of the solar wind dynamic pressure. Typical ion flow speeds are found to be about 1 km/s in the topside ionosphere near an altitude of 300 km on the dayside. Not surprisingly, the plasma flow speed is found to increase with altitude due to the decreasing ion‐neutral collision frequency.Key PointsOxygen ion loss from the ionosphere of Mars is mainly driven by magnetic forces generated by the solar wind interactionGlobal ion loss from Mars scales approximately as the square root of both the upstream solar wind pressure and solar ionizing photon fluxIon flow speeds in the ionosphere increase with altitude and with solar wind pressurePeer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/140009/1/jgra53859.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/140009/2/jgra53859_am.pd

    Sarcomere length and capillary curvature of rat hindlimb muscles in

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    length and capillary curvature of rat hindlimb muscles in vivo. J. Appl. Physiol. 78(6): 2047-2051,1995.-Mammalian skeletal muscle fibers have been reported to develop maximum force at a sarcomere length (L,) of -2.5 pm. However, the functional range of muscle length (L,) and L, encountered by skeletal muscle in vivo is not well defined. Changes in L, markedly influence capillary geometry, but this effect has been shown only in fixed preparations. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of limb position on L,, L,, and capillary geometry in living undisturbed hindlimb muscles. We tested the hypothesis that maximal excursion of the foot would have similar effects on L, and capillary geometry of antagonistic soleus (Sol) and extensor digitorum long-us (EDL) muscles in vivo. Female Sprague-Dawley rats (IZ = 9; 243 ? 3 g) were anesthetized (pentobarbital sodium; 35 mg/kg). The right Sol and EDL muscles were exposed and irrigated with physiological saline solution (34°C; pH 7.4). Sarcomeres and capillaries were observed with video microscopy (total magnification X 1,900; spatial resolution <l pm); sarcomeres were labeled with a fluorescent dye [4-(4-diethylaminostyryl)-N-methylpyridinium iodide]. As foot angle increased from 30" (maximal dorsiflexion) to 170" (maximal plantarflexion), L, and L, increased for EDL muscles (27.51 + 0 42 to 30 97 t_ 0.25 mm and 2.33 t 0.01 to 3.09 t 0.05 -. . pm, respectively; P < 0.05) and decreased for Sol muscles (26.09 +-0.38 to 20.27 t 0.34 mm and 3.17 t 0.03 to 2.22 t 0.04 pm, respectively; P < 0.05). Muscle fiber lengths changed in parallel with L, and L, for each muscle, and the ranges of L, and L, were greater (P < 0.05) for Sol muscles compared with EDL muscles. Capillary curvature index (CCI; %capillary segments with axial deviation 25 pm along a 50-,um distance) increased with shortening in both muscles and was greater (P < 0.05) at each corresponding length in Sol muscle compared with EDL muscle. This in vivo difference in CC1 between muscles is consistent with higher capillary volume density in the Sol muscle compared with the EDL muscle. muscle mechanics; microcirculation; soleus; extensor digitorum long-us; muscle blood flow; video microscopy; fluorescence microscopy SARCOMERE LENGTH (L,) and its relation to tension development have been studied by using isolated skeletal muscle fibers (1, 12) and in fiber bundles that have been fixed at controlled muscle lengths (24). Surprisingly, there is a paucity of information regarding how L, may change with limb position in living muscle. In skeletal muscles that have been fixed in various states of shortening or extension, capillary curvature has been found to increase as L, decreases (19, 20, 22). However, neither L, nor capillary geometry have been studied in living muscle throughout the anatomically defined range of motion. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the range of muscle length (L,) and L, in vivo and to investigate the relationship between L, and capillary curvature of intact locomotor muscles of anesthetized rats. The antagonistic soleus (Sol) and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles were used, as the structural and functional properties of these muscles are well defined (2, 3

    Observations of quiet-time moderate midlatitude L-band scintillation in association with plasma bubbles

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    Observations of moderate night time amplitude scintillation on the GPS L1C/A signal were recorded at the midlatitude station of Nicosia, corresponding geographic latitude and longitude of 35.18˚N and 33.38˚E respectively, on a geomagnetically quiet day. The variations of slant total electron content (STEC) and amplitude scintillation index (S4) on the night of June 12, 2014, indicate the presence of electron density depletions accompanying scintillation occurrence. The estimated apparent horizontal drift velocity and propagation direction of the plasma depletions are consistent with those observed for the equatorial plasma bubbles, thus suggesting that the moderate amplitude L-band scintillation observed over Nicosia may be associated with the extension of such plasma bubbles. The L-band scintillation occurrence was concurrent with the observations of range spread F on the ionograms recorded by the digisonde at Nicosia. The height–time–intensity plot generated using the ionogram data also showed features which can be attributed to off-angle reflections from electron density depletions, thus corroborating the STEC observations. This observation suggests that the midlatitude ionosphere is more active even during geomagnetically quiet days than previously thought and that further studies are necessary. This is particularly relevant for the GNSS user community and related applications

    Tn-Seq reveals hidden complexity in the utilization of host-derived glutathione in \u3cem\u3eFrancisella tularensis\u3c/em\u3e

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    Host-derived glutathione (GSH) is an essential source of cysteine for the intracellular pathogen Francisella tularensis. In a comprehensive transposon insertion sequencing screen, we identified several F. tularensis genes that play central and previously unappreciated roles in the utilization of GSH during the growth of the bacterium in macrophages. We show that one of these, a gene we named dptA, encodes a proton-dependent oligopeptide transporter that enables growth of the organism on the dipeptide Cys-Gly, a key breakdown product of GSH generated by the enzyme γ-glutamyltranspeptidase (GGT). Although GGT was thought to be the principal enzyme involved in GSH breakdown in F. tularensis, our screen identified a second enzyme, referred to as ChaC, that is also involved in the utilization of exogenous GSH. However, unlike GGT and DptA, we show that the importance of ChaC in supporting intramacrophage growth extends beyond cysteine acquisition. Taken together, our findings provide a compendium of F. tularensis genes required for intracellular growth and identify new players in the metabolism of GSH that could be attractive targets for therapeutic intervention

    Dynamical and magnetic field time constants for Titan's ionosphere: Empirical estimates and comparisons with Venus

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    Plasma in Titan´s ionosphere flows in response to forcing from thermal pressure gradients, magnetic forces, gravity, and ion-neutral collisions. This paper takes an empirical approach to the ionospheric dynamics by using data from Cassini instruments to estimate pressures, flow speeds, and time constants on the dayside and nightside. The plasma flow speed relative to the neutral gas speed is approximately 1 m s‑1 near an altitude of 1000 km and 200 m s‑1 at 1500 km. For comparison, the thermospheric neutral wind speed is about 100 m s‑1. The ionospheric plasma is strongly coupled to the neutrals below an altitude of about 1300 km. Transport, vertical or horizontal, becomes more important than chemistry in controlling ionospheric densities above about 1200-1500 km, depending on the ion species. Empirical estimates are used to demonstrate that the structure of the ionospheric magnetic field is determined by plasma transport (including neutral wind effects) for altitudes above about 1000 km and by magnetic diffusion at lower altitudes. The paper suggests that a velocity shear layer near 1300 km could exist at some locations and could affect the structure of the magnetic field. Both Hall and polarization electric field terms in the magnetic induction equation are shown to be locally important in controlling the structure of Titan´s ionospheric magnetic field. Comparisons are made between the ionospheric dynamics at Titan and at Venus.Fil: Cravens, T. E.. University of Kansas; Estados UnidosFil: Richard, M.. University of Kansas; Estados UnidosFil: Ma, Y. J.. University of California; Estados UnidosFil: Bertucci, Cesar. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciónes Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio. - Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio; ArgentinaFil: Luhmann, J. G.. University of California; Estados UnidosFil: Ledvina, S.. University of California; Estados UnidosFil: Robertson, I. P.. University of Kansas; Estados UnidosFil: Wahlund, J. E.. Swedish Institute of Space Physics; SueciaFil: Ågren, K.. Swedish Institute of Space Physics; SueciaFil: Cui, J.. Imperial College London; Reino UnidoFil: Muller Wodarg, I.. Imperial College London; Reino UnidoFil: Waite, J. H.. Southwest Research Institute; Estados UnidosFil: Dougherty, M.. Imperial College London; Reino UnidoFil: Bell, J.. Southwest Research Institute; Estados UnidosFil: Ulusen, D.. University of California; Estados Unido

    Access of energetic particles to Titan's exobase: a study of Cassini's T9 flyby

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    We study how the local electromagnetic disturbances introduced by Titan affect the ionization rates of the atmosphere. For this, we model the precipitation of energetic particles, specifically hydrogen and oxygen ions with energies between 1 keV and 1 MeV, into Titan's exobase for the specific magnetospheric configuration of the T9 flyby. For the study, a particle tracing software package is used which consists of an integration of the single particle Lorentz force equation using a 4th order Runge-Kutta numerical method. For the electromagnetic disturbances, the output of the A.I.K.E.F. hybrid code (kinetic ions, fluid electrons) is used, allowing the possibility of analyzing the disturbances and asymmetries in the access of energetic particles originated by their large gyroradii. By combining these methods, 2D maps showing the access of each set of particles were produced. We show that the access of different particles is largely dominated by their gyroradii, with the complexity of the maps increasing with decreasing gyroradius, due to the larger effect that local disturbances introduced by the presence of the moon have in the trajectory of the particles with lower energies. We also show that for particles with gyroradii much larger than the moon's radius, simpler descriptions of the electromagnetic environment can reproduce similar results to those obtained when using the full hybrid simulation description, with simple north-south fields being sufficient to reproduce the hybrid code results for O+ ions with energies larger than 10 keV but not enough to reproduce those for H+H+ ions at any of the energies covered in the present study. Finally, by combining the maps created with upstream plasma flow measurements by the MIMI/CHEMS instrument, we are able to estimate normalized fluxes arriving at different selected positions of the moon's exobase. We then use these fluxes to calculate energy deposition and non-dissociative N2 ionization rates for precipitating O+O+ and H+H+ ions and find differences in the ion production rates of up to almost 80% at the selected positions. All these results combined show that the electromagnetic field disturbances present in the vicinity of Titan significantly affect the contribution of energetic ions to local ionization profiles

    Pickup ion measurements by MAVEN: A diagnostic of photochemical oxygen escape from Mars

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    A key process populating the oxygen exosphere at Mars is the dissociative recombination of ionospheric O 2 + , which produces fast oxygen atoms, some of which have speeds exceeding the escape speed and thus contribute to atmospheric loss. Theoretical studies of this escape process have been carried out and predictions made of the loss rate; however, directly measuring the escaping neutral oxygen is difficult but essential. This paper describes how energetic pickup ion measurements to be made near Mars by the SEP (Solar Energetic Particle) instrument on board the MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN) spacecraft can be used to constrain models of photochemical oxygen escape. In certain solar wind conditions, neutral oxygen atoms in the distant Martian exosphere that are ionized and picked up by the solar wind can reach energies high enough to be detected near Mars by SEP. Key Points Photochemical hot oxygen escape rate at Mars is predicted Martian exospheric neutral oxygen model is constructed Pickup ion fluxes measured by SEP will constrain neutral oxygen escape from MarsPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/108375/1/grl51888.pd