55 research outputs found

    The relationship between magnetic and electrophysiological responses to complex tactile stimuli

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Magnetoencephalography (MEG) has become an increasingly popular technique for non-invasively characterizing neuromagnetic field changes in the brain at a high temporal resolution. To examine the reliability of the MEG signal, we compared magnetic and electrophysiological responses to complex natural stimuli from the same animals. We examined changes in neuromagnetic fields, local field potentials (LFP) and multi-unit activity (MUA) in macaque monkey primary somatosensory cortex that were induced by varying the rate of mechanical stimulation. Stimuli were applied to the fingertips with three inter-stimulus intervals (ISIs): 0.33s, 1s and 2s.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Signal intensity was inversely related to the rate of stimulation, but to different degrees for each measurement method. The decrease in response at higher stimulation rates was significantly greater for MUA than LFP and MEG data, while no significant difference was observed between LFP and MEG recordings. Furthermore, response latency was the shortest for MUA and the longest for MEG data.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The MEG signal is an accurate representation of electrophysiological responses to complex natural stimuli. Further, the intensity and latency of the MEG signal were better correlated with the LFP than MUA data suggesting that the MEG signal reflects primarily synaptic currents rather than spiking activity. These differences in latency could be attributed to differences in the extent of spatial summation and/or differential laminar sensitivity.</p

    The Combinatorial Creature: Cortical Phenotypes within and across Lifetimes

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    © 2018 The neocortex is one of the most distinctive structures of the mammalian brain, yet also one of the most varied in terms of both size and organization. Multiple processes have contributed to this variability, including evolutionary mechanisms (i.e., alterations in gene sequence) that alter the size, organization, and connections of neocortex, and activity dependent mechanisms that can also modify these same features. Thus, changes to the neocortex can occur over different time-scales, including within a single generation. This combination of genetic and activity dependent mechanisms that create a given cortical phenotype allows the mammalian neocortex to rapidly and flexibly adjust to different body and environmental contexts, and in humans permits culture to impact brain construction

    MEG in the macaque monkey and human: distinguishing cortical fields in space and time.

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    Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is an increasingly popular non-invasive tool used to record, on a millisecond timescale, the magnetic field changes generated by cortical neural activity. MEG has the advantage, over fMRI for example, that it is a direct measure of neural activity. In the current investigation we used MEG to measure cortical responses to tactile and auditory stimuli in the macaque monkey. We had two aims. First, we sought to determine whether MEG, a technique that may have low spatial accuracy, could be used to distinguish the location and organization of sensory cortical fields in macaque monkeys, a species with a relatively small brain compared to that of the human. Second, we wanted to examine the temporal dynamics of cortical responses in the macaque monkey relative to the human. We recorded MEG data from anesthetized monkeys and, for comparison, from awake humans that were presented with simple tactile and auditory stimuli. Neural source reconstruction of MEG data showed that primary somatosensory and auditory cortex could be differentiated and, further, that separate representations of the digit and lip within somatosensory cortex could be identified in macaque monkeys as well as humans. We compared the latencies of activity from monkey and human data for the three stimulation types and proposed a correspondence between the neural responses of the two species. We thus demonstrate the feasibility of using MEG in the macaque monkey and provide a non-human primate model for examining the relationship between external evoked magnetic fields and their underlying neural sources

    Area 17 lesions deactivate area MT in owl monkeys

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    The middle temporal visual area, MT, is one of three major targets of the primary visual cortex, area 17, in primates. We assessed the contribution of area 17 connections to the responsiveness of area MT neurons to visual stimuli by first mapping the representation of the visual hemifield in MT of anesthetized owl monkeys with microelectrodes, ablating an electrophysiologically mapped part of area 17, and then immediately remapping MT. Before the lesions, neurons at recording sites throughout MT responded vigorously to moving slits of light and other visual stimuli. In addition, the relationship of receptive fields to recording sites revealed a systematic representation of the contralateral visual hemifield in MT, as reported previously for owl monkeys and other primates. The immediate effect of removing part of the retinotopic map in area 17 by gentle aspiration was to selectively deactivate the corresponding part of the visuotopic map in MT. Lesions of dorsomedial area 17 representing central and paracentral vision of the lower visual quadrant deactivated neurons in caudomedial MT formerly having receptive fields in the central and paracentral lower visual quadrant. Most neurons at recording sites throughout other parts of MT had normal levels of responsiveness to visual stimuli, and receptive-field locations that closely matched those before the lesion. However, neurons at a few sites along the margin of the deactivated zone of cortex had receptive fields that were slightly displaced from the region of vision affected by the lesion into other parts of the visual field, suggesting some degree of plasticity in the visual hemifield representation in MT. Subsequent histological examination of cortex confirmed that the lesions were confined to area 17 and the recordings were in MT. The results indicate that the visually evoked activity of neurons in MT of owl monkeys is highly dependent on inputs relayed directly or indirectly from area 17

    The dorsomedial visual area of owl monkeys: Connections, myeloarchitecture, and homologies in other primates

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    Cortical connections of the dorsomedial visual area (DM) of owl monkeys were revealed with injections of the bidirectional tracer, wheatgerm agglutinin conjugated with horseradish peroxidase (WGA‐HRP), or the retrograde fluorescent tracer, diamidino yellow. Microelectrode recordings in two cases identified DM as a systematic representation of the visual hemifield in a densely myelinated rectangle of cortex just rostral to the dorsomedial portion of the second visual area (V–II, or area 18). Cortex was flattened and cut parallel to the surface in all cases so that the myeloarchitectonic borders of DM and other areas such as the primary visual area (V‐I or area 17), V‐II or area 18, and the middle temporal visual area (MT) could be readily determined, and the surface view patterns of connections could be directly appreciated. The ipsilateral pattern of connections of DM were dense and visuotopically congruent with area 17, area 18, and MT, and moderate to dense connections were with the medial visual area (M), the rostral division of the dorsolateral visual area, the dorsointermediate area, the ventral posterior area, the caudal division of inferotemporal cortex (ITc), the ventral posterior parietal area, and visuomotor cortex of the frontal lobe. The connections of DM were concentrated in the cytochrome oxidase (CO)‐dense blobs of area 17, the CO‐dense bands of area 18, and the CO‐dense regions of MT. Callosal connections of DM were with matched locations in DM in the opposite hemisphere, and with VPP. The ipsilateral connections of DM with area 17 were confirmed by injecting WGA‐HRP into area 17 in one owl monkey. In addition to labelled cells and terminals in area 18 and MT, bidirectionally transported tracer was also apparent in DM. Evidence for the existence of DM in other primates was obtained by injecting area 17 and examining the areal patterns of connections and myeloarchitecture in three species of Old World monkeys, two additional species of New World monkeys, and prosimian galagos. In all of these primates, one of three major targets of area 17 was a densely myelinated zone of cortex just rostral to dorsomedial area 18, in the location of DM in owl monkeys. Thus, it seems likely that DM is a visual area common to all primates. © 1993 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. Copyrigh

    Neural Coding of Whisker-Mediated Touch in Primary Somatosensory Cortex Is Altered Following Early Blindness

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    Sensory systems do not develop and function independently of one another, yet they are typically studied in isolation. Effects of multisensory interactions on the developing neocortex can be revealed by altering the ratios of incoming sensory inputs associated with different modalities. We investigated neural responses in primary somatosensory cortex (S1) of short-tailed opossums (Monodelphis domestica; either sex) after the elimination of visual input through bilateral enucleation very early in development. To assess the influence of tactile experience after vision loss, we also examined naturally occurring patterns of exploratory behavior. In early blind (EB) animals, overall levels of tactile experience were similar to those of sighted controls (SC); locomotor activity was unimpaired and accompanied by whisking. Using extracellular single-unit recording techniques under anesthesia, we found that EB animals exhibited a reduction in the magnitude of neural responses to whisker stimuli in S1, coupled with spatial sharpening of receptive fields, in comparison to SC animals. These alterations manifested as two different effects on sensory processing in S1 of EB animals: the ability of neurons to detect single whisker stimulation was decreased, whereas their ability to discriminate between stimulation of neighboring whiskers was enhanced. The increased selectivity of S1 neurons in EB animals was reflected in improved population decoding performance for whisker stimulus position, particularly along the rostrocaudal axis of the snout, which aligns with the primary axis of natural whisker motion. These findings suggest that a functionally distinct form of somatosensory plasticity occurs when vision is lost early in development.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT After sensory loss, compensatory behavior mediated through the spared senses could be generated entirely through the recruitment of brain areas associated with the deprived sense. Alternatively, functional compensation in spared modalities may be achieved through a combination of plasticity in brain areas corresponding to both spared and deprived sensory modalities. Although activation of neurons in cortex associated with a deprived sense has been described frequently, it is unclear whether this is the only substrate available for compensation or if plasticity within cortical fields corresponding to spared modalities, particularly primary sensory cortices, may also contribute. Here, we demonstrate empirically that early loss of vision alters coding of sensory inputs in primary somatosensory cortex in a manner that supports enhanced tactile discrimination

    The evolution of visual cortex: Where is V2?

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    A comparative analysis of the area of the cortex that is adjacent to the primary visual area (V1), indicates that the lateral extrastriate cortex of primitive mammals was likely to contain only a single visuotopically organized field, the second visual area (V2). Few, if any, other visual areas existed. The opposing hypothesis, that primitive mammals had a 'string' of small visual areas in the cortex lateral to V1 (as in some rodents), is not supported by studies of the organization of extrastriate cortex in other mammals, nor by the variability in this organization among extant rodents. A critical re-analysis of published evidence on the presence of multiple areas adjacent to V1 in some rodents has led to alternative interpretations of the organization of the areas in these regions