3,885 research outputs found

    HeII emitters in the VIMOS VLT Deep Survey: PopIII star formation or peculiar stellar populations in galaxies at 2<z<4.6?

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    The aim of this work is to identify HeII emitters at 2<z<4.6 and to constrain the source of the hard ionizing continuum that powers the HeII emission. We have assembled a sample of 277 galaxies with a high quality spectroscopic redshift at 2<z<4.6 from the VVDS survey, and we have identified 39 HeII1640A emitters. We study their spectral properties, measuring the fluxes, equivalent widths (EW) and FWHM for most relevant lines. About 10% of galaxies at z~3 show HeII in emission, with rest frame equivalent widths EW0~1-7A, equally distributed between galaxies with Lya in emission or in absorption. We find 11 high-quality HeII emitters with unresolved HeII line (FWHM_0<1200km/s), 13 high-quality emitters with broad He II emission (FWHM_0>1200km/s), 3 AGN, and an additional 12 possible HeII emitters. The properties of the individual broad emitters are in agreement with expectations from a W-R model. On the contrary, the properties of the narrow emitters are not compatible with such model, neither with predictions of gravitational cooling radiation produced by gas accretion. Rather, we find that the EW of the narrow HeII line emitters are in agreement with expectations for a PopIII star formation, if the episode of star formation is continuous, and we calculate that a PopIII SFR of 0.1-10 Mo yr-1 only is enough to sustain the observed HeII flux. We conclude that narrow HeII emitters are either powered by the ionizing flux from a stellar population rare at z~0 but much more common at z~3, or by PopIII star formation. As proposed by Tornatore et al. (2007), incomplete ISM mixing may leave some small pockets of pristine gas at the periphery of galaxies from which PopIII may form, even down to z~2 or lower. If this interpretation is correct, we measure at z~3 a SFRD in PopIII stars of 10^6Mo yr^-1 Mpc^-3 qualitatively comparable to the value predicted by Tornatore et al. (2007).Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    The extended epoch of galaxy formation: age dating of ~3600 galaxies with 2<z<6.5 in the VIMOS Ultra-Deep Survey

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    We aim at improving constraints on the epoch of galaxy formation by measuring the ages of 3597 galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts 2<z<6.5 in the VIMOS Ultra Deep Survey (VUDS). We derive ages and other physical parameters from the simultaneous fitting with the GOSSIP+ software of observed UV rest-frame spectra and photometric data from the u-band up to 4.5 microns using composite stellar population models. We conclude from extensive simulations that at z>2 the joint analysis of spectroscopy and photometry combined with restricted age possibilities when taking into account the age of the Universe substantially reduces systematic uncertainties and degeneracies in the age derivation. We find galaxy ages ranging from very young with a few tens of million years to substantially evolved with ages up to ~1.5-2 Gyr. The formation redshifts z_f derived from the measured ages indicate that galaxies may have started forming stars as early as z_f~15. We produce the formation redshift function (FzF), the number of galaxies per unit volume formed at a redshift z_f, and compare the FzF in increasing redshift bins finding a remarkably constant 'universal' FzF. The FzF is parametrized with (1+z)^\zeta, with \zeta~0.58+/-0.06, indicating a smooth 2 dex increase from z~15 to z~2. Remarkably this observed increase is of the same order as the observed rise in the star formation rate density (SFRD). The ratio of the SFRD with the FzF gives an average SFR per galaxy of ~7-17Msun/yr at z~4-6, in agreement with the measured SFR for galaxies at these redshifts. From the smooth rise in the FzF we infer that the period of galaxy formation extends from the highest possible redshifts that we can probe at z~15 down to redshifts z~2. This indicates that galaxy formation is a continuous process over cosmic time, with a higher number of galaxies forming at the peak in SFRD at z~2 than at earlier epochs. (Abridged)Comment: Submitted to A&A, 24 page

    Studying the evolution of large-scale structure with the VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey

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    The VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey (VVDS) currently offers a unique combination of depth, angular size and number of measured galaxies among surveys of the distant Universe: ~ 11,000 spectra over 0.5 deg2 to I_{AB}=24 (VVDS-Deep), 35,000 spectra over ~ 7 deg2 to I_{AB}=22.5 (VVDS-Wide). The current ``First Epoch'' data from VVDS-Deep already allow investigations of galaxy clustering and its dependence on galaxy properties to be extended to redshifts ~1.2-1.5, in addition to measuring accurately evolution in the properties of galaxies up to z~4. This paper concentrates on the main results obtained so far on galaxy clustering. Overall, L* galaxies at z~ 1.5 show a correlation length r_0=3.6\pm 0.7. As a consequence, the linear galaxy bias at fixed luminosity rises over the same range from the value b~1 measured locally, to b=1.5 +/- 0.1. The interplay of galaxy and structure evolution in producing this observation is discussed in some detail. Galaxy clustering is found to depend on galaxy luminosity also at z~ 1, but luminous galaxies at this redshift show a significantly steeper small-scale correlation function than their z=0 counterparts. Finally, red galaxies remain more clustered than blue galaxies out to similar redshifts, with a nearly constant relative bias among the two classes, b_{rel}~1.4, despite the rather dramatic evolution of the color-density relation over the same redshift range.Comment: 14 pages. Extended, combined version of two invited review papers presented at: 1) XXVIth Astrophysics Moriond Meeting: "From Dark Halos to Light", March 2006, proc. edited by L.Tresse, S. Maurogordato and J. Tran Thanh Van (Editions Frontieres); 2) Vulcano Workshop 2006 "Frontier Objects in Astrophysics and Particle Physics", May 2006, proc. edited by F. Giovannelli & G. Mannocchi, Italian Physical Society (Editrice Compositori, Bologna

    Automated reliability assessment for spectroscopic redshift measurements

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    We present a new approach to automate the spectroscopic redshift reliability assessment based on machine learning (ML) and characteristics of the redshift probability density function (PDF). We propose to rephrase the spectroscopic redshift estimation into a Bayesian framework, in order to incorporate all sources of information and uncertainties related to the redshift estimation process, and produce a redshift posterior PDF that will be the starting-point for ML algorithms to provide an automated assessment of a redshift reliability. As a use case, public data from the VIMOS VLT Deep Survey is exploited to present and test this new methodology. We first tried to reproduce the existing reliability flags using supervised classification to describe different types of redshift PDFs, but due to the subjective definition of these flags, soon opted for a new homogeneous partitioning of the data into distinct clusters via unsupervised classification. After assessing the accuracy of the new clusters via resubstitution and test predictions, unlabelled data from preliminary mock simulations for the Euclid space mission are projected into this mapping to predict their redshift reliability labels.Comment: Submitted on 02 June 2017 (v1). Revised on 08 September 2017 (v2). Latest version 28 September 2017 (this version v3

    Long-Term Survival in Adult Neuroblastoma with Multiple Recurrences

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    Neuroblastoma (NB) rarely occurs in adults, and less than 10% of the cases occur in patients older than 10 years. Currently, there are no standard treatment guidelines for adult NB patients. We report the case of a young man suffering from NB in adulthood with multiple recurrences. Treatment included multiple resections, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. This patient remains free of clinical disease more than 7 years after diagnosis

    The Thorium Molten Salt Reactor : Moving on from the MSBR

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    A re-evaluation of the Molten Salt Breeder Reactor concept has revealed problems related to its safety and to the complexity of the reprocessing considered. A reflection is carried out anew in view of finding innovative solutions leading to the Thorium Molten Salt Reactor concept. Several main constraints are established and serve as guides to parametric evaluations. These then give an understanding of the influence of important core parameters on the reactor's operation. The aim of this paper is to discuss this vast research domain and to single out the Molten Salt Reactor configurations that deserve further evaluation.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, 6 table

    Fast Thorium Molten Salt Reactors started with Plutonium

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    One of the pending questions concerning Molten Salt Reactors based on the 232Th/233U fuel cycle is the supply of the fissile matter, and as a consequence the deployment possibilities of a fleet of Molten Salt Reactors, since 233U does not exist on earth and is not yet produced in the current operating reactors. A solution may consist in producing 233U in special devices containing Thorium, in Pressurized Water or Fast Neutrons Reactors. Two alternatives to produce 233U are examined here: directly in standard Molten Salt Reactors started with Plutonium as fissile matter and then operated in the Th/233U cycle; or in dedicated Molten Salt Reactors started and fed with Plutonium as fissile matter and Thorium as fertile matter. The idea is to design a critical reactor able to burn the Plutonium and the minor actinides presently produced in PWRs, and consequently to convert this Plutonium into 233U. A particular reactor configuration is used, called unique channel configuration in which there is no moderator in the core, leading to a quasi fast neutron spectrum, allowing Plutonium to be used as fissile matter. The conversion capacities of such Molten Salt Reactors are excellent. For Molten Salt Reactors only started with Plutonium, the assets of the Thorium fuel cycle turn out to be quickly recovered and the reactors characteristics turn out to be equivalent to Molten Salt Reactors operated with 233U only. Using a combination of Molten Salt Reactors started or operated with Plutonium and of Molten Salt Reactors started with 233U, the deployment capabilities of these reactors fully satisfy the condition of sustainability

    The VIRMOS deep imaging survey: I. overview and survey strategy

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    This paper presents the CFH12K-VIRMOS survey: a deep B, V, R and I imaging survey in four fields totalling more than 17 deg^2, conducted with the 30x40 arcmin^2 field CFH-12K camera. The survey is intended to be a multi-purpose survey used for a variety of science goals, including surveys of very high redshift galaxies and weak lensing studies. Four high galactic latitude fields, each 2x2 deg^2, have been selected along the celestial equator: 0226-04, 1003+01, 1400+05, and 2217+00. The 16 deg^2 of the "wide" survey are covered with exposure times of 2h, 1.5h, 1h, 1h, while the 1.3x1 deg^2 area of the "deep" survey at the center of the 0226-04 field is covered with exposure times of 7h, 4.5h, 3h, 3h, in B,V,R and I respectively. The data is pipeline processed at the Terapix facility at the Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris to produce large mosaic images. The catalogs produced contain the positions, shape, total and aperture magnitudes for the 2.175 million objects. The depth measured (3sigma in a 3 arc-second aperture) is I_{AB}=24.8 in the ``Wide'' areas, and I_{AB}=25.3 in the deep area. Careful quality control has been applied on the data as described in joint papers. These catalogs are used to select targets for the VIRMOS-VLT Deep Survey, a large spectroscopic survey of the distant universe (Le F\`evre et al., 2003). First results from the CFH12K-VIRMOS survey have been published on weak lensing (e.g. van Waerbeke & Mellier 2003). Catalogs and images are available through the VIRMOS database environment under Oracle ({\tt http://www.oamp.fr/virmos}). They will be open for general use on July 1st, 2003.Comment: 17 pages including 9 figures, submitted to A&

    The VIMOS Integral Field Unit: data reduction methods and quality assessment

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    With new generation spectrographs integral field spectroscopy is becoming a widely used observational technique. The Integral Field Unit of the VIsible Multi-Object Spectrograph on the ESO-VLT allows to sample a field as large as 54" x 54" covered by 6400 fibers coupled with micro-lenses. We are presenting here the methods of the data processing software developed to extract the astrophysical signal of faint sources from the VIMOS IFU observations. We focus on the treatment of the fiber-to-fiber relative transmission and the sky subtraction, and the dedicated tasks we have built to address the peculiarities and unprecedented complexity of the dataset. We review the automated process we have developed under the VIPGI data organization and reduction environment (Scodeggio et al. 2005), along with the quality control performed to validate the process. The VIPGI-IFU data processing environment is available to the scientific community to process VIMOS-IFU data since November 2003.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures and 1 table. Accepted for publication in PAS
