72 research outputs found

    New records and range extensions of reef fishes in the Western South Atlantic, with comments on reef fish distribution along the Brazilian coast

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    New occurrences of 11 species of reef fishes are reported for the western South Atlantic, range extensions are recorded for additional 37 reef species along the Brazilian coast, and the distribution of reef ichthyofauna along the eastern coast of South America is commented upon.513530Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Patrones de desove de peces de arrecife comercialmente importantes (Lutjanidae y Serranidae) en el Atlántico tropical suroccidental

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    Although information on the spawning seasons of commercially important snappers (Lutjanidae) and groupers (Serranidae, subfamily Epinephelinae) is available for the north and central west Atlantic, there is little information for the tropical western South Atlantic (Brazil). As a consequence, there are few fishery regulations in this entire region that take into consideration such information. In this study, we characterized the reproductive cycles of three Epinephelinae serranids (Epinephelus morio, Mycteroperca bonaci and Cephalopholis fulva) and five lutjanids (Lutjanus synagris, L. jocu, L. analis, Ocyurus chrysurus and Rhomboplites aurorubens) that occur in the Abrolhos Bank, Brazil, the largest reef complex in the tropical western South Atlantic. A total of 3528 gonads were collected from May 2005 to October 2007. Temporal variability in spawning patterns was evaluated using the Gonadosomatic Index (GSI) and macroscopic analyses. The peak of reproductive activity for the three grouper species occurred between July and August. Snappers exhibited two peaks of reproductive activity, the more intense of which occurred between September and October. The other peak occurred between February and March, with the exception of the deep-dwelling species R. aurorubens, which only reproduced between February and March. Seasonal patterns were consistent over the two consecutive years that we studied, and these patterns are equivalent to those observed for the Northern Hemisphere, as are the sizes at maturity and at the time of sexual change (for the three protogynous hermaphrodite groupers). Fisheries management in this region could be significantly improved by a combination of catch and effort limitations being imposed during spawning seasons and by overall size limitations, particularly considering that most of the fish caught are generally below size at maturity. The proposed buffer zones for the marine areas that are presently protected in Abrolhos represent an opportunity for implementing both spatial (e.g. setting no-take zones that cover spawning sites) and temporal (e.g. seasonal closures during spawning peaks) management tools, using a participatory approach at the regional scale.A pesar de que se tiene un buen conocimiento sobre la época de freza de los pargos (Lutjanidae) y los meros (Serranidae, subfamilia Epinephelinae) en las zonas norte y central del Atlántico occidental, la información disponible del Atlántico suroccidental es escasa. Como consecuencia, en esta zona aún existen pocas regulaciones pesqueras que tengan en cuenta esta información. En este estudio se caracterizan los ciclos reproductores de tres serránidos Epinephelinae (Epinephelus morio, Mycteroperca bonaci and Cephalopholis fulva) y cinco pargos (Lutjanus synagris, L. jocu, L. analis, Ocyurus chrysurus and Rhomboplites aurorubens) en el Banco de Abrolhos, el mayor complejo de arrecifes del Atlántico suroccidental. Se examinaron un total de 3528 gónadas entre mayo de 2005 y octubre de 2007. La variabilidad temporal de las pautas de puesta se evaluó mediante el Índice Gonadosomático (GSI) y análisis microscópicos. Para los tres meros el máximo en la actividad reproductora se produce entre julio y agosto. Los lutjánidos presentan dos picos de actividad bien diferenciados, siendo el más intenso el que tiene lugar entre septiembre y octubre, mientras que el menor se produce entre febrero y marzo, con la excepción de R. aurorubens, una especie de profundidad, que sólo se reproduce entre febrero y marzo. Las pautas estacionales en la reproducción son consistentes en los dos años consecutivos y, junto a la edad de primera madurez y la edad de inversión sexual (los tres meros son hermafroditas proterogínicos), son equivalentes a las que se producen en el hemisferio septentrional. La gestión pesquera en esta región podría mejorar significativamente mediante una combinación de limitaciones en las capturas y en el esfuerzo durante las épocas de puesta, así como limitando la talla mínima de captura, considerando que la mayoría de individuos capturados actualmente son inmaduros. Las zonas de amortiguación de las áreas marinas actualmente protegidas en Abrolhos representan una buena oportunidad para implementar herramientas de gestión tanto espaciales (e.g. estableciendo zonas de exclusión pesquera en los lugares de freza) como temporales (e.g. prohibiendo la pesca durante la época de reproducción), utilizando una aproximación participativa a una escala regional

    Indie existence aesthetics: articulations around the mainstream conception

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    Indie emerged as sound and creative experimentations that sought to move away from the mainstream music. This conception, applied to a musical genre, can be understood as an aesthetic conception. Foucault points out that the search for an aesthetic that legitimizes our existence is an ethical subject's constitution practice. In turn, music fans interact to discuss, validating or rejecting content directed to them by the music industry and the artists they enjoy. The interactivity between fans about media products characterizes them as prosumers, i.e., consumers who act productively on what they consume. Thus, present research aims to analyze how prosumerist interactions of indie music fans define the genre through an aesthetic of existence. To this purpose, the research was conducted through netnography in one of the main virtual fan communities of the genre. The results indicate the exercise of two aesthetics: one presents the indie as an alternative to the mainstream, forged in the conceptions of freedom and resistance; another testifies to the indie as adherent to the mainstream, thanks to the capacity to expand access to the genre. Although they sound irreconcilable, both are based on the understanding that the indie is beautiful and that it needs to be preserved from its relationship with the mainstream conception

    Geomorphological significance of shelf-incised valleys as mesophotic habitats

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    Geomorphology provides the core attributes for outlining marine seascapes, once the structural complexity of the seafloor mediates several oceanographic processes and ecosystem services, and is positively associated with biodiversity. Shelf-incised valleys and other prominent meso-scale structures such as reefs and sinkholes have a great potential for the discrimination of benthic habitat groups. Here, we investigate shelf-incised valleys as a mesophotic habitat, by focusing on their geomorphological control in defining distinct habitats in comparison with the flat surrounding area. The study was based on the integration of high-resolution bathymetry data (multibeam echosounder), video imaging, and physical-chemical parameters of the water column. Habitat mapping was conducted using object-based image analysis segmentation and clustering. Principal Component Analysis was used to assess the variables associated with habitat distribution at each morphological region of the valleys. Bathymetric data revealed the presence of 5 shelf-incised valleys and 5 seabed classes were defined as carbonate crusts, Rhodoliths (3 distinct classes) and unconsolidated sediments. A comprehensive habitat map with 17 classes was produced, and 13 are associated with valley´s relief. Extensive rhodolith beds were mapped in the valley flanks/bottom and in the flat areas. Shelf-incised valleys are prominent morphological features that add complexity to the seascape, contrasting with the flat relief that dominates the seascape. The seabed footage obtained in the valleys revealed that their heterogeneous, complex and irregular topography harbors a great diversity of epibionts, such as scleractinian corals, coralline algae, sponges and bryozoans. Most of the variability in the dataset is correlated with salinity, temperature and carbonate sediments, which seem to be the most influential variables over the biological assemblage, together with water depth and seabed slope. Shelf-incised valleys, similarly to submarine canyons, can define a complex mesophotic habitat and sustain distinct biodiversity, and even form mesophotic reefs. These features are the legacy of Quaternary sea-level changes and should be further investigated as important mesophotic habitats

    Air temperature modelling in Distrito Federal - Brazil region with atmospheric AIRS sensor data

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    O sensoriamento remoto pode ser utilizado na estimativa de dados meteorológicos. A partir da utilização de imagens de variáveis atmosféricas obtidas pelo sensor AIRS (Atmospheric Infrared Sounder) a bordo do satélite Aqua, o presente estudo objetivou estimar as temperaturas máxima, mínima e média diária do ar na região do Distrito Federal – Brasil. Foram gerados modelos de regressão linear simples e múltipla tendo como variáveis explanatórias os dados do sensor AIRS de temperatura de superfície, umidade relativa do ar e vapor d’água atmosférico, obtidos em escala temporal de doze horas (diurno e noturno), durante o período compreendido entre janeiro de 2012 e dezembro de 2016. Como variá­veis dependentes, foram utilizados valores observados de temperatura do ar em duas estações meteorológicas da região estudada. Os ajustes apresentaram R² = 0,62 e RMSE = 1,64 °C para os dados de temperatura máxima, R² = 0,59 e RMSE = 1,50 °C para os dados de temperatura mínima, e R² = 0,76 e RMSE = 1,45 °C para os dados de temperatura média. Conclui-se que os dados do sensor AIRS são adequados para o monitoramento da temperatura do ar na região do Distrito Federal.Remote sensing can be used to estimate meteorological data. Images of atmospheric variables obtained by the AIRS (Atmospheric Infrared Sounder) sensor aboard Aqua satellite, were used to estimate maximum, minimum and average daily air temperature in Federal District region – Brazil. Simple and multiple linear regression models were used with explanatory variables derived of diurnal and nocturnal AIRS data of surface temperature, relative air humidity and atmospheric water vapor over the period 2012-2016. The dependent variables were the maximum, minimum and daily average air temperature obtained by two meteorological stations located in the study region. The AIRS fittings showed R² = 0.62 and RMSE = 1.64 °C for the daily maximum air temperature, R² = 0.59 and RMSE = 1.50 °C for the minimum daily air temperature, and R² = 0.76 and RMSE = 1.45 °C for the daily average air temperature. Our results suggest that the AIRS data can yield accurate daily air temperature estimates for Distrito Federal – Brazil region

    Os perfis de sono e suas associações ao desenvolvimento cognitivo em crianças com transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade

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    A Este artigo aborda o Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade (TDAH), cuja patogênese é multifatorial e apresenta a tríade de sintomas: hiperatividade, desatenção e impulsividade. Queixa frequente nessa população, os distúrbios do sono podem ser indicativos de problemas na ritmicidade circadiana e decorrer em problemas comportamentais, de cognição e de humor. Com o intuito de contribuir para o conhecimento das bases biológicas e das características clínicas no TDAH o objetivo desta revisão foi investigar possíveis correlações entre o comportamento, parâmetros do ritmo atividade/repouso, sono/vigília e a presença de distúrbios de sono em crianças com TDAH. Os dados comportamentais foram avaliados por meio da análise de artigos relacionados ao tema em questão. Os resultados mostraram que existe uma correlação evidente entre distúrbios do sono e prejuízos no desenvolvimento cognitivo de crianças com TDAH

    Desenvolvimento de um “nugget” à base do resíduo da acerola (Malpighia emarginata D.C) e feijão-caupi (Vigna unguiculata L.)/ Development of a nugget based on the acerola residue (Malpighia emarginata D.C) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.)

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    O presente trabalho objetivou elaborar um “nugget” utilizando o resíduo de acerola e o feijão-caupi. Este foi realizado na Universidade Federal do Piauí, no laboratório de Desenvolvimento de Produtos e Análise Sensorial de Alimentos, utilizando uma quantidade de 109 assessores sensoriais. Analisou-se a aceitação do produto por meio dos testes Escala Hedônica, Intenção de Compra e a caracterização deste por meio da Análise Descritiva Quantitativa-ADQ. Observou-se que 95,4% assessores sensoriais avaliaram o produto desenvolvido com notas de aceitação (6 a 9). A análise dos resultados não mostrou diferença significativa (p > 0,05). No teste Intenção de Compra 88% dos assessores sensoriais atribuíram notas 4 (provavelmente compraria) e 5 (certamente compraria). Nos resultados do teste discriminativo Pareado de Preferência, foi possível observar que a preferência pelo produto desenvolvido foi similar à preferência pelo produto padrão. Concluiu-se que o “nugget” desenvolvido obteve ótima aceitação sensorial, pois não observou-se diferença estatisticamente significativa no teste Pareado de Preferência, quando comparado ao “nugget” padrão, já comercializado e com ótima aceitação no mercado