83 research outputs found

    La filantropia politica e la lotta per i diritti delle donne. Le reti internazionali

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    Gli interventi assistenziali delle donne avevano una lunga tradizione, ma l'intreccio tra assistenza, solidarietà, cooperazione tra donne e la rivendicazione dell’uguaglianza civile, giuridica e morale con l'altro sesso caratterizzava il secolo XIX. A partire dalla lotta contro i Regolamenti di prostituzione, si formarono, nella seconda metà del secolo, associazioni di donne impegnate nel recupero delle prostitute e nella tutela delle lavoratrici migranti. Il nostro contributo presenta un primo esame degli interventi specifici e della collaborazione tra tre di queste società, nei primi decenni della loro attività: Fédération Internationale des Amiés de la Jeune Fille- la sola presente significativamente anche in Italia- Travellers Aid Society for women and girls, e Jewish Association for the Protection of Girls and Women. Le tre associazioni iniziarono la loro attività negli anni 70 -80 del XIX secolo, e presentano importanti tratti comuni : attività di solidarietà verso le sorelle più povere e più sventurate; affermazione del diritto delle donne a istruzione e lavoro; opposizione alla prostituzione regolamentata e contrasto al traffico di donne e minori. Queste associazioni crearono una rete internazionale di protezione (case d’accoglienza, sorveglianza alle stazioni e ai porti, uffici di collocamento), con iniziative comuni a livello nazionale e internazionale. Aderirono alla International Vigilance Association, che nasceva alla fine del XIX secolo per combattere la “tratta delle bianche”. Impegnate nella promozione del genere femminile, sostenevano un’uguale educazione morale per i due sessi; chiedevano agli stati interventi di tutela delle lavoratrici madri e delle lavoratrici migranti, l’introduzione dei reati di tratta e di sfruttamento della prostituzione, e una legislazione che contrastasse violenza e sfruttamento a danno dei minori. Le tre associazioni facevano parte dell’International Women’s Council, mentre le Amiés e la Travellers Aid aderivano all’International Abolitionist Federation, che si batteva per l’abolizione dei Regolamenti di prostituzione, che proteggevano ì bordelli e toglievano alle prostitute i più elementari diritti. Le differenze riguardavano essenzialmente le scelte di natura politico-culturale. In particolarte, per il maggiore protagonismo femminile affermatosi in ambito protestante, le Amiés (presenti in tutta Europa) e la Travellers Aid Association( in Gran Bretagna e negli Usa) s’impegnarono con decisione nelle battaglie per l’uguaglianza dei sessi, e tra loro militavano numerose suffragiste

    Suitability of electroencephalography in brain death determination: a monocentric, 10-year retrospective, observational investigation of 428 cases

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    Background We aimed to verify the usefulness of electroencephalographic (EEG) activity recording (that is mandatory according to the Italian law), in addition to two clinical evaluations spaced 6 h, among the procedures of brain death determination (BDD) in adult individuals. Methods The study is a monocentric, retrospective analysis of all BDDs performed in the last 10 years at Policlinico Le Scotte in Siena (Italy). Results Of the 428 cases revised (mean age 67.6 ± 15.03 years; range 24–92 years), 225 were males and 203 females. In total, 212 out of 428 patients (49.5%) were donors. None of the BDD procedures were interrupted due to the reappearance of EEG activity (neither for clinical reasons) at any sampling time, with the exception of one case that was considered a false negative at critical reinspection of the EEG. In 6/428 cases (1.4%), a cardiac arrest occurred during the 6 h between the first and second evaluation, thus missing the opportunity to take organs from these patients because the BDD procedure was not completed. Conclusions Once the initial clinical examination before convening the BDD Commission has ascertained the absence of brainstem reflexes and of spontaneous breathing, and these clinical findings are supported by a flat EEG recording, the repetition of a 30-min EEG twice over a 6 h period seems not to add additional useful information to clinical findings. Current data, if confirmed in other centers and possibly in prospective studies, may help to promote a scientific and bioethical debate in Italy, as well as in other countries where the EEG is still mandatory, for eventually pdating the procedures of BDD. © 2022, The Author(s)

    Biogeochemical properties of Adriatic dense waters

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    Distribution and characteristics of dense waters in the Adriatic Sea were monitored during their formation in winter 2008, and later, in autumn at the end of the seasonal stratification period in the Adriatic Sea. Different types of dense waters were identified on the basis of their physical features. In order to characterised their biogeochemical properties dissolved oxygen, nutrient, and particulate organic matter (chlorophyll a, particulate organic carbon, particulate nitrogen and phosphorus) were analysed

    Contrasting styles of (U)HP rock exhumation along the Cenozoic Adria-Europe plate boundary (Western Alps, Calabria, Corsica)

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    Since the first discovery of ultrahigh pressure (UHP) rocks 30 years ago in the Western Alps, the mechanisms for exhumation of (U)HP terranes worldwide are still debated. In the western Mediterranean, the presently accepted model of synconvergent exhumation (e.g., the channel-flow model) is in conflict with parts of the geologic record. We synthesize regional geologic data and present alternative exhumation mechanisms that consider the role of divergence within subduction zones. These mechanisms, i.e., (i) the motion of the upper plate away from the trench and (ii) the rollback of the lower plate, are discussed in detail with particular reference to the Cenozoic Adria-Europe plate boundary, and along three different transects (Western Alps, Calabria-Sardinia, and Corsica-Northern Apennines). In the Western Alps, (U)HP rocks were exhumed from the greatest depth at the rear of the accretionary wedge during motion of the upper plate away from the trench. Exhumation was extremely fast, and associated with very low geothermal gradients. In Calabria, HP rocks were exhumed from shallower depths and at lower rates during rollback of the Adriatic plate, with repeated exhumation pulses progressively younging toward the foreland. Both mechanisms were active to create boundary divergence along the Corsica-Northern Apennines transect, where European southeastward subduction was progressively replaced along strike by Adriatic northwestward subduction. The tectonic scenario depicted for the Western Alps trench during Eocene exhumation of (U)HP rocks correlates well with present-day eastern Papua New Guinea, which is presented as a modern analog of the Paleogene Adria-Europe plate boundary

    Assistenza alle lavoratrici migranti e battaglie civili. Le "amiche della giovinetta" (1870-1914)

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    L’Union Internationale des Amies de la Jeune Fille nasceva nel 1877, nell’ambito del movimento per l’abolizione dei Regolamenti di prostituzione, che in molti paesi europei limitavano pesantemente i diritti civili delle prostitute. Nata in ambito protestante, ma presente anche in alcuni paesi cattolici, Italia compresa, l’Union diede vita a una rete internazionale di protezione che, tramite case d’accoglienza, sorveglianza alle stazioni e ai porti e uffici di collocamento offriva sostegno e soccorso alle giovani costrette a lasciare la casa paterna per trovare lavoro, e a tutte le ragazze sole o “mal consigliate”, per evitare loro di cadere nelle reti della prostituzione e della tratta delle bianche, fenomeni contro cui si batté anche sul terreno della politica e dell’educazione. Le Amiche, a partire dalla loro esperienza di fede, fecero arrivare parole d’ordine come la fine della doppia morale sessuale e della concezione proprietaria del corpo femminile, e come il diritto all’uguaglianza con l’altro sesso nel lavoro e nell’istruzione a donne che difficilmente i gruppi femministi più radicali avrebbero potuto raggiungere.

    Le relazioni di genere nei servizi postelegrafonici dal XIX secolo al secondo dopoguerra

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    The postal, telegraphic and telephonic sector was an important area for development of the communications and as a servic"e provider for the wholder for the whole economy, and played a crucial social and political role, making easier relations of institutions each other, and of the citizens with the institutions, especially where the postal and telegraphic service was a State monopoly. Like employees in central offices, as well as in the direction of local ones, women showed certain qualities that men appeared lacking: lower claims in income and career, more grace and discretion, lower interest in the local quarrels.The gender perspective proved to be especially productive for the examination of labor relations in this area.Our researches pointed out the importance of these workers in the feminisation of clerical work: a job no relate to the maternal function, and, in the little cities, a social presence unusually for women. Our contribution wishes to emphasize the battle of the Italian postal telegraphic and telephonic female workers in the feminist ranks and in trade union movement, for the acknowledgement of their rights as workers, civil servants and women. The same battle carried on their companions in other nations. Between the end of the 800th to the between the two worlds wars, international female staff, in the ranks of IPTT, fought mainly to stability and freedom of occupation-- , for equality in rules and wages, for the right to career; and for better conditions of work and maternity protection

    Recensione al volume di Emma Schiavon, Torino 1911. Il primo congresso pro-suffragio femminile

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    La recensione prende in esame il volume di Emma Schiavon in riferimento al femmnismo italiano e internazionale nel primo 900 e alla luce della letteratura in argoment
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