1,206 research outputs found

    El erotismo literario en las adaptaciones cinematográficas: estudio de siete ejemplos

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    En el presente trabajo estudiamos la importancia que el erotismo adquiere cuando una obra literaria es seleccionada para ser llevada a la gran pantalla. Para ello, proponemos el estudio de siete adaptaciones cinematográficas que parten de textos con diversos tratamientos del contenido sexual. Entre las múltiples opciones que teníamos, hemos elegido siete adaptaciones realizadas por alguno de nuestros más célebres directores de cine: Vicente Aranda, Bigas Luna, Mario Camus y Pilar Miró

    Los juegos temporales en los relatos de Julio Cortázar: análisis de tres cuentos

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    El estudio del tiempo en el relato ha sido un asunto esencial para los estudios de narratología, principalmente a partir de los logros del estructuralismo y de la teoría propuesta por Gérard Genette. En el presente trabajo me propongo abordar el estado de esta cuestión, para realizar después un análisis temporal de los relatos "Ómnibus", "Las puertas del cielo" y "Bestiario", incluidos en Bestiario (1951). El estilo de Cortázar destaca por la abundancia de anacronías y juegos temporales y, por tanto, su elección resulta muy apropiada para el enfoque que se desarrolla en este estudio.The study of time throughout the story has been a key issue in narratology surveys, mainly from the achievements of structuralism and the theory proposed by Gérard Gennette. In this paper, it's my intention to deal with the state of this issue, to carry out a subsequent temporal analysis of "Ómnibus", "Las puertas del cielo" and "Bestiario", narrations included in Bestiario (1951). Cortázar's outstanding style, with abundance of anachronies and temporal plays, makes them quite a suitable choice to the approach in this study

    Understanding and engineering cofactor metabolism: a quest for improved biochemical production

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    In the field of metabolic engineering, where cells are treated as “factories” that synthesise industrial compounds, it is essential for cell metabolism to accommodate the energy and re- dox cofactor demands of synthetic pathways. A balanced supply and consumption of ATP and NAD(P)H directly influences biotechnological performance. This study develops computational and experimental frameworks to explore how ATP and NAD(P)H limit the yield of synthetic pathways during bioproduction. Constraint-based modelling was used to develop a novel computational protocol, CBA (Co- factor Balance Assessment), which tracks how ATP and NAD(P)H contribute to cell target production, as opposed to cell maintenance, biomass and waste release, in the presence of a synthetic pathway. Using butanol pathways (a non-native product in E.coli) with varying cofactor demands, CBA discerned the network-wide effects of cofactor variations on butanol yield. Results indicate that yields could be boosted by up to 13% if the introduced pathway is balanced both in terms of energy and redox. CBA simplified cofactor balance assessments and provided insights into how to improve the efficiency of recombinant strains. Physiological and metabolic responses to cofactor perturbations were also experimentally assessed. The predominant phenotypes of strains harbouring the ATP synthase and PCK knockouts included high glycolytic flux, lower biomass and ATP. These strains were used to improve ethanol production, resulting in yields 10% and 29% higher than the WT overproducing ethanol and reaching over 70% of the theoretical maximum. The low but positive ATP yields boosted ethanol production and minimised unrestricted growth. This research posits that early-stage in silico cofactor usage profiling serves as an instrument to select better performing pathways. Significant yield improvements can be achieved experimentally with a small number of cofactor-driven modifications that reduce the waste of cofactors, illustrating the potential of these strains as platforms to improve bioproduction of cofactor-neutral or cofactor-surplus synthetic pathways.Open Acces

    Brain neurotransmitters and hippocampal proteome in pigs under stress and environmental enrichment

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    Stress and wellbeing are psychological conditions that are mediated by the central nervous system. In the brain, stress is mediated mainly by the hypothalamus, which will activate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, leading to the secretion of cortisol, the paradigmatic stress hormone. Other brain areas as the amygdala, the hippocampus or the prefrontal cortex (PFC) are involved in emotions such as happiness, anxiety and fear. Communication between brain areas is achieved by chemical neurotransmitters (NTs), which are secreted by presynaptic neurons to reach postsynaptic neurons, where they will cause a variation in membrane polarization and other cell signaling actions, leading to physiological responses. Amongst these NTs, catecholamines (noradrenaline and dopamine) and serotonin play an important role. On the other hand, the adverse effects of stress may be counteracted by housing the individuals under environmental enrichment conditions. This long-term situation should have an effect, not only on NTs, but also on the brain proteome.Under the hypothesis that different stress situations will lead to changes in NT composition that will be specific for crucial brain areas, we have tested the effects of transport stress, handling stress at the slaughterhouse, and the stress-susceptible genotype (Ryr1) on the amine NT concentration in amygdala, hippocampus, PFC and hypothalamus of pigs.The effects of living under environmentally enriched or control conditions on the NT concentration in several brain regions and on the hippocampus proteome has been also analyzed.In conclusion, genetic factors as well as management conditions related to housing, transport and slaughterhouse alter in different degree the catecholaminergic and the serotoninergic neurotransmission in the brain, and give clues about how different individual types are able to react to external challenges. Likewise, environmental enrichment leads to changes in the proteome especially related to protein translation in the hippocampus

    Phenomenology and humanistic-existencial psychotherapy

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    En este artículo se presenta como marco referencial para la psicoterapia humanista-existencial, algunos conceptos fundamentales de la fenomenología y el método fenomenológico que iluminan el quehacer psicoterapéutico. Con la finalidad de dar cumplimiento a este objetivo, en primer lugar, se delinea la manera en la que los mismos psicoterapeutas humanistas-existenciales entienden el núcleo de la aproximación fenomenológica y, en segundo lugar, se especifica algunos usos posibles de la fenomenología en el área de la teoría y la práctica clínica.    This article presents some fundamental concepts of phenomenology and the phenomenological method that throw some light on psychotherapeutic practice as theoretical frame for humanistic-existential psychotherapy. To accomplish this, first the way in which humanistic existential psychotherapists understand the nucleus of the phenomenological approach is outlined and second some possible uses of phenomenology in the area of clinical theory and practice are specified.  

    Presencia de anticuerpos contra Neospora caninum en canes residentes en zonas de producción de panca de maíz, destinada a la alimentación de establos lecheros en los distritos de Chao y Virú – La Libertad 2017

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    El presente estudio se realizó con el propósito de demostrar la presencia de anticuerpos contra Neospora caninum en sangre de aquellos canes que se encuentran en los principales centros poblados y pueblos de la Provincia de Virú, en donde se cultiva maíz para obtener como subproducto la panca, el principal alimento forrajero de las vacas en los establos de producción lechera en el distrito de Trujillo. Se utilizó como técnica de diagnóstico un análisis de inmunocromatografía como el Kit FASTest Neospora caninum, del laboratorio MEGACOR de Austria. Este estudio serológico se realizó en 36 caninos, los cuales, se les extrajo sangre de la vena cefálica, todos procedentes de los centros poblados de la provincia de Virú. Los resultados determinaron la presencia de anticuerpos contra Neospora caninum, en un 28% del total de canes en el distrito de Virú; 0% en el centro poblado de “California”; 14%, en el pueblo de “Chanquin”; 50%, en el centro poblado de “Santa Elena” y 28%, en el centro poblado de “Huancaquito Alto”. La presencia de anticuerpos contra Neospora caninum en el distrito de Chao fue del 18%, en su totalidad; 0%, en el centro poblado de “Buena Vista” y 25 %, en el centro poblado de “El Inca”. En conclusión, se demuestra la presencia de anticuerpos contra Neospora caninum, en la sangre de los caninos residentes de los centros poblados de Virú (28 %) y Chao (18%), donde se produce el subproducto del cultivo de maíz conocido como panca de maíz. Siendo los caninos seropositivos a Neospora caninum posibles contaminadores o lo hayan sido, excretando ooquistes de Neospora caninum en la panca de maíz destinados para la alimentación del ganado, lo que convierte a este insumo en el vehículo en que este parásito llega a los establos lecheros.The present study was carried out with the purpose of demonstrating the presence of antibodies of Neospora caninum in blood of those dogs that are found in the main populated centers and towns of the Province of Virú, where corn is grown to obtain as a byproduct the panca, the main fodder for cows in dairy production stables in the district of Trujillo. An immunochromatographic analysis was used as a diagnostic technique, such as FASTest Neospora caninum, from the MEGACOR laboratory in Austria. This serological study was carried out on 36 canines, which extracted blood from the cephalic vein, all from the population centers of the province of Virú. The results determined the presence of antibodies against Neospora caninum, in 28% of the total number of dogs in the district of Virú; 0% in the populated center of “California”; 14%, in the town of “Chanquin”; 50%, in the town of “Santa Elena” and 28%, in the center of “Huancaquito Alto”. The presence of antibodies against Neospora caninum in the Chao district was 18%, in its entirety; 0%, in the town of “Buena Vista” and 25%, in the town of “El Inca”. In conclusion, the presence of antibodies against Neospora caninum is demonstrated in the blood of the resident canines of the populated centers of Virú (28%) and Chao (18%), where the by-product of the corn culture known as panca de corn. Being the canine seropositive to Neospora caninum a possible polluter or it has been, excreting oocysts of Neospora caninum in the panca of corn destined for the feeding of the cattle, turns to this input in the vehicle in which this parasite arrives at the dairy stages.Tesi

    School for parents: the illusion of an ideal mother for a happy childhood

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    Escuela para Padres, formó parte de un dispositivo masivo que bajo la idea de hacer una divulgación desde la psicología o el psicoanálisis a la generación de padres de los años ´60 se dedico a dar consejos sobre todo a las madres. Este operativo pedagógico fue liderado por Eva Giberti quien señalaba el ideal a seguir frente a los cambios en la época.School for Parents, was part of a massive device that under the idea of making a disclosure from psychology or psychoanalysis to the generation of parents of the ‘60s dedicated to giving advice especially to mothers. Th is pedagogical operation was led by Eva Giberti who indicated the ideal to follow the changes at the time.Hospital Interzonal General de Agudos "Prof. Dr. R. Rossi

    Vanguardias platenses: Edgardo Antonio Vigo (1928-1997)

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    Edgardo Antonio Vigo nació en La Plata, en 1928, estudió en la Escuela de Bellas Artes de la UNLP en 1953, es becado a Francia donde entra en contacto con la vanguardia mundial. En 1954, de vuelta en Argentina, expone objetos móviles de madera donde ya se vislumbraba la tendencia hacia un arte que contara con la participación de los espectadores. Fue responsable de las publicaciones, “Diagonal Cero” (1961) y “Hexágono 70”, difusoras de la “Novísima Poesía” (poesía visual) junto a la posterior “Nuestro Libro Internacional de Estampillas y Matasellos” con sellos y matasellos originales de artistas de todo el mundo (artistamps y rubberstamps) se las consideran paradigmas de lo que, hoy día, se conoce como “Libros de artistas”. Entre sus producciones se encuentran una serie de objetos denominados “objetos inútiles” y “máquinas extrañas” como “Palanganómetro Mecedor para Críticos de Arte” y la “Bi-Tri-Cicleta Ingenua”. Realizó un tapón para el Rio de La Plata. También fue uno de los principales promotores del arte correo en nuestro país.Hospital Interzonal General de Agudos "Prof. Dr. R. Rossi