1,232 research outputs found

    Metaphysics and novel: Two pre-occupations of Antonio Rodríguez Huéscar

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    Este trabajo fue presentado en el encuentro académico La razón vital o histórica como proyecto metafísico en torno a don Antonio Rodríguez Huéscar, organizado por el Proyecto de Investigación FI 2009-11707 «La Escuela de Madrid y la búsqueda de una filosofía a la altura de los tiempos»Tratamos de mostrar los puntos de coincidencia entre la filosofía, entendida como comprensión de lo real, y la novela moderna, la que surge con Cervantes, como ficción que aspira a captar realidad, a partir del análisis de la novela que propone Antonio R. Huéscar. Dicho análisis es deudor de las categorías de la vida que él mismo contribuyó a establecer en sus ensayos críticos sobre la metafísica de la vida humana como «realidad radical» elaborada por José Ortega y Gasset a partir de los años treinta del siglo pasado. La narración es el instrumento esencial de que se sirven metafísica y novela para captar lo real, es decir, lo que acontece en las vidas de los hombres y mujeres que pueblan la tierraThis text will try to show the points of convergence between philosophy, seen as an understanding of reality, and modern novel, which is inaugurated by Cervantes, as fiction that aims to capture reality, from the analysis of the novel proposed by Antonio R. Huéscar. Such analysis is indebted to the categories of life which he helped establish in his critical essays about the metaphysics of human life as «radical reality», produced by José Ortega y Gasset from the thirties of the last century. Narration is the essential instrument used in metaphysics and novel to capture reality, that is, what happens in the lives of men and women who populate the eart

    Dark Matter

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Física, Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2017, Tutor: Eduard Salvador SoléIn this paper, we introduce the astrophysical problem of dark matter (DM) mainly focusing on the observational/experimental point of view. Even though DM cannot be observed directly, there are plenty of indirect observations supporting that there is more mass than we can see. This is the case for the observed properties of galaxies, galaxy clusters and the large-scale structure of the universe. We mention the implications of DM in astrophysics and high-energy physics. We then describe the DM candidates. The first group is the ordinary DM, also known as baryonic DM, in the form of astrophysical objects. The second group is non-ordinary DM or non-baryonic DM. This group encompasses all the solutions for the problem that are not in the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics. We end up by reviewing some current experiments that could allow us to discover what kind of DM we are facing

    Apparent time variation in Basque: variation in Aramaio and Otxandio

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    In this paper we want to research the sociolinguistic variation among people speaking dialect. The research has been made in two villages, in Aramaio and in Otxandio. This is a small sample of a wider project carried out by the research team EUDIA of the University of the Basque Country. The name of the project is EAS (Euskararen Atlas sozio-geolinguistikoa or Socio and geo-linguistic atlas of the Basque language). In this project an enquiry is carried out in 100 villages of the Basque speaking area (in the seven provinces). The questionnaire has about 200 questions (which cover different fields of the language: lexicon, noun morphology, verb morphology and syntax). The questionnaire is done in each village and the respondents are two male speakers, one of them young and the other mature. We want to know what the linguistic differentiations are (in lexicon, in morphology and in syntax) between young and middle aged people. Moreover, we have paid special attention to measure the influence of Unified Basque

    Antonio Rodríguez Huéscar and José Ortega y Gasset: Three Letters

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    El objetivo principal de este artículo es comentar las cartas que se enviaron Antonio Rodríguez Huéscar y José Ortega y Gasset entre 1942 y 1943. Dichas cartas se incluyen en el artículo.The principal aim of this paper is to comment on the letters which Antonio Rodríguez Huéscar and José Ortega y Gasset sent each other between 1942 and 1943. The above said letters are included in the pape

    Tools for linguistic variation

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    Índice / Index / Sommaire:- Introducción a los problemas y métodos según los principios de la Escuela Dialectométrica de Salzburgo (con ejemplos sacados del “Atlante Italo-Svizzero”, AIS) (Hans Goebl).- Some further dialectometrical stops (John Nerbonne, Jelena Prokic, Martijn Wieling and Charlotte Gooskens).- Tools for dialect syntax: the case of CORDIAL-SIN (an annotated corpus of Portuguese dialects) (Ernestina Carrilho).- Le projet Vivaldi: présentation d’un atlas linguistique parlant virtual (Roland Bauer).- Le Thesaurus Occitan: une base de données multimedia consacrée aux dialectes occitans (Guylaine Brun-Trigaud).- The Thesaurus Occitan: a multimedia database dedicated to Occitan dialects; presentation of its morphosyntax module (Pierre-Aurélien Georges).- New methods for the study of grammatical variation and the Audible Corpus of Spoken Rural Spanish (Inés Fernández Ordóñez).- The application of speech synthesis and speech recognition techniques in dialectal studies (María Pilar Perea).- Relevancia del análisis lingüístico en el tratamiento cuantitativo de la variación dialectal (Esteve Clua).- El procesamiento informático de los materiales del Atlas Lingüístico de la Península Ibérica de Tomás Navarro Tomás (Pilar García Mouton).- Un retrato del artículo vasco en el año 1895 mediante el programa VDM (Ekaitz Santazilia).- Technology for prosodic variation (Gotzon Aurrekoetxea and Aitor Iglesias)

    Sobre la noción de yo en Ortega

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    Resumen de la tesis doctoral La consistencia del yo en el pensamiento de Ortega y Gasset, presentada en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, el 28 de noviembre de 1991, por José La.saga Medina, bajo la dirección de D. Julio Bayón Cerdán