28 research outputs found

    New estimates of live biomass and net primary production of Russian forests: A footprint of climate change?

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    The paper presents new estimates of live biomass (phytomass) and net primary production (NPP) of Russian forests for 1993 and 2003. These indicators are estimated based on forest inventory data and a specially developed semi-empirical modeling system. The latter contains regional models of growth by major forest forming species, multi-dimensional models of phytomass and models of biological production. It is shown that the fractional structure of forest phytomass substantially differs from previous estimates that indicated significant temporal trends of the share of aboveground wood (AGW), green part (GP) and belowground (BG) phytomass. The total forest NPP is substantially higher than previously reported. These changes may be attributed to climatic change which was dramatic over the last four decades, particularly in Asian Russia

    Climatically driven loss of calcium in steppe soil as a sink for atmospheric carbon

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    During the last several thousand years the semi‐arid, cold climate of the Russian steppe formed highly fertile soils rich in organic carbon and calcium (classified as Chernozems in the Russian system). Analysis of archived soil samples collected in Kemannaya Steppe Preserve in 1920, 1947, 1970, and fresh samples collected in 1998 indicated that the native steppe Chernozems, however, lost 17–28 kg m−2 of calcium in the form of carbonates in 1970–1998. Here we demonstrate that the loss of calcium was caused by fundamental shift in the steppe hydrologic balance. Previously unleached soils where precipitation was less than potential evapotranspiration are now being leached due to increased precipitation and, possibly, due to decreased actual evapotranspiration. Because this region receives low levels of acidic deposition, the dissolution of carbonates involves the consumption of atmospheric CO2. Our estimates indicate that this climatically driven terrestrial sink of atmospheric CO2 is ∼2.1–7.4 g C m−2 a−1. In addition to the net sink of atmospheric carbon, leaching of pedogenic carbonates significantly amplified seasonal amplitude of CO2 exchange between atmosphere and steppe soil

    Leaf economics and plant hydraulics drive leaf : wood area ratios

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via the DOI in this recordData accessibility: All data are archived and are available from the TRY plant trait data base: www.try-db.org (https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2486.2011.02451.x).Biomass and area ratios between leaves, stems and roots regulate many physiological and ecological processes. The Huber value Hv (sapwood area/leaf area ratio) is central to plant water balance and drought responses. However, its coordination with key plant functional traits is poorly understood, which prevents developing trait-based prediction models. Based on theoretical arguments, we hypothesise that global patterns in Hv of terminal woody branches can be predicted from variables related to plant trait spectra, i.e., plant hydraulics and size and leaf economics. Using a global compilation of 1135 species-averaged Hv , we show that Hv varies over 3 orders of magnitude. Higher Hv are seen in short small-leaved low-SLA shrubs with low Ks in arid relative to tall large-leaved high-SLA trees with high Ks in moist environments. All traits depend on climate but climatic correlations are stronger for explanatory traits than Hv . Negative isometry is found between Hv and Ks , suggesting a compensation to maintain hydraulic supply to leaves across species. This work identifies the major global drivers of branch sapwood/leaf area ratios. Our approach based on widely available traits facilitates the development of accurate models of aboveground biomass allocation and helps predict vegetation responses to drought.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO)University of NottinghamSwedish Research Council Forma

    Acidification of Forest Soil in Russia: 1893-Present

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    It is commonly believed that fine texture soils developed on carbonateparent material are well buffered from possible acidification. There areno data, however, documenting resistance of such soils to acidicdeposition exposure on a time scale longer than 30-40 years.In this paper we employed a rare opportunity of directly testinglong-term buffering capacity of 19th century forest soils developedon calcareous silt loam. A comparison of chemical analysis of archivedsoils with modern soils collected from the same locations ~100 yearslater indicate varying degrees of acidification of forest soils in taiga andthe forest steppe regions. Reforestation and increases in precipitationcontributed to acidification, as well as acidic deposition. The acidificationof forest soil was detected through decreases in soil pH, and changesin concentrations of exchangeable calcium and aluminum, whichcorresponded with changes in communities of soil microfauna. Althoughacidification was found at all 3 locations that were analyzed, the trendsin soil chemistry were greatest where the highest loading of acidicdeposition had taken place

    Climatic factors controlling plant sensitivity to warming

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    Abstract Plant sensitivity to warming can be expressed as β or the number of days of advance in leafing or flowering events per 1°C of Mean Annual Temperature (MAT) change. Many local studies demonstrate that β estimates for spring flowering species are usually larger than estimates for plants flowering in summer or fall. Until now, however, neither observational nor experimental estimates of this parameter were considered to be climate or geographically dependent. Here we question this paradigm through reanalysis of observational β estimates and mathematical modeling of the seasonal warming signal. Statistical analysis of a large number of bulk (averaged over species) estimates of β derived from the Pan European Phenology Data network (PEP725) revealed a positive spatial correlation with MAT, as well as a negative correlation with the Seasonal Temperature Range (STR). These spatial correlations of bulk β values as well as interseasonal variability in β were explained using a simple deterministic model of the Thermal Growing Season (TGS). More specifically, we found that the geographic distribution of bulk plant sensitivity to warming as well as the seasonal decline of β were controlled by the seasonal patterns in the warming signal and by average soil thermal properties. Thus, until recently, plants managed to keep pace with climate warming by shifting their leafing and flowering events by the same number of days as the length of the period of weather suitable for their growth. Our model predicts, however, an even greater increase in the TGS for subsequent increases in MAT. Depending on how they interact with other factors such as changes in precipitation and increased temperature variability, these longer thermal growing seasons may not be beneficial for plant growth

    Lyme disease in New York State: spatial pattern at a regional scale.

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