402 research outputs found

    β-Cell Proliferation, but Not Neogenesis, Following 60% Partial Pancreatectomy Is Impaired in the Absence of FoxM1

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    OBJECTIVE—This study was designed to determine whether the transcription factor FoxM1 was required for regeneration of β-cell mass via proliferation and/or neogenesis in the adult after 60% partial pancreatectomy (PPx)

    Prediction of a gene regulatory network linked to prostate cancer from gene expression, microRNA and clinical data

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    Motivation: Cancer is a complex disease, triggered by mutations in multiple genes and pathways. There is a growing interest in the application of systems biology approaches to analyze various types of cancer-related data to understand the overwhelming complexity of changes induced by the disease

    La ciudad marroquí de Nador en la primera mitad del siglo XX : arquitectura e historia urbana

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    Bibliografía: p. 183-189Resumen: La arquitectura y el urbanismo son manifestaciones culturales permanentes y poseen la virtud de trascender el tiempo de un modo tangible y material, por cuanto están a la vista de cualquier persona que se tome el tiempo de detenerse a contemplar los edifi cios y la traza de las calles de la ciudad. Si el observador tiene un alma sensible, la contemplación le abrirá los ojos a la belleza de muchas construcciones aparentemente modestas y le facilitará el conocimiento de la historia y desarrollo del espacio urbano que nació y creció arraigado en esta tierra.Edición publicada con el patrocinio de la Fundación Baleari

    Distinct and overlapping functions of glutathione peroxidases 1 and 2 in limiting NF-κB-driven inflammation through redox-active mechanisms

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    Glutathione peroxidase 2 (GPx2) is one of the five selenoprotein GPxs having a selenocysteine in the active center. GPx2 is strongly expressed in the gastrointestinal epithelium, as is another isoform, GPx1, though with a different localization pattern. Both GPxs are redox-active enzymes that are important for the reduction of hydroperoxides. Studies on GPx2-deficient mice and human HT-29 cells with a stable knockdown (kd) of GPx2 revealed higher basal and IL-1β-induced expression of NF-κB target genes in vivo and in vitro. The activation of the IKK-IκBα-NF-κB pathway was increased in cultured GPx2 kd cells. Basal signaling was only restored by re-expressing active GPx2 in GPx2 kd cells but not by redox-inactive GPx2. As it is still not clear if the two isoforms GPx1 and GPx2 have different functions, kd cell lines for either GPx1 or GPx2 were studied in parallel. The inhibitory effect of GPx2 on NF-κB signaling and its target gene expression was stronger than that of GPx1, whereas cyclooxygenase (COX)- and lipoxygenase (LOX)-derived lipid mediator levels increased more strongly in GPx1 kd than in GPx2 kd cells. Under unstimulated conditions, the levels of the COX-derived prostaglandins PGE2 and PGD2 were enhanced in GPx2 as well as in GPx1 kd compared to control cells. Specifically, in GPx1 kd cells IL-1β stimulation led to a dramatic shift of the PGE2/PGD2 ratio towards pro-inflammatory PGE2. Taken together, GPx2 and GPx1 have overlapping functions in controlling inflammatory lipid mediator synthesis and, most probably, exert their anti-inflammatory effects by preventing excessive PGE2 production. In view of the high activity of COX and LOX pathways during inflammatory bowel disease our data therefore provide new insights into the mechanisms of the protective function of GPx1 and GPx2 during colitis as well as inflammation-driven carcinogenesis

    FoxM1, a Forkhead Transcription Factor Is a Master Cell Cycle Regulator for Mouse Mature T Cells but Not Double Positive Thymocytes

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    FoxM1 is a forkhead box transcription factor and a known master regulator required for different phases of the cell cycle. In cell lines, FoxM1 deficient cells exhibit delayed S phase entry, aneuploidy, polyploidy and can't complete mitosis. In vivo, FoxM1 is expressed mostly in proliferating cells but is surprisingly also found in non-proliferating CD4+CD8+ double positive thymocytes. Here, we addressed the role of FoxM1 in T cell development by generating and analyzing two different lines of T-cell specific FoxM1 deficient mice. As expected, FoxM1 is required for proliferation of early thymocytes and activated mature T cells. Defective expression of many cell cycle proteins was detected, including cyclin A, cyclin B1, cdc2, cdk2, p27 and the Rb family members p107 and p130 but surprisingly not survivin. Unexpectedly, loss of FoxM1 only affects a few cell cycle proteins in CD4+CD8+ thymocytes and has little effect on their sensitivity to apoptosis and the subsequent steps of T cell differentiation. Thus, regulation of cell cycle genes by FoxM1 is stage- and context-dependent

    BRAFV600E in colorectal cancer reduces sensitivity to oxidative stress and promotes site-specific metastasis by stimulating glutathione synthesis

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    The presence of BRAFV600E in colorectal cancer (CRC) is associated with a higher chance of distant metastasis. Oxidative stress in disseminated tumor cells limits metastatic capacity. To study the relationship between BRAFV600E, sensitivity to oxidative stress, and metastatic capacity in CRC, we use patient-derived organoids (PDOs) and tissue samples. BRAFV600E tumors and PDOs express high levels of glutamate-cysteine ligase (GCL), the rate-limiting enzyme in glutathione synthesis. Deletion of GCL in BRAFV600E PDOs strongly reduces their capacity to form distant liver and lung metastases but does not affect peritoneal metastasis outgrowth. Vice versa, the glutathione precursor N-acetyl-cysteine promotes organ-site-specific metastasis in the liver and the lungs but not in the peritoneum. BRAFV600E confers resistance to pharmacologically induced oxidative stress in vitro, which is partially overcome by treatment with the BRAF-inhibitor vemurafenib. We conclude that GCL-driven glutathione synthesis protects BRAFV600E-expressing tumors from oxidative stress during distant metastasis to the liver and the lungs

    Peroxiredoxin 3 Is a Redox-Dependent Target of Thiostrepton in Malignant Mesothelioma Cells

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    Thiostrepton (TS) is a thiazole antibiotic that inhibits expression of FOXM1, an oncogenic transcription factor required for cell cycle progression and resistance to oncogene-induced oxidative stress. The mechanism of action of TS is unclear and strategies that enhance TS activity will improve its therapeutic potential. Analysis of human tumor specimens showed FOXM1 is broadly expressed in malignant mesothelioma (MM), an intractable tumor associated with asbestos exposure. The mechanism of action of TS was investigated in a cell culture model of human MM. As for other tumor cell types, TS inhibited expression of FOXM1 in MM cells in a dose-dependent manner. Suppression of FOXM1 expression and coincidental activation of ERK1/2 by TS were abrogated by pre-incubation of cells with the antioxidant N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC), indicating its mechanism of action in MM cells is redox-dependent. Examination of the mitochondrial thioredoxin reductase 2 (TR2)-thioredoxin 2 (TRX2)-peroxiredoxin 3 (PRX3) antioxidant network revealed that TS modifies the electrophoretic mobility of PRX3. Incubation of recombinant human PRX3 with TS in vitro also resulted in PRX3 with altered electrophoretic mobility. The cellular and recombinant species of modified PRX3 were resistant to dithiothreitol and SDS and suppressed by NAC, indicating that TS covalently adducts cysteine residues in PRX3. Reduction of endogenous mitochondrial TRX2 levels by the cationic triphenylmethane gentian violet (GV) promoted modification of PRX3 by TS and significantly enhanced its cytotoxic activity. Our results indicate TS covalently adducts PRX3, thereby disabling a major mitochondrial antioxidant network that counters chronic mitochondrial oxidative stress. Redox-active compounds like GV that modify the TR2/TRX2 network may significantly enhance the efficacy of TS, thereby providing a combinatorial approach for exploiting redox-dependent perturbations in mitochondrial function as a therapeutic approach in mesothelioma

    FoxM1 Is a General Target for Proteasome Inhibitors

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    Proteasome inhibitors are currently in the clinic or in clinical trials, but the mechanism of their anticancer activity is not completely understood. The oncogenic transcription factor FoxM1 is one of the most overexpressed genes in human tumors, while its expression is usually halted in normal non-proliferating cells. Previously, we established that thiazole antibiotics Siomycin A and thiostrepton inhibit FoxM1 and induce apoptosis in human cancer cells. Here, we report that Siomycin A and thiostrepton stabilize the expression of a variety of proteins, such as p21, Mcl-1, p53 and hdm-2 and also act as proteasome inhibitors in vitro. More importantly, we also found that well-known proteasome inhibitors such as MG115, MG132 and bortezomib inhibit FoxM1 transcriptional activity and FoxM1 expression. In addition, overexpression of FoxM1 specifically protects against bortezomib-, but not doxorubicin-induced apoptosis. These data suggest that negative regulation of FoxM1 by proteasome inhibitors is a general feature of these drugs and it may contribute to their anticancer properties