23 research outputs found

    ASEAN Contemporary Security: Maritime Diplomacy in Handling of Maritime Security Threats in Malaka Strait

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    Abstract This paper will explain the consequences of Indonesia's geopolitical location, namely in the Malacca Strait as an international trade route. The Malacca Strait is a crossing route for foreign ships to distribute goods to various regions. However, the strategic channel not only attracts sympathy from international entrepreneurs but also attracts these criminals and hijackers to obtain economic results from this activity. The Malacca Strait strategically makes pirates and pirates criminalize passing ships. On the other hand, the consequences of state legal matters are maintaining security and safety, and the comfort of crossings in the Malacca Strait. With a number of problems, both defense, governance and management infrastructure that cannot be seen in a fixed manner. In addition, its position borders on three countries, namely Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. With a qualitative descriptive analysis method, this paper explains the need for bilateral, trilateral and regional multi-level diplomacy approaches to solve problems. And the purpose of this article is that piracy occurred in the Straits of Malacca because of its strategic geopolitical structure and weak Indonesian defense. So, collaboration is needed, coordination through diplomacy and military projections as an effort to safeguard the sea area, sea control and military defense articulation. Thus, the authors hope that this article can add knowledge to the study of international relations, especially in marine studies. Keywords: Geopolitics, Maritime State, Malacca Strait, Piracy, Multilevel Diplomacy   Abstrak Paper ini akan menjelaskan konsekuensi dari lokasi geopolitik Indonesia, yaitu di Selat Malaka sebagai rute perdagangan internasional. Selat Malaka adalah rute penyeberangan bagi kapal-kapal asing untuk mendistribusikan barang ke berbagai daerah. Namun, saluran strategis tidak hanya menarik simpati dari pengusaha internasional tetapi juga menarik para pelaku kejahatan dan pembajak ini untuk mendapatkan hasil ekonomi dari kegiatan ini. Selat Malaka yang strategis membuat perompak dan pembajak mengkriminalkan kapal yang lewat. Sisi lain, konsekuensi dari urusan hukum negara adalah menjaga keamanan dan keselamatan, dan kenyamanan penyeberangan di Selat Malaka. Dengan sejumlah masalah baik pertahanan, tata kelola, infrastruktur manajemen yang tidak bisa dilihat secara secara terpisa. Selain itu  posisinya berbatasan dengan tiga negara yaitu Indonesia, Malaysia dan Singapura. Dengan metode analisis deskriptif kualitatif, makalah ini menjelaskan perlunya pendekatan diplomasi multi-level bilateral, trilateral dan regional untuk menyelesaikan masalah. Dan tujuan dari artikel ini bahwa pembajakan terjadi di Selat Malaka karena struktur geopolitik yang strategis dan pertahanan Indonesia yang lemah. Jadi, diperlukan kolaborasi, koordinasi melalui diplomasi dan proyeksi militer sebagai upaya untuk menjaga wilayah laut, kontrol laut dan artikulasi pertahanan militer. Dengan demikian, penulis berharap bahwa artikel ini dapat menambah pengetahuan untuk studi hubungan internasional khususnya dalam studi kelautan. Kata kunci: Diplomasi Multilevel, Geopolitik, Negara Maritim, Pembajakan, Selat Malak


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    This paper describes the phenomenon Brexit or Britain Exit on the future of EU regionalism and its impact on Indonesia. This paper will explain in detail the reason for the emergence of a number of policies Brexit. Brexit event caused much speculation related to Brexit in the European Union. The policy is considered full controversial, some experts say that Brexit in the European Union (EU) showed the independence of Britain as an independent state. Other hand, that Britain is the "ancestor" of the Europeans was struck with the release of the policy, meaning European history  can  not  be  separated  from  the  history  of  Britain.  In  fact  the above reasons that Britain came out associated with independence as an independent state related to EU policies that are too large, as a result of the policy model is very holistic policy while Britain desire is wholistic policy,  especially  in  the  economic,  political,  social  and  cultural.  In addition,  the  geopolitical  location  of  the  EU  headquarters  in  Brussels who also became the dominant actor in a union policy that demands as EU  countries  have  been  involved  in  the  formulation  of  development policy, including controversial is related to the ration immigrants. Other reason is the prestige associated with the currency. Although long since Britain does not fully adopt the EU rules but there is the possibility in the EU currency union can only occur with the assumption that the creation of functional perfect integration


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    This paper will explain the implementation of geostrategic policy of Indonesian foreign policy in constructivism approach. Constructivism has three basic arguments about identity, norms and language. Another geostrategic position is a way to achieve the objectives of the foreign policy policy of the country.Geostrategy is interpreted by the model of accommodation and corcondance to achieve the desired results. In practice the implementation of Indonesia’s foreign policy in crisis Rohingnya show the result that Indonsia proper use of its identity as, democracy, religion and unity. The argumentation is the constitutional and moral and cultural reasons so that Indonesia wants to get involved in the crisis. In the context of Indonesia’s engagement norm is any violation of the crisis that occurred in Myanmar is violating international norms as well as national norms due to human rights. On the other hand related to the Indonesian language using the approach of communication with the language of women’s diplomacy with women or the diplomacy of heart and heart so as to reduce conflict in Myanmar. The concrete form of Indonesia formulates diplomacy 4 + 1 with assistance such as education, economics, relief etc. Thus, hopefully this paper will add to the repertoire of knowledge related to the analysis of foreign polic

    Sharing Knowledge melalui Sosialisasi Pengelolaan Sampah Plastik di Propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara

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    This paper writes about the management of plastic waste in Southeast Sulawesi Province, a case study in Muna and Buton Regencies. This activity is in the form of sharing the author's knowledge with the Indonesian City Diplomacy Community partners in 2020-2021. This activity uses observation, socialization and interview methods to build the community's mindset. The author found that plastic waste management activities in Muna and Buton have been maximized. This is done because the community upholds the value of morality as a form of social responsibility. Cultural values ​​as the foundation of society in protecting the sea. This means that the authors in sharing knowledge only confirm community activities and provide little knowledge to the community. The community is very aware of protecting the sea as part of their identity, branding, and representation of toughness. The sea is the ancestral medium of the community that must be preserved as a form of appreciation. Because the sea is the source of the local community's economy. So, if the nature is damaged, it will damage the economy of the surrounding community. Dissemination and sharing of knowledge are effective because the community does not need to be equipped with much in protecting the sea. Cultural experience and moral principles guide them to be able to make the sea an asset of the future. The sea is the way humans relate to nature, natural resources.Paper ini menulsikan tentang pengelolaan sampah plastic di Propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara studi kasus di Kabupaten Muna dan Buton. Kegiatan ini berbentuk sharing knowledge penulis Bersama mitra Komunitas Diplomasi Kota Indonesia pada tahun 2020 -2021. Kegiatan ini menggunakan metode observasi, sosialisasi dan wawancara dalam membangun mindset masyarakat. Penulis menemukan bahwa kegiatan pengelolaan sampah plastic di Muna dan Buton sudah maksimal. Hal ini dilakukan karean masyarakat menjunjung tinggi nilai moralitas sebagai bentuk tanggung jawab social. Nilai kebudayaan sebagai fondasi masyaraakat dalam menjaga laut. Artinya penulis dalam sharng knowledge hanya mengkonfirmasi aktifitas masyarakat dan sedikit memberi pengetahuan kepada masyaraakat. Masyarakat sudah sangat paham dalam menjaga laut sebagai bagian dari identitas, branding, representasi ketangguhan. Laut adalah media leluhur maysrakat yang harus dilestarikan sebagai bentuk apresiasi. Karena laut menjadi sumber ekonomi masyarakat setempat. Sehingga, jika dirusak alamnya maka akan merusak ekonomi masyarakat sekitar. Sosialisasi dan sharing knowledge berjalan efektif karena masyarakat tidak perlu dibekali banyak dalam menjaga laut. Pengalaman kebudayaan dan prinsip moral menuntun  mereka agar bisa menjadikan laut sebagai asset masa depan. Laut adalah cara manusia berhubungan dengan alam, sumber daya alam


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    Paper ini akan mennganalisis transformasi kebijakan luar negeri Indonesia dari masa ke masa. Transformasi itu terlihat ketika pergantian kepemimpinan di Indonesia. Perubahan kebijakan politik luar negeri Indonesia terjadi sesuai dengan tujuan dan situasi dalam kondisi kebutuhan internal dan eksternal. Sejak Soekarno memimpin Indonesia sampai era Jokowi menunjukan transformasi kebijakan politik luar negeri Indonesia. Jokowi yang menjadi presiden sejak 2014 membuat orientasi kebijakan luar negeri Indonesia pada pengelolaan asset maritime sebagai tujuan pembangunan Indonesia. Hal tersebut dilakukan melalui internasionalisasi kebijakan poros maritim dalam berbagai konferensi internasional. Salah satu yang menjadi model analisi wholistic Jokowi adalah ketika orientasi tersebut di internasionalisasi dalam Konperensi Asia Afrika Di Indonesia. Dengan bekal sebagai tuan rumah Indonesia semakin leluasa menyebarkan visi tersebut dalam marketing politik. Tujuannya adalah agar setiap peserta konferensi mengetahui dan terpengaruh bahwa Indonesia sebagai negara maritim dan sudah fokus mengelola aset maritim. Sehingga, diperlukan kerjsamaa internasional baik tingkat nasional, regional dan global


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    This paper will explain the problem of dispute in international trade and the role of the World Trade Organization (WTO) as a mediator in the dispute. Economic globalization in the form of international trade relations through free market slogan has a positive and negative impact. That condition’s are the consequences of countries that become members of the WTO to create a competitive market. Trade protectionism is an unfair form of anti-free market policy in the international market. This policy is done to protect a country’s domestic market but on the other hand reduces the spirit of the free market. Protection is often done by taking into account administrative documents, quota counts, product certification, health aspect, labor protection as a way where the state protects its domestic market. One of the policy examples has been made by the United States in practice of importing meat from Canada where WTO as a mediator and international trade regime becomes the dominant actor in the negotiation process. As a result, the United States cannot prove the state's allegation against Canadian meat imports after a special panel was conducted in a session at the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB). Therefore the protectionist policy must be rational and accountable so that no country will be harmed by its impact either in the micro scale (consumer) or the macro scale (country). Keywords: Economic Development, Trade Globalization, Free Trade, Trade Barriers, Protectionism, WTO.   Abstrak   Makalah ini akan menjelaskan masalah perselisihan dalam perdagangan internasional dan peran World Trade Organization (WTO) sebagai mediator dalam perselisihan tersebut. Globalisasi ekonomi dalam bentuk hubungan perdagangan internasional melalui slogan pasar bebas telah memberikan dampak positif maupun negatif. Kondisi itu merupakan konsekuensi dari negara-negara yang menjadi anggota WTO untuk menciptakan pasar yang kompetitif. Proteksionisme perdagangan merupakan bentuk kebijakan anti-pasar bebas yang tidak adil dalam pasar internasional. Kebijakan ini dilakukan untuk melindungi pasar dalam negeri yang di lain pihak mengurangi semangat pasar bebas. Perlindungan sering dilakukan dengan menerapkan aturan dokumen administrasi, jumlah kuota, sertifikasi produk, aspek kesehatan, proteksi tenaga kerja sebagai cara negara melindungi pasar domestiknya. Salah satu contoh adalah kebijakan yang pernah dilakukan oleh Amerika Serikat terhadap impor daging dari Kanada dimana WTO sebagai mediator dan rezim perdagangan internasional menjadi aktor dominan dalam proses negosiasi. Hasilnya Amerika Serikat tidak bisa membuktikan tuduhan terhadap impor daging Kanada setelah dilakukan panel khusus dalam sidang di Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) atau Badan Penyelesaian Persengketaan WTO. Jadi kebijakan proteksionis harus rasional dan bisa dipertanggungjawabkan sehingga tidak ada satu negara pun yang dirugikan oleh dampak kebijakan tersebut baik pada skala mikro (konsumen) maupun skala makro (negara). Kata kunci: Perkembangan Ekonomi, Globalisasi Perdagangan, Perdagangan Bebas, Hambatan Perdagangan, Proteksionisme, WT

    Geo Strategi Kebijakan Luar Negeri Indonesia dalam Produktivitas Ekspor Ikan

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    Paper ini akan menjelaskan geostrategi implementasi kebijakan luar negeri Indonesia dalam konteks pendekatan organisasi. Pendekatan organisasi tersebut kemudian spesifik pada kepemimpinan Menteri Susi dalam upaya meningkatkan produktivitas hasil perikanan Indonesia. Dengan tipe penelitian kualitatif deskriptif melalui metode studi kasus, tulisan ini menggunakan data sekunder sebagai basis argumentasi. Hasil yang ditemukan adalah Menteri Susi menggunakan metode geostrategic military projection yang dikombinasikan dengan model kebijakan luar negeri konfrontasi dan leadership. Dengan metode tersebut lahirlah strategi penenggelaman kapal sebagai upaya untuk deterens,defensif, ofensif dan bahkan compliance dalam upaya untuk meningkatkan produktivitas hasil perikanan dan bentuk kemampuan mempertahankan kedaulatan NKRI. Artinya memiliki argumentasi politik dan ekonomi. Oleh sebab itu, melalui kajian semoga dapat menambah khasanah ilmu pengetahuan terutama kajian maritim.Kata Kunci: Menteri Susi, military projection, geostrategis, deterrence, defence, ofensif, compliance, ekonomi politik   

    The Transformation of the Forms of Terrorism During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The present study analyzes the implications of COVID-19 on the different forms of terrorism. The authors discuss the two types of terrorist acts: (i) the radicalization, recruitment, and funding of terrorism and (ii) planning the place and target of the operation. The authors argue that the COVID-19 policies have failed to inhibit or stop terrorism in Indonesia. This is supported by the four cases of terrorism that took place in the country during the COVID-19 period. Since the purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the social phenomenon, a qualitative method was adopted for collecting the data. The authors conclude that while COVID-19 did affect the financing and operation of terrorism, it helped the terrorist groups to radicalize and recruit new members due to the increasing use of the Internet, people’s insecurities during the pandemic, and the radical narrative. Keywords: activities, COVID-19, terrorism, transformatio


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    This paper will explain the problem of dispute in international trade and the role of the World Trade Organization (WTO) as a mediator in the dispute. Economic globalization andinternational trade relations through free market has positive and negative impact. Theyare the consequences of countries becomingmembers of the WTO. Trade protectionism is an unfair form of anti-free market policy in the international market. This policy is to protect a country’s domestic market but on the other hand it reducedthe spirit of the free market. Protection is often done by complicating administrative documents, quota, product certification, health aspect, labor protection. Aprotectionist policy has been made by the United States in the caseof importing meat from Canada where WTO as a mediator and international trade regime becomes the dominant actor in the negotiation process. As a result, the United States cannot prove the state's allegation against Canadian meat imports after a special panel was conducted in a session at the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB). Therefore the protectionist policy must be rational and accountable so that no country will be harmed by its impact either in the micro scale (consumer) or the macro scale (country