Jurnal Daring Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Jenderal Ahmad Yani
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    Pengawasan yang efektif oleh seorang camat merupakan elemen penting guna meningkatkan dan menjaga kualitas pelayanan publik di tingkat wilayah. Penelitian ini menggali peran penting yang dimainkan oleh seorang camat dalam konteks pengawasan, dengan fokus pada upaya mereka dalam memastikan implementasi kebijakan pemerintah, serta menunjukan bahwa peran pengawasan camat tidak hanya terbatas pada pemantauan rutin, tetapi juga melibatkan koordinasi dengan berbagai pihak, advokasi kebijakan, dan pendekatan proaktif terhadap masalah- masalah yang muncul. Penanganan konflik merupakan aspek penting dalam menjaga stabilitas sosial di tingkat lokal maupun nasional. Konflik adalah fenomena yang tidak terhindarkan dalam kehidupan masyarakat. termasuk di Pekon Kresnomulyo. Penanganan konflik menjadi penting untuk memastikan keamanan, ketertiban, dan keadilan di tingkat lokal. Salah satu figur kunci dalam penanganan konflik adalah Camat, yang memiliki peran penting dalam pengawasan dan penyelesaian konflik di Pekon Kresnomulyo. Penelitian ini bermaksud guna menggali lebih dalam mengenai peran pengawasan Carnat dalam penanganan konflik di wilayah tersebut. Metode penelitian yang dipergunakan ialah kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam dan observasi partisipatif. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwasannya Camat memiliki peran yang signifikan dalam memonitor, mengidentifikasi, dan menyelesaikan konflik yang muncul di Pekon Kresnomulyo. Peran ini mencakup pengawasan terhadap dinamika sosial masyarakat, fasilitasi dialog antarpihak yang terlibat dalam konflik, serta kolaborasi dengan berbagai instansi terkait untuk mencapai solusi yang adil dan berkelanjutan. Namun, tantangan seperti keterbatasan sumber daya dan kompleksitas konflik sering kali menjadi hambatan dalam pelaksanaan peran Camat Oleh karena itu, diperlukan sinergi antara Camat, masyarakat, dan pihak terkait lainnya untuk meningkatkan efektivitas penanganan konflik di Pekon Kresnomulyo.Effective supervision by a sub-district head is an important element in improving and maintaining the quality of public services at the regional level. This research explores the important role played by a sub-district head in the context of supervision, focusing on their efforts in ensuring the implementation of government policies, and shows that the sub-district head's supervisory role is not only limited to routine monitoring, but also involves coordination with various parties, policy advocacy, and proactive approach to problems as they arise. Conflict management is an important aspect in maintaining social stability at the local and national level. Conflict is an inevitable phenomenon in people's lives. including in Pekon Kresnomulyo. Conflict management is important to ensure security, order and justice at the local level. One of the key figures in handling conflict is the sub-district head, who has an important role in monitoring and resolving conflicts in Pekon Kresnomulyo. This study aims to dig deeper into the role of Carnat supervision in handling conflicts in the region. The research method used is qualitative with data collection techniques through in-depth interviews and participant observation. The research results tell that the sub-district head has a significant role in monitoring, identifying and resolving conflicts that arise in Pekon Kresnomulyo. This role includes monitoring the social dynamics of society, facilitating dialogue between parties involved in the conflict, as well as collaborating with various related agencies to achieve a just and sustainable solution. However, challenges such as limited resources and the complexity of conflict often become obstacles in implementing the sub-district head's role. Therefore, synergy is needed between the sub-district head, the community and other related  parties  to  increase  the  effectiveness  of  conflict  handling  in Pekon Kresnomuly


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan di kecamatan palu selatan kota palu, Hasil observasi menunjukkan bahwa ada beberapa masyarakat di kantor Kecamatan Palu Selatan yang mengeluhkan tentang dokumen yang belum bisa diambil karena belum ditandatangani Camat. Hal ini memberi asumsi kepada peneliti tentang kedisiplinan Camat dalam melaksanakan tugas. Apakah Camat jarang datang ke kantor sehingga ada masyarakat yang mengeluh?. Faktor inilah yang mendasari penelitian tentang kinerja Camat di Kecamatan Palu Selatan menjadi relevan dan penting untuk dilakukan serta diharapkan dapat ditemukan gambaran yang komprehensif mengenai kinerja Camat dalam melaksanakan program Pembangunan.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Bagaimana Kinerja Camat Dalam Implementasi Program Pembangunan Di Kecamatan Palu Selatan Kota Palu, menggunakan teori kinerja Suyadi Prawirosentono, dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dengan teknik observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian  menunjukkan bahwa kinerja Camat Palu Selatan dalam implementasi program pembangunan di wilayahnya dapat berjalan baik berdasarkan  teori yang di gunakan yaitu Efektifitas dan efisiensi, dibuktikan dengan kemampuannya memberikan sumbangsih nyata yang terstrukstur, terkontrol dan terawasi dengan baik. Otoritas dan tanggung jawab, dilihat dengan tercapainya Renstra Kecamatan sesuai kewenangannya. Disiplin, terbukti dengan datang dan meninggalkan kantor tepat waktu (kecuali ada hal mendesak seperti pekerjaan diluar kantor), saat jam kerja beliau serius mengerjakan pekerjaan dan dapat diselesaikan tepat waktu. Inisiatif,  ditunjukkan dengan inovasi dan kreatifitas, dibuktikan dengan ikut dalam kelancaran kegiatan Inovasi Pelangi 2022.This research was conducted in south palu District, palu city The results of the researcher's observations showed that there were several people at the South Palu District office who complained about documents that could not be collected on the same day because they had not received the subdistrict head's signature. This raises big questions for researchers about the sub-district head's discipline in carrying out his duties. Does the sub-district head rarely come to the office so that people complain? So research on the performance of the sub-district head in South Palu District is relevant and important to carry out and it is hoped that a comprehensive picture of the sub-district head's performance in implementing development programs can be found.This research aims to find out how the sub-district head performs in implementing the development program in South Palu District, Palu City, using performance theory from Suyadi Prawirosentono, with a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection using observation, interviews, documentation and literature techniques. The results of this research show that the performance of the South Palu Subdistrict Head in implementing development programs in his area can run well based on the theory used as a benchmark for the success of this performance, namely effectiveness and efficiency, proven by his ability to provide real contributions in a structured, controlled and supervised manner. well. The authority and responsibility of the South Palu Subdistrict Head can be seen by the achievement of the Subdistrict Strategic Plan in accordance with his authority. Discipline is an aspect that can be seen by coming and leaving the office on time (unless there are urgent matters such as work outside the office), during working hours he is serious about his work and the work can be completed on time. Initiative, demonstrated by innovation and creativity, can be proven by his ability to implement development programs such as launching the Pelangi 2022 service innovation

    Counterterrorism Diplomacy: ASEAN’s New Chapter of Regional Engagement

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    Counterterrorism has become a global trend since 9/11. Following the incident, the U.S. launched the Global War on Terror, which developed numerous international partnerships in dealing with terrorism. This included the Southeast Asia region. Most ASEAN countries have leveraged their cooperation through counterterrorism diplomacy ever since. This approach, however, endorsed the law enforcement agency due to the adopted criminal justice model. With the rise of the Islamic State (IS) movement, which links with various terrorist networks, the threat of terrorism has gained more attention in Southeast Asia, particularly after the Marawi incident. Complicatedly, the IS merged with separatist and terrorist groups in the South Philippines. Many observers predicted that if it is still uncontrollable, it may create a spillover to surrounding ASEAN countries. Thus, this circumstance has generated an opportunity for greater collaboration among ASEAN countries in dealing with ISIS in the region. Unlike past cooperation, this new chapter may facilitate a more substantial portion of military-to-military engagement. Counterterrorism diplomacy may potentially strengthen regional engagement, which has been restrained due to the South China Sea dispute with China.&nbsp


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    Through Postmodernism, issues in the global world have been through modernization and able to be seen from another perspective. Variety of films with theme of superheroes, such as Black Widow and Sri Asih, have attracted attention significantly. Both films can be a medium to translate messages and realities in current society. Therefore, this research focuses on the meaning of international issues through Black Widow and Sri Asih based on Postmodernism theory. The result shows that the meaning of social issues from both films are valid and well-suited with current reality. Furthermore, it describes hidden meanings which are also related to social issues, especially prominent issues that being concerned by international organizations. The conclusion of this research is the international world no longer depends on traditional media to see current international issues. Modern media such as films are possible to used as well to interpret the intended message


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    Pajak sebagai salah satu sumber pendapatan negara memiliki peran yang besar dalam menunjang pemerintah dan pembangunan, sumber pendapatan terbesar negara didapatkan dari pajak, meskipun penerimaan pajak dinilai belum optimal, karena realisasi penerimaan pajak belum sesuai dengan target pemerintah. 50% pendapatan negara berasal dari pajak yang dibayar, artinya pajak merupakan salah satu elemen penting dalam menunjang stabilitas keuangan negara. Sebagian Undang – Undang yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah memberi celah dan kesempatan kepada sejumlah pejabat korup untuk melakukan korupsi dan pemerasan untuk memperkaya diri mereka dan membuat orang miskin menjadi lebih miskin. Untuk itu penegakan hukum harus ditegakkan berdasarkan hukum yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat dan negara. Salah satu contohnya adalah Undang – Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 Tahun 2008, pada Pasal 1 Huruf C, tertulis bahwa “Bahwa pemberdayaan Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah sebagaimana dimaksud dalam huruf b, perlu diselenggarakan secara menyeluruh, optimal, dan berkesinambungan melalui pengembangan iklim yang kondusif, pemberian kesempatan berusaha, dukungan, perlindungan, dan pengembangan usaha seluas-luasnya, sehingga mampu meningkatkan kedudukan, peran, dan potensi Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah dalam mewujudkan pertumbuhan ekonomi, pemerataan dan peningkatan pendapatan rakyat, penciptaan lapangan kerja, dan pengentasan kemiskinan; Artikel ini akan membahas lebih lanjut mengenai penegakan hukum dalam bidang perpajakan dan penerapannya dalam bidang usaha.Tax as a state income source has a major role in supporting the goverment and development,the biggestsource of state revenue comes from taxes, although taxrevenue is considered not optimal because therealization of tax revenue has not met the government’starget. 50% of state revenue comes from taxes whichmeans that taxes are one of the most important elementsin sustaining financially the stability of GovernmentRevenue. Most of the laws that are passed by thegovernment provide spaces and opportunity for somecorrupt officials for corruption and exortion to enrichthemselves and make the poor become poorer. This iswhy law enforcement must be upheld based on the lawsthat are in accordance of what the people and thecountry need. One of the examples is the Law Of theRepublic of Indonesia Number 20 year 2008 referringto the section 1 point “C” states that  “That theempowerment of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises as referred to in point b needs to be conducted in comprehensive, optimum, and continually through thedevelopment of conducive climate, provision of businessopportunity, support, protection, and developmententerprises in the maximum efforts, hence, capable ofimproving the status, role, and potentials of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in realizing theeconomic growth, even distribution, and increasingpeople’s earning,creating job opportunities, and povertyalleviation; This article will discuss further about law enforcementon taxation and its implementation in the field ofenterprises


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    Illegal parking has become a problem in the city of Bandung that never ends. The limitation of parking spaces is one of the causes. There are no strict sanctions against illegal parking attendants, causing illegal parking to mushroom. In addition to illegal parking eating up a lot of public facilities and narrowing the public sphere, illegal parking has an impact on the practice of thuggery that disturbs the community. Starting from parking fee hikes, to acts of persecution and even murder. Murder has occurred in the city of Bandung due to the fight for (illegal) parking lots, and resulted in the road body getting narrower and the congestion severe. It has a negative impact on public comfort, order and safety. Illegal parking is a serious problem that must be immediately fixed by the Bandung City government. If not corrected immediately, it will have a negative impact on people's lives and hinder the development process of the city of Bandung. The practice of illegal parking is getting 'wilder' and rampant in the city of Bandung, causing losses to the community. Illegal parking in the community causes people to be uneasy, even feeling intimidated by this legal practice. The phenomenon of parking fee hikes carried out by illegal parking attendants has become a difficult condition for the Bandung city government to abolish which does not act firmly. Illegal parking makes a lot of use of the space of the road body, resulting in the road getting narrower and causing long traffic jams. The Bandung city government has a lot of government land that can be used as an official parking lot. Like the former Palaguna land in the Bandung city square area, it can be collaborated with the private sector in the Build Operate Transfer (BOT) scheme. So that public spaces can be functioned optimally by the people of the city of Bandung. Conditions have a positive impact on people's lives. The level of congestion has decreased positively by reducing the level of stress and unrest of the community. maximizing the function of public spaces, not as a recreational space, but as a means of education, creativity, so as to foster a better democratic climate for the community


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    Selama pertengahan tahun 2000-an hingga awal tahun 2010, pertumbuhan Korean Wave di Asia terutama didorong oleh para aktor dan idola. Indonesia muncul sebagai negara Asia Tenggara terkemuka yang secara aktif merangkul fenomena budaya ini, yang secara efektif memengaruhi budaya populer Indonesia. Untuk memanfaatkan tren ini, perusahaan e-commerce Indonesia seperti Tokopedia, Bukalapak, dan Blibli secara strategis berkolaborasi dengan artis-artis Korea Selatan sebagai Brand Ambassador mereka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana platform e-commerce Indonesia memanfaatkan popularitas Korean Wave untuk menciptakan peluang dalam memperluas kehadiran mereka di pasar. Penulis menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan konsep diplomasi publik, e-commerce, dan perluasan pasar. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa memanfaatkan Korean Wave telah menyebabkan lonjakan kunjungan, Gross Merchandise Value (GMV), dan Initial Public Offering (IPO) untuk Tokopedia, Bukalapak, dan Blibli. Oleh karena itu, hasil positif ini menciptakan peluang baru bagi platform e-commerce lokal Indonesia untuk tumbuh dan memperluas pasar mereka.During the mid-2000s to the early 2010s, the growth of the Korean Wave in Asia was primarily driven by actors and idols. Indonesia emerged as a prominent Southeast Asian nation that actively embraced this cultural phenomenon, effectively influencing Indonesian popular culture. To capitalize on this trend, Indonesian e-commerce enterprises like Tokopedia, Bukalapak, and Blibli strategically collaborated with South Korean artists as their Brand Ambassadors. This study aims to analyze how Indonesian e-commerce platforms utilize the popularity of Korean Wave to create opportunities for expanding their market presence. The author adopts a qualitative approach and the concepts of public diplomacy, e-commerce, and market expansion. The findings indicate that leveraging the Korean Wave has led to a surge in visits, Gross Merchandise Value (GMV), and Initial Public Offering (IPO) for Tokopedia, Bukalapak, and Blibli. Therefore, these positive outcomes create new opportunities for Indonesian local e-commerce platforms to grow and expand their market


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    Deradikalisasi dari perspektif hukum Islam merupakan proses penting dalam mengatasi ekstremisme dan radikalisasi dalam masyarakat. Banyak masyarakat yang fanatik terhadap ajaran agama dengan menganggapnya sebagai pemahaman yang paling benar dan menegasikan pemahaman yang lainnya bahkan cenderung mengkafirkannya. Mengingat perilaku lahir karena dipe- ngaruhi oleh pandangan dunia (world-view) yang dianut seseorang, maka upaya deradikalisasi pemahaman ajaran Islam harus dimulai dengan merubah paradigma berfikir yang dianut. Maka itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pemahaman deradikalisasi dalam ajaran Islam yang harus masyarakat pelajari dalam menghindari pemikiran ekstremisme dan radikalisme berdasarkan perspektif Hukum Islam. Metode penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan pengumpulan data berdasarkan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa deradikalisasi berdasarkan perspektif hukum Islam mengedepankan pendekatan yang holistik, inklusif, dan berbasis pada nilai-nilai kemanusiaan dan keadilan. Hal ini melibatkan seluruh elemen masyarakat dalam upaya untuk meredakan ketegangan, memperkuat kerukunan antarumat beragama, dan menciptakan masyarakat yang aman, damai, dan adil bagi seluruh individu


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    Defense cooperation is something that is very important for Indonesia, especially when it begins to identify various potential threats through an outward looking view of the Indonesian defense system. In this situation, Indonesia needs to increase its defense cooperation with countries in Southeast Asia to fulfill its national interests, namely to establish regional stability as an effort to overcome various potential threats. In this situation, Southeast Asia is in the middle of the Indo-Pacific region which is very strategic and is always contested by major world powers, in this case the rivalry between the United States and China which want to spread their influence in the Indo-Pacific region. This research aims to look at the role of Ditkersinhan as a government institution in Indonesia which is fully responsible for international defense cooperation, specifically in the role of defense cooperation with countries in Southeast Asia. This research uses a qualitative-descriptive approach using literature study and interview data collection techniques. The results of this research show that Ditkersinhan plays a very active role in all defense cooperation carried out by Indonesia, for which Ditkersinhan has responsibility from the opening of the cooperation dialogue to the preparation of the draft agreement which is the result of the cooperation carried out. Ditkersinhan's role is said to be effective as proven by the large number of defense collaborations carried out by Indonesia with countries in the Southeast Asia region


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    Stunting merupakan permasalahan kesehatan yang serius dan menjadi prioritas guna menciptakan sumber daya manusia di Indonesia yang berkualitas. Faktor sukses dari pencegahan stunting yaitu pemantauan gizi terhadap bayi dan balita. Tetapi pada implementasinya angka stunting di Indonesia masih cukup tinggi. Oleh karena itu, Kelurahan Cipadung Wetan merespon inisiasi pemerintah terkait pencegahan stunting melalui inovasi program kerja. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk  mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan optimalisasi peran Kelurahan Cipadung Wetan terhadap program pencegahan stunting. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang bersifat studi kasus, dengan mengaplikasikan teori Penilaian Kinerja Organisasi Publik. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi dengan desain penelitian studi kasus. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan program kerja Kelurahan Cipadung Wetan dalam mengentaskan stunting sudah terlaksana dengan baik dan  menjadi program yang memiliki kebermanfaatan yang dapat dirasakan khususnya oleh masyarakat penerima program stunting. Key Words: Kesehatan, Pencegahan Stunting, Program Kerj


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    Jurnal Daring Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Jenderal Ahmad Yani is based in Indonesia
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