9,310 research outputs found

    Municipal Solid Waste Regulation: An Ineffective Solution to a National Problem

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    The volume of solid waste, particularly in urban areas, is increasing, and both public heath and the environment are in jeopardy because disposal methods have not kept pace. This Comment examines the historical role that municipalities have played in providing adequate methods for solid waste disposal, emphasizes the traditional methods of zoning and critiques the effectiveness of municipal regulation. It reviews recent federal and state solid waste management acts and analyzes the issue of preemption. This Comment also discusses the constitutionality of state and municipal waste bans. In conclusion, this Comment recommends more effective methods for states and municipalities to pursue in solving the problems of solid waste disposal

    Photospheric activity, rotation, and star-planet interaction of the planet-hosting star CoRoT-6

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    The CoRoT satellite has recently discovered a hot Jupiter that transits across the disc of a F9V star called CoRoT-6 with a period of 8.886 days. We model the photospheric activity of the star and use the maps of the active regions to study stellar differential rotation and the star-planet interaction. We apply a maximum entropy spot model to fit the optical modulation as observed by CoRoT during a uninterrupted interval of about 140 days. Photospheric active regions are assumed to consist of spots and faculae in a fixed proportion with solar-like contrasts. Individual active regions have lifetimes up to 30-40 days. Most of them form and decay within five active longitudes whose different migration rates are attributed to the stellar differential rotation for which a lower limit of \Delta \Omega / \Omega = 0.12 \pm 0.02 is obtained. Several active regions show a maximum of activity at a longitude lagging the subplanetary point by about 200 degrees with the probability of a chance occurrence being smaller than 1 percent. Our spot modelling indicates that the photospheric activity of CoRoT-6 could be partially modulated by some kind of star-planet magnetic interaction, while an interaction related to tides is highly unlikely because of the weakness of the tidal force.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted to Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Long-term radial-velocity variations of the Sun as a star: The HARPS view

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    Stellar radial velocities play a fundamental role in the discovery of extrasolar planets and the measurement of their physical parameters as well as in the study of stellar physical properties. We investigate the impact of the solar activity on the radial velocity of the Sun using the HARPS spectrograph to obtain measurements that can be directly compared with those acquired in the extrasolar planet search programs. We use the Moon, the Galilean satellites, and several asteroids as reflectors to measure the radial velocity of the Sun as a star and correlate it with disc-integrated chromospheric and magnetic indexes of solar activity that are similar to stellar activity indexes. We discuss in detail the systematic effects that affect our measurements and the methods to account for them. We find that the radial velocity of the Sun as a star is positively correlated with the level of its chromospheric activity at about 95 percent significance level. The amplitude of the long-term variation measured in the 2006-2014 period is 4.98 \pm 1.44 m/s, in good agreement with model predictions. The standard deviation of the residuals obtained by subtracting a linear best fit is 2.82 m/s and is due to the rotation of the reflecting bodies and the intrinsic variability of the Sun on timescales shorter than the activity cycle. A correlation with a lower significance is detected between the radial velocity and the mean absolute value of the line-of-sight photospheric magnetic field flux density. Our results confirm similar correlations found in other late-type main-sequence stars and provide support to the predictions of radial velocity variations induced by stellar activity based on current models.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, 1 Appendix; accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Novel schedule for treatment of inflammatory breast cancer

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    Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) is the most aggressive form of this tumor, with the clinical and biological characteristics of a rapidly proliferating disease. This tumor is always diagnosed at advanced stages, atleast stage IIIB (locally advanced), so its management requires an integrated multidisciplinary approach with a systemic therapy followed by surgery and radiation therapy. Patients with IBC usually have a worse prognosis but the achievement of a pathologic complete response after neoadjuvant chemotherapy may have good rates of overall survival. We present the case of a 47 year old women with IBC, luminal B and with high proliferative index; she was successfully treated with a sequential schedule of chemotherapy (anthracyclines dose-dense/carboplatin+ taxane/Cyclophosphamide Methotrexate Fluorouracil), hormone-therapy, complementary radiotherapy and finally surgery until the achievement of a complete clinical and pathological response. Luminal B inflammatory breast cancer with high proliferation index can benefit from sequential schedules of neoadjuvant chemotherapy and hormonal treatment and this can result in pathological complete response

    Properties of starspots on CoRoT-2

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    As a planet eclipses its parent star, a dark spot on the surface of the star may be occulted, causing a detectable variation in the light curve. A total of 77 consecutive transit light curves of CoRoT-2 were observed with a high temporal resolution of 32 s, corresponding to an uninterrupted period of 134 days. By analyzing small intensity variations in the transit light curves, it was possible to detect and characterize spots at fixed positions (latitude and longitude) on the surface of the star. The model used simulates planetary transits and enables the inclusion of spots on the stellar surface with different sizes, intensities (i.e. temperatures), and positions. Fitting the data by this model, it is possible to infer the spots physical characteristics. The fits were either in spot longitude and radius, with a fixed intensity, or in spots longitude and intensity, for spots of constant size. Before the modeling of the spots were performed, the planetary radius relative to the star radius was estimated by fitting the deepest transit to minimize the effect of spots. A slightly larger (3%) radius, 0.172 Rstar, resulted instead of the previously reported 0.1667 Rstar . The fitting of the transits yield spots, or spot groups, with sizes of ranging from 0.2 to 0.7 planet radius, Rp, with a mean of (0.41 +/- 0.13) Rp (~100,000 km), resulting in a stellar area covered by spots within the transit latitudes of 10-20%. The intensity varied from 0.4 to 0.9 of the disk center intensity, Ic, with a mean of (0.60 +/- 0.19) Ic, which can be converted to temperature by assuming an effective temperature of 5625 K for the stellar photosphere, the spots temperature ranges mainly from 3600 to 5000 K. The results from the spot modeling are in agreement with those found for magnetic activity analysis from out of transit data of the same star.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figure

    Measuring stellar differential rotation with high-precision space-borne photometry

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    We introduce a method of measuring a lower limit to the amplitude of surface differential rotation from high-precision, evenly sampled photometric time series. It is applied to main-sequence late-type stars whose optical flux modulation is dominated by starspots. An autocorrelation of the time series was used to select stars that allow an accurate determination of starspot rotation periods. A simple two-spot model was applied together with a Bayesian information criterion to preliminarily select intervals of the time series showing evidence of differential rotation with starspots of almost constant area. Finally, the significance of the differential rotation detection and a measurement of its amplitude and uncertainty were obtained by an a posteriori Bayesian analysis based on a Monte Carlo Markov Chain approach. We applied our method to the Sun and eight other stars for which previous spot modelling had been performed to compare our results with previous ones. We find that autocorrelation is a simple method for selecting stars with a coherent rotational signal that is a prerequisite for successfully measuring differential rotation through spot modelling. For a proper Monte Carlo Markov Chain analysis, it is necessary to take the strong correlations among different parameters that exist in spot modelling into account. For the planet-hosting star Kepler-30, we derive a lower limit to the relative amplitude of the differential rotation of \Delta P / P = 0.0523 \pm 0.0016. We confirm that the Sun as a star in the optical passband is not suitable for measuring differential rotation owing to the rapid evolution of its photospheric active regions. In general, our method performs well in comparison to more sophisticated and time-consuming approaches.Comment: Accepted to Astronomy and Astrophysics, 15 pages, 13 figures, 4 tables and an Appendi

    A match coefficient approach for damage imaging in structural components by ultrasonic synthetic aperture focus

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    Ultrasonic Synthetic Aperture Focus (SAF) techniques are commonly used to image structural defects. In this paper, a variation of SAF based on ideas borrowed from Matched Field Processing (MFP) is evaluated to reduce artifacts and sidelobes of the resulting images. In particular, instead of considering the full RF ultrasonic waveforms for the SAF time backpropagation, only selected features from the waveforms are utilized to form a “data vector” and a “replica” (expected) vector of MFP. These vectors are adaptive for the pair of transmitter-receiver and the focus point. The image is created as a matched filter between these two vectors. Experimental results are shown for an isotropic and homogenous metallic plate with simulated defects, probed by six piezoelectric patches used as receivers or transmitters

    Searching for star-planet magnetic interaction in CoRoT observations

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    Close-in massive planets interact with their host stars through tidal and magnetic mechanisms. In this paper, we review circumstantial evidence for star-planet interaction as revealed by the photospheric magnetic activity in some of the CoRoT planet-hosting stars, notably CoRoT-2, CoRoT-4, and CoRoT-6. The phenomena are discussed in the general framework of activity-induced features in stars accompanied by hot Jupiters. The theoretical mechanisms proposed to explain the activity enhancements possibly related with hot Jupiter are also briefly reviewed with an emphasis on the possible effects at photospheric level. The unique advantages of CoRoT and Kepler observations to test these models are pointed out.Comment: Invited review paper accepted by Astrophysics and Space Science, 13 pages, 5 figure

    Irreversible magnetization under rotating fields and lock-in effect on ErBa_2Cu_3O_7 single crystal with columnar defects

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    We have measured the irreversible magnetization M_i of an ErBa_2Cu_3O_7 single crystal with columnar defects (CD), using a technique based on sample rotation under a fixed magnetic field H. This method is valid for samples whose magnetization vector remains perpendicular to the sample surface over a wide angle range - which is the case for platelets and thin films - and presents several advantages over measurements of M_L(H) loops at fixed angles. The resulting M_i(\Theta) curves for several temperatures show a peak in the CD direction at high fields. At lower fields, a very well defined plateau indicative of the vortex lock-in to the CD develops. The H dependence of the lock-in angle \phi_L follows the H^{-1} theoretical prediction, while the temperature dependence is in agreement with entropic smearing effects corresponding to short range vortex-defects interactions.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Mitochondrial Function as a Determinant of Life Span

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    Average human life expectancy has progressively increased over many decades largely due to improvements in nutrition, vaccination, antimicrobial agents, and effective treatment/prevention of cardiovascular disease, cancer, etc. Maximal life span, in contrast, has changed very little. Caloric restriction (CR) increases maximal life span in many species, in concert with improvements in mitochondrial function. These effects have yet to be demonstrated in humans, and the duration and level of CR required to extend life span in animals is not realistic in humans. Physical activity (voluntary exercise) continues to hold much promise for increasing healthy life expectancy in humans, but remains to show any impact to increase maximal life span. However, longevity in Caenorhabditis elegans is related to activity levels, possibly through maintenance of mitochondrial function throughout the life span. In humans, we reported a progressive decline in muscle mitochondrial DNA abundance and protein synthesis with age. Other investigators also noted age-related declines in muscle mitochondrial function, which are related to peak oxygen uptake. Long-term aerobic exercise largely prevented age-related declines in mitochondrial DNA abundance and function in humans and may increase spontaneous activity levels in mice. Notwithstanding, the impact of aerobic exercise and activity levels on maximal life span is uncertain. It is proposed that age-related declines in mitochondrial content and function not only affect physical function, but also play a major role in regulation of life span. Regular aerobic exercise and prevention of adiposity by healthy diet may increase healthy life expectancy and prolong life span through beneficial effects at the level of the mitochondrion
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