39 research outputs found


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    Mammalian systems biotechnology: An integrative framework for combining in silico modeling and multi-Omics datasets in different CHO parental cell lines

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    The increasing availability of multi-omics data from Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell cultures entails both opportunity and challenges toward next generation cell culture engineering. Herein, we present a comprehensive and integrative framework to systematically combine trancriptome, proteome, metabolome and glycome datasets in conjunction with a genome-scale metabolic model of CHO cells. We then apply the framework to compare and contrast the metabolic characteristics of the three commonly used parental cell lines (CHO-K1, CHO-DUKXB11 and CHO-DG44) so that “global” attributes of the parental hosts (e.g. growth related characteristics, glycosylation patterns, etc.) could be highlighted (Figure 1). The unique characteristics of the adherent against the suspension cell lines reveal that the latter are in an oxidative stress and that they differentially express genes/proteins associated with the lipid biosynthetic process. The unique transcriptomic and proteomic signatures of the different suspension cell lines, more relevant in an industrial context than the adherent, reflect the known historic divergence of the cell lines, i.e. the very different nature of the -DG44 cell line than the other two. Genes/proteins related with the purine nucleotide biosynthetic process (as expected, due to the Dhfr gene copy number differences), epigenetic regulation and programmed cell death present the major expression differences between the three parental cell lines. As far as the host N-glycome for each of the cell lines is concerned, it reveals similar profiles. Nevertheless, the cell lines present several differences in the expression of N-glycosylation related genes (e.g.Man2a1 and Fut8 are differentially expressed for -DG44 and Mgat4a for the -DXB11 cell line) and the pools of nucleotide sugar donors (-K1 presents higher UDP-Glc / UDP-Gal and CMP-sialic acid pools than -DG44; while -DG44 higher GDP-Fuc pools). Growth profiles of the various cell lines were also assessed and our results demonstrate that -K1 cells present significantly higher growth rate than the other two cell lines in suspension culture. Interestingly, adherent cells present a significantly faster growth profile than suspension cells that we attribute to the different media used for the two culture formats, i.e. to the presence of serum for adherent cells. The integrative framework also involves the use of the genome-scale metabolic model as a scaffold to map the multiomics datasets. Such an analysis allows us to readily pinpoint the heterogeneity in cellular metabolism between the multiple conditions and/or cell lines tested, as well as their correlations. Moreover, the correlation analysis of transcriptome and proteome for a given cell line revealed the plausible regulatory intracellular events that can be targeted for genetic engineering to achieve the enhanced productivity and quality of recombinant proteins in the context of bioprocessing. Interestingly, we identified many differences in the reactions associated with the N-glycan processing pathways for the various parental cell lines analyzed, which may be associated with different glycosylation capacity. Further investigation at the glycomics level may validate our hypothesis that choice of CHO hosts should be product-specific. It is expected that our results can serve as the golden standard for the comprehensive comparison of the various CHO cell lines used worldwide

    Recon 2.2: from reconstruction to model of human metabolism.

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    IntroductionThe human genome-scale metabolic reconstruction details all known metabolic reactions occurring in humans, and thereby holds substantial promise for studying complex diseases and phenotypes. Capturing the whole human metabolic reconstruction is an on-going task and since the last community effort generated a consensus reconstruction, several updates have been developed.ObjectivesWe report a new consensus version, Recon 2.2, which integrates various alternative versions with significant additional updates. In addition to re-establishing a consensus reconstruction, further key objectives included providing more comprehensive annotation of metabolites and genes, ensuring full mass and charge balance in all reactions, and developing a model that correctly predicts ATP production on a range of carbon sources.MethodsRecon 2.2 has been developed through a combination of manual curation and automated error checking. Specific and significant manual updates include a respecification of fatty acid metabolism, oxidative phosphorylation and a coupling of the electron transport chain to ATP synthase activity. All metabolites have definitive chemical formulae and charges specified, and these are used to ensure full mass and charge reaction balancing through an automated linear programming approach. Additionally, improved integration with transcriptomics and proteomics data has been facilitated with the updated curation of relationships between genes, proteins and reactions.ResultsRecon 2.2 now represents the most predictive model of human metabolism to date as demonstrated here. Extensive manual curation has increased the reconstruction size to 5324 metabolites, 7785 reactions and 1675 associated genes, which now are mapped to a single standard. The focus upon mass and charge balancing of all reactions, along with better representation of energy generation, has produced a flux model that correctly predicts ATP yield on different carbon sources.ConclusionThrough these updates we have achieved the most complete and best annotated consensus human metabolic reconstruction available, thereby increasing the ability of this resource to provide novel insights into normal and disease states in human. The model is freely available from the Biomodels database (http://identifiers.org/biomodels.db/MODEL1603150001)

    MEMOTE for standardized genome-scale metabolic model testing

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    Supplementary information is available for this paper at https://doi.org/10.1038/s41587-020-0446-yReconstructing metabolic reaction networks enables the development of testable hypotheses of an organisms metabolism under different conditions1. State-of-the-art genome-scale metabolic models (GEMs) can include thousands of metabolites and reactions that are assigned to subcellular locations. Geneproteinreaction (GPR) rules and annotations using database information can add meta-information to GEMs. GEMs with metadata can be built using standard reconstruction protocols2, and guidelines have been put in place for tracking provenance and enabling interoperability, but a standardized means of quality control for GEMs is lacking3. Here we report a community effort to develop a test suite named MEMOTE (for metabolic model tests) to assess GEM quality.We acknowledge D. Dannaher and A. Lopez for their supporting work on the Angular parts of MEMOTE; resources and support from the DTU Computing Center; J. Cardoso, S. Gudmundsson, K. Jensen and D. Lappa for their feedback on conceptual details; and P. D. Karp and I. Thiele for critically reviewing the manuscript. We thank J. Daniel, T. Kristjánsdóttir, J. Saez-Saez, S. Sulheim, and P. Tubergen for being early adopters of MEMOTE and for providing written testimonials. J.O.V. received the Research Council of Norway grants 244164 (GenoSysFat), 248792 (DigiSal) and 248810 (Digital Life Norway); M.Z. received the Research Council of Norway grant 244164 (GenoSysFat); C.L. received funding from the Innovation Fund Denmark (project “Environmentally Friendly Protein Production (EFPro2)”); C.L., A.K., N. S., M.B., M.A., D.M., P.M, B.J.S., P.V., K.R.P. and M.H. received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 686070 (DD-DeCaF); B.G.O., F.T.B. and A.D. acknowledge funding from the US National Institutes of Health (NIH, grant number 2R01GM070923-13); A.D. was supported by infrastructural funding from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation), Cluster of Excellence EXC 2124 Controlling Microbes to Fight Infections; N.E.L. received funding from NIGMS R35 GM119850, Novo Nordisk Foundation NNF10CC1016517 and the Keck Foundation; A.R. received a Lilly Innovation Fellowship Award; B.G.-J. and J. Nogales received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 686585 for the project LIAR, and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity through the RobDcode grant (BIO2014-59528-JIN); L.M.B. has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 633962 for project P4SB; R.F. received funding from the US Department of Energy, Offices of Advanced Scientific Computing Research and the Biological and Environmental Research as part of the Scientific Discovery Through Advanced Computing program, grant DE-SC0010429; A.M., C.Z., S.L. and J. Nielsen received funding from The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, Advanced Computing program, grant #DE-SC0010429; S.K.’s work was in part supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (de.NBI partner project “ModSim” (FKZ: 031L104B)); E.K. and J.A.H.W. were supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (project “SysToxChip”, FKZ 031A303A); M.K. is supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, Germany) within the research network Systems Medicine of the Liver (LiSyM, grant number 031L0054); J.A.P. and G.L.M. acknowledge funding from US National Institutes of Health (T32-LM012416, R01-AT010253, R01-GM108501) and the Wagner Foundation; G.L.M. acknowledges funding from a Grand Challenges Exploration Phase I grant (OPP1211869) from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; H.H. and R.S.M.S. received funding from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council MultiMod (BB/N019482/1); H.U.K. and S.Y.L. received funding from the Technology Development Program to Solve Climate Changes on Systems Metabolic Engineering for Biorefineries (grants NRF-2012M1A2A2026556 and NRF-2012M1A2A2026557) from the Ministry of Science and ICT through the National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea; H.U.K. received funding from the Bio & Medical Technology Development Program of the NRF, the Ministry of Science and ICT (NRF-2018M3A9H3020459); P.B., B.J.S., Z.K., B.O.P., C.L., M.B., N.S., M.H. and A.F. received funding through Novo Nordisk Foundation through the Center for Biosustainability at the Technical University of Denmark (NNF10CC1016517); D.-Y.L. received funding from the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Program (SSAC, PJ01334605), Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea; G.F. was supported by the RobustYeast within ERA net project via SystemsX.ch; V.H. received funding from the ETH Domain and Swiss National Science Foundation; M.P. acknowledges Oxford Brookes University; J.C.X. received support via European Research Council (666053) to W.F. Martin; B.E.E. acknowledges funding through the CSIRO-UQ Synthetic Biology Alliance; C.D. is supported by a Washington Research Foundation Distinguished Investigator Award. I.N. received funding from National Institutes of Health (NIH)/National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) (grant P20GM125503).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Publisher Correction: MEMOTE for standardized genome-scale metabolic model testing

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    An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Modeling rice metabolism: from elucidating environmental effects on cellular phenotype to guiding crop improvement

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    Crop productivity is severely limited by various biotic and abiotic stresses. Thus, it is highly needed to understand the underlying mechanisms of environmental stress response and tolerance in plants, which could be addressed by systems biology approach. To this end, high-throughput omics profiling and in silico modeling can be considered to explore the environmental effects on phenotypic states and metabolic behaviors of rice crops at the systems level. Especially, the advent of constraint-based metabolic reconstruction and analysis paves a way to characterize the plant cellular physiology under various stresses by combining the mathematical network models with multi-omics data. Rice metabolic networks have been reconstructed since 2013 and currently 6 such networks are available, where 5 are at genome-scale. Since their publication, these models have been utilized to systematically elucidate the rice abiotic stress responses and identify agronomic traits for crop improvement. In this review, we summarize the current status of the existing rice metabolic networks and models with their applications. Furthermore, we also highlight future directions of rice modeling studies, particularly stressing how these models can be used to contextualize the affluent multi-omics data that are readily available in the public domain. Overall, we envisage a number of studies in the future, exploiting the available metabolic models to enhance the yield and quality of rice and other food crops

    Genome-scale model-driven strain design for dicarboxylic acid production in Yarrowia lipolytica

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    Abstract Background Recently, there have been several attempts to produce long-chain dicarboxylic acids (DCAs) in various microbial hosts. Of these, Yarrowia lipolytica has great potential due to its oleaginous characteristics and unique ability to utilize hydrophobic substrates. However, Y. lipolytica should be further engineered to make it more competitive: the current approaches are mostly intuitive and cumbersome, thus limiting its industrial application. Results In this study, we proposed model-guided metabolic engineering strategies for enhanced production of DCAs in Y. lipolytica. At the outset, we reconstructed genome-scale metabolic model (GSMM) of Y. lipolytica (iYLI647) by substantially expanding the previous models. Subsequently, the model was validated using three sets of published culture experiment data. It was finally exploited to identify genetic engineering targets for overexpression, knockout, and cofactor modification by applying several in silico strain design methods, which potentially give rise to high yield production of the industrially relevant long-chain DCAs, e.g., dodecanedioic acid (DDDA). The resultant targets include (1) malate dehydrogenase and malic enzyme genes and (2) glutamate dehydrogenase gene, in silico overexpression of which generated additional NADPH required for fatty acid synthesis, leading to the increased DDDA fluxes by 48% and 22% higher, respectively, compared to wild-type. We further investigated the effect of supplying branched-chain amino acids on the acetyl-CoA turn-over rate which is key metabolite for fatty acid synthesis, suggesting their significance for production of DDDA in Y. lipolytica. Conclusion In silico model-based strain design strategies allowed us to identify several metabolic engineering targets for overproducing DCAs in lipid accumulating yeast, Y. lipolytica. Thus, the current study can provide a methodological framework that is applicable to other oleaginous yeasts for value-added biochemical production

    Genome-scale modeling and transcriptome analysis of Leuconostoc mesenteroides unravel the redox governed metabolic states in obligate heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria

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    Abstract Obligate heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are well-known for their beneficial health effects in humans. To delineate the incompletely characterized metabolism that currently limits their exploitation, at systems-level, we developed a genome-scale metabolic model of the representative obligate heterofermenting LAB, Leuconostoc mesenteroides (iLME620). Constraint-based flux analysis was then used to simulate several qualitative and quantitative phenotypes of L. mesenteroides, thereby evaluating the model validity. With established predictive capabilities, we subsequently employed iLME620 to elucidate unique metabolic characteristics of L. mesenteroides, such as the limited ability to utilize amino acids as energy source, and to substantiate the role of malolactic fermentation (MLF) in the reduction of pH-homeostatic burden on F0F1-ATPase. We also reported new hypothesis on the MLF mechanism that could be explained via a substrate channelling-like phenomenon mainly influenced by intracellular redox state rather than the intermediary reactions. Model simulations further revealed possible proton-symporter dependent activity of the energy efficient glucose-phosphotransferase system in obligate heterofermentative LAB. Moreover, integrated transcriptomic analysis allowed us to hypothesize transcriptional regulatory bias affecting the intracellular redox state. The insights gained here about the low ATP-yielding metabolism of L. mesenteroides, dominantly controlled by the cellular redox state, could potentially aid strain design for probiotic and cell factory applications

    Flux-sum analysis identifies metabolite targets for strain improvement

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    Background: Rational design of microbial strains for enhanced cellular physiology through in silico analysis has been reported in many metabolic engineering studies. Such in silico techniques typically involve the analysis of a metabolic model describing the metabolic and physiological states under various perturbed conditions, thereby identifying genetic targets to be manipulated for strain improvement. More often than not, the activation/inhibition of multiple reactions is necessary to produce a predicted change for improvement of cellular properties or states. However, as it is more computationally cumbersome to simulate all possible combinations of reaction perturbations, it is desirable to consider alternative techniques for identifying such metabolic engineering targets.Results: In this study, we present the modified version of previously developed metabolite-centric approach, also known as flux-sum analysis (FSA), for identifying metabolic engineering targets. Utility of FSA was demonstrated by applying it to Escherichia coli, as case studies, for enhancing ethanol and succinate production, and reducing acetate formation. Interestingly, most of the identified metabolites correspond to gene targets that have been experimentally validated in previous works on E. coli strain improvement. A notable example is that pyruvate, the metabolite target for enhancing succinate production, was found to be associated with multiple reaction targets that were only identifiable through more computationally expensive means. In addition, detailed analysis of the flux-sum perturbed conditions also provided valuable insights into how previous metabolic engineering strategies have been successful in enhancing cellular physiology.Conclusions: The application of FSA under the flux balance framework can identify novel metabolic engineering targets from the metabolite-centric perspective. Therefore, the current approach opens up a new research avenue for rational design and engineering of industrial microbes in the field of systems metabolic engineering