2,934 research outputs found

    Two-dimensional integrating matrices on rectangular grids

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    The use of integrating matrices in solving differential equations associated with rotating beam configurations is examined. In vibration problems, by expressing the equations of motion of the beam in matrix notation, utilizing the integrating matrix as an operator, and applying the boundary conditions, the spatial dependence is removed from the governing partial differential equations and the resulting ordinary differential equations can be cast into standard eigenvalue form. Integrating matrices are derived based on two dimensional rectangular grids with arbitrary grid spacings allowed in one direction. The derivation of higher dimensional integrating matrices is the initial step in the generalization of the integrating matrix methodology to vibration and stability problems involving plates and shells

    A combined integrating and differentiating matrix formulation for boundary value problems on rectangular domains

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    Integrating and differentiating matrices allow the numerical integration and differential of functions whose values are known at points of a discrete grid. Previous derivations of these matrices were restricted to one dimensional grids or to rectangular grids with uniform spacing in at least one direction. Integrating and differentiating matrices were developed for grids with nonuniform spacing in both directions. The use of these matrices as operators to reformulate boundary value problems on rectangular domains as matrix problems for a finite dimensional solution vector is considered. The method requires nonuniform grids which include near boundary points. An eigenvalue problem for the transverse vibrations of a simply supported rectangular plate is solved to illustrate the method

    Stability of the laminar boundary layer in a streamwise corner

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    The stability of viscous, incompressible flow along a streamwise corner, often called the corner boundary layer problem is examined. The semi-infinite boundary value problem satisfied by small amplitude disturbances in the "bending boundary layer' region is obtained. The mean secondary flow induced by the corner exhibits a flow reversal in this region. Uniformly valid "first approximations' to solutions of the governing differential equations are derived. Uniformity at infinity is achieved by a suitable choice of the large parameter and use of an approximate Langer variable. Approximations to solutions of balanced type have a phase shift across the critical layer which is associated with instabilities in the case of two dimensional boundary layer profiles

    Wave-interactions in supersonic and hypersonic flows

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    Work completed under the current grant comprises the start of a theoretical and computational attack on the subharmonic route to secondary instabilities in compressible flows. The total flow field in this problem is made up of the following components: (1) a steady streamwise mean boundary layer flow which depends only on the normal space component y; (2) a two-dimensional time dependent T-S wave which moves with wavespeed c and has no spanwise dependence; and (3) a fully three-dimensional, time dependent T-S wave whose streamwise wavenumber is half of the streamwise wavenumber associated with the two-dimensional T-S wave in b. If a frame of reference is adopted which moves with the wavespeed c of the 2-D T-S wave, the time dependence of this portion of the flow can be eliminated. The effective steady mean flow in this problem is now the sum of the original parallel steady mean flow and the initial 2-D T-S instability. Dependence on the streamwise coordinate x in this mean flow can be extracted by assuming normal mode expansions involving complex exponentials and the streamwise wavenumber a. However, it is important to note that, because this is a wave-wave interaction problem, unlike the usual linear instability case, both the complex exponential, and its complex conjugate, must be retained in describing the 2-D T-S wave. The role of the perturbation to the steady mean flow is now played by the 3-D time dependent T-S wave. In treating this wave, normal modes in the streamwise and spanwise directions and time may be used. Consistent with the subharmonic nature of this transition route, the streamwise wavenumber is a/2, and complex conjugates of the complex exponential must be employed. This is not the case with the modes giving z and t dependence with wavespeed o and spanwise wavenumber B as the effective mean flow quantities are independent of z and their time dependence is accounted for by the moving frame of reference. Consequently, the wave-wave interaction which will produce mean flow modification occurs only through the streamwise exponentials

    Integrating matrix formulations for vibrations of rotating beams including the effects of concentrated masses

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    By expressing partial differential equations of motion in matrix notation, utilizing the integrating matrix as a spatial operator, and applying the boundary conditions, the resulting ordinary differential equations can be cast into standard eigenvalue form upon assumption of the usual time dependence. As originally developed, the technique was limited to beams having continuous mass and stiffness properties along their lengths. Integrating matrix methods are extended to treat the differential equations governing the flap, lag, or axial vibrations of rotating beams having concentrated masses. Inclusion of concentrated masses is shown to lead to the same kind of standard eigenvalue problem as before, but with slightly modified matrices

    ‘Making Professional Friends’: Mentees’ and Facilitators’ Experiences of a School-Based Peer Mentoring Intervention to Support Primary to Secondary School Transition

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    Secondary school transition is a significant marker in children’s education, which can have widespread negative impacts for some young people (Riglin, Frederikson, Shelton, & Rice, 2013). Preventative interventions to support social and emotional needs during the transition are gaining popularity (Department for Education, 2015); yet research into understanding approaches that work is limited. Young people prefer support from people who can relate to them; therefore peer approaches, predominantly peer mentoring interventions are increasingly being used in schools (Podmore, Fonagy, & Munk, 2018). Little is known about the mechanisms of change in peer mentoring, particularly when used to support secondary transition. Therefore, the current study was developed to both explore the experiences of young people participating in a transition peer mentoring project; and to understand from the perspectives of the mentees and programme facilitators what aspects of the intervention they thought facilitated change. The study took a critical realist epistemological position and utilised a qualitative design to enable the voices of the mentees to be fully heard. Three focus groups were held with thirteen mentees in year seven and three facilitators participated in individual interviews. The transcripts were subjected to two separate thematic analyses. Twelve of the mentees noticed positive outcomes following the intervention; including increased confidence, preparation for secondary school and relational changes. The participants emphasised the importance of building trusting, supportive relationships in facilitating change, and reflected that the peer support model worked well, as mentors could relate to the mentees’ experiences. This research supports the need to promote positive mental health and prevention in schools, and demonstrates the benefits of a continued relationship across the school transition. The limitations of the study are explored, along with recommendations about future research, including longitudinal explorations of peer mentoring and the importance of collaboration between education and mental health settings

    The fully nonlinear development of Goertler vortices in growing boundary layers

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    The fully nonlinear development of small wavelength Goertler vortices in a growing boundary layer is investigated using a combination of asymptotic and numerical methods. The starting point for the analysis is the weakly nonlinear theory of Hall (1982b) who discussed the initial development of small amplitude vortices in a neighborhood of the location where they first become linearly unstable. That development is unusual in the context of nonlinear stability theory in that it is not described by the Stuart-Watson approach. In fact the development is governed by a pair of coupled nonlinear partial differential evolution equations for the vortex flow and the mean flow correction. Here the further development of this interaction is considered for vortices so large that the mean flow correction driven by them is as large as the basic state. Surprisingly it is found that such a nonlinear interaction can still be described by asymptotic means. It is shown that the vortices spread out across the boundary layer and effectively drive the boundary layer. In fact the system obtained by writing down the equations for the fundamental component of the vortex generate a differential equation for the basic state. Thus the mean flow adjusts so as to make these large amplitude vortices locally neutral. Moreover in the region where the vortices exist the mean flow has a square-root profile and the vortex velocity field can be written down in closed form. The upper and lower boundaries of the region of vortex activity are determined by a free-boundary problem involving the boundary layer equations. In general it is found that this region ultimately includes almost all of the original boundary layer and much of the free-stream. In this situation the mean flow has essentially no relationship to the flow which exists in the absence of the vortices

    A review of instability and noise propagation in supersonic flows

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    Originally analytical and numerical models were to be developed for noise production in supersonic jets, wakes and free shear layers. While the effort was concentrated initially on these aspects, other topics were also pursued, most were of interest to the Jet Noise Group of the Aeroacoustics Branch. An overview is given of subjects reviewed and the investigations that were carried out. A significant effort was devoted to numerically predicting the flow field of a turbulent supersonic wall jet. This information is necessary for computing the pressure in the far field. The wall jet was selected because it represents a generic flow that can be associated with plug nozzle in supersonic engines. It combines the characteristic of a boundary layer with that of a free shear flow. The spatially evolving flow obtained using Dash's code would form the input for the stability analysis program. This analysis would determine the large scale instability wave within the flow. The far field pressure can be computed from the shape of the evolving large scale structure by asymptotic methods. Flow characteristics obtained from a program that analyses the turbulent downstream supersonic flow in a nozzle are described and compared with experimental results

    An integrating matrix formulation for buckling of rotating beams including the effects of concentrated masses

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    The integrating matrix technique of computational mechanics is extended to include the effects of concentrated masses. The stability of a flexible rotating beam with discrete masses is analyzed to determine the critical rotational speeds for buckling in the inplane and out-of-plane directions. In this problem, the beam is subjected to compressive centrifugal forces arising from steady rotation about an axis which does not pass through the clamped end of the beam. To determine the eigenvalues from which stability is assessed, the differential equations of motion are solved numerically by combining the extended integrating matrix method with an eigenanalysis. Stability boundaries for a discrete mass representation of a uniform beam are shown to asymptotically approach the stability boundaries for the corresponding continuous mass beam as the number of concentrated masses is increased. An error in the literature is also noted for the discrete mass problem concerning the behavior of the critical rotational speed for inplane buckling as the radius of rotation of the clamped end of the beam is reduced

    Higher modes of the Orr-Sommerfeld problem for boundary layer flows

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    The discrete spectrum of the Orr-Sommerfeld problem of hydrodynamic stability for boundary layer flows in semi-infinite regions is examined. Related questions concerning the continuous spectrum are also addressed. Emphasis is placed on the stability problem for the Blasius boundary layer profile. A general theoretical result is given which proves that the discrete spectrum of the Orr-Sommerfeld problem for boundary layer profiles (U(y), 0,0) has only a finite number of discrete modes when U(y) has derivatives of all orders. Details are given of a highly accurate numerical technique based on collocation with splines for the calculation of stability characteristics. The technique includes replacement of 'outer' boundary conditions by asymptotic forms based on the proper large parameter in the stability problem. Implementation of the asymptotic boundary conditions is such that there is no need to make apriori distinctions between subcases of the discrete spectrum or between the discrete and continuous spectrums. Typical calculations for the usual Blasius problem are presented
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