48 research outputs found
Changes in gene expression linked with adult reproductive diapause in a northern malt fly species: a candidate gene microarray study
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Insect diapause is an important biological process which involves many life-history parameters important for survival and reproductive fitness at both individual and population level. <it>Drosophila montana</it>, a species of <it>D. virilis </it>group, has a profound photoperiodic reproductive diapause that enables the adult flies to survive through the harsh winter conditions of high latitudes and altitudes. We created a custom-made microarray for <it>D. montana </it>with 101 genes known to affect traits important in diapause, photoperiodism, reproductive behaviour, circadian clock and stress tolerance in model Drosophila species. This array gave us a chance to filter out genes showing expression changes during photoperiodic reproductive diapause in a species adapted to live in northern latitudes with high seasonal changes in environmental conditions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Comparisons among diapausing, reproducing and young <it>D. montana </it>females revealed expression changes in 24 genes on microarray; for example in comparison between diapausing and reproducing females one gene (<it>Drosophila cold acclimation gene, Dca</it>) showed up-regulation and 15 genes showed down-regulation in diapausing females. Down-regulation of seven of these genes was specific to diapause state while in five genes the expression changes were linked with the age of the females rather than with their reproductive status. Also, qRT-PCR experiments confirmed <it>couch potato </it>(<it>cpo</it>) gene to be involved in diapause of <it>D. montana</it>.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A candidate gene microarray proved to offer a practical and cost-effective way to trace genes that are likely to play an important role in photoperiodic reproductive diapause and further in adaptation to seasonally varying environmental conditions. The present study revealed two genes, <it>Dca </it>and <it>cpo</it>, whose role in photoperiodic diapause in <it>D. montana </it>is worth of studying in more details. Also, further studies using the candidate gene microarray with more specific experimental designs and target tissues may reveal additional genes with more restricted expression patterns.</p
Paradox of openness: knowledge sharing-protection tension in ecosystems
The paper describes findings about knowledge management in innovation constellations that are calling themselves as innovation ecosystems. The focus is in tension between knowledge sharing and knowledge protection, i.e. in the paradox of openness. The research asked whether an ecosystemic and open way of innovation differs to innovation in networks in respect to how the paradox appears. The study applied the methodology of qualitative research. Experiences and practices were collected from 13 innovation ecosystems. According to the findings, the paradox seems to be very true in ecosystems and even more pronounced than in innovation networks, because in ecosystems one may not know all actors of innovation. That makes the promotion of knowledge sharing in ecosystems as a multifaceted issue. In addition, the findings suggest that firms in different ecosystem roles have role specific approaches towards sharing vs. protection.©2020 International Society for Professional Innovation Managementfi=vertaisarvioimaton|en=nonPeerReviewed
Paradox of openness : knowledge sharing-protection tension in ecosystems
The paper describes findings about knowledge management in innovation constellations that are calling themselves as innovation ecosystems. The focus is in tension between knowledge sharing and knowledge protection, i.e. in the paradox of openness. The research asked whether an ecosystemic and open way of innovation differs to innovation in networks in respect to how the paradox appears. The study applied the methodology of qualitative research. Experiences and practices were collected from 13 innovation ecosystems. According to the findings, the paradox seems to be very true in ecosystems and even more pronounced than in innovation networks, because in ecosystems one may not know all actors of innovation. That makes the promotion of knowledge sharing in ecosystems as a multifaceted issue. In addition, the findings suggest that firms in different ecosystem roles have role specific approaches towards sharing vs. protection.©2020 International Society for Professional Innovation Management, Lappeenranta University of Technologyfi=vertaisarvioimaton|en=nonPeerReviewed
The ISPIM Innovation Conference: Innovating in Times of Crisis
The paper describes findings about knowledge management in innovation constellations that are calling themselves as innovation ecosystems. The focus is in tension between knowledge sharing and knowledge protection, i.e. in the paradox of openness. The research asked whether an ecosystemic and open way of innovation differs to innovation in networks in respect to how the paradox appears. The study applied the methodology of qualitative research. Experiences and practices were collected from 13 innovation ecosystems. According to the findings, the paradox seems to be very true in ecosystems and even more pronounced than in innovation networks, because in ecosystems one may not know all actors of innovation. That makes the promotion of knowledge sharing in ecosystems as a multifaceted issue. In addition, the findings suggest that firms in different ecosystem roles have role specific approaches towards sharing vs. protection. </p
Koulutettu naiskansalainen suomalaisessa hyvinvointivaltiossa – johdatus teemaan
Koulutuksen, työelämän ja hyvinvointiyhteiskunnan murrokset ovat muokanneet naiskansalaisuutta läpi vuosikymmenten. Sari Sairaanhoitajan kuvitteellinen tarina elämänvaiheineen nivoo yhteen tyttö-, nais- ja hoivakansalaisuuden rakentumisen koulutuksessa, omaishoivassa ja työelämän reunaehdoissa
SMG6 localizes to the chromatoid body and shapes the male germ cell transcriptome to drive spermatogenesis
Nonsense-mediated RNA decay (NMD) is a highly conserved and selective RNA turnover pathway that depends on the endonuclease SMG6. Here, we show that SMG6 is essential for male germ cell differentiation in mice. Germ-cell conditional knockout (cKO) of Smg6 induces extensive transcriptome misregulation, including a failure to eliminate meiotically expressed transcripts in early haploid cells, and accumulation of NMD target mRNAs with long 3 ' untranslated regions (UTRs). Loss of SMG6 in the male germline results in complete arrest of spermatogenesis at the early haploid cell stage. We find that SMG6 is strikingly enriched in the chromatoid body (CB), a specialized cytoplasmic granule in male germ cells also harboring PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) and the piRNA-binding protein PIWIL1. This raises the possibility that SMG6 and the piRNA pathway function together, which is supported by several findings, including that Piwil1-KO mice phenocopy Smg6-cKO mice and that SMG6 and PIWIL1 co-regulate many genes in round spermatids. Together, our results demonstrate that SMG6 is an essential regulator of the male germline transcriptome, and highlight the CB as a molecular platform coordinating RNA regulatory pathways to control sperm production and fertility.Peer reviewe
Isien kokemuksia huostaanoton prosessista
Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on kartoittaa huostaanotettujen lasten isien kokemuksia huostaanottoprosessista. Tutkimustuloksia isien kokemuksista ei ole paljon saatavilla, joten teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä asiaa tarkastellaan myös äitien kokemusten kautta. Tutkimus on laadullinen ja se toteutetaan teemahaastatteluna.
Haastatteluissa selvisi, että isät eivät olleet omasta mielestään riittävästi tietoisia huostaanottoprosessin etenemisestä, eikä heillä ollut mahdollisuutta vaikuttaa siihen. Vuorovaikutus sosiaalityöntekijän kanssa koettiin riittämättömäksi ja kankeaksi. Isät kaipasivat enemmän keskustelua ja ymmärrystä omaa tilannettaan kohtaan. Lastensuojelun asettamat muutostarpeet olivat jääneet epäselviksi isille. Sijoituksen aiheuttamaan kriisiin olisi kaivattu lastensuojelulta tukea. Sukupuoleen sidottua roolijakoa isän tai äidin kesken ei tullut haastatteluissa esille, vaan isät puhuivat kokemuksistaan vanhempana.
Johtopäätöksinä tutkimuksesta voidaan todeta, että lastensuojelussa työntekijöiden tulee kiinnittää entistä enemmän huomiota vuorovaikutukseen isien kanssa. Isät pitää ottaa työskentelyyn mukaan osalliseksi omissa ja perheensä asioissa. Terapeuttisella ja kohtaavalla työskentelyllä tuetaan isää myös lapsen sijoituksen aiheuttamassa kriisissä. Lastensuojeluun on syytä kehittää myös uusia toimintatapoja isien tukemiseksi.The aim of this research-based thesis is to find out fathers´ experiences of their children going into custody. The experiences of fathers´ are not well represented in research, so the topic is also examined through the experiences of mothers. This is a qualitative thesis and the research method is a theme interview.
In the interviews it became clear that the fathers did not have enough information about the process of their children going into custody. They felt that they had no opportunity to influence the process. Interaction with a social worker was felt inadequate and stiffy. The fathers needed more discussion and understanding with their situation. The fathers felt that they did not know what the child protection expected of them. The day the children went into custody was always a crisis. In this situation, child protection should have supported the fathers. In interviews, fathers spoke of their experiences as a parent, not fatherhood or motherhood. Gender roles did not come up in the interviews.
Conclusions of the study show that workers in child protection need to pay more attention to interaction with fathers. Fathers should be involved in work in their own and family affairs. Therapeutic and encountering work also supports father in the crisis when the child goes into custody. There is also a need to develop new ways to support fathers in child welfare
Sähkölaskutusprosessin kehittäminen Case: Sähköyhtiö Oy
Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää Sähköyhtiö Oy:n myyntilaskutusprosessiin, eli sähkölaskutusprosessiin liittyviä, kehittämistä vaativia toimintoja sekä etsiä uusia ratkaisuja prosessin kustannusten vähentämiseksi. Erityishuomiota tutkimuksessa saivat työn tilaajan toivomuksesta hyvityslasku- ja asiakaspalautusprosessit.
Tavoitteena oli löytää uusia toimintatapoja, joilla sähkölaskutusprosessi saataisiin sujuvam-maksi ja kustannustehokkaammaksi. Myös asiakkaiden tyytyväisyys ja työn mielekkyyden pa-rantaminen olivat kriittisinä arvioinnin kohteina.
Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys muodostui pääosin prosessijohtamisesta ja sen koulu-kunnista, prosessien kuvaamisesta ja liiketoimintaprosessien parantamisesta. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnettiin lisäksi Tiina Laiholta, toiselta opinnäytetyön tekijältä, saatuja olemassa olevia tietoja prosesseista käytännössä työsuhteen vuoksi. Myös yrityksen henkilöstön haastatteluja käytettiin prosessikuvauksissa.
Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että kehitettävää ilmeni sekä hyvityslaskuprosessissa, että asiakaspalautusprosessissa. Hyvityslaskuprosessin osalta olennaisin kehitysehdotus oli kokonai-sen toiminnon poistaminen tai vähintään sen virtaviivaistaminen. Asiakaspalautusprosessiin esitimme puolestaan kokonaan uutta toimintatapaa, joka parantaisi koko sähkölaskutuspro-sessin toimintaa.Improving the Invoicing Process of Electricity. Case: Sähköyhtiö Oy
The purpose of this thesis was to search for activities in Sähköyhtiö Oy’s invoicing process for electricity sales which required development and to discover new methods in order to lower the costs in the process. Special attention was given to credit note process and customer re-fund process by the wishes of the Sähköyhtiö Oy.
The aim was to find new ways to make the processes more fluent and more cost effective. Customer satisfaction and the improvement of the meaningfulness of work were also under critical evaluation.
The research was carried out by using theoretical information about processes in general and the knowledge of the processes in the company provided by Tiina Laiho, one of the students making this thesis. The processes were described by using the existing knowledge and the in-formation gathered from interviews of various people in Sähköyhtiö Oy.
The results of this thesis showed that both the credit note process and the customer refund process had functions that could be improved. The most relevant development proposal in the credit note process was to eliminate a whole function or at least to rationalize the process by streamlining the actions. The study in the customer refund process revealed a result where the primary proposal was a whole new procedure in order to improve the invoicing process of electricity