109 research outputs found

    E2F1 activates p53 transcription through its distal site and participates in apoptosis induction in HPV-positive cells

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    AbstractThe p53 tumor suppressor protein, one of the most extensively studied proteins, plays a pivotal role in cellular checkpoints that respond to DNA damage to prevent tumorigenesis. However, the transcriptional control of the p53 gene has not been fully characterized. We report that the transcription factor E2F1 binds only to the E2F1 distal site of the p53 promoter in the human papillomavirus positive carcinoma HeLa cell line. Moreover, we showed that etoposide, a DNA damaging agent, activates p53 transcription through the E2F1 pathway. This increase correlates with apoptosis induction as disruption of this pathway led to reduced apoptosis stimulation by the DNA damaging agent

    A novel pathway for MuSK to induce key genes in neuromuscular synapse formation

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    At the developing neuromuscular junction the Agrin receptor MuSK is the central organizer of subsynaptic differentiation induced by Agrin from the nerve. The expression of musk itself is also regulated by the nerve, but the mechanisms involved are not known. Here, we analyzed the activation of a musk promoter reporter construct in muscle fibers in vivo and in cultured myotubes, using transfection of multiple combinations of expression vectors for potential signaling components. We show that neuronal Agrin by activating MuSK regulates the expression of musk via two pathways: the Agrin-induced assembly of muscle-derived neuregulin (NRG)-1/ErbB, the pathway thought to regulate acetylcholine receptor (AChR) expression at the synapse, and via a direct shunt involving Agrin-induced activation of Rac. Both pathways converge onto the same regulatory element in the musk promoter that is also thought to confer synapse-specific expression to AChR subunit genes. In this way, a positive feedback signaling loop is established that maintains musk expression at the synapse when impulse transmission becomes functional. The same pathways are used to regulate synaptic expression of AChRɛ . We propose that the novel pathway stabilizes the synapse early in development, whereas the NRG/ErbB pathway supports maintenance of the mature synapse

    El Rompecabezas de Aronson utilizado como metodología de trabajo semestral en un curso Universitario de Estadística

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    Implementar una metodología de trabajo semestral basada en una técnica de aprendizaje activo en un curso de estadística para la carrera de Ingeniería Comercial de la Universidad Católica del Norte. Se implementó una experiencia de innovación pedagógica, aplicando la técnica de aprendizaje cooperativo denominada «El rompecabezas de Aronson» como metodología de trabajo semestral en un curso de estadística compuesto por 60 alumnos. Los cuestionarios realizados muestran que el desarrollo de esta experiencia tuvo una buena acogida dentro del estudiantado y se redujo la tasa de reprobación. Al finalizar el curso, un 63% de los encuestados manifiesta preferencia por haber construido su aprendizaje con esta técnica y solo un 7% señala preferencia por haber utilizado una metodología tradicional. También se identificaron aspectos negativos y positivos de la implementación, además de visualizar posibilidades de mejora. Dentro de los aspectos negativos, se plantean temáticas como la falta de tiempo y habilidades pedagógicas de los estudiantes, complejidad de los contenidos para utilizar esta técnica y poca retroalimentación en la primera etapa del proceso. Mientras tanto, las opiniones positivas guardan relación con lo innovador del método, el desarrollo de competencias que no se logran con metodologías tradicionales, como habilidades sociales y organizativas. También se destaca el apoyo docente durante la segunda etapa del proceso y el uso de recursos audiovisuales para el aprendizaje

    Alternative-splicing-based bicistronic vectors for ratio-controlled protein expression and application to recombinant antibody production

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    In the last decade polycistronic vectors have become essential tools for both basic science and gene therapy applications. In order to co-express heterologous polypeptides, different systems have been developed from Internal Ribosome Entry Site (IRES) based vectors to the use of the 2A peptide. Unfortunately, these methods are not fully suitable for the efficient and reproducible modulation of the ratio between the proteins of interest. Here we describe a novel bicistronic vector type based on the use of alternative splicing. By modifying the consensus sequence that governs splicing, we demonstrate that the ratio between the synthesized proteins could easily vary from 1 : 10 to 10 : 1. We have established this system with luciferase genes and we extended its application to the production of recombinant monoclonal antibodies. We have shown that these vectors could be used in several typical cell lines with similar efficiencies. We also present an adaptation of these vectors to hybrid alternative splicing/IRES constructs that allow a ratio-controlled expression of proteins of interest in stably transfected cell lines

    An upstream open reading frame within an IRES controls expression of a specific VEGF-A isoform

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    Vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A) is a potent secreted mitogen critical for physiological and pathological angiogenesis. Regulation of VEGF-A occurs at multiple levels, including transcription, mRNA stabilization, splicing, translation and differential cellular localization of various isoforms. Recent advances in our understanding of the posttranscriptional regulation of VEGF-A are comprised of the identification of stabilizing mRNA-binding proteins and the discovery of two internal ribosomal entry sites (IRES) as well as two alternative initiation codons in the 5′UTR of the VEGF-A mRNA. We have previously reported that VEGF-A translation initiation at both the AUG and CUG codons is dependent on the exon content of the coding region. In this report, we show that the expression of different VEGF-A isoforms is regulated by a small upstream open reading frame (uORF) located within an internal ribosome entry site, which is translated through a cap-independent mechanism. This uORF acts as a cis-regulatory element that regulates negatively the expression of the VEGF 121 isoform. Our data provide a framework for understanding how VEGF-A mRNAs are translated, and how the production of the VEGF 121 isoform is secured under non-hypoxic environmental conditions

    The zebrafish ennui behavioral mutation disrupts acetylcholine receptor localization and motor axon stability

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    The zebrafish ennui mutation was identified from a mutagenesis screen for defects in early behavior. Homozygous ennui embryos swam more slowly than wild-type siblings but normal swimming recovered during larval stages and homozygous mutants survived until adulthood. Electrophysiological recordings from motoneurons and muscles suggested that the motor output of the CNS following mechanosensory stimulation was normal in ennui , but the synaptic currents at the neuromuscular junction were significantly reduced. Analysis of acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) in ennui muscles showed a marked reduction in the size of synaptic clusters and their aberrant localization at the myotome segment borders of fast twitch muscle. Prepatterned, nerve-independent AChR clusters appeared normal in mutant embryos and dispersed upon outgrowth of motor axons onto the muscles. Genetic mosaic analysis showed that ennui is required cell autonomously in muscle fibers for normal synaptic localization of AChRs. Furthermore, exogenous agrin failed to induce AChR aggregation, suggesting that ennui is crucial for agrin function. Finally, motor axons branched more extensively in ennui fast twitch muscles especially in the region of the myotome borders. These results suggest that ennui is important for nerve-dependent AChR clustering and the stability of axon growth. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol, 2008Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/57546/1/20569_ftp.pd

    Neuregulin-1 potentiates agrin-induced acetylcholine receptor clustering through muscle-specific kinase phosphorylation

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    At neuromuscular synapses, neural agrin (n-agrin) stabilizes embryonic postsynaptic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) clusters by signalling through the muscle-specific kinase (MuSK) complex. Live imaging of cultured myotubes showed that the formation and disassembly of primitive AChR clusters is a dynamic and reversible process favoured by n-agrin, and possibly other synaptic signals. Neuregulin-1 is a growth factor that can act through muscle ErbB receptor kinases to enhance synaptic gene transcription. Recent studies suggest that neuregulin-1–ErbB signalling can modulate n-agrin-induced AChR clustering independently of its effects on transcription. Here we report that neuregulin-1 increased the size of developing AChR clusters when injected into muscles of embryonic mice. We investigated this phenomenon using cultured myotubes, and found that in the ongoing presence of n-agrin, neuregulin-1 potentiates AChR clustering by increasing the tyrosine phosphorylation of MuSK. This potentiation could be blocked by inhibiting Shp2, a postsynaptic tyrosine phosphatase known to modulate the activity of MuSK. Our results provide new evidence that neuregulin-1 modulates the signaling activity of MuSK and hence might function as a second-order regulator of postsynaptic AChR clustering at the neuromuscular synapse. Thus two classic synaptic signalling systems (neuregulin-1 and n-agrin) converge upon MuSK to regulate postsynaptic differentiation

    Wnt proteins contribute to neuromuscular junction formation through distinct signaling pathways

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    International audienceUnderstanding the developmental steps that shape formation of the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) connecting motoneurons to skeletal muscle fibers is crucial. Wnt morphogens are key players in the formation of this specialized peripheral synapse, but their individual and collaborative functions and downstream pathways remain poorly understood at the NMJ. Here, we demonstrate through Wnt4 and Wnt11 gain-of-function studies in cell culture or in mice that Wnts enhance acetylcholine receptor (AChR) clustering and motor axon outgrowth. By contrast, loss of Wnt11 or Wnt-dependent signaling in vivo decreases AChR clustering and motor nerve terminal branching. Both Wnt4 and Wnt11 stimulate AChR mRNA levels and AChR clustering downstream of activation of the β-catenin pathway. Strikingly, Wnt4 and Wnt11 co-immunoprecipitate with Vangl2, a core component of the planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway, which accumulates at embryonic NMJs. Moreover, mice bearing a Vangl2 loss-of-function mutation (loop-tail) exhibit fewer AChR clusters and overgrowth of motor axons bypassing AChR clusters. Together, our results provide genetic and biochemical evidence that Wnt4 and Wnt11 cooperatively contribute to mammalian NMJ formation through activation of both the canonical and Vangl2-dependent core PCP pathways