35 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Teknologi Handphone Terhadap Perilaku Komunikasi Antarpribadi Siswa Pada Smp Tut Wuri Handayani Makassar

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    Penelitian ini berjudul Pengaruh Penggunaan Teknologi Handphone Terhadap Perilaku Komunikasi Antarpribadi Siswa pada SMP Tut Wuri Handayani Makassar. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh penggunaan handphone terhadap komunikasi antarpribadi siswa di sekolah, serta apa saja pengaruh positif dan negatif pengaruh penggunaan handphone terhadap perilaku komunikasi antarpribadi siswa di sekolah dan bagaimana cara yang tepat untuk mengatasi pengaruh negatif penggunaan handphone tersebut. Metode yang digunakan penelitian ini adalah metode survey deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk menggambarkan (mendeskripsikan) pengaruh penggunaan teknologi handphone terhadap perilaku komunikasi antarpribadi siswa di sekolah SMP Tut Wuri Handayani Makassar. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa SMP Tut Wuri Handayani Makassar, yang berjumlah 574 orang siswa pada tahun ajaran 2012/2013. Untuk menentukan sampel digunakan rumus Taro Yamane dengan presisi 5 % dan tingkat kepercayaan 95 % sehingga diperoleh sampel sebanyak 235 orang siswa. Sementara teknik penarikan sampel yang digunakan yaitu Proportional Stratified Random Sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu penelitian kepustakaan (Library Research), penelitian lapangan (Field Research) dan wawancara (Interview). Teknik analisis yang digunakan penelitian ini yaitu : uji validitas, uji reabilitas, uji normalitas, uji asumsi heteroskedastisitas dan uji regresi linear sederhana. Hasil penelitian ini, menunjukkan bahwa : pengaruh penggunaan teknologi handphone terhadap perilaku komunikasi antarpribadi siswa di sekolah berpengaruh, adapun pengaruh positifnya adalah mempermudah berkomunikasi dengan temanteman, sedangkan pengaruh negatifnya yaitu lebih suka menggunakan handphone dari pada berkomunikasi langsung dengan teman-teman di sekolah. Cara yang tepat mengatasi pengaruh negatif penggunaan handphone yaitu melarang siswa membawah handphone ke sekolah, menonaktifkan handphone pada saat proses belajar mengajar berlangsung

    Costs, climate and contamination: Three drivers for city-wide sanitation investment decisions

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    Significant progress is needed, in both large cities and small towns, to meet the ambitious targets set at international and national levels relating to universal access to safely managed sanitation. There has been increased recognition in the urban sanitation sector that in rapidly growing cities, there is unlikely to be a single centralized sanitation solution which can effectively deliver services to all demographics, and that heterogeneous approaches to urban sanitation are required. At the same time, due to competing investment priorities, there is a greater focus on the need for sanitation investments to address multiple objectives. However, calls for more informed sanitation planning and a more dynamic and disaggregated approach to the delivery and management of sanitation services have had limited impacts. This is in part due to the complexity of the drivers for sanitation investment, and the difficulties involved in identifying and addressing these multiple, often conflicting, goals. This paper examines three potential drivers of citywide sanitation decision-making – public health, sustainability and economic performance – via the three proxies of contamination, climate change and costs. It examines the importance of each driver and proxies, how they are considered in investment decisions, the current state of knowledge about them, and priority aspects to be included in decisions. At present, while public health is a common driver for improving sanitation, there are significant gaps in our understanding of fecal contamination spread and exposure, and how to select sanitation solutions which can best address them. Climate change is sometimes seen as a low priority for the sanitation sector given the immediacy and scale of existing challenges and the uncertainty of future climate predictions. However, potential risks are significant, and uninformed decisions may result in greater costs and increased inequalities. Cost data are sparse and unreliable, and it is challenging to build robust cost-effectiveness analyses. Yet these are needed to compare citywide options based on least-cost over their full life cycle. This paper provides insights into how existing evidence on contamination, climate change and costs can inform decisions on sanitation investments and help chart a sustainable way forward for achieving citywide services

    Diuretic effects and subacute toxicity of Trema orientalis Linn leave extract in wistar rats

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    Trema Orientalis is a medicinal plant used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases including hypertension. The present study was undertaken to investigate phytochemical compounds, diuretic activity and subacute toxicity of the hydromethanolic leaf extracts of Trema orientalis. Phytochemical analysis carried out through color and precipitation reactions revealed the presence of many metabolites. The measurement of diuretic activity carried out by saline overload with 0.9% NaCl at a dose of 50 mL/kg in wistar rats showed that the hydromethanolic extract of Trema orientalis leaves had diuretic activity at a dose of 200 mg/kg of body weight. However, this diuretic activity was relatively low compared to the action of the reference molecule, furosemide. The study of the subacute toxicity of the extract took place over 28 days. No significant difference was recorded in the body weights during the 28 days of the study.  Likewise, the weight of the organs collected after sacrifice of the rats and their macroscopic aspects did not show any significant difference with those of the control group. The extract increased the count of white and red blood cells as wells as platelets, practically at the two doses used and caused a decrease in ALT at the dose of 500 mg/kg. The extract could have a beneficial effect like a boosting immunity and would not present any toxicity at these doses. Keywords: phytochemical, diuretic, subacute toxicity, Trema orientali

    Quantitative microbial risk analysis to evaluate health effects of interventions in the urban water system of Accra, Ghana

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    A quantitative microbial risk assessment was applied to evaluate the microbial risks of the Accra Urban Water System (AUWS). The exposure assessment was based on the count of indicator organisms in waste water from open roadside drains and in water and sand samples from the beach. The predicted total disease burden generated in a representative catchment of the AUWS (Odaw Catchment) was 36,329 Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) per year, of which 12% and 88% are caused by, respectively, shortcomings in the water supply system and inappropriate sanitation. The DALYs per person per year were above the WHO reference value. The open roadside drain had the highest contribution to the disease burden. Of four possible interventions evaluated for health risk reduction, the highest efficiency in terms of DALYs averted per euro invested are achieved by providing covers for the open roadside drains