416 research outputs found

    Assisting a Local Animal Shelter

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    Construction Technology students, JJ Potvin and Jim Strande assisted Pintler Pets, Montana\u27s Anaconda-Deer Lodge Animal Shelter, with its recent major influx of feral cats by constructing a lean to addition to the building.https://digitalcommons.mtech.edu/stdt_rsch_day_2013/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Capacity strengthening in sanitation : benefits of a long-term collaboration with a utility and research institute

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    Sanitation investments in Africa have largely failed to meet the Millennium Development Goals. Many, sewer-based wastewater treatment plants provide inadequate treatment, and faecal sludge from onsite treatment in urban areas is largely untreated. The National Office of Water and Sanitation in Burkina Faso and the Department of Water and Sanitation in Developing Countries in Switzerland are involved in a collaboration designed to increase institutional aptitude, and develop sustainable long-term wastewater and faecal sludge management solutions. The developed approach evaluates and fills gaps in existing infrastructure, operational ability, local knowledge, and institutional procedures. The continuous communication between the partners has resulted in a synergy and increased level of commitment. This paper presents results and future plans of this utility - research approach that has resulted in training and capacity development plans and a much greater understanding of sanitation management. The lessons learned are transferable to other countries, institutes and sectors

    Thrombin increases inflammatory cytokine and angiogenic growth factor secretion in human adipose cells in vitro

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Abdominal obesity is associated with pro-thrombotic and inflammatory states. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the expression of thrombin receptors (PAR1 and PAR4) human adipose tissue and whether thrombin stimulates an inflammatory cytokine and growth factor profile in human adipose tissue.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Human adipose tissue, isolated preadipocytes and differentiated adipocytes were used in this study. PAR1 and PAR4 mRNA and protein were detected by RT-PCR and immunoblot analysis in both adipose tissue and adipose microvessels. In separate studies, IL-1β, IL-6, MCP-1, TNF-α, IL-10, FGF-2, VEGF, and PDGF production were measured from adipose tissue (n = 5), adipocytes (n = 5), and preadipocytes (n = 3) supernatants with and without thrombin (1 or 10 U/ml; 24 hrs) treatment.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Thrombin increased cytokine secretion of IL-1β, IL-6, MCP-1 and TNF-α and growth factor secretion of VEGF from adipocytes along with MCP-1 and VEGF from preadipocytes. The direct thrombin inhibitor lepirudin given in conjunction with thrombin prevented the thrombin-mediated increase in cytokine and growth factor secretion.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Here we show that thrombin PAR1 and PAR4 receptors are present and that thrombin stimulates inflammatory cytokine generation and growth factor release in human adipose tissue and cells <it>in vitro</it>. These data suggest that thrombin may represent a molecular link between obesity and associated inflammation.</p

    Hvilke rammefaktorer kan være med på å påvirke arbeidet med kunstfag i barnehagen?

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    Barnehagen skal gi barna ulike opplevelser og erfaringer med kunstfagene. Barn blir utsatt for nye inntrykk og opplevelser hele tiden. Ved bruk av kunstfag får de mulighet til å uttrykke disse. Å knytte det sanselige og kroppslige bidrar til undring, opplevelse, erfaring og bearbeidelse av sanseinntrykk. Barnehagen er en viktig arena der barn får utfolde seg gjennom skapende prosesser. Med dette som bakgrunn ble valg av tema kunstfag i barnehagen. Gjennom denne kvalitative studien skal rammefaktorer for arbeid med kunstfag i barnehagen undersøkes. Problemstillingen for bacheloroppgaven er: «Hvilke rammefaktorer kan være med på å påvirke arbeidet med kunstfag i barnehagen?»publishedVersio

    «Det er ikke så mange av de dypere målene som det er lett å vurdere i skolen» : læreres erfaringer og praksis med vurdering i tverrfaglige prosjekter innen bærekraftig utvikling

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    Fagfornyelsen (LK20) har gitt norsk skole de tverrfaglige temaer folkehelse og livsmestring, bærekraftig utvikling og demokrati og medborgerskap. Skolene er nå forpliktet til å legge tilrette for tverrfaglig arbeid med temaet bærekraftig utvikling (Sinnes, 2015), og i skolen kan dette arbeidet være tverrfaglige prosjekter. Kvalitativ forskning gjort før fagfornyelsen viste at vurdering kan virke hemmende på arbeidet med bærekraftig utvikling i skolen (Bjønness & Sinnes, 2019), og det viser at møtet mellom vurdering og UBU er vanskelig i praksis. Hvordan lærere planlegger og gjennomfører vurdering i tverrfaglige prosjekter innen bærekraftig utvikling (TPiBU), og hvilke utfordringer som melder seg i vurderingsarbeidet er lite kjent, dette ligger til grunn for forskningsspørsmålet: hvilken praksis har lærere på videregående skole knyttet til vurdering i tverrfaglige prosjekter innen bærekraftig utvikling, og hvilke utfordringer og dilemmaer opplever de knyttet til vurdering av de tverrfaglige prosjektene? I forbindelse med denne masteroppgaven ble det gjennomført kvalitativ forskning i form av fokusgruppeintervjuer og semistrukturerte intervjuer på to videregående skoler. Informantene er lærere, og studien får frem lærerperspektiver på planlegging og gjennomføring av vurdering i TPiBU. Funn fra denne forskningen viser at lærerne vurderer elevene med formative formål. De anvender eksempelvis refleksjonslogg for å vurdere kompetanser som er viktige for bærekraftig utvikling. Det kommer likevel frem at disse kompetansene som oftest ikke vektlegges i vurderingssituasjoner, og bærekraftig utvikling vurderes ikke i alle fag. Forskningen tyder på at vurderingens rolle blir utydelig i møtet med elevenes utvikling av nøkkelkompetanser. Gjennom tematisk analyse utkrystalliserer det seg flere utfordringsområder, og blant disse er dårlig samsvar mellom læreplaner, vurderingsforskrift og hva elevene vurderes etter i praksis, og vurdering kan virke hemmende på arbeidet med TPiBU. Dypere mål, som bærekraftig utvikling, er vanskelig å vurdere i skolen. En bedre og mer helhetlig vurderingspraksis i TPiBU gjør det nødvendig med bedre samsvar mellom læreplaner, vurderingsforskrift og skolesystemet. Studien tyder på at det er hensiktsmessig å vurdere det tverrfaglige temaet bærekraftig utvikling med tverrfaglige vurderingssituasjoner. Mer praksisnær forskning er nødvendig for å finne konkrete løsninger på hvordan lærere kan gjennomføre vurderingspraksis i TPiBU, slik at den også støtter elevenes læreprosess innen bærekraftig utvikling.Fagfornyelsen (LK20) have given Norwegian school the interdisciplinary topics public health and life mastery, sustainable development, and democracy and citizenship. Schools are now obligated to facilitate interdisciplinary work with sustainable development (Sinnes, 2015), and in school this work can be interdisciplinary projects. Qualitative research done before fagfornyelsen showed that assessment can have an inhibitory effect on work with sustainable development (Bjønness & Sinnes, 2019), and it turns out that the interface between assessment and ESD is difficult in practice. How teachers plan and execute assessment in interdisciplinary projects in sustainable development (IPiSD), and what challenges arise in the assessment is little known, and this is the foundation for the research question: what practice do teachers in upper secondary school have regarding assessment in interdisciplinary projects in sustainable development, and what challenges and dilemmas do they experience regarding assessment of the interdisciplinary projects? In conjunction with this master’s thesis, qualitative research in the form of focus group interviews and semi-structured interviews was conducted at two upper secondary schools in Norway. The informants are teachers, and the study brings out teachers’ perspectives on planning and execution of assessment in IPiSD. Findings from this study shows that teachers assess students with formative intents. They for instance use reflection log to assess competencies that are important to sustainable development. Despite this, it becomes clear that these competencies often are not emphasized in assessment, and sustainable development is not assessed in all subjects. This study indicates that the role of assessment becomes unclear in the face of students’ development of key competencies for sustainable development. Through thematic analysis, several challenging areas crystallize, and among these are poor accordance between curriculum, assessment regulation, and how students are assessed in practice, and assessment can have an inhibitory effect on work with IPiSD. Deeper goals, like sustainable development, are hard to assess. A better and more holistic assessment practice in IPiSD requires better accordance between curriculum, assessment regulation, and the school system. This study indicates that it is appropriate to assess the interdisciplinary topic sustainable development with interdisciplinary assessment situations. More research close to practice is necessary in order to find tangible solutions to how teachers can execute assessment practices in IPiSD, in a way that also supports student learning in sustainable development.M-LU

    Komposisjonsprosessen i moderne jazz : En kvalitativ undersøkelse av fire moderne jazzkomponisters praksis

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    Masteroppgave rytmisk musikk MUR500 - Universitetet i Agder 201

    Algal diversity and distribution in Waste Stabilization Ponds treating faecal sludge leachate from drying vegetated beds

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    Waste Stabilization Ponds (WSP) were tested at pilot scale for the polishing of faecal sludge leachate from planted drying beds in Yaoundé, Cameroon. Water was sampled at three different depths (10, 30, 45 cm) and three different hydraulic retention times (HRT) (4, 7 and 10 days) in two  maturation basins in series for physico-chemical and biological analyses. As a removal mechanism, algae diversity, density and biomass were assessed and correlated to the physical parameters within the ponds. Results showed the presence of nine algal species belonging to three divisions, four classes, six orders, eight families and eight genera. Among these species found in WSPs, Chlamydomonas globosa, Monoraphidium convolutum and pseudanabaena catena were the most abundant whatever the basin, the hydraulic retention time (HRT) and depth. PO4P, NH4N andthe total chlorophyll showed strong correlation with the algal biomass (0.582, 0.731 and 0.895 respectively) at the surface (0-15 cm) followed by TSS, temperature and COD (0.556, 0.509 and 0.533 respectively) at HRT 4days. These correlations were not observed at HRT 7 and 10 days.Keywords: Algal dynamic, Waste Stabilization Pond, faecal sludge leachate, depth, hydraulic retention time

    Characterizing Ku’s Role as an AP lyase in Nonhomologous End Joining

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    Nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) is important for the repair of ionizing radiation and radiomimetic drug-generated DSBs, which are often associated with ligation-obstructing nucleotide damage. To facilitate ligation at such breaks, NHEJ employs a host of processing factors (i.e. nucleases, polymerases, etc.) that prepare DNA ends for joining. While this mechanism is efficient at joining broken chromosomes, it can frequently be inaccurate (i.e. loss of sequence at the DSB), because repair is mediated without the assistance of a template. My dissertation demonstrates how NHEJ-mediated repair of DSBs with associated abasic sites is an exception to this phenomenon. I show that abasic sites at DSB termini severely block NHEJ's ligation step and must be excised for joining to proceed. Despite the many processing enzymes associated with NHEJ, none are capable of excising this damage. Instead we found that the NHEJ core factor, Ku, has intrinsic lyase activity that removes these abasic sites. Analysis of Ku's substrate specificity reveals that lyase activity is restricted to abasic sites near a 5' terminus that directly block ligation. Furthermore, sequence 5' of abasic sites embedded in double stranded DNA (+4 bps) is mostly preserved due to Ku's limited activity in this context. By characterizing Ku's active site I identified eight lysine residues that contribute to lyase activity and determined that the primary nucleophile is within the N-terminus of Ku70 (K31). These amino acids reside on the outer surface of the Ku heterodimer nearest the DNA end - an optimal position for interacting with abasic sites closest to the break terminus. My results provide mechanistic insight into how NHEJ deals with one type of damage induced by ionizing radiation and may explain why loss of Ku leads to severe radiation sensitivity. Additionally, my results suggest NHEJ is more than a simple ligation machine but rather it is a sophisticated pathway suited to repair and join DSBs with associated nucleotide lesions.Doctor of Philosoph