1,411 research outputs found

    O viveiro botânico da Samaritana como proposta de um uso temporário no contexto de Xabregas

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Arquitetura, com a especialização em Arquitetura apresentada na Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre.A revitalização é actualmente um dos temas centrais no trabalho de arquitectura e planeamento urbano nas cidades do mundo ocidental. Servindo-se de uma área específica como objecto de estudo, o trabalho “Revitalizar em Cenários de Abandono” procura entender os fenómenos de encolhimento urbano, e fazer uma reflexão crítica sobre diferentes formas de revitalizar as áreas afectadas. No município de Lisboa, o período da desindustrialização e dinâmicas acentuadas de suburbanização deixaram para trás inúmeras áreas abandonadas, distribuídas segundo um padrão irregular. Partes do centro histórico e antigas áreas industriais ficaram suspensas durante décadas. Muitas encontram-se ainda hoje à espera de novos usos; à espera de uma nova vida. Este trabalho procura compreender a área de Xabregas, incluída no Vale de Chelas, em Lisboa, como cenário de abandono. É apresentada uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema do encolhimento urbano, com especial enfoque nas consequências espaciais e no problema dos vazios urbanos. Numa aproximação à componente prática, apresentam-se vários tipos de resposta para o problema dos vazios urbanos. Por fim, no âmbito do projecto, pretende-se explorar as vantagens dos usos temporários, como estratégia para uma rápida revitalização de áreas expectantes. O projecto desenvolvido toma o edifício da antiga Fábrica de Fiação e Tecidos de Xabregas, abandonado há mais de sessenta anos, como oportunidade para iniciar uma dinâmica eficaz de revitalização, tendo como ponto de partida a introdução de um uso temporário.ABSTRACT: Urban Revitalization is currently one of the most important topics for architects and urban planners working in western civilization. By focusing on a specific site, the work “Revitalization in Abandoned Scenarios” tries to understand urban shrinkage as a complex phenomenon, and brings up a critical reflection on different ways of revitalizing affected areas. In the municipality of Lisbon, the deindustrialization period and strong suburbanization dynamics left behind a number of abandoned areas, distributed in an irregular pattern. Parts of the historic center and old industrial areas were kept in standby for decades. Many of those are still waiting for new uses; for a new life. This work aims to understand the areas of Xabregas and Chelas Valley, in Lisbon, as abandoned scenarios. A literature review on urban shrinkage is presented with a special focus on spatial consequences as the problem of urban voids. Several solutions for the problem of urban voids are presented as approaching a practical component in this work. Finally, in a project mindset, the work intends to take advantage of temporary uses and meanwhile spaces, as strategies for a fast revitalization process. The project takes the building of the former Cotton Spinning Factory of Xabregas, abandoned since more than sixty years, as an opportunity to start effective revitalization dynamics, initiated by the introduction of temporary uses.N/

    Spatial sedimentary distribution, seasonality and the characteristics of organic matter on Fernando de Noronha insular shelf

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    The present study was conducted in the Fernando de Noronha archipelago (4°S/32°W). The objective is the evaluation of the spatial distribution and seasonal variations in the sediments and sedimentary organic matter in the northern insular shelf of Fernando de Noronha ("Mar de Dentro"). Nineteen surface sediment samples were collected between December 2013, July 2014 and November 2014. The studied methods included analysis of the grain size, coarse fraction, morphoscopy, total organic matter content, calcium carbonate, organic carbon, total nitrogen, sedimentary phosphorus (organic, inorganic and total), elemental ratios (C/N, C/P) and stable isotopic ratios (δ13C-δ15N). The results allowed to infer that there is no seasonal variation in sediment distribution. Whereas, the shelf sediments present a calcareous sandy sedimentary cover (CaCO3≈ 88.3%), predominantly of well-sorted fine sands, with low organic matter content (TOMO presente estudo, realizado no arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha (4ºS/32ºW), teve como objetivo a avaliação da distribuição espacial e variações sazonais dos sedimentos e matéria orgânica sedimentar da plataforma insular norte de Fernando de Noronha ("Mar de Dentro"). Ao todo, 19 amostras de sedimentos foram coletadas entre dezembro de 2013, julho de 2014 e novembro de 2014. Os métodos analisados foram a granulometria, análise da fração arenosa, morfoscopia, teores de matéria orgânica total, carbonato de cálcio, carbono orgânico, nitrogênio total, fósforo sedimentar (orgânico, inorgânico e total), razões elementares (C/N e C/P) e razões isotópicas estáveis (δ13C e δ15N). Os resultados obtidos permitiram inferir que não há variação sazonal na distribuição sedimentar. Visto que os sedimentos da plataforma apresentam uma cobertura sedimentar carbonática (CaCO3≈ 88,3%), predominantemente de areias finas bem selecionadas, com baixos conteúdos orgânicos (MO

    Exploring the motivations and expectations in the amateur football referee

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    The purpose of this study was to understand the differences between male and female motivations and experiences of being football referee. A semi-structure qualitative interview was made to eighth football referees (4 male and 4 female) with ages between 19 and 27 years (23.4±3.10). The participants were refereeing regional and national Portuguese football matches. In the content analysis emerged two components (Experiences and Motivations) and for each component six and four categories respectively. Results demonstrated that female referees are perceived as capable of the same achievement than men. In the first stages of refereeing career, female and male presents similar motivations regarding the development of different capabilities (focus; decision-making; leading with pressure; conflict management) and the most important relevant being passion for the game. However, the sexism is still felt by women which have to lead with more stereotypes and phycological abuse of a men dominant sports. Consequently the feeling that have to work harder than men to achieve their goals.9E1A-F9DD-3EB8 | Filipe Manuel ClementeN/

    an analysis based on tactical individual performance and team’s final position in the national championship

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    Our aim in this study was to analyze: (i) the presence of the relative age effect (RAE) on the Brazilian elite female futsal athletes according to their team’s final position in the National Championship, and (ii) the relationship between the presence of the RAE and the athletes’ tactical individual performance. Participants were 77 female Brazilian elite futsal athletes that competed in the 2021 National Championship. Data included their dates of birth aggrupation by quartiles (Q1-Q4), their team’s final position in the National Championship, and their tactical individual performance indicators (time played, goals scored, assists, steals, shots on goal, unbalanced passes, and challenges won in 1vs1). Analyses of the overall sample indicated that RAE was not prevalent in this context since the observed birthdate distribution was not different from the expected one (p=.796). When the final placement in the championship was considered, the birthdate distributions were also not different from the expected for both the top-ranked (p=.572) and low-ranked (p=.679) team athletes. Regarding athletes’ tactical individual performance, no differences were found between the athletes with early and late birthdates for any of the variables analysed (p>.05). Our results suggest that RAE has no impact on this specific sport context, which should be interpreted as a positive factor since female futsal athletes seem to have the same chance of achieving the elite level in Brazil, regardless of their birthdates.9E1A-F9DD-3EB8 | Filipe Manuel ClementeN/

    Modo de vida camponês e políticas públicas no assentamento Riozinho – Carauari-Am

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    O presente trabalho propôs compreender o modo de vida dos camponeses e como as políticas públicas exercem suas funções no Assentamento Riozinho, sob os aspectos econômicos e sociais. A pesquisa analisa os mecanismos do projeto implantado no Assentamento Riozinho pelo INCRA, com objetivo de compreender o modo de vida dos camponeses, como eles se reproduzem por meio de sua produção e os fatores que estão ligados a reforma agrária no assentamento. Foram realizados trabalhos de campo, entrevistas com os moradores, observações e leituras bibliográficas. O projeto desenvolvido pelas ações operacionais do governo apresenta a falta de continuidade de infraestrutura nas estradas o que resulta em dificuldade no transporte para escoar a produção dos camponeses e, sobretudo, no que se refere ao saneamento básico. A política de reforma agrária deve reconhecer os projetos implantados no assentamento e principalmente, nos recadastramentos dos títulos de terras. A maioria das famílias que moram no assentamento não possui o título definitivo da terra.


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    Sustainable Development Reserves are effective mechanisms for the conservation of natural resources, ensuring the sustainable use of these resources and allowing traditional communities to develop sustainable economic activities. However, it is necessary to understand whether the dynamics of the socioeconomic and productive aspects developed in the community are compatible with the conservation of natural resources. Thus, the objective of the study was to analyze the socioeconomic and productive aspects of the São Sebastião do Saracá community, located in the Rio Negro Sustainable Development Reserve, in order to assess whether they are in compliance with the conservation of natural resources. The data obtained in the study indicated that the main source of income of the community members comes from non-agricultural activities, such as government aid, pensions, handicrafts and fishing. Thus, it was identified that the São Sebastião do Saracá community develops socioeconomic and productive activities in accordance with the conservation of natural resources. By adopting sustainable economic practices, such as artisanal fishing and handicrafts, the community ensures the sustainable use of natural resources and promotes the preservation of ecosystems.Las Reservas de Desarrollo Sostenible son mecanismos eficaces para la conservación de los recursos naturales, asegurando el uso sostenible de estos recursos y permitiendo a las comunidades tradicionales desarrollar actividades económicas sostenibles. Sin embargo, es necesario entender si la dinámica de los aspectos socioeconómicos y productivos desarrollados en la comunidad son compatibles con la conservación de los recursos naturales. Así, el objetivo del estudio fue analizar los aspectos socioeconómicos y productivos de la comunidad de São Sebastião do Saracá, ubicada en la Reserva de Desarrollo Sostenible de Río Negro, con el fin de evaluar si están en conformidad con la conservación de los recursos naturales. Los datos obtenidos en el estudio indicaron que la principal fuente de ingresos de la comunidad proviene de actividades no agrícolas, como ayudas gubernamentales, pensiones, artesanías y pesca. Así, se identificó que la comunidad de São Sebastião do Saracá desarrolla actividades socioeconómicas y productivas de acuerdo con la conservación de los recursos naturales. Al adoptar prácticas económicas sostenibles, como la pesca artesanal y la artesanía, la comunidad garantiza el uso sostenible de los recursos naturales y promueve la preservación de los ecosistemas.As Reservas de Desenvolvimento Sustentável são mecanismos eficazes para a conservação dos recursos naturais, garantem o uso sustentável desses recursos e permitem que as comunidades tradicionais desenvolvam atividades econômicas sustentáveis. Contudo, é necessário compreender se as dinâmicas dos aspectos socioeconômicos e produtivos desenvolvidos na comunidade são compatíveis com a conservação dos recursos naturais. Dessa forma, o objetivo do estudo foi analisar os aspectos socioeconômicos e produtivos da comunidade São Sebastião do Saracá, localizada na Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Rio Negro, a fim de avaliar se eles estão em conformidade com a conservação dos recursos naturais. Os dados obtidos no estudo, indicaram que a principal fonte de renda dos comunitários é proveniente de atividades não agrícolas, como auxílios governamentais, aposentadorias, artesanato e pesca.  Dessa forma, foi identificado que a comunidade São Sebastião do Saracá, desenvolve atividades socioeconômicas e produtivas em conformidade com a conservação dos recursos naturais. Ao adotar práticas econômicas sustentáveis, como a pesca artesanal e o artesanato, a comunidade garante o uso sustentável dos recursos naturais e promove a preservação dos ecossistemas.As Reservas de Desenvolvimento Sustentável são mecanismos eficazes para a conservação dos recursos naturais, garantem o uso sustentável desses recursos e permitem que as comunidades tradicionais desenvolvam atividades econômicas sustentáveis. Contudo, é necessário compreender se as dinâmicas dos aspectos socioeconômicos e produtivos desenvolvidos na comunidade são compatíveis com a conservação dos recursos naturais. Dessa forma, o objetivo do estudo foi analisar os aspectos socioeconômicos e produtivos da comunidade São Sebastião do Saracá, localizada na Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Rio Negro, a fim de avaliar se eles estão em conformidade com a conservação dos recursos naturais. Os dados obtidos no estudo, indicaram que a principal fonte de renda dos comunitários é proveniente de atividades não agrícolas, como auxílios governamentais, aposentadorias, artesanato e pesca.  Dessa forma, foi identificado que a comunidade São Sebastião do Saracá, desenvolve atividades socioeconômicas e produtivas em conformidade com a conservação dos recursos naturais. Ao adotar práticas econômicas sustentáveis, como a pesca artesanal e o artesanato, a comunidade garante o uso sustentável dos recursos naturais e promove a preservação dos ecossistemas

    Investigating the relation between self-assessment and patients' assessments of physicians-in-training empathy: a multicentric, observational, cross-sectional study in three teaching hospitals in Brazil

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    This study investigated the associations between self-assessed empathy levels by physicians in training and empathy levels as perceived by their patients after clinical encounters. The authors also examined whether patient assessments were valid and reliable tools to measure empathy in physicians in training. Objectives This study investigated the associations between self-assessed empathy levels by physicians in training and empathy levels as perceived by their patients after clinical encounters. The authors also examined whether patient assessments were valid and reliable tools to measure empathy in physicians in training. Design A multicentric, observational, cross-sectional study. Setting This study was conducted in three public teaching hospitals in Brazil. Participants From the 668 patients invited to participate in this research, 566 (84.7%) agreed. Of these, 238 (42%) were male and 328 (58%) were female. From the invited 112 physicians in training, 86 (76.8%) agreed. Of the 86 physicians in training, 35 (41%) were final-year medical students and 51 (59%) were residents from clinical and surgical specialties. The gender distribution was 39 (45%) males and 47 (51%) females. Primary and secondary outcome measures Physicians in training filled the Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy (JSE) and the Interpersonal Reactivity Index. Patients answered the Jefferson Scale of Patient’s Perceptions of Physician Empathy (JSPPPE) and the Consultation and Relational Empathy Scale (CARE). Results This study found non-significant correlations between patient and physicians-in-training self-assessments, except for a weak correlation (0.241, p<0.01) between the JSPPPE score and the JSE compassionate care subscore. CARE and JSPPPE scales proved to be valid and reliable instruments. Conclusions Physicians-in-training self-assessments of empathy differ from patient assessments. Knowledge about empathy derived from self-assessment studies probably does not capture the perspective of the patients, who are key stakeholders in patient-centred care. Future research on the development of physician empathy or on outcomes of educational interventions to foster empathy should include patient perspectives.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo - FAPESP' (grant number: 2016/11908-1) and by the ’Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq' (grant number: 202319/2017-2

    Immunoexpression of CXCL12 and CXCR4 in sporadic and Gorlin-Goltz syndrome-related odontogenic keratocysts

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    Differences in the pathogenesis and biological behavior of sporadic and Gorlin-Goltz syndrome-related odontogenic keratocysts (OKCs) have been reported, but the underlying mechanisms are not fully elucidated. Chemokine CXCL12 and its main receptor CXCR4

    Pickles of fruits and flavored vinegars: new products development in the UIIPS-ESAS vinegar technology project

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    A aptidão tecnológica do vinagre permite desenvolver múltiplos produtos. Neste projecto (2009 -) criaram-se processos de aromatização múltipla e de conservação ácida de frutos doces em vinagre, incomuns na indústria vinagreira. Articulando ensaios tecnológicos, analíticos e provas sensoriais, desenvolveram-se dois vinagres vínicos com adições (com mirtilo e com mel e especiarias), dois vinagretes aromatizados (de laranja, de physalis) e por tecnologia de piclagem fresh pack (não fermentativa), dez pickles agridoces: pêra-abacaxi, pêra “bêbeda” (cinco variantes), com physalis (simples, com murta ou mirtilo) e de abóbora com pêra e pequenos frutos. Todos os protótipos cumprem os requisitos de estabilidade. Possuem, em comum, inovação e conveniência: novos produtos, com longo tempo de vida de prateleira, são alternativas para a preservação de frutos caros/sazonais/excedentários.Vinegar technological ability enables the development of multiple products. In this project (2009 -) were developed unusual processes in vinegar industry, such as multiple flavoring, and acid preserving of sweet fruits in vinegar. Articulating technological, laboratory and sensory tests, two wine vinegars with additions (with blueberries and with honey and spices) and two flavored vinaigrettes (with orange or physalis) were developed. Ten sweet and sour pickles were also developed by fresh pack pickling technology (without fermentation): pear-pineapple, "drunk" pear (five versions), with physalis (simple and mixed with myrtle or blueberry), and last, pumpkin with pear and berries. The prototypes fulfill the stability requirements and were designed to provide innovation and convenience: new products with long shelf life, aims the preservation of expensive/seasonal/surplus fruit.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Trypanosomes Modify the Behavior of Their Insect Hosts: Effects on Locomotion and on the Expression of a Related Gene

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    Background As a result of evolution, the biology of triatomines must have been significantly adapted to accommodate trypanosome infection in a complex network of vector-vertebrate-parasite interactions. Arthropod-borne parasites have probably developed mechanisms, largely still unknown, to exploit the vector-vertebrate host interactions to ensure their transmission to suitable hosts. Triatomines exhibit a strong negative phototaxis and nocturnal activity, believed to be important for insect survival against its predators. Methodology/Principal Findings In this study we quantified phototaxis and locomotion in starved fifth instar nymphs of Rhodnius prolixus infected with Trypanosoma cruzi or Trypanosoma rangeli. T. cruzi infection did not alter insect phototaxis, but induced an overall 20% decrease in the number of bug locomotory events. Furthermore, the significant differences induced by this parasite were concentrated at the beginning of the scotophase. Conversely, T. rangeli modified both behaviors, as it significantly decreased bug negative phototaxis, while it induced a 23% increase in the number of locomotory events in infected bugs. In this case, the significant effects were observed during the photophase. We also investigated the expression of Rpfor, the triatomine ortholog of the foraging gene known to modulate locomotion in other insects, and found a 4.8 fold increase for T. rangeli infected insects. Conclusions/Significance We demonstrated for the first time that trypanosome infection modulates the locomotory activity of the invertebrate host. T. rangeli infection seems to be more broadly effective, as besides affecting the intensity of locomotion this parasite also diminished negative phototaxis and the expression of a behavior-associated gene in the triatomine vector