
Pickles of fruits and flavored vinegars: new products development in the UIIPS-ESAS vinegar technology project


A aptidão tecnológica do vinagre permite desenvolver múltiplos produtos. Neste projecto (2009 -) criaram-se processos de aromatização múltipla e de conservação ácida de frutos doces em vinagre, incomuns na indústria vinagreira. Articulando ensaios tecnológicos, analíticos e provas sensoriais, desenvolveram-se dois vinagres vínicos com adições (com mirtilo e com mel e especiarias), dois vinagretes aromatizados (de laranja, de physalis) e por tecnologia de piclagem fresh pack (não fermentativa), dez pickles agridoces: pêra-abacaxi, pêra “bêbeda” (cinco variantes), com physalis (simples, com murta ou mirtilo) e de abóbora com pêra e pequenos frutos. Todos os protótipos cumprem os requisitos de estabilidade. Possuem, em comum, inovação e conveniência: novos produtos, com longo tempo de vida de prateleira, são alternativas para a preservação de frutos caros/sazonais/excedentários.Vinegar technological ability enables the development of multiple products. In this project (2009 -) were developed unusual processes in vinegar industry, such as multiple flavoring, and acid preserving of sweet fruits in vinegar. Articulating technological, laboratory and sensory tests, two wine vinegars with additions (with blueberries and with honey and spices) and two flavored vinaigrettes (with orange or physalis) were developed. Ten sweet and sour pickles were also developed by fresh pack pickling technology (without fermentation): pear-pineapple, "drunk" pear (five versions), with physalis (simple and mixed with myrtle or blueberry), and last, pumpkin with pear and berries. The prototypes fulfill the stability requirements and were designed to provide innovation and convenience: new products with long shelf life, aims the preservation of expensive/seasonal/surplus

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