18 research outputs found

    A phase II randomized trial comparing radiotherapy with concurrent weekly cisplatin or weekly paclitaxel in patients with advanced cervical cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Purpose/Objective</p> <p>This is a prospective comparison of weekly cisplatin to weekly paclitaxel as concurrent chemotherapy with standard radiotherapy for locally advanced cervical carcinoma.</p> <p>Materials/Methods</p> <p>Between May 2000 and May 2004, 31 women with FIGO stage IB2-IVA cervical cancer or with postsurgical pelvic recurrence were enrolled into this phase II study and randomized to receive on a weekly basis either 40 mg/m<sup>2 </sup>Cisplatin (group I; 16 patients) or 50 mg/m<sup>2 </sup>paclitaxel (group II; 15 patients) concurrently with radiotherapy. Median total dose to point A was 74 Gy (range: 66-92 Gy) for group I and 66 Gy (range: 40-98 Gy) for group II. Median follow-up time was 46 months.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Patient and tumor characteristics were similar in both groups. The mean number of chemotherapy cycles was also comparable with 87% and 80% of patients receiving at least 4 doses in groups I and II, respectively. Seven patients (44%) of group I and 8 patients (53%) of group II developed tumor recurrence. The Median Survival time was not reached for Group I and 53 months for group II. The proportion of patients surviving at 2 and 5 years was 78% and 54% for group I and 73% and 43% for group II respectively.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This small prospective study shows that weekly paclitaxel does not provide any clinical advantage over weekly cisplatin for concurrent chemoradiation for advanced carcinoma of the cervix.</p

    Gynecologic oncology group trials of chemotherapy for metastatic and recurrent cervical cancer

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    Because only 16% of patients with metastatic cervical cancer are alive 5 years after diagnosis, the Gynecologic Oncology Group (GOG) has carefully designed and conducted many phase II studies to identify promising drugs. Cisplatin has emerged as the most active single agent with overall response rates of 19%. Recent phase III trials have documented response rates of 27% and 39% when cisplatin has been combined with either paclitaxel or topotecan, respectively. The comparison of cisplatin to cisplatin plus topotecan in GOG-179 has yielded the first study to show a statistically significant impact on the overall response rate, median progression-free survival, and median survival, with all outcome measures favoring the two-drug regimen. Despite these encouraging results, however, most of the responses are partial and of short duration. The need for novel combinations and the implementation of active biologic agents is implicit. The accumulated data in this disease setting, as evidenced by the experience of the GOG, are presented in this review

    Development of therapeutic HPV vaccines

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    At least 15% of human malignant diseases are attributable to the consequences of persistent viral or bacterial infection. Chronic infection with oncogenic human papillomavirus (HPV) types is a necessary, but insufficient, cause in the development of more cancers than any other virus. Currently available prophylactic vaccines have no therapeutic effect for established infection or for disease. Early disease is characterised. by tissue sequestration. However, because a proportion of intraepithelial HPV-associated disease undergoes immune-mediated regression, the development of immunotherapeutic strategies is an opportunity to determine proof-of-principle for therapeutic vaccines. In this Review, we discuss recent progress in this field and priorities for future clinical investigations