36 research outputs found

    Mapping the energy landscape of biomolecules using single molecule force correlation spectroscopy (FCS): Theory and applications

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    In the current AFM experiments the distribution of unfolding times, P(t), is measured by applying a constant stretching force f_s from which the apparent unfolding rate is obtained. To describe the complexity of the underlying energy landscape requires additional probes that can incorporate the dynamics of tension propagation and relaxation of the polypeptide chain upon force quench. We introduce a theory of force correlation spectroscopy (FCS) to map the parameters of the energy landscape of proteins. In the FCS the joint distribution, P(T,t) of folding and unfolding times is constructed by repeated application of cycles of stretching at constant fs, separated by release periods T during which the force is quenched to f_q<f_s. During the release period, the protein can collapse to a manifold of compact states or refold. We show that P(T,t) can be used to resolve the kinetics of unfolding as well as formation of native contacts and to extract the parameters of the energy landscape using chain extension as the reaction coordinate and P(T,t). We illustrate the utility of the proposed formalism by analyzing simulations of unfolding-refolding trajectories of a coarse-grained protein S1 with beta-sheet architecture for several values of f_s, T and f_q=0. The simulations of stretch-relax trajectories are used to map many of the parameters that characterize the energy landscape of S1.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures; accepted to Biophysical Journa

    Quantum interference and manipulation of entanglement in silicon wire waveguide quantum circuits

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    Integrated quantum photonic waveguide circuits are a promising approach to realizing future photonic quantum technologies. Here, we present an integrated photonic quantum technology platform utilising the silicon-on-insulator material system, where quantum interference and the manipulation of quantum states of light are demonstrated in components orders of magnitude smaller than in previous implementations. Two-photon quantum interference is presented in a multi-mode interference coupler, and manipulation of entanglement is demonstrated in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer, opening the way to an all-silicon photonic quantum technology platform.Comment: 7 page

    Superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors: physics and applications

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    Single-photon detectors based on superconducting nanowires (SSPDs or SNSPDs) have rapidly emerged as a highly promising photon-counting technology for infrared wavelengths. These devices offer high efficiency, low dark counts and excellent timing resolution. In this review, we consider the basic SNSPD operating principle and models of device behaviour. We give an overview of the evolution of SNSPD device design and the improvements in performance which have been achieved. We also evaluate device limitations and noise mechanisms. We survey practical refrigeration technologies and optical coupling schemes for SNSPDs. Finally we summarize promising application areas, ranging from quantum cryptography to remote sensing. Our goal is to capture a detailed snapshot of an emerging superconducting detector technology on the threshold of maturity.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures, Review article preprint versio

    Single-Photon Detection System for Quantum Optics Applications

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    We describe the design and characterization of a fiber-coupled double-channel single-photon detection system based on superconducting single-photon detectors (SSPD), and its application for quantum optics experiments on semiconductor nanostructures. When operated at 2-K temperature, the system shows 10% quantum efficiency at 1.3-¿m wavelength with dark count rate below 10 counts per second and timing resolution <100 ps. The short recovery time and absence of afterpulsing leads to counting frequencies as high as 40 MHz. Moreover, the low dark count rate allows operation in continuous mode (without gating). These characteristics are very attractive-as compared to InGaAs avalanche photodiodes-for quantum optics experiments at telecommunication wavelengths. We demonstrate the use of the system in time-correlated fluorescence spectroscopy of quantum wells and in the measurement of the intensity correlation function of light emitted by semiconductor quantum dots at 1300 nm