62 research outputs found


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    Introdução: O pensamento chinês configura-se como um pensamento ético. Dois são os pensadores da china antiga de referência: Confúcio e Lao Zi. A presente pesquisa trata de refletir sobre o fazer em saude na naturologia com base no pensamento destes pensadores. Objetivos: Sistematizar as reflexões éticas desenvolvidas, acerca do pensamento de Lao Zi e de Confúcio e refletir sobre a naturologia. Metodologia: Foi realizado um levantamento sistemático da literatura em bases de dados que selecionou artigos que desenvolveram reflexoes éticas a partri de Confúcio e Lao Zi. Os artigos foram fichados e sistematizados em planilha excel. Resultados: Foram selecionados 13 artigos, sendo que 12 são revisões bibliográficas e uma pesquisa etnográfica. Dos 13 artigos, 11 são reflexões éticas de Confúcio e 2 de Lao Zi. Os temas variam entre: saúde, educação, família e relacionamentos, civilização e cultura. Desses trabalhos, 7 fazem reflexões éticas sobre promoção de saúde. Considerações finais: As reflexões éticas desenvolvidas são de grande contribuição para se pensar as problemáticas contemporâneas de saúde e a conduta frente a elas. Quanto a naturologia desenvolvemos reflexões quanto ao papel do naturólogo na relação terapêutica e sobre a ampliação da perspectiva da saúde como desenvolvimento ético/pessoal do indivíduo


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    Introdução: O pensamento chinês configura-se como um pensamento ético. Dois são os pensadores da china antiga de referência: Confúcio e Lao Zi. A presente pesquisa trata de refletir sobre o fazer em saude na naturologia com base no pensamento destes pensadores. Objetivos: Sistematizar as reflexões éticas desenvolvidas, acerca do pensamento de Lao Zi e de Confúcio e refletir sobre a naturologia. Metodologia: Foi realizado um levantamento sistemático da literatura em bases de dados que selecionou artigos que desenvolveram reflexoes éticas a partri de Confúcio e Lao Zi. Os artigos foram fichados e sistematizados em planilha excel. Resultados: Foram selecionados 13 artigos, sendo que 12 são revisões bibliográficas e uma pesquisa etnográfica. Dos 13 artigos, 11 são reflexões éticas de Confúcio e 2 de Lao Zi. Os temas variam entre: saúde, educação, família e relacionamentos, civilização e cultura. Desses trabalhos, 7 fazem reflexões éticas sobre promoção de saúde. Considerações finais: As reflexões éticas desenvolvidas são de grande contribuição para se pensar as problemáticas contemporâneas de saúde e a conduta frente a elas. Quanto a naturologia desenvolvemos reflexões quanto ao papel do naturólogo na relação terapêutica e sobre a ampliação da perspectiva da saúde como desenvolvimento ético/pessoal do indivíduo

    Uma Corporeidade para a Naturologia: problematizações e possibilidades

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    This article will reflect on new possibilities of thinking about the concept of body in the field of naturology, based on “Uma Fenomenologia do Corpo” and “Corporeidades... Inspirações Merleau-Pontianas”, from the author Terezinha Petrucia da Nóbrega, as bibliography. GOAL: Our main goal is to point out and amplify the bodily and sensitive knowing in naturology, in a way where we stop reproducing reductionists or dualists conceptions of body, current in the health field. METHOD: It is a theoretical-reflexive research, developed by systematic and profound reading of the author’s work and other articles and researches regarding notions, techniques and approaches of the concept of body in naturology. DISCUSSION: In naturology publications, we come across body comprehensions that perpetuate its instrumental and biologist aspect, in which the body is seen as a receptacle of therapeutic techniques and tools. The theory proposed by Nóbrega allow us to consider the body’s phenomenology, its experiences, esthesia and relation with the knowledge process. CONCLUSION: Further study on the author’s bibliography and on Merleau-Ponty’s and his interlocutors phenomenology perspectives is suggested in order to deepen on the reflexivity regarding the concept of body, in a way we can avoid the risk of reproducing, in naturology, the instrumentalizing patterns of the body in the health field.Neste artigo pretende-se refletir, apoiado na bibliografia “Uma Feno-menologia do Corpo” e “Corporeidades: Inspirações Merleau-Pontia-nas...” da autora Terezinha Petrucia da Nóbrega, acerca de novas pos-sibilidades para a concepção de corpo no campo de saber da naturo-logia. OBJETIVO: Objetivamos apontar e ampliar o fazer e o saber corpóreo e sensível na naturologia, de forma a não reproduzirmos as concepções de corpo reducionistas ou dualistas ora vigentes no cam-po da saúde. MÉTODO: trata-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica teóri-ca-reflexiva, desenvolvida através de leitura sistemática e em profun-didade da literatura da autora e de levantamento de artigos e pesqui-sas que trabalharam noções, técnicas e abordagens do corpo na natu-rologia. RESULTADOS/DISCUSSÃO: nas publicações da naturologia nos deparamos com compreensões sobre o corpo que perpetuam seu aspecto instrumental e biologizante, na qual o corpo se mostra mero receptáculo passível de aplicação de técnicas e ferramentas terapêuti-cas. A teoria da corporeidade proposta por Nóbrega nos permite con-siderar a fenomenologia do corpo, a experiência vivida, a estesia, e suas relações com o processo de conhecimento. CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS: sugere-se o aprofundamento dos estudos na literatura da au-tora, perspectiva fenomenológica de Merleau-Ponty e de seus interlo-cutores, que consideramos essenciais para aprofundarmos a reflexivi-dade acerca do corpo e da corporeidade de forma a evitar o risco de a naturologia reproduzir os padrões instrumentalizadores do corpo, no campo da saúde

    Knowledge of the municipal health managers about the National Policy on Integrative and Complementary Practices and its influence on the provision of homeopathy in the Local Unified Health System

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    The social determinants of the health-disease process and the challenge of comprehensive care have led the World Health Organization to propose Complementary and Alternative Medicines to be included in health policies. In Brazil in 2006 the National Policy on Integrative and Complementary Practices (PNPIC) was published. It is a tool for the institutionalization of homeopathy in the Unified Health System (SUS). This paper analyzes the knowledge of health managers of municipalities of São Paulo on PNPIC, and its influence on homeopathic care. In 2008, the municipalities that performed homeopathic consultations from 2000 to 2007 were identified in DATASUS, managers were interviewed and the results were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively: of the 645 municipalities, 47 had offered homeopathy and 42 of them were interviewed. Of these, 26% knew about PNPIC, 31% knew little, 41% were unaware of it. It should be stressed that those aware of it stated that they use PNPIC to: instruct the local government about homeopathy; the construction of specific legislation and the increase in homeopathic services. The conclusion is that PNPIC is unknown by health managers and those that know it use it to make known the homeopathic medical rationale and justify its application in the SUS.Os determinantes sociais do processo saúde-doença e o desafio da integralidade do cuidado levaram a Organização Mundial da Saúde a propor as Medicinas Alternativas e Complementares para comporem as políticas de saúde. No Brasil, em 2006 foi publicada a Política Nacional de Práticas Integrativas e Complementares (PNPIC); ferramenta para a institucionalização da homeopatia no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Este trabalho analisa o conhecimento dos gestores da saúde de municípios de São Paulo sobre a PNPIC e sua influência na atenção em homeopatia. Em 2008 foram identificados no Datasus os municípios que realizaram consultas homeopáticas entre 2000-2007, os gestores foram entrevistados e os resultados analisados quanti-qualitativamente: dos 645 municípios, 47 ofertaram homeopatia e com 42 foram realizadas entrevistas. Desses, 26% conhecem a PNPIC, 31% a conhecem pouco e 41% a desconhecem. Destaca-se que aqueles conhecedores afirmaram utilizar a PNPIC para: instruir o governo municipal sobre a homeopatia; a construção de legislação própria e o incremento dos serviços homeopáticos. Conclui-se que a PNPIC é desconhecida pelos gestores da saúde e aqueles que a conhecem utilizam-na para tornar conhecida a racionalidade médica homeopática e justificar sua indicação no SUS.21322


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    Naturology is a new profession in Brazil, one which seeks to understand the human being in a multi-dimensionalway, and respect human singularity in its search for well-being, quality of life and health through a relationship of interagency and Complementary and Integrative Practices. The present dossier addresses a brief history of Complementary and Integrative Practices and Naturology in Brazil, the process of recognizing the occupation and regulation of the profession. The paper also explores the fields in which the naturologist is active, the bodies of professional representation, the main scientific events and important publications in the field. Finally, important documents are presented: the approval by the Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC) of the existing courses, Statement of Purpose for opening undergraduate-level major in Naturology by a FederalUniversity, notices for public tendering, Proceedings of Brazilian Naturology Conferences and the Charter of Pedra Branca, which sets future guidelines for Naturology in Brazil.A naturologia é uma profissão recente no Brasil, a qual busca entendero ser-humano multidimensionalmente e respeitar a singularidade humana na busca de bem-estar, qualidade de vida e saúde através da relação de interagência e das Práticas Integrativas e Complementares.Este dossiê aborda um breve histórico das Práticas Integrativas e Complementares e Naturologia no Brasil, o processo de reconhecimentoda ocupação e regulamentação da profissão. O texto também explora os campos de atuação do naturólogo, órgãos de representação profissional, principais eventos científicos e publicações importantes da área. Por fim, são apresentados documentos importantes: Aprovaçãodo MEC dos cursos existentes, Carta de Intenção de abertura de curso superior de Naturologia por uma Universidade Federal, Editais de concursos públicos, Relatos de experiências de trabalhos de Naturólogosem instituições de renome nacional, Anais dos Congressos Brasileiros de Naturologia e Carta da Pedra Branca, a qual traça diretrizesfuturas para a Naturologia no Brasil

    First observation of a doubly charged tetraquark and its neutral partner

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    A combined amplitude analysis is performed for the decays B0D0Ds+πB^0 \rightarrow \overline{D}^0 D^+_s\pi^- and B+DDs+π+B^+\rightarrow D^- D^+_s\pi^+, which are related by isospin symmetry. The analysis is based on data collected by the LHCb detector in proton-proton collisions at center-of-mass energies of 7, 8 and 13TeV\,\rm{TeV}. The full data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 9fb1\,\rm{fb^{-1}}. Two new resonant states with masses of 2.908±0.011±0.020GeV2.908\pm0.011\pm0.020\,\rm{GeV} and widths of 0.136±0.023±0.011GeV0.136\pm0.023\pm0.011\,\rm{GeV} are observed, which decay to Ds+π+D^+_s\pi^+ and Ds+πD^+_s\pi^- respectively. The former state indicates the first observation of a doubly charged open-charm tetraquark state with minimal quark content [csˉudˉ][c\bar{s}u\bar{d}], and the latter state is a neutral tetraquark composed of [csˉuˉd][c\bar{s}\bar{u}d] quarks. Both states are found to have spin-parity 0+0^+, and their resonant parameters are consistent with each other, which suggests that they belong to an isospin triplet.Comment: All figures and tables, along with any supplementary material and additional information, are available at https://cern.ch/lhcbproject/Publications/p/LHCb-PAPER-2022-026.html (LHCb public pages

    Search for the doubly heavy baryon Ξbc+\it{\Xi}_{bc}^{+} decaying to J/ψΞc+J/\it{\psi} \it{\Xi}_{c}^{+}

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    A first search for the Ξbc+J/ψΞc+\it{\Xi}_{bc}^{+}\to J/\it{\psi}\it{\Xi}_{c}^{+} decay is performed by the LHCb experiment with a data sample of proton-proton collisions, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 9fb19\,\mathrm{fb}^{-1} recorded at centre-of-mass energies of 7, 8, and 13TeV13\mathrm{\,Te\kern -0.1em V}. Two peaking structures are seen with a local (global) significance of 4.3(2.8)4.3\,(2.8) and 4.1(2.4)4.1\,(2.4) standard deviations at masses of 6571MeV ⁣/c26571\,\mathrm{Me\kern -0.1em V\!/}c^2 and 6694MeV ⁣/c26694\,\mathrm{Me\kern -0.1em V\!/}c^2, respectively. Upper limits are set on the Ξbc+\it{\Xi}_{bc}^{+} baryon production cross-section times the branching fraction relative to that of the Bc+J/ψDs+B_{c}^{+}\to J/\it{\psi} D_{s}^{+} decay at centre-of-mass energies of 8 and 13TeV13\mathrm{\,Te\kern -0.1em V}, in the Ξbc+\it{\Xi}_{bc}^{+} and in the Bc+B_{c}^{+} rapidity and transverse-momentum ranges from 2.0 to 4.5 and 0 to 20GeV ⁣/c20\,\mathrm{Ge\kern -0.1em V\!/}c, respectively. Upper limits are presented as a function of the Ξbc+\it{\Xi}_{bc}^{+} mass and lifetime.Comment: All figures and tables, along with machine-readable versions and any supplementary material and additional information, are available at https://cern.ch/lhcbproject/Publications/p/LHCb-PAPER-2022-005.html (LHCb public pages

    Amplitude analysis of B0D0Ds+πB^0 \rightarrow \overline{D}^0 D_s^+ \pi^- and B+DDs+π+B^+ \rightarrow D^- D_s^+ \pi^+ decays

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    Resonant contributions in B0D0Ds+πB^0 \rightarrow \overline{D}^0 D^+_s\pi^- and B+DDs+π+B^+\rightarrow D^- D^+_s\pi^+ decays are determined with an amplitude analysis, which is performed both separately and simultaneously, where in the latter case isospin symmetry between the decays is assumed. The analysis is based on data collected by the LHCb detector in proton-proton collisions at center-of-mass energies of 7, 8 and 13 TeV\rm{TeV}. The full data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 9 fb1\rm fb^{-1}. A doubly charged spin-0 open-charm tetraquark candidate together with a neutral partner, both with masses near 2.9GeV2.9\,\rm{GeV}, are observed in the DsπD_s\pi decay channel.Comment: All figures and tables, along with any supplementary material and additional information, are available at https://cern.ch/lhcbproject/Publications/p/LHCb-PAPER-2022-027.html (LHCb public pages

    Search for time-dependent CP violation in D-0 -> K+K- and D-0 -> pi(+)pi(-) decays

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    A search for time-dependent violation of the charge-parity symmetry in D0K+KD^0 \to K^+ K^- and D0π+πD^0 \to \pi^+ \pi^- decays is performed at the LHCb experiment using proton-proton collision data recorded from 2015 to 2018 at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 6 fb1^{-1}. The D0D^0 meson is required to originate from a D(2010)+D0π+D^*(2010)^+ \to D^0 \pi^+ decay, such that its flavour at production is identified by the charge of the accompanying pion. The slope of the time-dependent asymmetry of the decay rates of D0D^0 and Dˉ0\bar{D}^0 mesons into the final states under consideration is measured to be ΔYK+K=(2.3±1.5±0.3)×104\Delta Y_{K^+ K^-} = (-2.3 \pm 1.5 \pm 0.3) \times 10^{-4}, ΔYπ+π=(4.0±2.8±0.4)×104\Delta Y_{\pi^+ \pi^-} = (-4.0 \pm 2.8 \pm 0.4)\times 10^{-4}, where the first uncertainties are statistical and the second are systematic. These results are compatible with the conservation of the charge-parity symmetry at the level of 2 standard deviations and improve the precision by nearly a factor of two.Comment: Updated to match published version; all figures and tables, along with supplementary material and additional information, are available at https://cern.ch/lhcbproject/Publications/p/LHCb-PAPER-2020-045.htm

    Evidence of a J/psi Lambda structure and observation of excited Xi(-) states in the Xi(-)(b) -> J/psi Lambda K- decay

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    First evidence of a structure in the J/ψΛJ/\psi \varLambda invariant mass distribution is obtained from an amplitude analysis of ΞbJ/ψΛK\varXi_b^- \to J/\psi \varLambda K^- decays. The observed structure is consistent with being due to a charmonium pentaquark with strangeness. Its mass and width are determined to be 4458.8\pm2.9\,^{+4.7}_{-1.1}MeV and 17.3\pm6.5\,^{+8.0}_{-5.7}MeV, where the quoted uncertainties are statistical and systematic, respectively. The structure is also consistent with being due to two resonances. In addition, the narrow excited Ξ\varXi^- states, Ξ(1690)\varXi(1690)^- and Ξ(1820)\varXi(1820)^-, are seen for the first time in a Ξb\varXi_b^- decay, and their masses and widths are measured with improved precision. The analysis is performed using pppp collision data corresponding to a total integrated luminosity of 9fb1^{-1}, collected with the LHCb experiment at centre-of-mass energies of 77, 88 and 1313TeV.Comment: All figures and tables, along with machine-readable versions and any supplementary material and additional information, are available at https://cern.ch/lhcbproject/Publications/p/LHCb-PAPER-2020-039.html (LHCb public pages