1,458 research outputs found

    Visualizing the Effect of an Electrostatic Gate with Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy

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    Electrostatic gating is pervasive in materials science, yet its effects on the electronic band structure of materials has never been revealed directly by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), the technique of choice to non-invasively probe the electronic band structure of a material. By means of a state-of-the-art ARPES setup with sub-micron spatial resolution, we have investigated a heterostructure composed of Bernal-stacked bilayer graphene (BLG) on hexagonal boron nitride and deposited on a graphite flake. By voltage biasing the latter, the electric field effect is directly visualized on the valence band as well as on the carbon 1s core level of BLG. The band gap opening of BLG submitted to a transverse electric field is discussed and the importance of intralayer screening is put forward. Our results pave the way for new studies that will use momentum-resolved electronic structure information to gain insight on the physics of materials submitted to the electric field effect

    Intervención temprana de dientes supernumerarios en dentición primaria: Reporte y seguimiento de caso clínico

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    Resumen: El mesiodens es un diente supernumerario que se encuentra en la zona de los incisivos centrales superiores, cuyo diagnóstico temprano es fundamental ya que permite la extracción oportuna del mismo previniendo posibles alteraciones a futuro como son:  el desarrollo de quistes, malposición de los dientes adyacentes, retraso de erupción, diastema interincisal, reabsorción apical de dientes vecinos. Reporte de caso: Paciente masculino, de 6 años con 11 meses de edad, que presentó mesiodens doble, cuyo hallazgo fue radiológico, mediante una panorámica, requisito de la odontóloga para control odontológico general, en el cual se pudo observar la presencia de dos dientes supernumerarios, los cuales estaban provocando la rotación de los incisivos permanentes superiores. El tratamiento se basó en la extracción quirúrgica temprana de los dientes supernumerarios, para determinar el abordaje fue necesario la realización de un estudio tomográfico, una vez determinada el proceso de extracción, y posteriormente la recuperación del paciente, y seguimiento radiográfico y clínico, se logró  la erupción adecuada de los incisivos centrales superiores permanentes, hasta la actualidad se realizan controles periódicos y la colocación de placas de expansión superior e inferior. Conclusión: En este caso el tratamiento es la extracción temprana, y debido al diagnóstico oportuno y las condiciones óptimas del paciente como son: la reabsorción radicular fisiológica de los dientes primarios, la ubicación de los dientes supernumerarios, así como el estadio de Nolla de los incisivos centrales superiores, permite que el  tratamiento elegido sea el óptimo  y con las condiciones menos traumáticas posibles

    El efecto del papel mediador de la comunicaci?n de la responsabilidad social empresarial en la relaci?n entre la responsabilidad social empresarial y el desempe?o financiero: Un an?lisis en la industria pesquera del Per?

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    A lo largo de los ?ltimos a?os, han surgido un mayor n?mero de empresas interesadas en la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE) como un eje fundamental para poder cumplir con sus objetivos econ?micos, sociales y medioambientales en las comunidades donde realizan sus actividades. En ese sentido, se esperar?a que la RSE generar? beneficios financieros para las empresas; sin embargo, los resultados en la literatura no han sido concluyentes respecto a esta relaci?n. Por ello, investigaciones recientes proponen la adici?n de variables mediadoras tales como la comunicaci?n de la RSE para capturar mejor esta relaci?n. En ese sentido, se propone un modelo cuantitativo aplicado a la industria pesquera peruana que incorpora la comunicaci?n de la RSE como variable mediadora en la relaci?n entre la RSE y desempe?o financiero. Asimismo, se plantean estrategias de recolecci?n de datos a trav?s de encuestas en 105 empresas y la formulaci?n del modelo. Se espera que este trabajo contribuya a la literatura sobre la RSE y los beneficios de su aplicaci?n en cada una de sus dimensiones, base sobre la cual las empresas podr?n tomar decisiones m?s informadas sobre la aplicaci?n de RSE

    The structure and dynamic properties of the complete histidine phosphotransfer domain of the chemotaxis specific histidine autokinase CheA from Thermotoga maritima

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    The bacterial histidine autokinase CheA contains a histidine phosphotransfer (Hpt) domain that accepts a phosphate from the catalytic domain and donates the phosphate to either target response regulator protein, CheY or CheB. The Hpt domain forms a helix-bundle structure with a conserved four-helix bundle motif and a variable fifth helix. Observation of two nearly equally populated conformations in the crystal structure of a Hpt domain fragment of CheA from Thermotoga maritima containing only the first four helices suggests more mobility in a tightly packed helix bundle structure than previously thought. In order to examine how the structures of Hpt domain homologs may differ from each other particularly in the conformation of the last helix, and whether an alternative conformation exists in the intact Hpt domain in solution, we have solved a high-resolution, solution structure of the CheA Hpt from T. maritima and characterized the backbone dynamics of this protein. The structure contains a four-helix bundle characteristic of histidine phosphotransfer domains. The position and orientation of the fifth helix resembles those in known Hpt domain crystal and solution structures in other histidine kinases. The alternative conformation that was reported in the crystal structure of the CheA Hpt from T. maritima missing the fifth helix is not detected in the solution structure, suggesting a role for the fifth helix in providing stabilizing forces to the overall structure

    Direct susceptibility testing for multi drug resistant tuberculosis: A meta-analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>One of the challenges facing the tuberculosis (TB) control programmes in resource-limited settings is lack of rapid techniques for detection of drug resistant TB, particularly multi drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR TB). Results obtained with the conventional indirect susceptibility testing methods come too late to influence a timely decision on patient management. More rapid tests directly applied on sputum samples are needed. This study compared the sensitivity, specificity and time to results of four direct drug susceptibility testing tests with the conventional indirect testing for detection of resistance to rifampicin and isoniazid in <it>M. tuberculosis</it>. The four direct tests included two in-house phenotypic assays – Nitrate Reductase Assay (NRA) and Microscopic Observation Drug Susceptibility (MODS), and two commercially available tests – Genotype<sup>® </sup>MTBDR and Genotype<sup>® </sup>MTBDR<it>plus </it>(Hain Life Sciences, Nehren, Germany).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A literature review and meta-analysis of study reports was performed. The Meta-Disc software was used to analyse the reports and tests for sensitivity, specificity, and area under the summary receiver operating characteristic (sROC) curves. Heterogeneity in accuracy estimates was tested with the Spearman correlation coefficient and Chi-square.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Eighteen direct DST reports were analysed: NRA – 4, MODS- 6, Genotype MTBDR<sup>® </sup>– 3 and Genotype<sup>® </sup>MTBDR<it>plus </it>– 5. The pooled sensitivity and specificity for detection of resistance to rifampicin were 99% and 100% with NRA, 96% and 96% with MODS, 99% and 98% with Genotype<sup>® </sup>MTBDR, and 99% and 99% with the new Genotype<sup>® </sup>MTBDR<it>plus</it>, respectively. For isoniazid it was 94% and 100% for NRA, 92% and 96% for MODS, 71% and 100% for Genotype<sup>® </sup>MTBDR, and 96% and 100% with the Genotype<sup>® </sup>MTBDR<it>plus</it>, respectively. The area under the summary receiver operating characteristic (sROC) curves was in ranges of 0.98 to 1.00 for all the four tests. Molecular tests were completed in 1 – 2 days and also the phenotypic assays were much more rapid than conventional testing.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Direct testing of rifampicin and isoniazid resistance in <it>M. tuberculosis </it>was found to be highly sensitive and specific, and allows prompt detection of MDR TB.</p

    Reference gene validation for quantitative RT-PCR during biotic and abiotic stresses in Vitis vinifera

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    Grapevine is one of the most cultivated fruit crop worldwide with Vitis vinifera being the species with the highest economical importance. Being highly susceptible to fungal pathogens and increasingly affected by environmental factors, it has become an important agricultural research area, where gene expression analysis plays a fundamental role. Quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) is currently amongst the most powerful techniques to perform gene expression studies. Nevertheless, accurate gene expression quantification strongly relies on appropriate reference gene selection for sample normalization. Concerning V. vinifera, limited information still exists as for which genes are the most suitable to be used as reference under particular experimental conditions. In this work, seven candidate genes were investigated for their stability in grapevine samples referring to four distinct stresses (Erysiphe necator, wounding and UV-C irradiation in leaves and Phaeomoniella chlamydospora colonization in wood). The expression stability was evaluated using geNorm, NormFinder and BestKeeper. In all cases, full agreement was not observed for the three methods. To provide comprehensive rankings integrating the three different programs, for each treatment, a consensus ranking was created using a non-weighted unsupervised rank aggregation method. According to the last, the three most suitable reference genes to be used in grapevine leaves, regardless of the stress, are UBC, VAG and PEP. For the P. chlamydospora treatment, EF1, CYP and UBC were the best scoring genes. Acquaintance of the most suitable reference genes to be used in grapevine samples can contribute for accurate gene expression quantification in forthcoming studiesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Salmonella – the ultimate insider. Salmonella virulence factors that modulate intracellular survival

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    Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium is a common facultative intracellular pathogen that causes food-borne gastroenteritis in millions of people worldwide. Intracellular survival and replication are important virulence determinants and the bacteria can be found in a variety of phagocytic and non-phagocytic cells in vivo. Invasion of host cells and intracellular survival are dependent on two type III secretion systems, T3SS1 and T3SS2, each of which translocates a distinct set of effector proteins. However, other virulence factors including ion transporters, superoxide dismutase, flagella and fimbriae are also involved in accessing and utilizing the intracellular niche

    NleG Type 3 Effectors from Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli Are U-Box E3 Ubiquitin Ligases

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    NleG homologues constitute the largest family of type 3 effectors delivered by pathogenic E. coli, with fourteen members in the enterohaemorrhagic (EHEC) O157:H7 strain alone. Identified recently as part of the non-LEE-encoded (Nle) effector set, this family remained uncharacterised and shared no sequence homology to other proteins including those of known function. The C-terminal domain of NleG2-3 (residues 90 to 191) is the most conserved region in NleG proteins and was solved by NMR. Structural analysis of this structure revealed the presence of a RING finger/U-box motif. Functional assays demonstrated that NleG2-3 as well as NleG5-1, NleG6-2 and NleG9′ family members exhibited a strong autoubiquitination activity in vitro; a characteristic usually expressed by eukaryotic ubiquitin E3 ligases. When screened for activity against a panel of 30 human E2 enzymes, the NleG2-3 and NleG5-1 homologues showed an identical profile with only UBE2E2, UBE2E3 and UBE2D2 enzymes supporting NleG activity. Fluorescence polarization analysis yielded a binding affinity constant of 56±2 µM for the UBE2D2/NleG5-1 interaction, a value comparable with previous studies on E2/E3 affinities. The UBE2D2 interaction interface on NleG2-3 defined by NMR chemical shift perturbation and mutagenesis was shown to be generally similar to that characterised for human RING finger ubiquitin ligases. The alanine substitutions of UBE2D2 residues Arg5 and Lys63, critical for activation of eukaryotic E3 ligases, also significantly decreased both NleG binding and autoubiquitination activity. These results demonstrate that bacteria-encoded NleG effectors are E3 ubiquitin ligases analogous to RING finger and U-box enzymes in eukaryotes

    Tracking genomic cancer evolution for precision medicine: The Lung TRACERx Study

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    The importance of intratumour genetic and functional heterogeneity is increasingly recognised as a driver of cancer progression and survival outcome. Understanding how tumour clonal heterogeneity impacts upon therapeutic outcome, however, is still an area of unmet clinical and scientific need. TRACERx (TRAcking non-small cell lung Cancer Evolution through therapy [Rx]), a prospective study of patients with primary non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), aims to define the evolutionary trajectories of lung cancer in both space and time through multiregion and longitudinal tumour sampling and genetic analysis. By following cancers from diagnosis to relapse, tracking the evolutionary trajectories of tumours in relation to therapeutic interventions, and determining the impact of clonal heterogeneity on clinical outcomes, TRACERx may help to identify novel therapeutic targets for NSCLC and may also serve as a model applicable to other cancer types