5,615 research outputs found

    Mammalian myosin I alpha, I beta, and I gamma: new widely expressed genes of the myosin I family.

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    A polymerase chain reaction strategy was devised to identify new members of the mammalian myosin I family of actin-based motors. Using cellular RNA from mouse granular neurons and PC12 cells, we have cloned and sequenced three 1.2-kb polymerase chain reaction products that correspond to novel mammalian myosin I genes designated MMI alpha, MMI beta, MMI gamma. The pattern of expression for each of the myosin I's is unique: messages are detected in diverse tissues including the brain, lung, kidney, liver, intestine, and adrenal gland. Overlapping clones representing full-length cDNAs for MMI alpha were obtained from mouse brain. These encode a 1,079 amino acid protein containing a myosin head, a domain with five calmodulin binding sites, and a positively charged COOH-terminal tail. In situ hybridization reveals that MMI alpha is highly expressed in virtually all neurons (but not glia) in the postnatal and adult mouse brain and in neuroblasts of the cerebellar external granular layer. Expression varies in different brain regions and undergoes developmental regulation. Myosin I's are present in diverse organisms from protozoa to vertebrates. This and the expression of three novel members of this family in brain and other mammalian tissues suggests that they may participate in critical and fundamental cellular processes

    Producing Brazilianess for Global Audiences: The case of Sex and the City

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    This paper examines how the HBO series Sex and the City (SATC) portrayed “Brazilianess” during its six-season run. Although the program was recognized for its positive portrayal of female friendship and was usually praised for its association with female empowerment through story line, sexually explicit dialogue, and their successful careers we demonstrate how when it comes to Brazilianess and Brazilians, the program relied on stereotypical non-empowering and somewhat unrealistic portrayals. As Brazilian scholars and feminists we hope to question and explore the ways that Brazilianess, is portrayed in United States media more broadly and television specifically. We are focusing on Brazilianess in an attempt to move away from character specific analysis to question how Brazil as a nation and a culture, but also as a space where practices are performed, is produced in U.S. television shows such as SATC. Although research on the representation of Brazilians on Brazilian media is ample the same is not true when it comes to U.S. media. This essay seeks to begin to fill this gap

    Procesado de imágenes para plataformas móviles

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    W2B es una aplicación móvil, desarrollada para ser ejecutada bajo el sistema operativo de código abierto Android, que ofrece al usuario de una manera muy intuitiva la posibilidad de acceder a tiendas online donde comprar prendas de vestir extraídas de una imagen dada. Dicha imagen podrá ser tomada en el acto a través de la cámara o estar almacenada en el dispositivo (Galería). Es decir, a partir de una imagen de entrada que será segmentada y una breve descripción del producto, el usuario obtendrá las tres prendas de ropa que el sistema considere que menos difieren de la original y el enlace a su correspondientes tiendas online donde podrá efectuar la compra, entre las candidatas obtenidas desde Google o de la búsqueda directa en la tienda online de ropa. El usuario podrá seleccionar entre tres niveles de precisión; alto, medio y bajo, con estos niveles el usuario definirá indirectamente el tiempo de procesamiento, dependiendo de los resultados que quiera obtener. También podrá decidir buscar las imágenes candidatas mediante la API de Google o directamente en la tienda online Zalando. [ABSTRACT] W2B is a mobile application, developed under an open source code and to be executed with the Android OS. The W2B application offers the user, the possibility to access online stores websites in a very intuitive manner to buy clothes extracted from any given image. The image is taken on the go by the camera or could already be stored in memory (Gallery). The user will click (select) one image, that will be segmented, as well as a brief description of the product and the system will provide three alternatives based on the lower grade of differing from the original image and link to its corresponding online website stores among the candidates obtained from Google or from the direct search of the clothes online store website itself. The user will be able to select between three accuracy levels; low, medium and high, with these levels the user will define indirectly the processing time, depending on the results he/she wants to obtain. The user will also be able to decide between searching the images obtain from Google or directly on the online store website, such as Zalando

    Paleozoic Evolution of the Yukon-Tanana Terrane of the North American Cordillera, NW British Columbia

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    The origins and primary relationships between tectono-stratigraphic units are fundamental to the terrane concept in accretionary orogens, but they are challenging to assess in metamorphic terranes. In NW British Columbia, three tectonically bounded metamorphic suites of the Yukon-Tanana terrane formed in distinct tectonic settings, based on high-spatial-resolution geochronology and immobile trace-element geochemistry. The Florence Range suite comprises late Neoproterozoic or younger to pre–latest Devonian metasedimentary rocks derived from continental crust, 360 ± 4 Ma calc-alkaline intermediate orthogneiss, and 357 ± 4 Ma amphibolite with oceanic-island basalt composition, consistent with rifting of a continental margin. The detrital signature is dominated by late Mesoproterozoic zircon, which indicates different sources than other parts of the Yukon-Tanana terrane. The Boundary Ranges suite comprises pre–Late Devonian metasedimentary rocks derived in part from a mafic source, amphibolite derived from subduction-zone metasomatized mantle, and 369 ± 4 Ma to 367 ± 7 Ma calc-alkaline felsic to intermediate orthogneiss. The Whitewater suite comprises meta-chert, graphite-rich metapelite, and amphibolite with back-arc basin basalt composition consistent with an anoxic basin near a volcanic source. Our data indicate that the Florence Range and Boundary Ranges suites were separate until at least the Early Mississippian and may have formed a composite terrane since the Permian, whereas the relationship with the Whitewater suite is uncertain. We compare the Paleozoic evolution of the Yukon-Tanana terrane in NW British Columbia with several modern analogues in the west and southwest Pacific Ocean

    Estrés parental y anemia en niños de 6 a 49 meses en Pachacámac

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    El presente estudio exploró la asociación entre el estrés parental y la anemia infantil en madres de niños de 6 a 59 meses, que acudían al Servicio de Crecimiento y Desarrollo del Niño. Sesenta y una madres respondieron el cuestionario Índice de estrés parental/Versión corta (PSI-SF, por su sigla en inglés) (Abidin, 1995), y se obtuvo información del nivel de hemoglobina de sus hijos a partir de las historias clínicas. La anemia en los niños resultó independiente del estrés parental de sus madres. Los niveles de estrés parental fueron normales entre las participantes; sin embargo, hubo una mayor percepción del distrés parental y menor percepción de las características difíciles de los niños en la muestra. El estrés parental estuvo asociado a tener más de un hijo. No se encontró que la anemia en los niños estuviera asociada a alguna variable sociodemográfica de la madre o característica del niño. Finalmente, se recomienda un modelo de intervención de promoción de la salud para mejorar la alimentación de los niños, que fomente el empoderamiento y la autoeficacia en las madres.El presente estudio exploró la asociación entre el estrés parental y la anemia infantil en madres de niños de 6 a 59 meses, que acudían al Servicio de Crecimiento y Desarrollo del Niño. Sesenta y una madres respondieron el cuestionario Índice de estrés parental/Versión corta (PSI-SF, por su sigla en inglés) (Abidin, 1995), y se obtuvo información del nivel de hemoglobina de sus hijos a partir de las historias clínicas. La anemia en los niños resultó independiente del estrés parental de sus madres. Los niveles de estrés parental fueron normales entre las participantes; sin embargo, hubo una mayor percepción del distrés parental y menor percepción de las características difíciles de los niños en la muestra. El estrés parental estuvo asociado a tener más de un hijo. No se encontró que la anemia en los niños estuviera asociada a alguna variable sociodemográfica de la madre o característica del niño. Finalmente, se recomienda un modelo de intervención de promoción de la salud para mejorar la alimentación de los niños, que fomente el empoderamiento y la autoeficacia en las madres.Tesi

    Comparativo de problemáticas de la cultura tributaria de las micro empresas del sector servicios del Perú: caso empresa servicios generales “Sarmecon SAC” - y mejora, Chimbote, 2021

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    La presente tesis titulada “Comparativo de problemáticas de la cultura tributaria de las microempresas del sector servicio del Perú: caso empresa servicios generales “SARMECON SAC” - y su mejora, Chimbote 2021, teniendo como objetivo general Identificar las oportunidades de cultura tributaria comparativamente entre las microempresas del sector servicio del Perú y la empresa “SARMECON SAC” - y su mejora, Chimbote 2021. El tipo de investigación fue de tipo cualitativa a nivel descriptiva y método no experimental, se utilizó revisiones bibliográficas y cuestionario; encontrando los siguientes resultados: 1° Se realizó la identificación de la cultura tributaria de las microempresas del sector servicio del Perú y se comparó con la empresa “SARMECON SAC”, indicando como resultado: que, para tener una cultura tributaria se encuentra con muchos obstáculos, como el de no tener constantes capacitaciones y conocimiento optimo, ya que las normas son cambiantes, y es difícil; siendo que la empresa “SARMECON SAC”, no conoce cuáles son sus obligaciones, ni cómo afectan la evasión y la elusión de la recaudación de impuesto para el desarrollo del país, habiendo encontrado oportunidades mediante capacitaciones que les permitió conocer cuáles son sus principales deficiencias como las de conocer sus obligaciones tributarias, medios de pagos, los tributos capacitándose en estas con la finalidad de mejorar su cultura tributaria y contribuir con el desarrollo del país; concluyendo que el cambio constante de las normas legales y tributarias son uno de los más grandes obstáculos y problemática para el conocimiento de sus obligaciones tributarias minimizando su cultura tributaria.Tesi

    Transient Tribo-Dynamics of Thermo-Elastic Compliant High-Performance Piston Skirts

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    Advanced piston technology for motorsport applications is driven through development of lightweight pistons with preferentially compliant short partial skirts. The preferential compliance is achieved through structural stiffening, such that a greater entrainment wedge is achieved at the skirt’s bottom edge through thermo-elastic deformation, whilst better conforming contact geometry at the top of the skirt. In practice, the combination of some of these conditions is intended to improve the load-carrying capacity and reduce friction. The approach is fundamental to the underlying ethos of race and high-performance engine technology. Contact loads of the order of 5 kN and contact kinematics in the range 0–35 m/s result in harsh transient tribological conditions. Therefore, piston design requires detailed transient analysis, which integrates piston dynamics, thermo-elastic distortion and transient elastohydrodynamics. The paper provides such a detailed analysis as well as verification of the same using non-invasive ultrasonic-assisted lubricant film thickness measurement from a fired engine under normal operating conditions, an approach not hitherto reported in literature. Good agreement is noted between measured film thickness and predictions

    Hypermagnetic Field Effects in the Thermal Bath of Chiral Fermions

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    The dispersion relations for leptons in the symmetric phase of the electroweak model in the presence of a constant hypermagnetic field are investigated. The one-loop fermion self-energies are calculated in the lowest Landau level approximation and used to show that the hypermagnetic field forbids the generation of the ''effective mass'' found as a pole of the fermions' propagators at high temperature and zero fields. In the considered approximation leptons behave as massless particles propagating only along the direction of the external field. The reported results can be of interest for the cosmological implications of primordial hypermagnetic fields.Comment: 5 page

    Robonaut 2 - Initial Activities On-Board the ISS

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    Robonaut 2, or R2, arrived on the International Space Station in February 2011 and is currently undergoing testing in preparation for it to become, initially, an Intra-Vehicular Activity (IVA) tool and then evolve into a system that can perform Extra-Vehicular Activities (EVA). After the completion of a series of system level checks to ensure that the robot traveled well on-board the Space Shuttle Atlantis, ground control personnel will remotely control the robot to perform free space tasks that will help characterize the differences between earth and zero-g control. For approximately one year, the fixed base R2 will perform a variety of experiments using a reconfigurable task board that was launched with the robot. While working side-by-side with human astronauts, Robonaut 2 will actuate switches, use standard tools, and manipulate Space Station interfaces, soft goods and cables. The results of these experiments will demonstrate the wide range of tasks a dexterous humanoid can perform in space and they will help refine the methodologies used to control dexterous robots both in space and here on earth. After the trial period that will evaluate R2 while on a fixed stanchion in the US Laboratory module, NASA plans to launch climbing legs that when attached to the current on-orbit R2 upper body will give the robot the ability to traverse through the Space Station and start assisting crew with general IVA maintenance activities. Multiple control modes will be evaluated in this extra-ordinary ISS test environment to prepare the robot for use during EVAs. Ground Controllers will remotely supervise the robot as it executes semi-autonomous scripts for climbing through the Space Station and interacting with IVA interfaces. IVA crew will locally supervise the robot using the same scripts and also teleoperate the robot to simulate scenarios with the robot working alone or as an assistant during space walks