5,562 research outputs found

    On Vague Computers

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    Vagueness is something everyone is familiar with. In fact, most people think that vagueness is closely related to language and exists only there. However, vagueness is a property of the physical world. Quantum computers harness superposition and entanglement to perform their computational tasks. Both superposition and entanglement are vague processes. Thus quantum computers, which process exact data without "exploiting" vagueness, are actually vague computers

    The Community Reinvestment Act: Its Impact on Lending in Low-Income Communities in the United States

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    This paper reviews data and research studies that demonstrate that CRA has helped to increase lending to low-income borrowers and in low-income neighborhoods, and that expanded CRA lending has been accomplished while maintaining sound lending practices and bank profitability. The paper also discusses literature that draws alternative conclusions, as well as studies that find, despite increases in lending and banking services to low- and moderate-income areas and to minority borrowers, that disparities still exist between the services afforded to these communities and those offered to the market as a whole

    Long term X-ray spectral variability of the nucleus of M81

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    We have analysed the soft X-ray emission from the nuclear source of the nearby spiral galaxy M81, using the available data collected with ROSAT, ASCA, BeppoSAX and Chandra. The source flux is highly variable, showing (sometimes dramatic: a factor of 4 in 20 days) variability at different timescales, from 2 days to 4 years, and in particular a steady increase of the flux by a factor of >~ 2 over 4 years, broken by rapid flares. After accounting for the extended component resolved by Chandra, the nuclear soft X-ray spectrum (from ROSAT/PSPC, BeppoSAX/LECS and Chandra data) cannot be fitted well with a single absorbed power-law model. Acceptable fits are obtained adding an extra component, either a multi-color black body (MCBB) or an absorption feature. In the MCBB case the inner accretion disk would be far smaller than the Schwartzchild radius for the 3-60X 10^6 solar masses nucleus requiring a strictly edge-on inclination of the disk, even if the nucleus is a rotating Kerr black hole. The temperature is 0.27 keV, larger than expected from the accretion disk of a Schwartzchild black hole, but consistent with that expected from a Kerr black hole. In the power-law + absorption feature model we have either high velocity (0.3 c) infalling C_v clouds or neutral C_i absorption at rest. In both cases the C:O overabundance is a factor of 10.Comment: 30 pages with 15 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    The Faber-Jackson relation for early-type galaxies: Dependence on the magnitude range

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    We take a sample of early-type galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-DR7, \sim 90 000 galaxies) spanning a range of approximately 7 magmag in both gg and rr filters and analyse the behaviour of the Faber-Jackson relation parameters as functions of the magnitude range. We calculate the parameters in two ways: i) We consider the faintest (brightest) galaxies in each sample and we progressively increase the width of the magnitude interval by inclusion of the brighter (fainter) galaxies (increasing-magnitude-intervals), and ii) we consider narrow-magnitude intervals of the same width (ΔM=1.0\Delta M = 1.0 magmag) over the whole magnitude range available (narrow-magnitude-intervals). Our main results are that: i) in both increasing and narrow-magnitude-intervals the Faber-Jackson relation parameters change systematically, ii) non-parametric tests show that the fluctuations in the values of the slope of the Faber-Jackson relation are not products of chance variations. We conclude that the values of the Faber-Jackson relation parameters depend on the width of the magnitude range and the luminosity of galaxies within the magnitude range. This dependence is caused, to a great extent by the selection effects and because the geometrical shape of the distribution of galaxies on the Mlog(σ0)M - \log (\sigma_{0}) plane depends on luminosity. We therefore emphasize that if the luminosity of galaxies or the width of the magnitude range or both are not taken into consideration when comparing the structural relations of galaxy samples for different wavelengths, environments, redshifts and luminosities, any differences found may be misinterpreted.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures. A&A. Accepte

    Natural Quintessence?

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    We formulate conditions for the naturalness of cosmological quintessence scenarios. The quintessence lagrangian is taken to be the sum of a simple exponential potential and a non-canonical kinetic term. This parameterization covers most variants of quintessence and makes the naturalness conditions particularly transparent. Several ``natural'' scalar models lead, for the present cosmological era, to a large fraction of homogeneous dark energy density and an acceleration of the scale factor as suggested by observation.Comment: 11 pages LaTeX, 3 figures included, numerical correctio

    Spectral optical monitoring of 3C390.3 in 1995-2007: I. Light curves and flux variation of the continuum and broad lines

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    Here we present the results of the long-term (1995-2007) spectral monitoring of the broad line radio galaxy \object{3C~390.3}, a well known AGN with the double peaked broad emission lines, usually assumed to be emitted from an accretion disk. To explore dimensions and structure of the BLR, we analyze the light curves of the broad Hα\alpha and Hβ\beta line fluxes and the continuum flux. In order to find changes in the BLR, we analyze the Hα\alpha and Hβ\beta line profiles, as well as the change in the line profiles during the monitoring period. First we try to find a periodicity in the continuum and Hβ\beta light curves, finding that there is a good chance for quasi-periodical oscillations. Using the line shapes and their characteristics (as e.g. peaks separation and their intensity ratio, or FWHM) of broad Hβ\beta and Hα\alpha lines, we discuss the structure of the BLR. Also, we cross-correlate the continuum flux with Hβ\beta and Hα\alpha lines to find dimensions of the BLR. We found that during the monitoring period the broad emission component of the Hα\alpha and Hβ\beta lines, and the continuum flux varied by a factor of \approx 4-5. Also, we detected different structure in the line profiles of Hα\alpha and Hβ\beta. It seems that an additional central component is present and superposed to the disk emission. In the period of high activity (after 2002), Hβ\beta became broader than Hα\alpha and red wing of Hβ\beta was higher than the one of Hα\alpha. We found time lags of \sim95 days between the continuum and Hβ\beta flux, and about 120 days between the continuum and Hα\alpha flux. Variation in the line profiles, as well as correlation between the line and continuum flux during the monitoring period is in the favor of the disk origin of the broad lines with the possible contribution of some additional region and/or some kind of perturbation in the disk.Comment: 32 pages, accepted to A&A, typos correcte

    The influence of kinematic conditions and design on the wear of patella-femoral replacements

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    The success rate of patella-femoral arthroplasty varies between 44% and 90% in 17 years of follow-up. Several studies have been performed previously for assessing the surface wear in the patella-femoral joint. However, they have not included all six degrees of freedom. The aim of this study was to develop a six-axis patella-femoral joint simulator to assess the wear rate for two patellae designs (round and oval dome) at different kinematic conditions. An increase in patellar rotation from 1° to 4° led to a significantly (p0.08). The increase in wear rate was likely due to the higher cross shear. A decrease in patellar medial lateral displacement from passive to constrained resulted in a nonsignificant reduction in wear (p>0.06). There was no significant difference in wear rate between the two patellae designs (p>0.28). The volumetric wear under all conditions was positively correlated with the level of passive patellar tilt (rho>0.8). This is the first report of preclinical wear simulation of patella-femoral joint in a six-axis simulator under different kinematic conditions

    Inflation at the Electroweak Scale

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    We present a simple model for slow-rollover inflation where the vacuum energy that drives inflation is of the order of GF2G_F^{-2}; unlike most models, the conversion of vacuum energy to radiation (``reheating'') is moderately efficient. The scalar field responsible for inflation is a standard-model singlet, develops a vacuum expectation value of the order of 4\times 10^6\GeV, has a mass of order 1\GeV, and can play a role in electroweak phenomena.Comment: 14 page

    XMM-Newton X-ray spectroscopy of the high-mass X-ray binary 4U1700-37 at low flux

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    We present results of a monitoring campaign of the high-mass X-ray binary system 4U 1700-37/HD 153919, carried out with XMM-Newton in February 2001. The system was observed at four orbital phase intervals, covering 37% of one 3.41-day orbit. The lightcurve includes strong flares, commonly observed in this source. We focus on three epochs in which the data are not affected by photon pile up: the eclipse, the eclipse egress and a low-flux interval in the lightcurve around orbital phase phi ~0.25. The high-energy part of the continuum is modelled as a direct plus a scattered component, each represented by a power law with identical photon index (alpha ~1.4), but with different absorption columns. We show that during the low-flux interval the continuum is strongly reduced, probably due to a reduction of the accretion rate onto the compact object. A soft excess is detected in all spectra, consistent with either another continuum component originating in the outskirts of the system or a blend of emission lines. Many fluorescence emission lines from near-neutral species and discrete recombination lines from He- and H-like species are detected during eclipse and egress. The detection of recombination lines during eclipse indicates the presence of an extended ionised region surrounding the compact object. The observed increase in strength of some emission lines corresponding to higher values of the ionisation parameter xi further substantiates this conclusion.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    When the sad past is left: the mental metaphors between time, valence, and space

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    The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg. 2018.01019/full#supplementary-materialA mental metaphor is a strategy that consists of completing the representation of a concept with structural components of a correlating concept. Three issues were addressed here to deepen our understanding of this mechanism: the use of mental metaphors between abstract concepts, the simultaneous activation of multiple mental metaphors and the importance of the focus of attention on the relevant dimensions of a mental metaphor. In two experiments, participants made temporal or valence judgments (with their left or right hand) on verbs with a negative or positive meaning and conjugated in the past or future form, allowing for the simultaneous activation of the “time is space”, “valence is space,” and “time is valence” mental metaphors. Left-past/right-future and left-negative/right-positive congruency effects were found, and these effects were greater in the temporal and valence judgment tasks, respectively, demonstrating the importance of attentional cuing. Simultaneously, a congruency effect between the abstract concepts of time and valence (past-negative/future-positive) was observed, revealing that a mental metaphor can occur between abstract concepts and that multiple metaphors can be processed simultaneously. These results are discussed in terms of different theories within the field of mental metaphors.MO was supported by a Juan de la Cierva fellowship (JCI-2012-13046) from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. Research was funded by research projects PSI2012-32464 (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness) and PSI2015-67531-P (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness) to JS