11,485,724 research outputs found

    Structural dichroism in the antiferromagnetic insulating phase of V_2O_3

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    We performed near-edge x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XANES) at V K edge in the antiferromagnetic insulating (AFI) phase of a 2.8% Cr-doped V_2O_3 single crystal. Linear dichroism of several percent is measured in the hexagonal plane and found to be in good agreement with ab-initio calculations based on multiple scattering theory. This experiment definitively proves the structural origin of the signal and therefore solves a controversy raised by previous interpretations of the same dichroism as non-reciprocal. It also calls for a further investigation of the role of the magnetoelectric annealing procedure in cooling to the AFI phase.Comment: 4 pages 3 figures. To be published in Phys. Rev. B (2005

    2016 Wses Guidelines On Acute Calculous Cholecystitis

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    Acute calculus cholecystitis is a very common disease with several area of uncertainty. The World Society of Emergency Surgery developed extensive guidelines in order to cover grey areas. The diagnostic criteria, the antimicrobial therapy, the evaluation of associated common bile duct stones, the identification of "high risk" patients, the surgical timing, the type of surgery, and the alternatives to surgery are discussed. Moreover the algorithm is proposed: as soon as diagnosis is made and after the evaluation of choledocholitiasis risk, laparoscopic cholecystectomy should be offered to all patients exception of those with high risk of morbidity or mortality. These Guidelines must be considered as an adjunctive tool for decision but they are not substitute of the clinical judgement for the individual patient.1

    Beyond the disk: EUV coronagraphic observations of the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager on board Solar Orbiter

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    Most observations of the solar corona beyond 2 Rs consist of broadband visible light imagery from coronagraphs. The associated diagnostics mainly consist of kinematics and derivations of the electron number density. While the measurement of the properties of emission lines can provide crucial additional diagnostics of the coronal plasma (temperatures, velocities, abundances, etc.), these observations are comparatively rare. In visible wavelengths, observations at these heights are limited to total eclipses. In the VUV range, very few additional observations have been achieved since the pioneering results of UVCS. One of the objectives of the Full Sun Imager (FSI) channel of the EUI telescope on board the Solar Orbiter mission has been to provide very wide field-of-view EUV diagnostics of the morphology and dynamics of the solar atmosphere in temperature regimes that are typical of the lower transition region and of the corona. FSI carries out observations in two narrowbands of the EUV spectrum centered on 17.4 nm and 30.4 nm that are dominated, respectively, by lines of Fe IX/X (formed in the corona around 1 MK) and by the resonance line of He II (formed around 80 kK in the lower transition region). Unlike previous EUV imagers, FSI includes a moveable occulting disk that can be inserted in the optical path to reduce the amount of instrumental stray light to a minimum. FSI detects signals at 17.4 nm up to the edge of its FOV (7~Rs), which is about twice further than was previously possible. Comparisons with observations by the LASCO and Metis coronagraphs confirm the presence of morphological similarities and differences between the broadband visible light and EUV emissions, as documented on the basis of prior eclipse and space-based observations. The very-wide-field observations of FSI are paving the way for future dedicated instruments

    Sulfur Status In Long Distance Runners

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    In sports medicine, sulfur plays an important role and its deficiency can cause muscle injury affecting the performance of the athletes. However, its evaluation is unusual in conventional clinical practice. In this study the sulfur levels were determined in Brazilian amateur athlete's blood using Neutron Activation Analyses (NAA) technique. Twenty six male amateur runners, age 18 to 36 years, participated of this study. The athletes had a balanced diet, without multivitamin/mineral supplements. The blood collection was performed at LABEX (Laboratorio de Bioquimica do Exercicio, UNICAMP-SP) and the samples were irradiated for 300 seconds in a pneumatic station in the nuclear reactor (IEA-R1, 3-4.5MW, pool type) at IPEN/CNEN-SP. The results were compared with the control group (subjects of same age but not involved with physical activities) and showed that the sulfur concentration was 44% higher in amateurs athletes than control group. These data can be considered for preparation of balanced diet, as well as contributing for proposing new protocols of clinical evaluation.63

    Proteomic profiling reveals the transglutaminase-2 externalization pathway in kidneys after unilateral ureteric obstruction

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    Increased export of transglutaminase-2 (TG2) by tubular epithelial cells (TECs) into the surrounding interstitium modifies the extracellular homeostatic balance, leading to fibrotic membrane expansion. Although silencing of extracellular TG2 ameliorates progressive kidney scarring in animal models of CKD, the pathway through which TG2 is secreted from TECs and contributes to disease progression has not been elucidated. In this study, we developed a global proteomic approach to identify binding partners of TG2 responsible for TG2 externalization in kidneys subjected to unilateral ureteric obstruction (UUO) using TG2 knockout kidneys as negative controls. We report a robust and unbiased analysis of the membrane interactome of TG2 in fibrotic kidneys relative to the entire proteome after UUO, detected by SWATH mass spectrometry. The data have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD008173. Clusters of exosomal proteins in the TG2 interactome supported the hypothesis that TG2 is secreted by extracellular membrane vesicles during fibrosis progression. In established TEC lines, we found TG2 in vesicles of both endosomal (exosomes) and plasma membrane origin (microvesicles/ectosomes), and TGF-β1 stimulated TG2 secretion. Knockout of syndecan-4 (SDC4) greatly impaired TG2 exosomal secretion. TG2 coprecipitated with SDC4 from exosome lysate but not ectosome lysate. Ex vivo, EGFP-tagged TG2 accumulated in globular elements (blebs) protruding/retracting from the plasma membrane of primary cortical TECs, and SDC4 knockout impaired bleb formation, affecting TG2 release. Through this combined in vivo and in vitro approach, we have dissected the pathway through which TG2 is secreted from TECs in CKD


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    The stereo camera (STC) is one of three channels of the spectrometer and imagers for Mercury Planet Orbiter BepiColombo Integrated Observatory SYStem (SIMBIOSYS), which will be on board the Mercury Planetary Orbiter of the ESA mission BepiColombo. SIMBIOSYS includes also an high resolution imaging channel (HRIC), providing images at spatial resolution of 5m/pixel at the periherm, and the VIS-NIR spectrometer (VIHI) that will provide the global mapping of the Mercury's surface in the spectral range 400-2200 nm, with a spectral sampling of 6.25 nm, and the spatial resolution of 400m/pixel at the periherm. The main scientific objective of STC is the global mapping of the entire surface of the Mercury in 3D and colors with a scale factor of 50m/pixel at the periherm. It will allow to generate the digital terrain model (DTM) of the entire surface improving the interpretation of morphological features at different scales and topographic relationships. The harsh environment of the Mercury will strongly affect the functionalities and performance of the instruments reducing the resources allocated to the payload. Even for the stereo camera, as for most of the instrument on board BepiColombo, a novel design had to be considered. We have implemented an original optical design, modifying a classical configurations, and a new technique of acquiring the stereo pairs for generating the DTM of the surface. The new technique will have an impact on the software chain generating the DTM and on the observation strategy. The stereo camera consists of two channels, looking at the surface at ±20° from the nadir direction, converging on the same bidimensional focal plane assembly, with no mechanical movable parts. The configuration of the focal plane assembly allows to apply the push-frame technique to acquire the stereo images

    The NuMI neutrino beam

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    This paper describes the hardware and operations of the Neutrinos at the Main Injector (NuMI) beam at Fermilab. It elaborates on the design considerations for the beam as a whole and for individual elements. The most important design details of individual components are described. Beam monitoring systems and procedures, including the tuning and alignment of the beam and NuMI long-term performance, are also discussed