632 research outputs found

    Iin vanhan Haminan hautausmaan naisvainaja CH36 ja hänen kasvorekonstruktionsa

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    Tiivistelmä. Pro gradu -tutkielmani otsikko on ”Iin vanhan Haminan naisvainaja CH36 ja hänen kasvorekonstruktionsa”. Tutkielmassani tarkastelen Iin vanhan Haminan vuoden 2009 arkeologisissa kaivauksissa löydettyä naisvainajaa CH36 ja toteutan työssäni myös hänen kasvorekonstruktionsa. Alueen ihmisistä ei ole aikaisemmin tehty kasvorekonstruktioita ja tekemäni rekonstruktio on kolmas, joka on tehty suomalaisesta aineistosta. Ensimmäisen kasvorekonstruktion suomalaisesta aineistosta on tehnyt pro gradu ohjaajani Sirpa Niinimäki. Hän toteutti rekonstruktion osana oma pro gradu -työtään vuonna 2004. Toinen suomalaisesta aineistosta tehty kasvorekonstruktio on Heidi Kuivaniemi-Smithin tietokoneella toteuttama kasvorekonstruktio vuodelta 2018. Pro gradussani tutkimuskysymyksiä ovat muun muassa seuraavat: Miten rekonstruktion eri vaiheissa tehdyt valinnat vaikuttavat lopputulokseen? Tämä kysymys jakautuu alakysymyksiin: Miten vainajan CH36 kasvorekonstruktio voidaan toteuttaa? Miten kasvorekonstruktion teko onnistui? Tutkimusongelmani käsittelee eniten kasvorekonstruktion tekoon liittyviä seikkoja, kuten menetelmien valintaa. Työssäni kerron myös jonkin verran kasvorekonstruktioiden historiasta, Iin vanhan Haminan kaivauksista ja vainajan CH36 tutkimushistoriasta. Vainaja CH36 on todennäköisesti tunnetuin ja tutkituin kaivauksilta löytynyt vainaja, koska hänet oli haudattu harvinaisen pronssisen ristin kanssa. Vainajan CH36 luut ovat erittäin huonossa kunnossa ja niiden kunto huononee koko ajan, siksi olikin tärkeää tehdä kasvorekonstruktio juuri nyt. Kasvorekonstruktioiden historia alkoi tuhansia vuosia sitten. Modernien kasvorekonstruktioiden historia alkoi kuitenkin vain parisataa vuotta sitten. Kasvorekonstruktioista on olemassa kolme koulukuntaa, joista nykyisin eniten käytetään Manchesterin metodia, joka yhdistelee kahden muun koulukunnan käyttämiä menetelmiä. Toteutin vainaja CH36:n rekonstruktion kuitenkin hyödyntäen amerikkalaisen koulukunnan metodia. Siinä keskitytään kudosten paksuuksiin ja jätetään lihasten yksittäinen rekonstruointi tekemättä. Valitsin amerikkalaisen metodin, koska toteutin rekonstruktion piirtämällä ja yksittäisiä lihaksia on piirroksessa vaikea lisätä rekonstruktioon. Kasvorekonstruktioiden tekoon liittyen on olemassa kolme eri metodia. Näistä metodeista yleisin nykyään on kasvorekonstruktion teko tietokoneella. Itse kuitenkin toteutin rekonstruktion piirtämällä, suurimmaksi osaksi budjettisyistä. Osasyy oli kuitenkin myös luiden erittäin huono kunto. Kasvorekonstruktion tekoon liittyy monta eri vaihetta. Tärkeä vaihe ennen itse rekonstruktion aloitusta on luiden osteologinen analyysi. Vainajan CH36 osteologinen analyysi oli kuitenkin jo tehty, joten en tehnyt sitä osana omaa työtäni. Rekonstruktion aloitin kuvaamalla kallon. Tämän jälkeen muokkasin ottamani kuvat oikeaan kokoon ja tulostin ne. Näiden kuvien perusteella pystyin piirtämään vainajan CH36 kallon piirtopaperille. Tämän jälkeen lisäsin 13 eri kudospaksuuspistettä kallon piirroksen päälle, käyttäen apuna Niinimäen ja Karttusen mittaamia kudosten paksuuksia suomalaisille naisille. Seuraava vaihe oli kasvojen tärkeimpien piirteiden viimeistely, näihin kuuluu silmät, nenä ja suu. Kasvorekonstruktion viimeistelyyn kuuluu muun muassa hiusten, ripsien, kulmakarvojen ja ihon pinnan piirtäminen. Rekonstruktioni on kaksiulotteinen, joka hieman vaikeutti ihon kudospisteiden merkitsemistä ja ihon viimeistelemistä. Lopuksi piirsin henkilön kaulaan hänen kanssaan haudatun pronssiristin. Tekemäni kasvorekonstruktio on arkeologinen kasvorekonstruktio, eli aineistona on arkeologisilla kaivauksilla löydetty, noin 600 vuotta vanha aineisto. Tämän takia on lähes mahdotonta päätellä, onko piirrokseni vainajan CH36 näköinen vai ei. Käytin kuitenkin avuksi minulle saataville olevat tiedot kasvorekonstruktion teosta, joten uskon, että suoriuduin työstä hyvin. Yksi kasvorekonstruktioiden ongelma on myös se, että jokainen tekijä toteuttaa rekonstruktion hieman eri tavalla. Kasvorekonstruktiot ovatkin oikeastaan popularisoinnin keino, jonka tarkoitukseni on mielestäni saada tavalliset ihmiset kiinnostumaan historiasta. Tavalliset ihmiset ehkä kuvittelevat pääsevänsä kurkistamaan 600 vuotta sitten eläneen ihmisen elämään kasvorekonstruktioni avulla

    Multiwavelength study of the high-latitude cloud L1642: chain of star formation

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    L1642 is one of the two high galactic latitude (|b| > 30deg) clouds confirmed to have active star formation. We examine the properties of this cloud, especially the large-scale structure, dust properties, and compact sources in different stages of star formation. We present high-resolution far-infrared and submm observations with the Herschel and AKARI satellites and mm observations with the AzTEC/ASTE telescope, which we combined with archive data from near- and mid-infrared (2MASS, WISE) to mm observations (Planck). The Herschel observations, combined with other data, show a sequence of objects from a cold clump to young stellar objects at different evolutionary stages. Source B-3 (2MASS J04351455-1414468) appears to be a YSO forming inside the L1642 cloud, instead of a foreground brown dwarf, as previously classified. Herschel data reveal striation in the diffuse dust emission around L1642. The western region shows striation towards NE and has a steeper column density gradient on its southern side. The densest central region has a bow-shock like structure showing compression from the west and a filamentary tail extending towards east. The differences suggest that these may be spatially distinct structures, aligned only in projection. We derive values of the dust emission cross-section per H nucleon for different regions of the cloud. Modified black-body fits to the spectral energy distribution of Herschel and Planck data give emissivity spectral index beta values 1.8-2.0 for the different regions. The compact sources have lower beta values and show an anticorrelation between T and beta. Markov chain Monte Carlo calculations demonstrate the strong anticorrelation between beta and T errors and the importance of mm Planck data in constraining the estimates. L1642 reveals a more complex structure and sequence of star formation than previously known.Comment: 22 pages, 18 figures, accepted to Astronomy & Astrophysics; abstract shortened and figures reduced for astrop

    Grain size limits derived from 3.6 {\mu}m and 4.5 {\mu}m coreshine

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    Recently discovered scattered light from molecular cloud cores in the wavelength range 3-5 {\mu}m (called "coreshine") seems to indicate the presence of grains with sizes above 0.5 {\mu}m. We aim to analyze 3.6 and 4.5 {\mu}m coreshine from molecular cloud cores to probe the largest grains in the size distribution. We analyzed dedicated deep Cycle 9 Spitzer IRAC observations in the 3.6 and 4.5 {\mu}m bands for a sample of 10 low-mass cores. We used a new modeling approach based on a combination of ratios of the two background- and foreground-subtracted surface brightnesses and observed limits of the optical depth. The dust grains were modeled as ice-coated silicate and carbonaceous spheres. We discuss the impact of local radiation fields with a spectral slope differing from what is seen in the DIRBE allsky maps. For the cores L260, ecc806, L1262, L1517A, L1512, and L1544, the model reproduces the data with maximum grain sizes around 0.9, 0.5, 0.65, 1.5, 0.6, and > 1.5 {\mu}m, respectively. The maximum coreshine intensities of L1506C, L1439, and L1498 in the individual bands require smaller maximum grain sizes than derived from the observed distribution of band ratios. Additional isotropic local radiation fields with a spectral shape differing from the DIRBE map shape do not remove this discrepancy. In the case of Rho Oph 9, we were unable to reliably disentangle the coreshine emission from background variations and the strong local PAH emission. Considering surface brightness ratios in the 3.6 and 4.5 {\mu}m bands across a molecular cloud core is an effective method of disentangling the complex interplay of structure and opacities when used in combination with observed limits of the optical depth.Comment: 23 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Airway hyperresponsiveness in young children with respiratory symptoms A five-year follow-up

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    Background: Recurrent wheezing in early life is transient in most children. The significance of airway hyper-responsiveness (AHR) in persistence of respiratory symptoms from infancy to early childhood is controversial. Objective: We evaluated whether AHR in wheezy infants predicts doctor-diagnosed asthma (DDA) or AHR at the age of 6 years. Methods: Sixty-one wheezy infants (age 6-24 months) were followed up to the median age of 6 years. Lung function and AHR with methacholine challenge test were assessed at infancy and 6 years. The exercise challenge test was performed at the age of 6 years. Atopy was assessed with skin prick tests. Results: At 6 years, 21 (34%) of the children had DDA. Children with DDA had higher logarithmic transformed dose-response slope (LOGDRS) to methacholine in infancy than children without DDA (0.047 vs 0.025; P = .033). Furthermore, AHR to methacholine in infancy and at 6 years were associated with each other (r = 0.324, P = .011). Children with exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) at 6 years were more reactive to methacholine in infancy than those without EIB (P = .019). Conclusion: Increased AHR in symptomatic infants was associated with increased AHR, DDA, and EIB at median the age of 6 years, suggesting early establishment of AHR. (C) 2019 American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Overweight and exercise-induced bronchoconstriction - Is there a link?

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    Background The objective of this study was to evaluate the role of body mass index with regard to exercise performance, exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB), and respiratory symptoms in 7- to 16-year-old children. Methods A total of 1120 outdoor running exercise challenge test results of 7- to 16-year-old children were retrospectively reviewed. Lung function was evaluated with spirometry, and exercise performance was assessed by calculating distance per 6 minutes from the running time and distance. Respiratory symptoms in the exercise challenge test were recorded, and body mass index modified for children (ISO-BMI) was calculated for each child from height, weight, age, and gender according to the national growth references. Results Greater ISO-BMI and overweight were associated with poorer exercise performance (P <.001). In addition, greater ISO-BMI was independently associated with cough (P = .002) and shortness of breath (P = .012) in the exercise challenge. However, there was no association between ISO-BMI and EIB or with wheeze during the exercise challenge. Conclusion Greater ISO-BMI may have a role in poorer exercise performance and appearance of respiratory symptoms during exercise, but not in EIB in 7- to 16-year-old children.Peer reviewe

    Vitamin D, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, and airway hyperresponsiveness in infants with recurrent respiratory symptoms

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    Background: Vitamin D insufficiency might be associated with biased T-cell responses resulting in inflammatory conditions such as atopy and asthma. Little is known about the role of vitamin D in low-grade systemic inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) in young children. Objective: To evaluate whether vitamin D insufficiency and increased serum high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) are linked to AHR in symptomatic infants. Methods: Seventy-nine infants with recurrent or persistent lower respiratory tract symptoms underwent comprehensive lung function testing and a bronchial methacholine challenge test. In addition, skin prick tests were performed and serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (S-25-OHD), hs-CRP, total immunoglobulin E, and blood eosinophil levels were determined. Results: S-25-OHD was lowest in infants with blood eosinophilia and AHR (n = 10) compared with those with eosinophilia only (n = 6) or AHR only (n = 50) or those with neither (n = 13; P = .035). Moreover, vitamin D insufficiency (S-25-OHD <50 nmol/L) was most common in infants with blood eosinophilia and AHR (P = .041). Serum hs-CRP was lower in infants with recurrent physician-diagnosed wheezing (P = .048) and in those with blood eosinophilia (P = .015) than in infants without these characteristics and was not associated with S-25-OHD or AHR. S-25-OHD levels were significantly lower (median 54 nmol/L) during the autumn-winter season than in the spring-summer season (median 63 nmol/L; P = .026). Conclusion: Vitamin D insufficiency could underlie eosinophilia and AHR in infants with troublesome lung symptoms, whereas hs-CRPemediated low-grade systemic inflammation is rare in early childhood wheezing. (C) 2017 American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Galactic cold cores VIII. Filament formation and evolution : Filament properties in context with evolutionary models

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    Context. The onset of star formation is intimately linked with the presence of massive unstable filamentary structures. These filaments are therefore key for theoretical models that aim to reproduce the observed characteristics of the star formation process in the Galaxy. Aims. As part of the filament study carried out by the Herschel Galactic Cold Cores Key Programme, here we study and discuss the filament properties presented in GCC VII (Paper I) in context with theoretical models of filament formation and evolution. Methods. A conservatively selected sample of filaments located at a distance D <500 pc was extracted from the GCC fields with the getfilaments algorithm. The physical structure of the filaments was quantified according to two main components: the central (Gaussian) region of the filament (core component), and the power-law-like region dominating the filament column density profile at larger radii (wing component). The properties and behaviour of these components relative to the total linear mass density of the filament and the column density of its environment were compared with the predictions from theoretical models describing the evolution of filaments under gravity-dominated conditions. Results. The feasibility of a transition from a subcritical to supercritical state by accretion at any given time is dependent on the combined effect of filament intrinsic properties and environmental conditions. Reasonably self-gravitating (high M-line,M-core) filaments in dense environments (Av greater than or similar to 3 mag) can become supercritical on timescales of t similar to 1 Myr by accreting mass at constant or decreasing width. The trend of increasing M-line,M-tot (M-line,M-core and M-line,M-wing) and ridge A(v) with background for the filament population also indicates that the precursors of star-forming filaments evolve coevally with their environment. The simultaneous increase of environment and filament Av explains the observed association between dense environments and high Mlille,co values, and it argues against filaments remaining in constant single-pressure equilibrium states. The simultaneous growth of filament and background in locations with efficient mass assembly, predicted in numerical models of filaments in collapsing clouds, presents a suitable scenario for the fulfillment of the combined filament mass-environment criterium that is in quantitative agreement with Herschel observations.Peer reviewe

    Matching dust emission structures and magnetic field in high-latitude cloud L1642 : comparing Herschel and Planck maps

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    The nearby cloud L1642 is one of only two known very high latitude (b| > 30 deg) clouds actively forming stars. It is a rare example of star formation in isolated conditions, and can reveal important details of star formation in general, e.g. of the effect of magnetic fields. We compareHerschel dust emission structures and magnetic field orientation revealed byPlanck polarization maps in L1642. The high-resolution (similar to 20 arcsec)Herschel data reveal a complex structure including a dense, compressed central clump, and low-density striations. ThePlanck polarization data (at 10 arcmin resolution) reveal an ordered magnetic field pervading the cloud and aligned with the surrounding striations. There is a complex interplay between the cloud structure and large-scale magnetic field. This suggests that the magnetic field is closely linked to the formation and evolution of the cloud. CO rotational emission confirms that the striations are connected with the main clumps and likely to contain material either falling into or flowing out of the clumps. There is a clear transition from aligned to perpendicular structures approximately at a column density ofN(H) = 1.6 x 10(21) cm(-2). Comparing theHerschel maps with thePlanck polarization maps shows the close connection between the magnetic field and cloud structure even in the finest details of the cloud.Peer reviewe