447 research outputs found

    Agent Based Models of Language Competition: Macroscopic descriptions and Order-Disorder transitions

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    We investigate the dynamics of two agent based models of language competition. In the first model, each individual can be in one of two possible states, either using language XX or language YY, while the second model incorporates a third state XY, representing individuals that use both languages (bilinguals). We analyze the models on complex networks and two-dimensional square lattices by analytical and numerical methods, and show that they exhibit a transition from one-language dominance to language coexistence. We find that the coexistence of languages is more difficult to maintain in the Bilinguals model, where the presence of bilinguals in use facilitates the ultimate dominance of one of the two languages. A stability analysis reveals that the coexistence is more unlikely to happen in poorly-connected than in fully connected networks, and that the dominance of only one language is enhanced as the connectivity decreases. This dominance effect is even stronger in a two-dimensional space, where domain coarsening tends to drive the system towards language consensus.Comment: 30 pages, 11 figure

    Analytical Solution of the Voter Model on Disordered Networks

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    We present a mathematical description of the voter model dynamics on heterogeneous networks. When the average degree of the graph is μ2\mu \leq 2 the system reaches complete order exponentially fast. For μ>2\mu >2, a finite system falls, before it fully orders, in a quasistationary state in which the average density of active links (links between opposite-state nodes) in surviving runs is constant and equal to (μ2)3(μ1)\frac{(\mu-2)}{3(\mu-1)}, while an infinite large system stays ad infinitum in a partially ordered stationary active state. The mean life time of the quasistationary state is proportional to the mean time to reach the fully ordered state TT, which scales as T(μ1)μ2N(μ2)μ2T \sim \frac{(\mu-1) \mu^2 N}{(\mu-2) \mu_2}, where NN is the number of nodes of the network, and μ2\mu_2 is the second moment of the degree distribution. We find good agreement between these analytical results and numerical simulations on random networks with various degree distributions.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure

    Understanding contribution of microstructure to fracture behaviour of sintered steels

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    Proceedings of: Euro PM2014 Congress & Exhibition, Salzburg, Austria, 21-24 September 2014.This paper was the winner of the EPMA PM Structural Parts Keynote Award made at Euro PM 2014Microstructural features of sintered steels, which comprise both phases and porosity, strongly condition the mechanical behaviour of the material under service conditions. Many research activities have dealt with this relationship since better understanding of the microstructure&-property correlation is the key of improvement of current powder metallurgy (PM) steels. Up to now, fractographic investigation after testing has been successfully applied for this purpose and, more recently, the in situ analysis of crack evolution through the microstructure as well as some advanced computer assisted tools. However, there is still a lack of information about local mechanical behaviour and strain distributions at the microscale in relation to the local microstructure of these steels, i.e. which phases in heterogeneous PM microstructures contribute to localisation of plastic deformation or which phases can impede crack propagation during loading. In the present work, these questions are addressed through the combination of three techniques: (i) in situ tensile testing (performed in the SEM) to monitor crack initiation and propagation; (ii) digital image correlation technique to trace the progress of local strain distributions during loading; (iii) fractographic examination of the loaded samples. Three PM steels, all obtained from commercially available powders but presenting different microstructures, are examined: a ferritic-pearlitic Fe-C steel, a bainitic prealloyed Fe-Mo-C steel and a diffusion alloyed Fe-Ni-Cu-Mo-C steel, with more heterogeneous microstructure (ferrite, pearlite, upper and lower bainite, martensite and Ni rich austenite).The authors wish to thank to Höganäs AB for providing all the raw materials to develop this work.Publicad

    Consensus and ordering in language dynamics

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    We consider two social consensus models, the AB-model and the Naming Game restricted to two conventions, which describe a population of interacting agents that can be in either of two equivalent states (A or B) or in a third mixed (AB) state. Proposed in the context of language competition and emergence, the AB state was associated with bilingualism and synonymy respectively. We show that the two models are equivalent in the mean field approximation, though the differences at the microscopic level have non-trivial consequences. To point them out, we investigate an extension of these dynamics in which confidence/trust is considered, focusing on the case of an underlying fully connected graph, and we show that the consensus-polarization phase transition taking place in the Naming Game is not observed in the AB model. We then consider the interface motion in regular lattices. Qualitatively, both models show the same behavior: a diffusive interface motion in a one-dimensional lattice, and a curvature driven dynamics with diffusing stripe-like metastable states in a two-dimensional one. However, in comparison to the Naming Game, the AB-model dynamics is shown to slow down the diffusion of such configurations.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Algebraic coarsening in voter models with intermediate states

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    The introduction of intermediate states in the dynamics of the voter model modifies the ordering process and restores an effective surface tension. The logarithmic coarsening of the conventional voter model in two dimensions is eliminated in favour of an algebraic decay of the density of interfaces with time, compatible with Model A dynamics at low temperatures. This phenomenon is addressed by deriving Langevin equations for the dynamics of appropriately defined continuous fields. These equations are analyzed using field theoretical arguments and by means of a recently proposed numerical technique for the integration of stochastic equations with multiplicative noise. We find good agreement with lattice simulations of the microscopic model.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures; minor typos correcte

    Broad lifetime distributions for ordering dynamics in complex networks

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    We search for conditions under which a characteristic time scale for ordering dynamics towards either of two absorbing states in a finite complex network of interactions does not exist. With this aim, we study random networks and networks with mesoscale community structure built up from randomly connected cliques. We find that large heterogeneity at the mesoscale level of the network appears to be a sufficient mechanism for the absence of a characteristic time for the dynamics. Such heterogeneity results in dynamical metastable states that survive at any time scale.Comment: 8 pages, 12 figure

    Analysis of porcine MUC4 gene as a candidate gene for prolificacy QTL on SSC13 in an Iberian × Meishan F2 population

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    Background: Reproductive traits, such as prolificacy, are of great interest to the pig industry. Better understanding of their genetic architecture should help to increase the efficiency of pig productivity through the implementation of marker assisted selection (MAS) programmes. Results: The Mucin 4 (MUC4) gene has been evaluated as a candidate gene for a prolificacy QTL described in an Iberian × Meishan (Ib × Me) F2 intercross. For association analyses, two previously described SNPs (DQ124298:g.243A>G and DQ124298:g.344A>G) were genotyped in 347 pigs from the Ib × Me population. QTL for the number of piglets born alive (NBA) and for the total number of piglets born (TNB) were confirmed on SSC13 at positions 44 cM and 51 cM, respectively. The MUC4 gene was successfully located within the confidence intervals of both QTL. Only DQ124298:g.344A>G MUC4 polymorphism was significantly associated with both NBA and TNB (P-value < 0.05) with favourable effects coming from the Meishan origin. MUC4 expression level was determined in F2 sows displaying extreme phenotypes for the number of embryos (NE) at 30-32 days of gestation. Differences in the uterine expression of MUC4 were found between high (NE ≥ 13) and low (NE ≤ 11) prolificacy sows. Overall, MUC4 expression in high prolificacy sows was almost two-fold increased compared with low prolificacy sows. Conclusions: Our data suggest that MUC4 could play an important role in the establishment of an optimal uterine environment that would increase embryonic survival during pig gestation

    Síntesis de kesterita Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 mediante métodos de hot-injection y solvotermal

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    En el presente trabajo se han sintetizado compuestos con estructura de kesterita Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 mediante métodos de síntesis “hot-injection” y solvotermal. Se ha analizado la efectividad de ambos procedimientos sobre las propiedades físico-químicas del material. Paralelamente, se ha estudiado la influencia de precursores y disolventes sobre la reactividad y la morfología del sistema. Los materiales desarrollados se han caracterizado estructural y microestructuralmente.Kesterite solid solution of Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 have been synthesized by “hot-injection” and solvothermal methods. The procedure effectiveness that affect to the physical and chemical properties of the final material have been analyzed. The influence of different raw materials and solvents has been investigated in order to improve the preparation procedure. The materials have been characterized structurally and morphologically

    Real-Time and Low-Cost Sensing Technique Based on Photonic Bandgap Structures

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    This paper was published in OPTICS LETTERS and is made available as an electronic reprint with the permission of OSA. The paper can be found at the following URL on the OSA website: http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OL.36.002707. Systematic or multiple reproduction or distribution to multiple locations via electronic or other means is prohibited and is subject to penalties under law[EN] A technique for the development of low-cost and high-sensitivity photonic biosensing devices is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. In this technique, a photonic bandgap structure is used as transducer, but its readout is performed by simply using a broadband source, an optical filter, and a power meter, without the need of obtaining the transmission spectrum of the structure; thus, a really low-cost system and real-time results are achieved. Experimental results show that it is possible to detect very low refractive index variations, achieving a detection limit below 2 x 10(-6) refractive index units using this low-cost measuring technique. (C) 2011 Optical Society of America[This work was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MICINN) under contracts TEC2008-06333, JCI-009-5805, and TEC2008-05490. Support by the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia through program PAID-06-09 and the Conselleria d'Educacio through program GV-2010-031 is acknowledged.García Castelló, J.; Toccafondo, V.; Pérez Millán, P.; Sánchez Losilla, N.; Cruz, JL.; Andres, MV.; García-Rupérez, J. (2011). Real-Time and Low-Cost Sensing Technique Based on Photonic Bandgap Structures. Optics Letters. 36(14):2707-2709. https://doi.org/10.1364/OL.36.002707S270727093614Fan, X., White, I. M., Shopova, S. I., Zhu, H., Suter, J. D., & Sun, Y. (2008). Sensitive optical biosensors for unlabeled targets: A review. Analytica Chimica Acta, 620(1-2), 8-26. doi:10.1016/j.aca.2008.05.022Homola, J., Yee, S. S., & Gauglitz, G. (1999). Surface plasmon resonance sensors: review. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 54(1-2), 3-15. doi:10.1016/s0925-4005(98)00321-9Kersey, A. D., Davis, M. A., Patrick, H. J., LeBlanc, M., Koo, K. P., Askins, C. G., … Friebele, E. J. (1997). Fiber grating sensors. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 15(8), 1442-1463. doi:10.1109/50.618377De Vos, K., Bartolozzi, I., Schacht, E., Bienstman, P., & Baets, R. (2007). Silicon-on-Insulator microring resonator for sensitive and label-free biosensing. Optics Express, 15(12), 7610. doi:10.1364/oe.15.007610Iqbal, M., Gleeson, M. A., Spaugh, B., Tybor, F., Gunn, W. G., Hochberg, M., … Gunn, L. C. (2010). Label-Free Biosensor Arrays Based on Silicon Ring Resonators and High-Speed Optical Scanning Instrumentation. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 16(3), 654-661. doi:10.1109/jstqe.2009.2032510Xu, D.-X., Vachon, M., Densmore, A., Ma, R., Delâge, A., Janz, S., … Schmid, J. H. (2010). Label-free biosensor array based on silicon-on-insulator ring resonators addressed using a WDM approach. Optics Letters, 35(16), 2771. doi:10.1364/ol.35.002771Skivesen, N., Têtu, A., Kristensen, M., Kjems, J., Frandsen, L. H., & Borel, P. I. (2007). Photonic-crystal waveguide biosensor. Optics Express, 15(6), 3169. doi:10.1364/oe.15.003169Lee, M. R., & Fauchet, P. M. (2007). Nanoscale microcavity sensor for single particle detection. Optics Letters, 32(22), 3284. doi:10.1364/ol.32.003284García-Rupérez, J., Toccafondo, V., Bañuls, M. J., Castelló, J. G., Griol, A., Peransi-Llopis, S., & Maquieira, Á. (2010). Label-free antibody detection using band edge fringes in SOI planar photonic crystal waveguides in the slow-light regime. Optics Express, 18(23), 24276. doi:10.1364/oe.18.024276Toccafondo, V., García-Rupérez, J., Bañuls, M. J., Griol, A., Castelló, J. G., Peransi-Llopis, S., & Maquieira, A. (2010). Single-strand DNA detection using a planar photonic-crystal-waveguide-based sensor. Optics Letters, 35(21), 3673. doi:10.1364/ol.35.003673Luff, B. J., Wilson, R., Schiffrin, D. J., Harris, R. D., & Wilkinson, J. S. (1996). Integrated-optical directional coupler biosensor. Optics Letters, 21(8), 618. doi:10.1364/ol.21.000618Sepúlveda, B., Río, J. S. del, Moreno, M., Blanco, F. J., Mayora, K., Domínguez, C., & Lechuga, L. M. (2006). Optical biosensor microsystems based on the integration of highly sensitive Mach–Zehnder interferometer devices. Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 8(7), S561-S566. doi:10.1088/1464-4258/8/7/s41Densmore, A., Vachon, M., Xu, D.-X., Janz, S., Ma, R., Li, Y.-H., … Schmid, J. H. (2009). Silicon photonic wire biosensor array for multiplexed real-time and label-free molecular detection. Optics Letters, 34(23), 3598. doi:10.1364/ol.34.003598Povinelli, M. L., Johnson, S. G., & Joannopoulos, J. D. (2005). Slow-light, band-edge waveguides for tunable time delays. Optics Express, 13(18), 7145. doi:10.1364/opex.13.007145Garcia, J., Sanchis, P., Martinez, A., & Marti, J. (2008). 1D periodic structures for slow-wave induced non-linearity enhancement. Optics Express, 16(5), 3146. doi:10.1364/oe.16.003146Pérez-Millán, P., Torres-Peiró, S., Cruz, J. L., & Andrés, M. V. (2008). Fabrication of chirped fiber Bragg gratings by simple combination of stretching movements. Optical Fiber Technology, 14(1), 49-53. doi:10.1016/j.yofte.2007.07.00

    Characterization of the African swine fever virus decapping enzyme during infection

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    African swine fever virus (ASFV) infection is characterized by a progressive decrease in cellular protein synthesis with a concomitant increase in viral protein synthesis, though the mechanism by which the virus achieves this is still unknown. Decrease of cellular mRNA is observed during ASFV infection, suggesting that inhibition of cellular proteins is due to an active mRNA degradation process. ASFV carries a gene (Ba71V D250R/Malawi g5R) that encodes a decapping protein (ASFV-DP) that has a Nudix hydrolase motif and decapping activity in vitro. Here, we show that ASFV-DP was expressed from early times and accumulated throughout the infection with a subcellular localization typical of the endoplasmic reticulum, colocalizing with the cap structure and interacting with the ribosomal protein L23a. ASFV-DP was capable of interaction with poly(A) RNA in cultured cells, primarily mediated by the N-terminal region of the protein. ASFV-DP also interacted with viral and cellular RNAs in the context of infection, and its overexpression in infected cells resulted in decreased levels of both types of transcripts. This study points to ASFV-DP as a viral decapping enzyme involved in both the degradation of cellular mRNA and the regulation of viral transcripts